165 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of explosive volcanic eruptions from the conduit flow to global atmospheric scales

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    Volcanic eruptions are unsteady multiphase phenomena, which encompass many inter-related processes across the whole range of scales from molecular and microscopic to macroscopic, synoptic and global. We provide an overview of recent advances in numerical modelling of volcanic effects, from conduit and eruption column processes to those on the Earth s climate. Conduit flow models examine ascent dynamics and multiphase processes like fragmentation, chemical reactions and mass transfer below the Earth surface. Other models simulate atmospheric dispersal of the erupted gas-particle mixture, focusing on rapid processes occurring in the jet, the lower convective regions, and pyroclastic density currents. The ascending eruption column and intrusive gravity current generated by it, as well as sedimentation and ash dispersal from those flows in the immediate environment of the volcano are examined with modular and generic models. These apply simplifications to the equations describing the system depending on the specific focus of scrutiny. The atmospheric dispersion of volcanic clouds is simulated by ash tracking models. These are inadequate for the first hours of spreading in many cases but focus on long-range prediction of ash location to prevent hazardous aircraft - ash encounters. The climate impact is investigated with global models. All processes and effects of explosive eruptions cannot be simulated by a single model, due to the complexity and hugely contrasting spatial and temporal scales involved. There is now the opportunity to establish a closer integration between different models and to develop the first comprehensive description of explosive eruptions and of their effects on the ground, in the atmosphere, and on the global climate

    Studies of pigeonpea insect pests and their management in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda

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    Systematic surveys were conducted in farmers= fields in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda to determine the incidence, distribution and damage levels due to insect pests of pigeonpea seeds. Three surveys were conducted in eastern Kenya, one in 1992 and two in 1995. Two surveys, one per country per year - were conducted in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda in 1995 and 1996. Key insect pests were pod sucking bugs (dominated by Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal), pod and seed boring Lepidoptera (Helicoverpa armigera Hübner, Maruca vitrata (= testulalis) Geyer, Etiella zinkenella Treitschke), and pod fly (Melanagromyza chalcosoma Spencer). Seed damage due to insect pests were 22, 15, 14, and 16% in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda, respectively. Damage levels indicated that pod sucking bugs were more damaging in Malawi (caused 69% of total seed damage) and Kenya (43%), while pod borers caused more damage in Tanzania (50%) and Uganda (54%). Pod fly caused more damage in Kenya than in the other countries. Pod borer damage was high in early maturing crops and pod fly in late maturing crops, while pod sucking bugs damage was high regardless of crop maturity period. Greater variations in seed damage were observed between locations in Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania than in Uganda. Warm and dry locations had less seed damage than warm and humid, cool and dry, or cool and humid locations in Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania. None of the farmers visited in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda used conventional pesticides on pigeonpea in the field. Over 80% of these farmers used traditional methods in storage pest management. In contrast, 35 and 53% of farmers in Kenya had used conventional pesticides on long-duration pigeonpea genotypes in their fields

    Lethal Thermal Impact at Periphery of Pyroclastic Surges: Evidences at Pompeii

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    Background: The evaluation of mortality of pyroclastic surges and flows (PDCs) produced by explosive eruptions is a major goal in risk assessment and mitigation, particularly in distal reaches of flows that are often heavily urbanized. Pompeii and the nearby archaeological sites preserve the most complete set of evidence of the 79 AD catastrophic eruption recording its effects on structures and people. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we investigate the causes of mortality in PDCs at Pompeii and surroundings on the bases of a multidisciplinary volcanological and bio-anthropological study. Field and laboratory study of the eruption products and victims merged with numerical simulations and experiments indicate that heat was the main cause of death of people, heretofore supposed to have died by ash suffocation. Our results show that exposure to at least 250uC hot surges at a distance of 10 kilometres from the vent was sufficient to cause instant death, even if people were sheltered within buildings. Despite the fact that impact force and exposure time to dusty gas declined toward PDCs periphery up to the survival conditions, lethal temperatures were maintained up to the PDCs extreme depositional limits. Conclusions/Significance: This evidence indicates that the risk in flow marginal zones could be underestimated by simply assuming that very thin distal deposits, resulting from PDCs with poor total particle load, correspond to negligible effects. Therefore our findings are essential for hazard plans development and for actions aimed to risk mitigation at Vesuvius an

    Crescere: Studio longitudinale per il benessere dell´infanzia

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    La transizione dall’infanzia all’adolescenza è un momento chiave nella vita di una persona. Si affrontano numerose sfide e compiti di sviluppo, che aiutano la persona a potenziare le capacità e a formare la propria identità. Quali fattori favoriscono la crescita positiva e proteggono dai rischi? È la domanda principale dello studio CRESCERE. I risultati mettono in luce i circoli virtuosi che si possono sviluppare nella vita dei ragazzi. Emerge l’importanza dei legami familiari, del dialogo con i genitori, del supporto che percepiscono dalla famiglia e di quanto sia importante per promuovere la fiducia nelle proprie capacità, il sentirsi bene con se stessi e con gli altri. Il benessere scolastico è un altro aspetto fondamentale per la crescita, per lo sviluppo psicologico e sociale dei ragazzi.Fil: Barbero Vignola, G. Fondazione Emanuela Zancan; ItaliaFil: Bezze, Maria. Fondazione Emanuela Zancan; ItaliaFil: Canali, Cinzia. Fondazione Emanuela Zancan; ItaliaFil: Crocetti, Elisabetta. Università di Bologna; ItaliaFil: De Leo, Diego. Griffith University; AustraliaFil: Eynard, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Maurizio, Roberto. Fondazione Emanuela Zancan; ItaliaFil: Milan, Giuseppe. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Ongaro, Fausta. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Schiavon, Maurizio. Centro di Medicina dello Sport ; ItaliaFil: Vecchiato, Tiziano. Fondazione Emanuela Zancan; Itali

    Applying neighbourhood classification systems to natural hazards: a case study of Mt Vesuvius

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    The dynamic forces of urbanisation that characterised much of the 20th Century and still dominate population growth in developing countries have led to the increasing risk of natural hazards in cities around the world (Chester 2000, Pelling 2003). None of these physical dangers is more tangible than the threat volcanoes pose to the large populations living in close proximity. Vesuvius, a recognised decade volcano following the UN’s International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) has an estimated 550,000 people that live in areas susceptible to Pyroclastic Density Currents (PDC) (Barberi 2008) and a further 4 million at risk from ash fallout around the sprawling suburbs of Naples. Though quiescent since 1944, the prospect of a large eruption of Vesuvius presents a greater geophysical threat to the Campania region of Italy than perhaps ever before. With the Neopolitan region at risk from such an event, this paper proposes a new methodology for creating a Social Vulnerability Index (SoVi) using geodemographic classification systems. In this study, Experian’s MOSAIC Italy database is combined with geophysical risk boundaries to assess the overall vulnerability of the population around Vesuvius

    Experimental study of dense pyroclastic density currents using sustained, gas-fluidized granular flows

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. We present the results of laboratory experiments on the behaviour of sustained, dense granular flows in a horizontal flume, in which high-gas pore pressure was maintained throughout the flow duration by continuous injection of gas through the flume base. The flows were fed by a sustained (0.5–30 s) supply of fine (75 ± 15 μm) particles from a hopper; the falling particles impacted an impingement surface at concentrations of ~3 to 45 %, where they densified rapidly to generate horizontally moving, dense granular flows. When the gas supplied through the flume base was below the minimum fluidization velocity of the particles (i.e. aerated flow conditions), three flow phases were identified: (i) an initial dilute spray of particles travelling at 1–2 m s−1, followed by (ii) a dense granular flow travelling at 0.5–1 m s−1, then by (iii) sustained aggradation of the deposit by a prolonged succession of thin flow pulses. The maximum runout of the phase 2 flow was linearly dependent on the initial mass flux, and the frontal velocity had a square-root dependence on mass flux. The frontal propagation speed during phase 3 had a linear relationship with mass flux. The total mass of particles released had no significant control on either flow velocity or runout in any of the phases. High-frequency flow unsteadiness during phase 3 generated deposit architectures with progradational and retrogradational packages and multiple internal erosive contacts. When the gas supplied through the flume base was equal to the minimum fluidization velocity of the particles (i.e. fluidized flow conditions), the flows remained within phase 2 for their entire runout, no deposit formed and the particles ran off the end of the flume. Sustained granular flows differ significantly from instantaneous flows generated by lock-exchange mechanisms, in that the sustained flows generate (by prolonged progressive aggradation) deposits that are much thicker than the flowing layer of particles at any given moment. The experiments offer a first attempt to investigate the physics of the sustained pyroclastic flows that generate thick, voluminous ignimbrites
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