134 research outputs found

    Temperature-assisted formation of reversible metallophilic Au-Ag interaction arrays

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    A temperature-controlled self-assembly process in a solution of [Ag(terpy)] n n+ and [Au(C 6 F 5 ) 2 ] - units has been performed. For this, the crystallisation of the complex [{Au(C 6 F 5 ) 2 }Ag(terpy)] n under the same experimental conditions, changing only the temperature, allows the synthesis of polymorphs [{Au(C 6 F 5 ) 2 } 2 Ag 2 (terpy) 2 ] n (2a) at 298 K and [{Au(C 6 F 5 ) 2 }Ag(terpy)] n (2b) at 280 K. The X-ray diffraction studies previously reported for 2a revealed a polymeric structure with an unusual + + - - + + - - charge sequence, whereas for polymorph 2b, a more classical + - + - disposition has been obtained. The conversion of one polymorph into the other can be achieved by simple dissolution of one of them and by recrystallisation at the corresponding temperature. The mechanism of the formation of each polymorph is proposed in view of their 1 H NMR, 1 H-PGSE NMR and molar conductivity measurements

    Seismic Behaviour of La Merced Temple in Morelia, Mexico

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    This paper studies the seismic behaviour of La Merced temple, dating from the beginning of s. XVII and is located in the historic center of the city of Morelia considering a set of 9 real September 19, 2017, earthquake acceleration records obtained in seismic stations located near the epicenter, which were used without any scaling factor and then applying a scaling factor to reach the site maximum expected peak ground accelerations for probabilistic return periods of 475 years and 975 years

    Efficacy and safety of a hexanic extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon (R)) for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH): systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies

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    Objectives To comprehensively evaluate the efficacy and safety of the hexanic extract of Serenoa repens (HESr, Permixon (R); Pierre Fabre Medicament, Castres, France), at a dose of 320 mg daily, as monotherapy for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH). Materials and methods We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective observational studies in patients with LUTS/BPH identified through searches in Medline, Web of Knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information), Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and bibliographic references up to March 2017. Articles studying S. repens extracts other than Permixon were excluded. Data were collected on International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax), nocturia, quality of life, prostate volume, sexual function, and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Data obtained from RCTs and observational studies were analysed jointly and separately using a random effects model. A sub-group analysis was performed of studies that included patients on longer-term treatment (= 1 year). Results Data from 27 studies (15 RCTs and 12 observational studies) were included for meta-analysis (total N = 5 800). Compared with placebo, the HESr was associated with 0.64 (95% confidence interval [CI] -0.98 to -0.31) fewer voids/ night (P < 0.001) and an additional mean increase in Q(max) of 2.75 mL/s (95% CI 0.57 to 4.93; P = 0.01). When compared with a-blockers, the HESr showed similar improvements on IPSS (weighted mean difference [WMD] 0.57, 95% CI -0.27 to 1.42; P = 0.18) and a comparable increase in Q(max) to tamsulosin (WMD -0.02, 95% CI -0.71 to 0.66; P = 0.95). Efficacy assessed using the IPSS was similar after 6 months of treatment between the HESr and 5a-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs). Analysis of all available published data for the HESr showed a mean improvement in IPSS from baseline of -5.73 points (95% CI -6.91 to -4.54; P < 0.001). HESr did not negatively affect sexual function and no clinically relevant effect was observed on prostate-specific antigen. Prostate volume decreased slightly. Similar efficacy results were seen in patients treated for = 1 year (n = 447). The HESr had a favourable safety profile, with gastrointestinal disorders being the most frequent ADR (mean incidence of 3.8%). Conclusion The present meta-analysis, which includes all available RCTs and observational studies, shows that the HESr (Permixon) reduced nocturia and improved Q(max) compared with placebo and had a similar efficacy to tamsulosin and short-term 5ARI in relieving LUTS. HESr (Permixon) appears to be an efficacious and well-tolerated therapeutic option for the longterm medical treatment of LUTS/BPH

    A multiple stakeholder multicriteria decision analysis in diabetic macular edema management: the MULTIDEX‑EMD study

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    Background The clinical and economic management of retinal diseases has become more complex following the introduction of new intravitreal treatments. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) ofers the potential to overcome the challenges associated with traditional decision-making tools. Objectives A MCDA to determine the most relevant criteria to decision-making in the management of diabetic macular edema (DME) based on the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in Spain was developed. This MCDA was termed the MULTIDEX-EMD study. Methods Nineteen stakeholders (7 physicians, 4 pharmacists, 5 health authorities and health management experts, 1 psychologist, and 2 patient representatives) participated in this three-phase project. In phase A, an advisory board defned all of the criteria that could infuence DME treatment decision-making. These criteria were then screened using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) (phase B). Next, a multinomial logit model was ftted by applying the backward elimination algorithm (relevant criteria: p value<0.05). Finally, the results were discussed in a deliberative process (phase C). Results Thirty-one criteria were initially defned (phase A) and grouped into 5 categories: efcacy/efectiveness, safety, organizational and economic impact, patient-reported outcomes, and other therapeutic features. The DCE results (phase B) showed that 10 criteria were relevant to the decision-making process for a 50- to 65-year-old DME patient: mean change in best corrected visual acuity (p value<0.001), percentage of patients with an improvement of ≥15 letters (p value<0.001), efect duration per administration (p value=0.008), retinal detachment (p value<0.001), endophthalmitis (p value=0.012), myocardial infarction (p value<0.001), intravitreal hemorrhage (p value=0.021), annual treatment cost per patient (p value=0.001), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (p value=0.004), and disability level (p value=0.021). Conclusions From a multi-stakeholder perspective, the selection of an appropriate treatment for DME patients should guarantee patient safety and maximize the visual acuity improvement and treatment efect duration. It should also contribute to system sustainability by being afordable, it should have a positive impact on HRQoL, and it should prevent disability

    Comparación entre las técnicas de cribado de patología cervical y las conizaciones de tres hospitales en españa

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    Objetivo: Analizar las características poblacionales y los métodos diagnósticos de patología cervical para la prevención del cáncer de cérvix de tres hospitales españoles para mejorar y unificar los programas de cribado y prevención. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las características demográficas y clínicas de 408 mujeres con patología cervical uterina diagnosticadas en 3 hospitales españoles. Se comparan los factores de riesgo, el proceso diagnóstico y la indicación de tratamiento de dos grupos: las que requirieron conización cervical (n=222) y las que no precisaron tratamiento quirúrgico (n=186). También se analizan las recomendaciones vacunales y su grado de cumplimiento. Resultados: Las mujeres conizadas usaron más anticoncepción hormonal y tienen un mayor hábito tabáquico mientras que el número de compañeros sexuales es mayor en pacientes no conizadas. Más del 50% de pacientes con biopsia cervical positiva presentaron un resultado igual o más grave en la anatomía patológica de la pieza quirúrgica. Existen diferencias significativas en sensibilidad y valor predictivo positivo de la citología y de la determinación de HPV entre hospitales. La recomendación de vacunación en ambos grupos fue similar, el porcentaje de mujeres que no la cumplieron fue elevado y significativamente mayor entre pacientes conizadas. Conclusión: En nuestro medio las mujeres conizadas tienen características clínicas y epidemiológicas diferentes a las no conizadas, existen diferencias entre las técnicas diagnósticas de distintos hospitales y sin embargo la concordancia entre biopsia y resultado del cono es elevada. Sigue siendo necesaria una correcta educación sanitaria en relación con la vacunación en mujeres con patología cervical. Background: To analyse the characteristics of the population and diagnostic methods related to the cervical cancer prevention program in three different-level hospitals of a Spanish region in order to improve and unify the screening program. Methods: We retrospectively studied demographic and clinical characteristics of 408 women with cervical lesions diagnosed in three hospitals in Aragon (Spain). Correlation between risk factors, diagnosis process and conisation indication was analysed divided in two groups: conisation required (n=222) or non-conisation (n=186). We also assessed the number of vaccine recommendations made to the patients and the degree of compliance. Results: Conisaited women more frequently used a combined hormonal contraceptive method and are more smokers, while the sexual partners are more in women without conisation. More than 50% of women con positive biopsy was confirmed after surgical treatment. There are significant differences between sensibility and positive predictive value of pap-smear and HPV determination in different hospitals. The recombinant vaccine was recommended to both groups at a similar rate. The percentage of women who were recommended to receive the vaccine but chose not to do it, was high in both groups but significantly higher in the Conisation group. Conclusion: In our environment conisaited women have different clinical and epidemiological profiles, there are differences between diagnosis techniques in different hospitals, however, the concordance between biopsy and definitive result is high. A good sanitary education is necessary in relation with the vaccination of women with cervical pathology

    The Mexican consensus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of NSAID-induced gastropathy and enteropathy

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    Más de 30 millones de personas consumen diariamente antiinflamatorios noesteroideos (AINE) en el mundo, y este consumo se ve incrementado anualmente. Aunque losAINE poseen propiedades analgésicas y antiinflamatorias, sus eventos adversos gastrointesti-nales son bien reconocidos. En nuestro país no existía un consenso respecto al diagnóstico,tratamiento y prevención de la gastropatía y la enteropatía por AINE, por lo que la AsociaciónMexicana de Gastroenterología reunió a un grupo de expertos para establecer recomendacionesde utilidad para la comunidad médica. En este consenso se emitieron 33 recomendaciones. Elconsenso destaca que el riesgo de toxicidad gastrointestinal de los AINE varía según el fármacoempleado y su farmacocinética, lo cual debe ser considerado al momento de su prescripción. Losfactores de riesgo de complicación gastroduodenal por AINE son: antecedente de úlcera pép-tica, edad mayor a 65 a˜nos, dosis altas del AINE, infección por Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori), ypresencia de comorbilidades graves. Los síntomas y el da˜no gastroduodenal inducido por AINEson variables ya que puede cursar asintomático o manifestarse como anemia por deficiencia dehierro, hemorragia, estenosis y perforación. La cápsula endoscópica y la enteroscopia son méto-dos diagnósticos directos en la enteropatía por AINE. Respecto a la prevención, se recomiendaprescribir la dosis mínima necesaria de un AINE para obtener el efecto deseado y durante elmenor tiempo. Finalmente, los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) representan el están-dar de oro para la profilaxis y tratamiento de los efectos gastroduodenales, mas no son útilesen la enteropatía

    Anisotropy studies around the galactic centre at EeV energies with the Auger Observatory

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    Data from the Pierre Auger Observatory are analyzed to search for anisotropies near the direction of the Galactic Centre at EeV energies. The exposure of the surface array in this part of the sky is already significantly larger than that of the fore-runner experiments. Our results do not support previous findings of localized excesses in the AGASA and SUGAR data. We set an upper bound on a point-like flux of cosmic rays arriving from the Galactic Centre which excludes several scenarios predicting sources of EeV neutrons from Sagittarius AA. Also the events detected simultaneously by the surface and fluorescence detectors (the `hybrid' data set), which have better pointing accuracy but are less numerous than those of the surface array alone, do not show any significant localized excess from this direction.Comment: Matches published versio

    Complement C7 and clusterin form a complex in circulation

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    IntroductionThe complement system is part of innate immunity and is comprised of an intricate network of proteins that are vital for host defense and host homeostasis. A distinct mechanism by which complement defends against invading pathogens is through the membrane attack complex (MAC), a lytic structure that forms on target surfaces. The MAC is made up of several complement components, and one indispensable component of the MAC is C7. The role of C7 in MAC assembly is well documented, however, inherent characteristics of C7 are yet to be investigated.MethodsTo shed light on the molecular characteristics of C7, we examined the properties of serum-purified C7 acquired using polyclonal and novel monoclonal antibodies. The properties of serum‑purified C7 were investigated through a series of proteolytic analyses, encompassing Western blot and mass spectrometry. The nature of C7 protein-protein interactions were further examined by a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as well as size‑exclusion chromatography. ResultsProtein analyses showcased an association between C7 and clusterin, an inhibitory complement regulator. The distinct association between C7 and clusterin was also demonstrated in serum-purified clusterin. Further assessment revealed that a complex between C7 and clusterin (C7-CLU) was detected. The C7-CLU complex was also identified in healthy serum and plasma donors, highlighting the presence of the complex in circulation. DiscussionClusterin is known to dissociate the MAC structure by binding to polymerized C9, nevertheless, here we show clusterin binding to the native form of a terminal complement protein in vivo. The presented data reveal that C7 exhibits characteristics beyond that of MAC assembly, instigating further investigation of the effector role that the C7-CLU complex plays in the complement cascade