38 research outputs found

    Identification of helpful and not helpful online reviews within an eWOM community using text-mining techniques

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    Resumen de la comunicación[EN] Consumers represent today a significant source of information to learn about products and services quality thanks to the proliferation of user-generated content in the form of online reviews. It is thus of paramount to understand what makes online reviews helpful to consumers as this evaluation might affect their purchase decisions. In this regard, this research has applied textmining techniques by extracting the characteristics from online reviews' texts of an eWOM community, and further utilized these characteristics to train a logistic classifier using three classes: helpful, neutral and not helpful. The aim is identifying which unique attributes determine whether an online review is helpful or not. Findings reveal that there are much more unique attributes classified as helpful than attributes classified as not helpful. Additionally, the unique attributes associated to helpful reviews exhibit more objective appraisal while those associated to not helpful reviews show more subjective appraisal. The proposed methodology can be used to predict the helpfulness of posted reviews and to obtain their unique attributes.Olmedilla, M.; Martinez-Torres, R.; Toral, SL. (2018). Identification of helpful and not helpful online reviews within an eWOM community using text-mining techniques. En 2nd International Conference on Advanced Reserach Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2018). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 250-250. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2018.2018.8304OCS25025

    Programa de intervención psicológica en futbolistas : evaluación de habilidades psicológicas mediante el CPRD

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    Psychological training is a form of sports training that is gradually inserting itself into the work methods of many athletes and sports teams. We present the implementation of a psychological training programme whose goal is for athletes to learn psychological techniques and strategies and apply them to improving their psychological skills, both during training and competition; we also sought to ascertain whether there were any differences between the CPRD scores taken at the start of the intervention and those taken at the end of it. The sample consisted of 22 footballers ages 14 to 18 from a professional football club who compete in the children's and junior categories. The psychological intervention was conducted for five months through individualised (voluntary) work and group (obligatory) work. The results indicate that there were no significant differences between the initial and final scores on the different factors of the CPRD

    Identification of Influencers in eWord-of-Mouth communities using their Online Participation Features

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    [EN] The identification of influencers in any type of online social network is of paramount importance, as they can significantly affect consumers’ purchasing decisions. This paper proposes the utilization of a self-designed web scraper to extract meaningful information for the identification of influencers and the analysis of how this new set of variables can be used to predict them. The experimental results from the Ciao UK website will be used to illustrate the proposed approach and to provide new insights in the identification of influencers. Obtained results show the importance of the trust network, but considering the intensity and the quality of both trustors and trustees.Olmedilla, M.; Arenas-Márquez, FJ.; Martinez-Torres, MR.; Toral, SL. (2016). Identification of Influencers in eWord-of-Mouth communities using their Online Participation Features. En CARMA 2016: 1st International Conference on Advanced Research Methods in Analytics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 38-45. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2016.2016.3642OCS384

    Prevalence, Risk Factors and Impact of Nutrition Interruptions in Critically Ill Children

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    Enteral nutrition; Interruptions; Nutrition barriersNutrició enteral; Interrupcions; Barreres nutricionalsNutrición enteral; Interrupciones; Barreras nutricionalesBackground: Enteral nutrition interruptions (ENI) are prevalent in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), but there is little evidence of their characteristics. Methods: This is a cross-sectional multicenter study including critically ill children on enteral nutrition. ENIs were classified as PICU procedures, procedures performed outside the PICU (PPOP), feeding intolerance and other criteria. The number and features of ENIs were collected. Results: A total of 75 children were enrolled. There were 41 interruptions affecting 37.3% of the patients with a median duration of 5 ± 9.4 h. The most common reason for ENI was PPOP (41.5%), followed by other criteria. Interruptions were considered preventable in 24.4% of the cases, but only eight were compensated. ENIs were more prevalent among children with cardiac disease (p = 0.047), higher PRISM (p = 0.047) and longer PICU stay (p = 0.035). There was association between PRISM and total interruption time (p = 0.02) and lower caloric intake (p = 0.035). Patients with respiratory illness (p = 0.022) and on noninvasive ventilation (p = 0,028) had fewer ENIs. ENI total time was associated with lower caloric (p = 0.001) and protein (p = 0.02) intake. Conclusions: ENIs are prevalent in PICU, especially in children with higher PRISM, longer PICU stays and cardiac disease, and result in lower caloric and protein intake.This research was funded by the Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Maternal and Child Chronic Diseases of Perinatal and Development Origin Network (RICORS) RD21/0012/0011, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain Developmental Origin Network (RICORS), RD21/0012/0011, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain

    Motivación y Lesiones Deportivas en Jugadores de Balonmano

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    The aim of the study was to test whether different levels of motivation are related to the injuries suffered by elite athletes. The sample consists of 80 professional handball players of ASOBAL League, with a mean age of 24.83 years (+ 5.21). Motivation was assessed through the CPRD scale (Gimeno, Buceta & Pérez-Llantada; 1999) and a self-report questionnaire was used to register sports injuries. The results indicate that there is a relationship between motivational levels and the risk for injury. Specifically, players with high motivated players had a greater number of moderate injuries. Although it may seem paradoxical, it is possible that an excessively high motivation leads to overachievement and risk behaviors, which in turn facilitate the appearance of lesions.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar si diferentes niveles de motivación se relacionan con las lesiones sufridas por deportistas de alto rendimiento. Participaron en el estudio 80 jugadores profesionales de balonmano de la liga ASOBAL, con una edad media de 24,83 años (+ 5,21). Para la evaluación de la motivación se utilizó la escala de Motivación del Cuestionario de Características Psicológicas relacionadas con el Rendimiento Deportivo (CPRD) de Gimeno, Buceta y PérezLlantada (1999) y para el registro de las lesiones deportivas se utilizó un cuestionario de autoinforme. Los resultados indican que existe relación entre los niveles motivacionales del jugador y el riesgo a sufrir lesiones. Concretamente, los jugadores con niveles altos de motivación presentan un mayor número de lesiones moderadas. Aunque puede parecer paradójico, es posible que una motivación excesivamente alta pueda producir conductas de sobreesfuerzo y de riesgo, que faciliten la aparición de lesiones. Quizá, las altas demandas de la situación competitiva en el deporte profesional hacen que los jugadores muestren niveles excesivamente altos de motivación, y que esto provoque la ejecución de conductas de riesgo que desemboquen en lesiones deportivas

    Variables psicológicas, categorías deportivas y lesiones en futbolistas jóvenes: Un estudio correlacional

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    Este trabajo muestra un estudio correlacional entre variables psicológicas y lesiones deportivas en diferentes categorías de competición del fútbol base. Se analiza la relación entre categoría de competición y variables psicológicas, entre categoría de competición y lesiones, y entre variables psicológicas y lesiones. El estudio se ha realizado en un club de fútbol base con 92 futbolistas entre 10 y 15 años. Los resultados del estudio indican que al aumentar de categoría de competición, aumenta el número de lesiones, aumenta la ansiedad, la percepción de éxito y la autoconfianza del futbolista del futbolista y disminuye su motivación. No aparecen diferencias significativas entre las variables psicológicas y las lesiones, aunque la percepción de éxito, cuando se introduce como covariante en un modelo ANCOVA entre categoría de competición y lesiones, aparece con una tendencia a la significación.This work shows a correlational search between psychological factors and sport injuries in different categories of competition in young football players. We analyse the relation between category of competition and injuries, and between psychological factors and injuries. This search was carried out in a young football club with 92 players between 10 and 15 years old. The results reported that as higher is the category of competition, higher is the number of injuries, as well as anxiety, success perception and self-confidence of the football player, but lower is the motivation. We haven found significant differences between psychological factors and injuries, although success perception, introduced as a covariant in a ANCOVA method between category of competition and injuries, appears with a tendency to the significationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variables psicológicas, categorías deportivas y lesiones en futbolistas jóvenes: Un estudio correlacional

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    Este trabajo muestra un estudio correlacional entre variables psicológicas y lesiones deportivas en diferentes categorías de competición del fútbol base. Se analiza la relación entre categoría de competición y variables psicológicas, entre categoría de competición y lesiones, y entre variables psicológicas y lesiones. El estudio se ha realizado en un club de fútbol base con 92 futbolistas entre 10 y 15 años. Los resultados del estudio indican que al aumentar de categoría de competición, aumenta el número de lesiones, aumenta la ansiedad, la percepción de éxito y la autoconfianza del futbolista del futbolista y disminuye su motivación. No aparecen diferencias significativas entre las variables psicológicas y las lesiones, aunque la percepción de éxito, cuando se introduce como covariante en un modelo ANCOVA entre categoría de competición y lesiones, aparece con una tendencia a la significación

    Morphodynamic response of open and embayed beaches to winter conditions: two case studies from the North Atlantic Iberian coast

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    The morphological responses of two mesotidal beaches located in different coastal settings (embayed and open sandy beaches) on the northwestern Iberian coast were monitored during the winter of 2018/19. The offshore wave time series analysis is related to high-resolution topo-bathymetric measurements to explore spatial-temporal morphological variability at monthly to seasonal scales. Both locations are subjected to the North Atlantic wave climate which exhibits a pronounced seasonality. Throughout the last decade (2010–2020), significant wave heights reached values of up to Hs~9 m during winters and up to Hs~6 m during summers. On average, approximately 12 storms occurred annually in this region. The results clearly reveal divergent morphological responses and sediment transport behaviors at the upper beach and the intertidal zone during the winter for each location. In the embayed beach (Patos), sediment transport in the nearshore is governed by cross-shore processes between the beach berm and a submerged sandbar. In contrast, the open beach (Mira) showed dynamic sediment exchanges and three-dimensional morphologies alternating between accumulation and erosion zones. Overall, both beaches exhibited an erosional trend after the winter, particularly concerning berm erosion and the subaerial beach volume/shoreline retreat. This study highlights the contrasting morphodynamic response on open and embayed beaches to winter conditions, integrating both the subaerial and submerged zones. Local geological and environmental factors, as well as the coastal management strategies applied, will influence how the beach responds to winter wave events. Monitoring and understanding these responses are essential for effective coastal management and adaptation to changing climate.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D2019/028Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. LA/P/0094/202

    An Engineered extraplastidial pathway for carotenoid biofortification of leaves

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    Carotenoids are lipophilic plastidial isoprenoids highly valued as nutrients and natural pigments. A correct balance of chlorophylls and carotenoids is required for photosynthesis and therefore highly regulated, making carotenoid enrichment of green tissues challenging. Here we show that leaf carotenoid levels can be boosted through engineering their biosynthesis outside the chloroplast. Transient expression experiments in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves indicated that high extraplastidial production of carotenoids requires an enhanced supply of their isoprenoid precursors in the cytosol, which was achieved using a deregulated form of the main ratedetermining enzyme of the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway. Constructs encoding bacterial enzymes were used to convert these MVA-derived precursors into carotenoid biosynthetic intermediates that do not normally accumulate in leaves, such as phytoene and lycopene. Cytosolic versions of these enzymes produced extraplastidial carotenoids at levels similar to those of total endogenous (i.e. chloroplast) carotenoids. Strategies to enhance the development of endomembrane structures and lipid bodies as potential extraplastidial carotenoid storage systems were not successful to further increase carotenoid contents. Phytoene was found to be more bioaccessible when accumulated outside plastids, whereas lycopene formed cytosolic crystalloids very similar to those found in the chromoplasts of ripe tomatoes. This extraplastidial production of phytoene and lycopene led to an increased antioxidant capacity of leaves. Finally, we demonstrate that our system can be adapted for the biofortification of leafy vegetables such as lettuce

    Utilización del vídeo para la mejora de la percepción subjetiva de la eficacia competitiva y del rendimiento en jugadores de baloncesto

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    This study assesses how the application of an intervention programme involving the use of video improves basketball players' real perception of their actions when competing and boosts their performance levels. A three-month intervention programme was designed and applied that consisted of watching videos of games in which the degree of efficacy of each player's proposed objectives were evaluated. The following were recorded for four months before the intervention programme was applied and during its development: a) the outcome of each player's individual objectives and minutes played; b) the subjective perception of the outcome of these objectives and minutes played; and c) the difference between what actually took place and what was perceived, as well as between the minutes played and minutes perceived to ave been played. The results indicate an improvement in the players' real perception of their actions in games after the ntervention programme; in terms of efficacy, the percentage of positive actions rose and the percentage of negative actions fell. These data indicate that watching videos of actions in games improves players' perception of reality, which leads to a better grasp of negative and positive actions, a key aspect of intervening in practice sessions. This, in turn, boosts both individual and collective performance