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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThe emergence of new socio-productive practices and innovative capacity of small farmers in areas of agrarian frontier : the case of the region of Marabá, in the eastern Amazon. The agrarian frontier of Maraba, in the eastern Amazon, has historically been marked by a pattern of exploitation and highly aggressive predator of the environment, a pattern linked to processes of occupation and it developed a fierce dispute between the different local actors for the possession and use of natural resources. Among the characteristics of this region, the processes of cattle raising and land concentration have been remarkable because of significant importance to take the regional dynamics and to be responsible, in large part by the expansion of the land and the steady influx of new forest areas. Although the pattern of exploitation based on the replacement of forest by pasture is still important, today is not more prevalent. The transformations that are occurring in this region over the past 15 years - many of them related to the implementation of public policies such as land reform, agricultural support and family environment, where there has been a significant emphasis in the discourse of sustainable development, and some related to the limitations imposed by the very progress of the exploitation of the natural - have led to changes in production systems practiced by farmers to experiment with alternative social and productive as to maintain its consumption and its social reproduction. The main theme intended to be treated, then, is how the innovative capacity and adaptability of farmers has contributed to the emergence of new forms of exploitation of the natural environment offering greater opportunities to remain in the land, thereby contributing to reduce the search for new areas of forest to plantations. In addition, if you want to focus on the effects that public policies have produced both as regards the introduction of new elements to stimulate the establishment of more sustainable production systems, based on diversification and integration of productive activities, and participation that has had, even if not directly, even to the adoption of practices harmful to the environment. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the key social and productive practices currently developed by the farmers of the agrarian frontier of Maraba within this regional context of heightened concern about environmental problems and sustainability of production systems practiced. As these recent changes, originality and contribution of this article are in fact not only to identify and analyze these new practices adopted by farmers and their impacts on the environment, but the analysis is the extent to which public policies effectively contribute in the process to promote a more sustainable development, bringing some of their strengths and weaknesses to the discussion. Because this region has been a particular target for implementation of various policies of the federal government, such issues are of great importance to the debate currently in vogue in the region, mainly because they can bring relevant information to consider in the process of readjustment of certain policies, including and the credit environment, and discussion about the role of teams of technical assistance as a major player in the process of encouraging the establishment of more sustainable production systems. The data used as the basis of the article were obtained from field research carried out on 22 family farms located in four rural settlements in the region of Maraba, in the southeastern state of Para, two of them located in the former occupied area and two in area more recently occupied. The survey was made of information from interviews with semi-structured interviews with the key actors, interviews with semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with the families of farmers and from direct observation in the field. As far as one can see there is internal diversity in this region in terms of ecological and socioeconomic conditions that determine the strategies that farmers will adopt and, depending on the degree of restraint, impose such conditions, the influence of these farmers search for alternatives and productive to ensure the social functioning of their production systems. Depending on precisely this internal diversity exists, the new regional context has produced different effects and, to some extent, paradoxical. First, the current conditions that farmers have available and the learning derived from their own experiences of failure with regard to the sustainability of production systems, have led to the development of new forms of exploitation of the environment. The interesting thing is that even with a relatively greater awareness about environmental problems, compared to the past, especially considering the influence of environmental policy from the implementation of new mechanisms of restraint and greater monitoring by environmental agencies, the process of adaptation of production systems may include practices that are not necessarily less impacting the environment or represent a more lasting sustainability in the medium to long term. As in the past, concerns about preserving the environment or mitigation of impacts are still secondary to the main issue for farmers is to ensure their social reproduction. This means that to ensure that household consumption is necessary to use pesticides, for example, the farmer will use this type of subterfuge, even with some awareness of the damage by contamination that can bring him and the environment. On the other hand, especially with the policies of reform (and greater security of tenure), credit and technical assistance, insisting on the concepts of sustainability and diversification, farmers are increasingly looking to experience the diversity of their systems productive. In both cases the main purpose that guides the family is to seek opportunities that helps to ensure their social reproduction in the same land that operates today

    El Derecho a la eduación en América Latina: un análisis de las políticas educativas en la historia reciente de Brasil y Argentina

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    En el context del nou escenari de Llatinoamèrica, el present article analitza els impactes d'equitat de les reformes educatives projectades a partir dels anys noranta al Brasil i l'Argentina. Al llarg del segle vint els dos països viuen dictadures, repressions, i reformes estructurals neoliberals i neoconservadores que comporten la minimització dels Estats, la negació de drets humans i l'augment de les desigualtats. L'anàlisi comparada parteix d'aquesta herència per contextualitzar les reformes educatives de la història recent, aprofundint en les polítiques postneoliberals de governs més democràtics que han impulsat la igualtat i l'ampliació de drets, entre els quals el dret a l'educació. Si bé es reconeixen els avenços experimentats, també s'evidencien les tensions entre les continuïtats i les ruptures del model hegemònic anterior, entre la mercantilització i la democratització de l'educació.Within the context of the new scenario of Latin America, the present article analyses the equity impacts of the education reforms projected as of the nineties in Brazil and Argentina. Throughout the 20th century both countries experience dictatorships, repressions, and structural reforms of both neo-liberal and neo-conservative leaning which entail a minimisation of the States, denial of human rights, and increase in inequalities. The comparative analysis starts from this inheritance in order to contextualise the education reforms in recent history, taking a close look at the post-neoliberal policies of governments with a more democratic leaning which promoted, at the turn of the 21st century, the search for equality and the extension of rights, including the right to education. Even though the progress experienced can be seen, so too can the tensions between the continuities with and ruptures from the previous hegemonic model, between the commercialisation and democratisation of education.En el contexto del nuevo escenario de Latinoamérica, el presente artículo analiza los impactos de equidad de las reformas educativas proyectadas a partir de los años noventa en Brasil y Argentina. A lo largo del siglo veinte ambos países viven dictaduras, represiones y reformas estructurales de talante neoliberal y neoconservador que conllevan la minimización de los Estados, la negación de derechos humanos y el aumento de las desigualdades. El análisis comparado parte de esta herencia para contextualizar las reformas educativas de la historia reciente, profundizando en las políticas post-neoliberales de gobiernos de talante más democrático que han impulsado, en los albores del siglo veintiuno, la búsqueda de la igualdad y la ampliación de derechos, entre ellos el derecho a la educación. Si bien se reconocen los avances experimentados, también se evidencian las tensiones entre las continuidades y las rupturas del modelo hegemónico anterior, entre la mercantilización y la democratización de la educación

    Extrativism in the Global Market and Human Rights: The Tragedy of the Mudslide in Mariana (2015)

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    In the afternoon of November 5, 2015, the Fundão Dam, located in the city of Mariana, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, collapsed and released a massive wave of toxic mud over the District of Bento Rodrigues. The mud had spread itself all over the River Doce Basin and reached the Atlantic Ocean two weeks later. The magnitude of the social, economic and environmental impacts of this tragedy are still under evaluation by the authorities. The present paper aims to question the viability of preserving the current conditions of the mineral related global market, taking the tragedy in Mariana as illustration of its harmful continuity. It will describe this terrible disaster and present some remarks about its implications to the protection of human rights

    Patrimônio artistico e cultural matéria prima para a disciplina Arte e Educação no curso de Pedagogia

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    This paper reports an action that happened, the discipline of Art and Education, in the course of pedagogy. By understanding Art as Cultural Heritage and considers that it should be treated in school and non-school education as such, I take the discipline to provide future educators / teachers a comprehensive experience with the production of clay pot. First cultural Brazilian object recorded by the Historical and Artistic Institute — IPHAN as intangible assets in the knowledge record book in 2002info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teacher Education and Professional Development in the Context of Argentinean Educational Policies: Current Trends and Challenges

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    The purpose of this chapter is to explore the trends and challenges in teacher education and teacher professional development in the context of recent Argentinean educational reforms. This chapter synthesizes several of our studies on the matter. First we analyze the implications of teacher education as a political project, discuss the central components of the educational policies that characterize this century and the present features of the teaching force. Secondly, we discuss the process of educational reform in the 90´s and the impact of international agencies in the main policy decisions in Argentina. In addition, we discuss the new scenario set for teacher education in the context of the national education law enacted in December 2006. Finally, trends and challenges for teacher education and professional development are analyzed on the light of policies that define education as a public good and a civil right

    Sustainable energy action plans at city level: a Portuguese experience and perception

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    In order to achieve the targets underlined in the European Strategy for climate change and energy efficiency, the so called 20-20-20 package, the European Commission launched the Covenant of Mayors to endorse and support the efforts deployed by local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy plans, and at the same time contribute to greenhouse gases emissions mitigation. This paper explores how the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) has been adopted in Portugal, and which type of measures are being defined and implemented by the municipalities. For that, all Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) submitted by Portuguese municipalities (124) have been examined, for which a detailed analysis was performed, including the Baseline Emission Inventory (70, i.e., around 50%). The municipalities that submitted SEAP cover 60% of the total population of the country because the main urban centres are a part of the 30% that have signed the CoM. Most common measures are related with changes on behaviour and infrastructure related to energy (such as renewable energies, energy efficiency in buildings, public lighting, etc.), waste and transport (for example optimization of: transport infrastructures, used vehicles and road operations). Public lighting is one of the energy measures present in all submitted SEAP, which plays a key role in energy consumption, reaching values of upwards of 12%, particularly in coastal areas due to higher population density and urban residential areas. Besides all efforts there is still a long way to go in terms of energy consumption reduction at local level.publishe

    Red latinoamericana de estudios sobre trabajo docente: Red ESTRADO

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    Presentación realizada en el marco del Proyecto VEVE16-112: Seminario Internacional: Investigación y políticas de formación docente en Paraguay y en América Latina. El Propósito de la Red ESTRADO es contribuir a la consolidación del campo de estudios sobre el trabajo docente a partir de diferentes perspectivas y disciplinas.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Can functional exercise capacity discriminate older individuals with poor postural control?

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    Postural instability can be related to functional limitations as a result of the aging process. This study aimed to compare functional exercise capacity and postural control in older adults. Participants were allocated into three groups according to their functional exercise capacity based on the six minute walking test (6MWT): 1) Low performance group (LP: distance walked ≤ 80% of the predicted value n = 19), 2) Normal performance group (NP: distance walked 81-100% of the predicted value n = 21) and, 3) High performance group (HP: distance walked >100% of the predicted value n = 23). All groups performed three trials of a one-leg stance for 30s on a force platform. LP showed worse postural control in comparison to NP and HP, and significant differences (p < .05) were found between groups for area, velocity antero-posterior of center of pressure and time limit variables during the one-leg stance task. These results have implications for rehabilitation management with regard to exercise, balance assessment and intervention in older adults. Instabilidade postural pode estar relacionada com as limitações funcionais, como um resultado do processo de envelhecimento. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a capacidade funcional de exercício e o controle postural em indivíduos idosos. Os participantes foram separados em três grupos de acordo com sua capacidade funcional de exercício baseada no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6min): 1) grupo baixo desempenho (BD: distância caminhada ≤ 80% do valor predito n = 19), 2) grupo normal desempenho (ND : distância caminhada 81-100% do valor predito n = 21) e, 3) grupo alto desempenho (AD: distância caminhada >100% do valor predito n = 23). Todos os grupos realizaram três testes com apoio unipodal permanecendo por 30s sobre a plataforma de força. BD apresentou pior equilíbrio postural em comparação com ND e AD; com diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) encontradas entre os grupos para os parâmetros de área e velocidade antero-posterior do centro de pressão e a variável tempo-limite durante a posição unipodal. Estes resultados têm implicações para estratégias de reabilitação no que diz respeito ao exercício, avaliação do equilíbrio e intervenção em idosos. Inestabilidad postural puede estar relacionada con las limitaciones funcionales como resultado del proceso de envejecimiento. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la comparación entre la capacidad funcional del ejercicio en el control postural de las personas de edad avanzada. Los participantes fueron divididos en tres grupos de acuerdo a su capacidad de ejercicio funcional basado en la Prueba de Caminada de seis minutos (PC6M): 1) grupo Bajo Rendimiento (BR: distancia recorrida ≤ 80% del valor predijo, n = 19), 2) grupo Normal Rendimiento (NR: distancia recorrida 81-100% del valor predijo, n = 21) y 3) grupo Alto Rendimiento (AR: distancia recorrida >100% del valor predijo, n = 23). Todos los grupos realizaron tres pruebas sobre un solo pie por 30s en la plataforma de fuerza. BR presentó un mal equilibrio postural en comparación con NR y AR; con diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) encontrado entre los grupos de los parámetros área y velocidad antero-posterior del centro de presión y el límite de tiempo para la postura de una sola pierna. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para las estrategias de rehabilitación en relación con el ejercicio, la evaluación del equilibrio y la intervención en los ancianos