510 research outputs found

    Reading As a Democratic Value and Resource for the Formation of the Communicative and Cultural Memory of a Nation

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    The article actualizes the humanitarian aspect of the problem of preserving text reading in a new technological environment as a number of specific institutionalized and communicative practices. This phenomenon as one of the fundamental subsystems of culture, based on the results of sociological research, is considered in the context of the implementation of value, training and educational functions. Reading is not merely a process of consumption of a certain kind of information, it is not just a technology of interiorization of texts and an essential resource of communicative and cultural memory, but also a factor that largely determines the general and historical culture of a generation, and as a result, the cost of the products materialized by it, left to descendants. The highlighted intergenerational contradictions/gaps, as proved, show that reading in the era of post-literacy should be the most important resource for the formation and development of the communicative and cultural memory of the Russian nation. Keywords: reading, culture, post-literacy, communication, mass media, education, sense creation, communicative and cultural memor

    Гоноративність у передмовах до проповідницьких збірників А. Радивиловського

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    У статті розглянуто особливості реалізації мовленнєвої категорії гоноративності в передмовах до проповідницьких збірників А. Радивиловського – «Огородку Марії Богородиці» (1676) і «Вінці Христовому» (1688), зокрема проаналізовано відмінність у вияві гоноративності до різних адресатів: Господа, Богородиці, читача та царських осіб

    Digital Amnesia of the Youth Mass Media Audience and Ways of Its Overcoming

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    ‘Digital Amnesia’ as a result of the dependence of Internet users is considered in this article on the example of students’ mass media audience. The empirical basis for this article was formed by the results of sociological research obtained by the authors in the framework of the project ”Digitalization of communicative-cultural memory and the problems of its intergenerational transmission” conducted in 2018–2020. Young people in the digital age not only face drastic changes in media practices but also the development of factors affecting the formation of communicative-cultural memory of various societies representatives. This makes it possible to identify some methods of preserving the role of the most important social institution by journalism, as well as the formation of meaningful components of mass media activity under conditions of permanent social and technological transformation. Several conclusions have been drawn from the system analysis. Firstly, the need to introduce the notion of ‘functional media literacy’ into the theory of communication. Secondly, it is possible to overcome digital amnesia by increasing the number of multimedia products of mass media of various subjects. As an example, the Russian Digital project ”1968”, created specifically for smartphones and addressed primarily to the generation Y. evoked a wide public response, and this project offers a method to present and promote specific events, facts and phenomena in the form of multimedia stories. The use of the project materials in university pedagogical practice is one of the most effective ways of interaction with a young audience. Thirdly, the study confirms the hypothesis that a method of information selection focused on sensationalism, discontinuity and conflict is not typical for students as consumers of media products. For most of this demogrpahic, the mass media act as a cognitive and ideological phenomenon that primarily assumes a dialogical relationship between the communicator and communicants. This allows us to conclude that digital amnesia as a form of psychological dependence arises in representatives of this audience group most often when the media discourse lacks intellectual and emotional involvement. Keywords: mass media, students, audience, digital amnesi

    New experimental model for studying the skin defects of different eniology on laboratory rats

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    Nowadays studying and development of methods to treat skin defects have become quite relevant. According to WHO, more than 50 millions of people sustain injuries every year. 11 millions of those who were admitted to hospital got burns of different etiology. The number of deaths caused by burns comprised 195 thousands. More than 25 million of patients, who visited doctors, had scars and cicatricial deformity, 4 millions of those got burns. The number of fatal outcomes was almost 195 thousands per year. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3579

    Генезис дендрофлори Волинi (антропогеновий перiод)

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    The basic stages of development of Volyn dendroflora in anthropogenic period according to literary data are given.На основi лiтературних джерел подано iсторичний нарис розвитку деревної рослинностi на Волинi в антропогеновому перiодi

    Побудова інформаційного портрету аеропорту

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    The approach for categorizing type classes of the airports by kinds of non-aviation activity with the help of the simplified information matrices using the methods of clustering analysis was studied in the articleНа основе обобщения информации причинно-следственной диаграммы и классификации видов неавиационной деятельности по информационному критерию построено информационный портрет аэропорта. С помощью упрощенных информационных матриц с применением методов кластерного анализа определены типичные классы ыэропортов по видам неавиционной деятельностиНа основі узагальнення інформації причинно-наслідкової діаграми та класифікації видів неавіаційної діяльності за інформаційним критерієм побудовано інформаційний портрет аеропорту. За допомогою спрощених інформаційних матриць із застосуванням методів кластерного аналізу визначено типові класи аеропортів за видами неавіаційної діяльності

    Інтродукція деревних рослин Кавказу на Волинському Поліссі

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    The preliminary results of introduction of the Caucasian woody plants on Volyn Polissya are brought on the basis of 20-years researches. The data on their distribution on the territory of Volyn is cited. The features of phenological growth phases and development, high quality of seeds and possibility to obtain planting material of Caucasian woody plants under introduction are studied.Підбито попередні підсумки інтродукції кавказьких деревних рослин на території Волинського Полісся на основі 20-річних польових досліджень. Наведено дані щодо їх поширення, особливостей проходження фенологічних фаз росту та розвитку, якості насіння і можливості отримання посадкового матеріалу