49 research outputs found

    Wpływ światowego rynku zbóż na występowanie niedożywienia ludzkości w czasie wojny na Ukrainie

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    The world cereal production and supply as well as their trade, stock and losses are important indicators of the world market of cereals. They play a huge role in ensuring food security. The aim of this research is to identify the relation of the indicators of the world grain crops market (production, supply, losses, trade, stocks) and the level of malnutrition Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) among the world's population. Based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), a correlation-regression analysis was conducted between indicators of the global grain crops market, in particular: the wheat market, the fodder market of grain crops, the rice market and PoU of the world population for the period 2013/14 – 2020/2021 marketing years. It has been proven that there is a close, statistically reliable relationship between the above mentioned indicators, except for grain stocks and POU. The analysis of the world cereal market showed that among the indicators characterizing its conditions, the indicator trade in grain crops (r = 0.851; D = 0.724; F = 3.968, (F > F t ); z = 1.26; rL = 0.37; rU = 0.97) has the highest level of correlation.  It was found that with an increase in the volume of world cereal trade by 1 million tons, the PoU level will increase by 0.018%. A review of literary sources proves that the problem of ensuring food security, in particular with regard to reducing the level of starvation and malnutrition, cannot be solved only by fighting climate change, overcoming socio-economic and military problems, fighting pandemics, etc. Its solution to a large extent depends on fair, uniform export and import of food products, as evidenced by the calculations. A separate direction for solving the problem of the spread of malnutrition is the elimination of the policy of highly developed countries regarding the application of individual sanctions against countries with high PoU values, in particular, the Central African Republic, Madagascar, Haiti, Afghanistan, Chad, Congo, Lesotho, Liberia, Mozambique, etc.Światowa produkcja i podaż zbóż, a także handel nimi, zapasy i straty są ważnymi wskaźnikami światowego rynku zbóż. Odgrywają ogromną rolę w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Celem badań jest identyfikacja zależności wskaźników światowego rynku zbóż (produkcja, podaż, straty, handel, zapasy) a poziomem niedożywienia (PoU) wśród ludności świata. Na podstawie danych Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa (FAO) przeprowadzono analizę korelacji-regresji pomiędzy wskaźnikami światowego rynku zbóż, w szczególności: rynkiem pszenicy, rynkiem paszowym zbóż, rynkiem rynek ryżu i PoU światowej populacji w latach gospodarczych 2013/14 – 2020/2021. Wykazano, że istnieje ścisła, statystycznie wiarygodna zależność pomiędzy wymienionymi wskaźnikami, z wyjątkiem zapasów zbóż i POU. Analiza światowego rynku zbóż wykazała, że wśród wskaźników charakteryzujących jego warunki znajduje się wskaźnik handlu zbożami (r = 0,851; D = 0,724; F = 3,968, (F > F t ); z = 1,26; rL = 0,37; rU = 0,97) wykazuje najwyższy poziomem korelacji. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem wolumenu światowego handlu zbożami o 1 milion ton poziom PoU wzrośnie o 0,018%. Przegląd źródeł literackich dowodzi, że problemu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, w szczególności w zakresie ograniczenia poziomu głodu i niedożywienia, nie można rozwiązać jedynie poprzez walkę ze zmianami klimatycznymi, przezwyciężanie problemów społeczno-gospodarczych i militarnych, walkę z pandemiami itp. Jego rozwiązanie w dużej mierze zależy od sprawiedliwego, jednolitego eksportu i importu produktów spożywczych, co potwierdzają wyliczenia. Odrębnym kierunkiem rozwiązania problemu szerzenia się niedożywienia jest eliminowanie polityki krajów wysoko rozwiniętych w zakresie stosowania indywidualnych sankcji wobec krajów o wysokich wartościach PoU, w szczególności Republiki Środkowoafrykańskiej, Madagaskaru, Haiti, Afganistanu, Czadu, Kongo, Lesotho, Liberii i Mozambiku

    Wpływ wojny w Ukrainie na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe krajów o niskich dochodach

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    The article reveals the expediency of revising the fundamental provisions of the formation of the food security system of low-income countries, since the world food system is significantly vulnerable to crisis-forming factors. The problem of the imbalance of the world's food systems and, consequently, the change in the production model in low-income countries is substantiated. It is proposed to study the impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine on the world’s food security, in particular: to outline the main stages of the formation of Ukraine as a guarantor of food security in the world food system; to determine the impact of the war on the production and export of agricultural goods; to analyse the food situation in developing and low-income countries; to model the impact of inflation on the food security in developing and low-income countries; to form scenarios for ensuring Ukraine's food security in the short- and long-term periods. Food inflation rate, Core Consumer Price Index and Consumer Price Index have been selected for the analysis of the inflationary impact.Artykuł ukazuje celowość rewizji podstawowych przepisów kształtowania systemu bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego krajów o niskich dochodach, ponieważ światowy system żywnościowy jest w znacznym stopniu podatny na czynniki kryzysotwórcze. Istniejąca nierównowaga światowych systemów żywnościowych, wymusza w konsekwencji zmiany w modelu produkcji w krajach o niskich dochodach. W tej pracy proponuje się zbadanie wpływu wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej na światowe bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe, w szczególności: zarysowanie głównych etapów kształtowania się Ukrainy jako gwaranta bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w światowym systemie żywnościowym; określenie wpływu wojny na produkcję i eksport towarów rolnych; analiza sytuacji żywnościowej w krajach rozwijających się i krajach o niskich dochodach; modelowanie wpływu inflacji na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe w krajach rozwijających się i o niskich dochodach; tworzenie scenariuszy zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego Ukrainy w krótkim i długim okresie. Do analizy wpływu inflacyjnego wybrano stopę inflacji żywności, Core Consumer Price Index oraz Consumer Price Index

    A new protein curbs the hypertrophic effect of myostatin inhibition, adding remarkable endurance to motor performance in mice

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    Current efforts to improve muscle performance are focused on muscle trophism via inhibition of the myostatin pathway: however they have been unsuccessful in the clinic to date. In this study, a novel protein has been created by combining the soluble activin receptor, a strong myostatin inhibitor, to the C-terminal agrin nLG3 domain (ActR-Fc-nLG3) involved in the development and maintenance of neuromuscular junctions. Both domains are connected via the constant region of an Igg1 monoclonal antibody. Surprisingly, young male mice treated with ActR-Fc-nLG3 showed a remarkably increased endurance in the rotarod test, significantly longer than the single domain compounds ActR-Fc and Fc-nLG3 treated animals. This increase in endurance was accompanied by only a moderate increase in body weights and wet muscle weights of ActR-Fc-nLG3 treated animals and were lower than expected. The myostatin inhibitor ActR-Fc induced, as expected, a highly significant increase in body and muscle weights compared to control animals and ActR-Fc-nLG3 treated animals. Moreover, the prolonged endurance effect was not observed when ActR-Fc and Fc-nLG3 were dosed simultaneously as a mixture and the body and muscle weights of these animals were very similar to ActR-Fc treated animals, indicating that both domains need to be on one molecule. Muscle morphology induced by ActR-Fc-nLG3 did not appear to be changed however, close examination of the neuromuscular junction showed significantly increased acetylcholine receptor surface area for ActR-Fc-nLG3 treated animals compared to controls. This result is consistent with published observations that endurance training in rats increased acetylcholine receptor quantity at neuromuscular junctions and provide evidence that improving nerve-muscle interaction could be an important factor for sustaining long term muscle activity

    Economic efficiency of sweet corn growing with nutrition optimization

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    Saabunud / Received 13.02.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 06.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 06.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Andrii Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of sweet corn production for grain has been studied; economic advantages of cultivation in comparison with other crops have been highlighted. The article presents the results of research on issues of improving the economic efficiency of technology elements for growing sweet corn of the variety Moreland F1 under conditions of Precarpathians of Ukraine. Taking into account the production strategy, have been outlined cost-effective resource-saving and intensive technologies which provide the stable yielding capacity of early-ripening hybrid of sweet corn under conditions of Precarpathians at the level of 4.99–6.65 t ha–1 accordingly with the profit of 370–500 € ha–1 and grain production profitability 112–135%. It is established that under the conditions of application of mineral fertilizers at the dose of N135P90K125 + N60 + N30 in two stages the grain yield of corn increases compared to the absolute control (by 2.26 t ha–1, or 30.3%) with increasing costs per 1 ha of sown area 68.23 €, or 26.4%). In proportion to the increase in yield, the amount of profit, which is 192.42 € ha–1, also increased significantly

    Ecological and economic efficiency of growing on dark gray soils of bean-cereal grasses

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    Saabunud / Received 02.05.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.07.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 14.07.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Yevheniia Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of growing leguminous and cereal agrophytocenoses (Trifolium pratense and Medicago sativa sown with the addition of Bromus inermis, Lolium multiflorum, Festuca rubra), highlighted their economic and energy advantages over cereal grasses. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of grass mixtures on the main indicators of the efficiency of growing sowing phytocenoses during haymaking in the Carpathians on dark grey soil. Growing agrophytocenoses without mineral fertilizers ensures the maintenance of 370–520 € ha–1 of net profit, with the profitability of 151–187%, the cost of 1 ton of feed units – 56.7–66.7 €, bioenergy coefficient – 2.5–2.9, energy efficiency ratio – 5.8–6.5 and energy consumption per 1 ton of feed units – 4.0–4.7 GJ. The cultivation of alfalfa-cereal grasses is ensured on dark-wet soil with three years of use of the best indicators of economic and energy efficiency. It was found that on both experimental bean–cereal grasses the highest efficiency is maintained when P60K60 is applied in combination with inoculation of seeds of bean strains of nodule bacteria

    Емпірична кумулятивна функція розподілу характерної ознаки газового середовища при загоряннях

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    The object of this study is the dynamics of a characteristic sign of an increment in the state of the gaseous medium in the premises when a thermal source of fire appears. The subject of the study is the type of an empirical cumulative function of the distribution of dynamics of a characteristic sign of an increment in the state of the gaseous medium in the absence and appearance of a thermal source of fire in the premises. As a characteristic feature, the probability of non-recurrence of the increments of the vector of states of the gaseous medium was chosen. The results of the study make it possible to quickly identify thermal sources of fire under uncertain conditions. The methodology for studying the empirical cumulative function of the distribution of the dynamics of the probability of non-recurrence of the increments of the vector of the state of the gas medium has been substantiated. The technique includes the implementation of seven consecutive procedures and makes it possible to explore the specified function for arbitrary time intervals. The empirical cumulative distribution function for two fixed time intervals of equal duration before and after the appearance of test thermal sources of fire in the laboratory chamber was investigated. It was established that the features of the empirical cumulative functions of the distribution of the dynamics of the probability of non-recurrence of the increments of the vector of the state of the gas environment allow for early detection of fire. The main sign of detection is a decrease in the fixed values of the empirical cumulative distribution function. For test thermal sources, fixed values of the empirical cumulative distribution function are in the range of 0.15–0.44. These probabilities are determined by the different ignition rate of the test thermal sources. The research results indicate the possibility of using the identified features of empirical cumulative distribution functions of the dynamics of the probability of non-recurrence of increments of the vector of the state of the gas environment for the early detection of firesОб'єктом дослідження є динаміка характерної ознаки прирощення стану газового середовища в приміщенні при появі теплового джерела пожежі. Предметом дослідження є вид емпіричної кумулятивної функції розподілу динаміки характерної ознаки прирощення стану газового середовища за відсутності та появі теплового джерела пожежі в приміщенні. У якості характерної ознаки обрано ймовірність нерекурентності прирощень вектору станів газового середовища. Результати дослідження дозволяють оперативно виявляти теплові джерела пожежі у невизначених умовах. Обґрунтовано методику дослідження емпіричної кумулятивної функції розподілу динаміки ймовірності нерекурентності прирощень вектора стану газового середовища. Методика включає виконання семи послідовних процедур і дозволяє досліджувати зазначену функцію для довільних інтервалах часу. Досліджено емпіричну кумулятивну функцію розподілу для двох фіксованих інтервалів часу рівної тривалості до і після появи тестових теплових джерел пожежі у лабораторній камері. Встановлено, що особливості емпіричних кумулятивних функцій розподілу динаміки ймовірності нерекурентності прирощень вектора стану газового середовища дозволяють здійснювати раннє виявлення пожежі. Головною ознакою виявлення є зниження фіксованих значень емпіричної кумулятивної функції розподілу. Для тестових теплових джерел фіксовані значення емпіричної кумулятивної функції розподілу лежать в діапазоні 0,15–0,44. Дані ймовірності обумовлюються різною швидкістю займання тестових теплових джерел. Результати досліджень свідчать про можливість використання виявлених особливостей емпіричних кумулятивних функцій розподілу динаміки ймовірності нерекурентності прирощень вектора стану газового середовища для раннього виявлення загорян

    The Increased Activity of TRPV4 Channel in the Astrocytes of the Adult Rat Hippocampus after Cerebral Hypoxia/Ischemia

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    The polymodal transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel, a member of the TRP channel family, is a calcium-permeable cationic channel that is gated by various stimuli such as cell swelling, low pH and high temperature. Therefore, TRPV4-mediated calcium entry may be involved in neuronal and glia pathophysiology associated with various disorders of the central nervous system, such as ischemia. The TRPV4 channel has been recently found in adult rat cortical and hippocampal astrocytes; however, its role in astrocyte pathophysiology is still not defined. In the present study, we examined the impact of cerebral hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) on the functional expression of astrocytic TRPV4 channels in the adult rat hippocampal CA1 region employing immunohistochemical analyses, the patch-clamp technique and microfluorimetric intracellular calcium imaging on astrocytes in slices as well as on those isolated from sham-operated or ischemic hippocampi. Hypoxia/ischemia was induced by a bilateral 15-minute occlusion of the common carotids combined with hypoxic conditions. Our immunohistochemical analyses revealed that 7 days after H/I, the expression of TRPV4 is markedly enhanced in hippocampal astrocytes of the CA1 region and that the increasing TRPV4 expression coincides with the development of astrogliosis. Additionally, adult hippocampal astrocytes in slices or cultured hippocampal astrocytes respond to the TRPV4 activator 4-alpha-phorbol-12,-13-didecanoate (4αPDD) by an increase in intracellular calcium and the activation of a cationic current, both of which are abolished by the removal of extracellular calcium or exposure to TRP antagonists, such as Ruthenium Red or RN1734. Following hypoxic/ischemic injury, the responses of astrocytes to 4αPDD are significantly augmented. Collectively, we show that TRPV4 channels are involved in ischemia-induced calcium entry in reactive astrocytes and thus, might participate in the pathogenic mechanisms of astroglial reactivity following ischemic insult

    Expression and functional characteriz ation of transient receptor potential vanilloid - related channel 4 (TRPV4) in hippocampal astrocytes after ischemia /reperfusion

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    The polymodal transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel, a member of the TRP channel family, is a calcium-permeable cationic channel that is gated by cell swelling, low pH and high temperature may be involved in neuronal and glia pathophysiology. In the present study, we examined the impact of cerebral hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) on the functional expression of astrocytic TRPV4 channels in the adult rat hippocampal CA1 region. Hypoxia/ischemia was induced by a bilateral 15-minute occlusion of the common carotids combined with hypoxic conditions. Our immunohistochemical analyses revealed that 7 days after H/I, the expression of TRPV4 is markedly enhanced in hippocampal astrocytes of the CA1 region and that the increasing TRPV4 expression coincides with the development of astrogliosis. Adult hippocampal astrocytes in slices or cultured hippocampal astrocytes respond to the TRPV4 activator 4-alpha-phorbol-12,-13-didecanoate (4αPDD) by an increase in intracellular calcium and the activation of a cationic current, both of which are abolished by the removal of extracellular calcium or exposure to TRP antagonists, such as Ruthenium Red or RN1734. Following hypoxic/ischemic injury, the responses of astrocytes to 4αPDD are significantly augmented. Collectively, we show that TRPV4 channels are..

    Exprese a funkční charakterizace TRPV4 kanálů u hipokampálních astrocytů v průběhu ischemie/reperfúze

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    Vaniloidní receptor podtypu 4 (TRPV4 - z anglického transient receptor potential), který patří do skupiny TRP kanálů, je pro vápník propustný kationtový kanál. TRPV4 je aktivován osmoticky, teplotně, nízkým pH i řadou extracelulárních a intracelulárních chemických ligandů a druhých poslů a z tohoto důvodu mohou hrát významnou úlohu v patofyziologii neuronů a gliových buněk. V této studii jsme zkoumali vliv mozkové hypoxie/ischémie (H/I) na funkční expresi TRPV4 kanálů u astrocytů v CA1 oblasti hipokampu dospělého potkana. Ischemické poškození hipokampu bylo vyvoláno bilaterální 15-ti minutovou okluzí karotid v kombinaci s hypoxií. Imunohistochemické analýzy ukázaly, že 7 dní po H/I, exprese TRPV4 je výrazně zvýšena u astrocytů v CA1 oblasti hipokampu, a že toto zvýšení exprese TRPV4 koreluje s vývojem astrogliózy. Hipokampální astrocyty v tkáňových řezech nebo astrocyty izolované z CA1 oblasti hipokampu odpovídají na aplikaci TRPV4 aktivátoru 4-alpha-forbol- 12-13-didecanoate (4αPDD) zvýšením intracelulárního vápníku [Ca2+ ]i a aktivací kationtového proudu. Zvýšení [Ca2+ ]i i TRPV4-specifický proud jsou výrazně sníženy odstraněním extracelulárního vápníku nebo aplikací ruthenium red nebo RN1734, které patří k antagonistům TRP kanálů. V průběhu reperfúze po H/I poškození, TRPV4-specifické odpovědi...The polymodal transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel, a member of the TRP channel family, is a calcium-permeable cationic channel that is gated by cell swelling, low pH and high temperature may be involved in neuronal and glia pathophysiology. In the present study, we examined the impact of cerebral hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) on the functional expression of astrocytic TRPV4 channels in the adult rat hippocampal CA1 region. Hypoxia/ischemia was induced by a bilateral 15-minute occlusion of the common carotids combined with hypoxic conditions. Our immunohistochemical analyses revealed that 7 days after H/I, the expression of TRPV4 is markedly enhanced in hippocampal astrocytes of the CA1 region and that the increasing TRPV4 expression coincides with the development of astrogliosis. Adult hippocampal astrocytes in slices or cultured hippocampal astrocytes respond to the TRPV4 activator 4-alpha-phorbol-12,-13-didecanoate (4αPDD) by an increase in intracellular calcium and the activation of a cationic current, both of which are abolished by the removal of extracellular calcium or exposure to TRP antagonists, such as Ruthenium Red or RN1734. Following hypoxic/ischemic injury, the responses of astrocytes to 4αPDD are significantly augmented. Collectively, we show that TRPV4 channels are...Units out of CUMimofakultní pracoviště2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    Formation of a Study Program in the Context of Conformity with the ESG (on the Material of the Analysis of Study Programs in Ukraine)

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    The article discusses the issues of forming a study program in the context of the process’ compliance with the recommendations provided by Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), which are relevant for Ukrainian higher education. The study achieved its goal: the main prerequisites for the formation of the study program (SP) were analyzed, its structural and semantic parameters were determined, and a step-by-step model of concluding a quality study program in accordance with the ESG guidelines was suggested. The search for the materials on which the study was based was conducted using the following databases: scientometric (Scopus, Web of Science), the information system (online platform) of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NAQA), and the “Legislation of Ukraine” database. Quantitative methods included an online questionnaire, qualitative methods included system analysis, and other comparative method were used. Due to the contradictions between the interpretations of the concepts at the level of legislation and internal regulations, a definition of the “formation of the study program” concept is suggested. The components of the SP formation process, the resources required for the formation of the quality SP, and an analysis of positive and negative practices from the NAQA accreditation procedure experience, based on which the optimal model of the SP as a dynamic system based on ESG guidelines was developed, which has a functional character and is based on theoretical generalization of the latest approaches and real cases of Ukrainian HEIs, were discussed