145 research outputs found

    Modelado comparativo de coeficientes poroelásticos anisótropos efectivos y magnitudes relacionadas para la caracterización de lutitas orgánicas

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    Teniendo en cuenta la creciente necesidad de explorar y caracterizar rocas madre y recursos no convencionales de hidrocarburos, es muy importante contar con modelos efectivos de las lutitas orgánicas para adquirir un mejor conocimiento sobre el comportamiento de los parámetros asociados a este tipo de rocas. En esta Tesis se estudiaron diferentes enfoques y se implementaron dos flujos de trabajo usando herramentas de Física de Rocas, uno basados en la promediación de Backus (1962) (modelo BA) y el otro en la teoría de Ciz y Shapiro (2007) (modelo CS). Estos modelos representan adecuadamente los efectos de anisotropía observados en estos medios y permiten considerar diferentes tipos de relleno poral. Dada la relevancia del contenido de querógeno (o equivalentemente del carbono orgánico total) en este tipo de rocas, utilizamos los modelos para calcular y analizar el comportamiento de las velocidades de las ondas sísmicas según la dirección, parámetros anisótropos de Thomsen y otro tipo de coeficientes, tales como módulo de Young, razón de Poisson y atributos combinados, para fracciones variables de querógeno. Algunos de estos coeficientes son muy útiles para la caracterización geomecánica de las lutitas orgánicas y para el diseño de los procedimientos de fracturación hidráulica. La sensibilidad al contenido de querógeno observada en diferentes atributos sugiere que sería posible estimar estos parámetros formulando y resolviendo problemas inversos asociados. Los modelos fueron calibrados para las lutitas negras, ricas en materia orgánica de la formación Bakken (cuenca Williston, Estados Unidos).Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica


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    Judicial interpretation occupies a special place among other types of interpretation, because it is carried out by people with a high level of professional training, who have thorough theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Also, judges quite often have to interpret those provisions of normative or individual legal acts, regarding which there is a dispute among other legal entities. Interpretations of legal texts, which are carried out by judges of higher courts, determine approaches to solving special legal problems that always take place in legal practice. The purpose of this article is: firstly, to highlight the main approaches to understanding judicial interpretation and to define and characterize its main types; secondly: the analysis of the provisions of the current Ukrainian legislation to identify the general approaches embodied in it regarding the implementation of judicial legal interpretation activities. To achieve the goals determined during the research, the authors used a system of general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition. The authors justify the special role and importance of judicial interpretation for the legal system of Ukraine. Considerable attention is paid to improving the quality and efficiency of judicial interpretation. Based on the analysis of the regulatory material, recommendations are provided on ways to improve this type of interpretation and take into account its results in the work of the government legislative branch. Considering the analysis of the source base and current legislation, the authors identify the main problematic aspects of the theoretical and legislative foundations of judicial interpretation


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    The aim of the article is to study theoretical, methodological, and doctrinal approaches to public procurement of medicines and on this basis to determine ways to improve domestic legislation in this sphere. The subject of the study is public procurement of medicines. Methodology. The study is based on general scientific and special-scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The historical and legal method enabled to determine the preconditions for public procurement of medicines as a fundamental element of state financial guarantees for the pharmaceutical sphere in Ukraine and in the world, as well as the development of scientific and theoretical views on the nature, problems, and methods of public procurement of medications. The comparative legal method enabled to compare doctrinal approaches to public procurement of medicinal products. The systemstructural method contributed to the consideration of public procurement of medications as a fundamental institutional and functional element of state financial guarantees for the pharmaceutical sector. The methods of grouping and classifying were the basis for the author’s approach to public procurement of medicines for the most important and practically significant criteria. The technical legal method enabled to interrogate the state of affairs in the statutory and legal regulation of the national system of public procurement of medications, to identify its disadvantages, gaps, contradictions and miscalculations, as well as to develop recommendations aimed at their elimination. The results of the study revealed that public procurement of medicines should be considered as an activity of a public administration or specialized agencies authorized by it, aimed at purchasing medicinal products by the procurer funded from taxpayer’s money and preserving the health of citizens via a transparent control by the state (via the Prozoro system). Practical implications. In the study: first, the key aspects of the genesis of public procurement of medicines are outlined; second, scientific approaches to their characteristics, available in the special literature, are analysed and compared; third, the author’s original perspective concerning legislative regulation and consolidation in the current legal regulations is substantiated. Relevance/originality. The original author’s approach to the doctrinal principles of public procurement of medications is the basis for developing the most promising areas of improvement of domestic legislation in this sphere

    The problems in pre-profile training of secondary school students in Ukrainian teachers’ innovational activities during totalitarian lawlessnes

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    The manuscript deals with the problems of pre-profile education at the beginning of the Soviet Union. It shows the system of education in labor schools, their curriculum, subjects and the main principles of professional education. In the article it is considered the great experience of a scientist and a teacher S. Siropolko. Also it gives the main principles of pre-profile education in Ukraine during 1920-1940 and uncovers the shortage of the system of students’ preparation. Based on the archive materials and scientific works the article shows that nowadays it is impossible to involve school to political and economical affairs not taking into account the traditions of Ukrainian people. Since curricula and textbooks are becoming distorted students cannot apprehend the sense of given information for their personal development and future vital functioning. The authors make a conclusion that the process of pre-profile education of secondary school students should be based on educational principles and be directed to students’ educational achievements, their harmonious development and be adapted to their individual capabilities and skills. The following conclusions about the system of pre-profile education are widely discovered

    Особистісна детермінація довіри до себе в юнацькому віці

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    The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of self-confidence development and its personal determinants in youth. Methods. Theoretical: analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization of scientific literary sources and experimental research data; empirical: psychodiagnostic methods: “Assessment of self-confidence” (Zelinska, 2010); “Self-assessment test-questionnaire” (Kolesnichenko et al.,, 2020); “Method of research on self-evaluation of the individual” (Perih, 2017); “Motivation for success and failure avoidance” (Kolesnichenko et al., 2020); “Locus of Control” (Kolesnichenko et al., 2020); “General self-efficacy test” (Kokun et al., 2021); mathematical and statistical methods. Results. The results of an empirical research of the development of self-confidence in youth were presented. The research of the development of the cognitive component of self-confidence showed that the respondents were aimed at self-awareness, obtaining information about themselves, they were inclined to study their inner world, and analyze personal potential. The research of the emotional and value component proved the favorable attitude of young people towards themselves, but dissatisfaction with certain personal qualities and behavior patterns. As a result of the research of the behavioral component, it was found that the level of self-respect of young men of both age groups corresponds to the average level: they were characterized by a critical attitude towards themselves, they strive for the development of their own “Self”. The personal determinants of self-confidence in youth were researched. The research of dignity manifestation proved that the indicators of young people exceed the average level, they have dignity. The results of the research of self-esteem showed that the subjects were characterized by a vague and undifferentiated perception of their ideal and real qualities. The research of the internality of subjective control demonstrated that, depending on the situation, it was a characteristic of the majority of the respondents to attribute responsibility for life events both to their own efforts and to external factors. The research of the motivational tendency of young men made it possible to state that the motivational pole of the respondents was not clearly expressed. The results of the self-efficacy research proved contextuality of young people’s belief in the effectiveness of their actions. Discussion and сonclusions. The assumption that self-confidence in youth was meaningfully determined by age-related new formations and influenced by personal determinants (dignity; adequate self-esteem; internality of subjective control; motivation for success; belief in one’s own self-efficacy) was confirmed.Метою дослідження є визначення специфіки розвитку довіри до себе та її особистісних детермінант в юнацькому віці. Методи. Теоретичні: аналізування, порівняння, систематизація, узагальнення літературних наукових джерел і даних експериментальних досліджень; емпіричні: психодіагностичні методики: “Оцінка довіри до себе” (Зелінська, 2010); “Тест-опитувальник самоставлення” (Колесниченко та ін., 2020); “Методика дослідження самооцінки особистості” (Періг, 2017); “Мотивація успіху та уникнення невдач” (Колесниченко та ін., 2020); “Локус контролю” (Колесниченко та ін., 2020); “Тест загальної самоефективності” (Кокун та ін., 2021); математико-статистичні методи. Результати. Представлено результати емпіричного дослідження розвитку довіри до себе в юнацькому віці. Вивчення розвитку когнітивного компонента довіри до себе показало, що респонденти спрямовані на самопізнання, отримання інформації про себе, схильні до вивчення свого внутрішнього світу, аналізування особистісного потенціалу. Дослідження емоційно-ціннісного компонента засвідчило прихильне ставлення юнаків до самих себе, але незадоволеність певними особистісними якостями, моделлю поведінки. У результаті вивчення поведінкового компонента було з’ясовано, що рівень самоповаги юнаків обох вікових груп відповідає середньому рівню: їм властива наявність критичного ставлення до самих себе, вони прагнуть до розвитку власного “Я”. Досліджено особистісні детермінанти довіри до себе в юнацькому віці. Вивчення прояву почуття власної гідності засвідчило, що показники юнаків перевищують середній рівень, їм властиве почуття власної гідності. Результати вивчення самооцінки показали, що для досліджуваних характерне нечітке та недиференційоване уявлення про свої ідеальні та реальні якості. Дослідження інтернальності суб’єктивного контролю продемонструвало, що для більшості досліджуваних у залежності від ситуації характерно приписувати відповідальність за події в житті як власним зусиллям, так і зовнішнім чинникам. Вивчення мотиваційної тенденції юнаків дозволило констатувати, що мотиваційний полюс у досліджуваних яскраво не виражений. Результати дослідження самоефективності засвідчили контекстуальність віри юнаків в ефективність своїх дій. Висновки. Підтверджено припущення про те, що довіра до себе в юнацькому віці змістовно обумовлюється віковими новоутвореннями та піддається впливу особистісних детермінант (почуття власної гідності; адекватна самооцінка; інтернальність суб’єктивного контролю; мотивація досягнення успіху; віра у власну самоефективність)

    Digital Economy in a Global Context: World Experience

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    Purpose:  The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight the principal directions and trends of the world experience in developing the economic sphere’s digital component.   Theoretical framework:  The processes related to digitalizing all branches of the world economy are irreversible components of the evolutionary development of the modern global economy. In current realities, the overriding priority in the economic sphere is the development of innovations and digital technologies using all their advantages regarding expanding the information component of enterprises’ activities, creating information assets, minimizing risks, the possibility of remote cooperation and the reduction of transaction costs, the ability to quickly respond to existing security, competitive, and other types of challenges.   Design/methodology/approach:  System-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction in the processing scientific information, abstraction, and idealization for studying and processing of statistical and analytical data were used during the research.   Findings:  Based on the research results, the concepts and components of the digitalization of the economic sphere, the main prerequisites, patterns and directions of developing digital economy in recent years were studied from the perspective of evaluating the global experience of this process.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The theoretical part of the research substantiates the relevance, concepts, components and main stages of developing the digital economy in the global context. The practical part of the research includes the features of distributing countries that are best prepared for the new digital economy according to the NRI rating based on the results of 2020, as well as by groups that are separate components of this index, namely, by the level of technology development, human capital, management level and degree impact on the world economic arena.   Originality/value:   According to the analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic, in order to achieve success in the field of digital transformation of modern business, it is necessary to purposefully build its work, relying on the latest achievements of the digital environment and using all the possibilities of the digital infrastructure

    Ukrainian education during war: a scoping review

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    On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation launched an open-ended military invasion of Ukraine. Military actions have a catastrophically negative impact on the education sector: deaths, injuries, and psychological trauma to educators, schoolchildren, and students, damage to educational facilities. Indirect factors, such as diminished access to education and the subsequent exodus of qualified professionals from the country, are other contributors. These indirect factors are exacerbated by increasing violence directed toward pro-Ukrainian educators; reduction or complete cessation of education; and infrastructure degradation in the occupied territories. The purpose of this scoping review is to describe the scope of barriers and to sketch the scale and nature of challenges for the educational sector during war. We aim to record the most important decisions and targeted interventions to maintain education. For monitoring, we use published normative documents, secondary data, information messages from foreign and Ukrainian media, as well as representatives of Ukrainian state and local authorities


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    In the nineteenth century, the Orthodox Church, authorities, investigative bodies and courts officially recognized the possibility of such phenomena as witchcraft, witcheries, hand wringing, sorcery and shamanism. This is confirmed by numerous reports, eyewitness accounts, messages, investigations and trials materials. Penalties for such “acts”, appointed by the courts, were often rather mild (church repentance, offertory, lashes, etc.). More severe measures were prescribed much more rarely (expulsion from a settlement, prison, etc.). The reason for this state of affairs was the complexity of proving that any manifestations of the “sufferer” were caused precisely by witchcraft or witcheries. It is shown that there were some peculiarities in the attitude towards the witchcraft among the population of the Siberian region. It is established that snakes and frogs, which were very common in the Siberian region, became the main attribute and material used in witchcraft, sorcery and witcheries. Herbs characteristic of the flora of the Siberian region were also used in the rituals. It is confirmed that witchcraft in the Siberian region was less common than in other regions of the country. This “mystery” was most often practiced by women and much less often by men

    Development of a method for selected financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted capital investment in the development of innovative technologies

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    The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions that create innovative technologies taking into account their investment in innovative developments is proposed. On the basis of statistical data on the indicators for assessing the activities of scientific and educational institutions and the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations (PNn), their rating was calculated. The essence of PNn is to compare the indicators of the volumes of income of the special fund Dsfn and the volume of expenditures of the scientific and educational institution Vn. In order to stimulate scientific and educational institutions to create innovative technologies, it was proposed to introduce targeted investments. The problem of quantifying the rate of premium on the basis of an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innovative potential from the production of innovations and the rating of a scientific and educational institution for 2 institutions (namely: K and H) has been solved. Institution K will receive a large increase, and institution N will receive a smaller increase, the value of which will be 56.23 % and 43.76 %, respectively. The results showed the independence of the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations from the previous rating of a scientific and educational institution, or vice versa. The proposed methodology has been tested by an experimental method, targeted investments have been determined based on an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innovative potential and the rating of a scientific and educational institution. This study is of practical interest to government authorities and grantors when allocating funds according to the vector of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted investments in the development of innovative technologies, and theoretically – to researchers dealing with issues of financial security, protectionism and public administratio