504 research outputs found

    Improvisoinnin hyödyt oppilaalle musiikkikasvatuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kerätä tietoa improvisoinnin hyödyistä ja improvisoinnin toteutustavoista musiikkikasvatuksessa aiemman tutkimuksen pohjalta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on kirjallisuuskatsaus, aiempaa tutkimusta tiivistävä narratiivinen yleiskatsaus. Tutkimustuloksista selviää, että improvisointiin on monenlaisia lähestymistapoja. Improvisointi voi olla vapaata soittimellista tutkimista, joka ei ole tyyliin tai muotoon sidottua. Tällaiseenkin improvisointiin voidaan antaa opetuksessa jotain rajoitteita, esimerkiksi soitettavien sävelten määrään. Improvisaatio voidaan nähdä myös välineenä sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen ja itsen tutkimiseen, esimerkiksi vapaassa kuoroimprovisaatiossa. Improvisaation näkeminen musiikin ymmärtämisen keinona voi tarkoittaa esimerkiksi sointukiertoon improvisointia käyttäen jotain asteikkoa. Kun improvisaatiota lähestytään tyylisuuntautuneen asiantuntijuuden muotona, tavoitteena on tyylinmukainen improvisointi, jonka opettamiseen voi kuulua esimerkiksi esikuvien imitointia ja opettajan esittelemiä tyyliin kuuluvia käytäntöjä. Luovissa projekteissa improvisaatiota voidaan käyttää apuna esimerkiksi säveltämisessä. Tuloksissa nousee esiin monenlaisia hyötyjä oppilaalle. Improvisointi voi kehittää monia musiikillisia taitoja, esimerkiksi yhteissoittotaitoja, kuuntelutaitoja ja instrumentin hallintaa. Lisäksi se voi lisätä hyvinvointia ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta, kehittää sosiaalisia taitoja ja helpottaa esiintymisjännitystä. Improvisointi voi inspiroida uuden oppimiseen ja opettaa uusia oppimisen tapoja. Myös luovuus ja ajattelutaidot voivat kehittyä improvisoinnin avulla. Monet tutkijat toivovat improvisoinnille relevantimpaa roolia musiikkikasvatuksessa ja ymmärryksen lisäämistä improvisoinnista ja sen opettamisesta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä improvisoinnin hyödyistä, jotta improvisaatio nähtäisiin nykyistä tärkeämpänä osana musiikkikasvatusta. Tuloksista selviää improvisoinnin monenlaiset hyödyt, käyttömahdollisuudet ja lähestymistavat, mikä voi tuoda ideoita improvisoinnin opettamiseen ja sen hyödyntämiseen muidenkin taitojen opettelussa

    Beyond Text: The co-creation of dramatised character and iStory

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    This article is an outcome of the Beyond Text Project (Autumn 2016-Summer2019)In exploring the impact of reflective and work applied approaches we are curious how vivid new insights and collective ‘Eureka’ momentums occur. These momentums can be forces for work communities to gain competitive advantages. However, we know little of how learning is actively involved in the processing of creating new insights and how such a turning to learning –mode (Pässilä and Owens, 2016) can be facilitated. In the light of cultural studies and art education, we explore how the method of dramatising characters in a specific innovation culture can be facilitated. In this viewpoint we are suggesting one approach for this type of turning to learning which we call Beyond Text, outlining its theoretical underpinnings, its co-creative development & its application In this Beyond Text context we are introducing the method of dramatising characters (DC) and the method of iStory both of which are our own design based on the theory of the four existing categories of research-based theatre (RBT). The findings of this viewpoint article are that both iStory as well as DC methods are useful and practical learning facilitation processes and platforms that can be adopted for use in organizations for promoting reflexivity. Especially they can act as a bridge between various forms of knowing and consummate the other knowledge types (experiential, practical and propositional) in a way that advances practice-based innovation. The originality and value of iStory and DC is that they can be utilized as dialogical evaluation methods when traditional evaluation strategies and pre-determined indicators are unusable

    Healthcare professionals’ digital health competence and its core factors; development and psychometric testing of two instruments

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    Background Healthcare professionals’ digital health competence is an important phenomenon to study as healthcare practices are changing globally. Recent research aimed to define this complex phenomenon and identify the current state of healthcare professionals’ competence in digitalisation but did not include an overarching outlook when measuring digital health competence of healthcare professionals. Objectives The purpose of this study was to develop and psychometrically validate two self-assessed instruments measuring digital health competence and factors associating with it. Methods The study followed three phases of instrument development and validation: 1) conceptualisation and item pool generation; 2) content validity testing and pilot study; and 3) construct validity and reliability testing. The conceptual background of the instruments was based on individual interviews conducted with healthcare professionals (n = 20) and previous systematic reviews. A total of 17 experts assessed the instrument’s content validity. Face validity was evaluated by a group of healthcare professionals (n = 20). Data collection from 817 professionals took place in spring-summer 2022 in nine organisations. Construct validity was confirmed with exploratory factor analysis. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the internal consistency of the instruments. Results The instrument development and validation process resulted in two instruments: DigiHealthCom and DigiComInf. DigiHealthCom included 42 items in 5 factors related to digital health competence, and DigiComInf included 15 items in 3 factors related to educational and organisational factors associated with digital health competence. The DigiHealthCom instrument explained 68.9 % of the total variance and the factors’ Cronbach alpha values varied between 0.91 and 0.97. The DigiComInf instrument explained 59.6 % of the total variance and the factors’ Cronbach alpha values varied between 0.76 and 0.88. Conclusions The two instruments gave valid and reliable results in psychometric testing. The instruments could be used to evaluate healthcare professionals’ digital health competence and associated factors

    Reactive Answer Set Programming

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    The prevalence of enteroviral capsid protein vp1 immunostaining in pancreatic islets in human type 1 diabetes.

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    addresses: Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth, UK.The final publication is available at link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00125-009-1276-0Evidence that the beta cells of human patients with type 1 diabetes can be infected with enterovirus is accumulating, but it remains unclear whether such infections occur at high frequency and are important in the disease process. We have now assessed the prevalence of enteroviral capsid protein vp1 (vp1) staining in a large cohort of autopsy pancreases of recent-onset type 1 diabetic patients and a range of controls

    Detection of enterovirus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlates with the presence of the predisposing allele of the type 1 diabetes risk gene IFIH1 and with disease stage

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    Aims/hypothesis Enteroviral infection has been implicated consistently as a key environmental factor correlating with the appearance of autoimmunity and/or the presence of overt type 1 diabetes, in which pancreatic insulin-producing beta cells are destroyed by an autoimmune response. Genetic predisposition through variation in the type 1 diabetes risk gene IFIH1 (interferon induced with helicase C domain 1), which encodes the viral pattern-recognition receptor melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5), supports a potential link between enterovirus infection and type 1 diabetes. Methods We used molecular techniques to detect enterovirus RNA in peripheral blood samples (in separated cellular compartments or plasma) from two cohorts comprising 79 children or 72 adults that include individuals with and without type 1 diabetes who had multiple autoantibodies. We also used immunohistochemistry to detect the enteroviral protein VP1 in the pancreatic islets of post-mortem donors (n=43) with type 1 diabetes. Results We observed enhanced detection sensitivity when sampling the cellular compartment compared with the non-cellular compartment of peripheral blood (OR 21.69; 95% CI 3.64, 229.20; p Conclusions/interpretation Our data indicate that, in peripheral blood, antigen-presenting cells are the predominant source of enterovirus infection, and that infection is correlated with disease stage and genetic predisposition, thereby supporting a role for enterovirus infection prior to disease onset.Peer reviewe