150 research outputs found
La prévision des précipitations par recherche d'analogues : état de l'art et perspectives
La prĂ©vision des prĂ©cipitations par analogie, adaptĂ©e des sorties de modĂšles numĂ©riques de prĂ©vision, s'est amĂ©liorĂ©e ces dix derniĂšres annĂ©es et est actuellement implĂ©mentĂ©e opĂ©rationnellement dans diverses infrastructures françaises. Le premier objectif de cette Ă©tude est de dresser l'Ă©tat de l'art de cette approche. L'application de cette mĂ©thode nĂ©cessite une base de donnĂ©es contenant les champs des variables qui permettent de caractĂ©riser les situations mĂ©tĂ©orologiques passĂ©es. Etant donnĂ© qu'il existe deux archives de gĂ©nĂ©ration diffĂ©rente (rĂ©analyses ERA-40 et NCEP/NCAR), la sensibilitĂ© de cette mĂ©thode de prĂ©vision au choix de l'archive a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent une faible sensibilitĂ©, mĂȘme si de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale les performances sont lĂ©gĂšrement supĂ©rieures avec l'archive ERA-40, notamment pour les Ă©vĂ©nements pluvieux extrĂȘmes. Enfin, des perspectives d'amĂ©lioration de la mĂ©thode susceptibles d'ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es Ă court terme sont Ă©voquĂ©es. / Precipitation forecasting based on an adaptation of model outputs through an analog sorting technique has been improved for around ten years. The method runs operationally in several French institutions. First, this short paper presents the state of the art of this approach and the more recent developments. Second, a sensitivity analysis to the choice of the database from which the variables that characterise the past meteorological situations are extracted is performed. Two available archives are tested (ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR re-analyses). The results show that despite the performances obtained with the ERA-40 database are slightly better, especially for heavy rainfall events, the sensitivity is weak. Finally, further ways for improvement that could be investigated are suggested
GenoChemetic strategy for derivatization of the violacein natural product scaffold
H.E.L. was supported by an Imperial College Presidentâs Ph.D. Scholarship. We thank UKRI EPSRC (EP/K038648/1, EP/L011573/1 to P.S.F.) and the European Unionâs Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007â2013/ERC grant agreement no. 614779 GenoChemetics to R.J.M.G.) for funding. A.M.C.O. receives funding from EPSRC CRITICAT, EP/L016419/1.Natural products and their analogues are often challenging to synthesize due to their complex scaffolds and embedded functional groups. Solely relying on engineering the biosynthesis of natural products may lead to limited compound diversity. Integrating synthetic biology with synthetic chemistry allows rapid access to much more diverse portfolios of xenobiotic compounds, which may accelerate the discovery of new therapeutics. As a proof-of-concept, by supplementing an Escherichia coli strain expressing the violacein biosynthesis pathway with 5-bromo-tryptophan in vitro or tryptophan 7-halogenase RebH in vivo, six halogenated analogues of violacein or deoxyviolacein were generated, demonstrating the promiscuity of the violacein biosynthesis pathway. Furthermore, 20 new derivatives were generated from 5-brominated violacein analogues via the SuzukiâMiyaura cross-coupling reaction directly using the crude extract without prior purification. Herein we demonstrate a flexible and rapid approach to access a diverse chemical space that can be applied to a wide range of natural product scaffolds.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Testing MOS precipitation downscaling for ENSEMBLES regional climate models over Spain
Model Output Statistics (MOS) has been recently proposed as an alternative to the standard perfect prognosis statistical downscaling approach for Regional Climate Model (RCM) outputs. In this case, the model output for the variable of interest (e.g. precipitation) is directly downscaled using observations. In this paper we test the performance of a MOS implementation of the popular analog methodology (referred to as MOS analog) applied to downscale daily precipitation outputs over Spain. To this aim, we consider the stateâofâtheâart ERA40âdriven RCMs provided by the EUâfunded ENSEMBLES project and the Spain02 gridded observations data set, using the common period 1961â2000. The MOS analog method improves the representation of the mean regimes, the annual cycle, the frequency and the extremes of precipitation for all RCMs, regardless of the region and the model reliability (including relatively lowâperforming models), while preserving the daily accuracy. The good performance of the method in this complex climatic region suggests its potential transferability to other regions. Furthermore, in order to test the robustness of the method in changing climate conditions, a crossâvalidation in driest or wettest years was performed. The method improves the RCM results in both cases, especially in the former
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