598 research outputs found

    Re-Worlding the Virtual: Exploring Art and Archipelagic Education through Virtual Environments

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    This paper expands on the use of virtual environments to address educational questions around social isolation, embodiment and knowledge production. Supported by curricular experimentations with archipelagic thinking, it reflects on the potential for virtual environments to provide novel educational contexts for students to explore the relationship between art and environment at a time of climate transition. Archipelagic thinking is a theoretical framework that emerged out of Island studies and postcolonial discourse in the late 20th century. Emphasising relational flow between islanders, islands, entities and worlds, archipelagic thinking seeks to address the epistemological distinctions between centre and periphery, between the northern and southern hemispheres, what Boaventura De Sousa Santos has called ‘the abyssal line’(De Sousa Santos, 2018). Within this context, post-abyssal pedagogies are pedagogies that challenge the epistemic injustices between official and unofficial knowledge, mapped out through geographic location. These theoretical frameworks became the methodological ground upon which a virtual pedagogical experiment was developed in the MA Art and Environment, in west cork. Aiming to create a more embodied educational experience within virtual reality, archipelagic spaces were constructed to support exchanges with local voices and local knowledge. Re-worlding the virtual through these processes, the Virtual Archipelago was further expanded into a European-wide conference on the ethics and politics of virtual reality education in arts institutions. Reflecting on the values and principles that have emerged through these discussions this paper points towards some possible research directions

    Complete intersections: Moduli, Torelli, and good reduction

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    We study the arithmetic of complete intersections in projective space over number fields. Our main results include arithmetic Torelli theorems and versions of the Shafarevich conjecture, as proved for curves and abelian varieties by Faltings. For example, we prove an analogue of the Shafarevich conjecture for cubic and quartic threefolds and intersections of two quadrics.Comment: 37 pages. Typo's fixed. Expanded Section 2.

    Reflections on the Formation and Growth of the SURE Network: a National Disciplinary Network to Enhance Undergraduate Research in the Sciences

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    The Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Network is an academic network comprised of nine Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Ireland that seeks to enhance the profile of, and practices in, undergraduate research in the Sciences within the Technological Higher Education Sector. This paper presents the reflections of the network\u27s leaders on the formation and growth of the network over the period from 2015, just prior to its establishment, to 2020 when the network hosted its seventh undergraduate research conference, published its second undergraduate journal issue, and initiated a coordinated community of practice in response to the Covid-19 crisis. The paper presents the motivations of the leaders for establishing and joining the SURE network, their interpretation of how involvement in the network enhances practice in their own HEI, their reflections on how their own personal development was enhanced, their interpretation of the factors that have contributed to the success of the network, and the direction in which they see the network going in the future. The collective reflections of the leaders of the SURE Network, as presented in this paper, provide importance guidance for those seeking to establish similar academic networks, both in the area of undergraduate research and elsewhere

    Emissões públicas de ações, volatilidade e insider information na Bovespa

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    O trabalho utiliza um estudo de evento para examinar os retornos de ações relacionados a emissões públicas por empresas brasileiras listadas na BOVESPA, realizadas entre 1992 e 2002, buscando determinar como o mercado reagiu antes, durante e depois da data do anúncio da emissão. Após utilizar a metodologia convencional de mensuração de retornos anormais por OLS, foram utilizados modelos ARCH e GARCH, que levam em consideração a heteroscedasticidade condicional da volatilidade dos retornos anormais, em mais de 70% da amostra, após a constatação da presença desses processos nos resíduos originais. Os resultados mostram que 1) há evidências de insider information antes da data do anúncio, (2) que ocorrem retornos anormais negativos na data do anúncio e (3) que, no período de um ano após as emissões, as ações das empresas que captaram recursos via underwriting tiveram retornos negativos após ajuste ao risco e ao mercado

    Evaluating outcomes of therapies offered by occupational therapists in adult mental health

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    Background: Attitudes towards the use of outcome measures by professionals working in mental health have been shown to be variable. Occupational therapists appear to have difficulty specifying goals and measuring the outcomes of interventions. Aims: To measure the outcomes of therapies offered by occupational therapists and to assess concurrent validity of the Van du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdT MoCA) assessment. Method: The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), VdT MoCA assessment and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) were used. Changes in mean scores on the measures were assessed using appropriate tests. Correlations between measures were assessed using Spearman's non-parametric test. Results: Mean post-therapy scores were significantly higher than pre-therapy scores on all three measures. VdT MoCA assessment scores pre- and post-therapy were highly correlated with GAF scores. The COPM outcome scores were uncorrelated with VdT MoCA assessment and GAF scores. Conclusions: The results offer a promising indication that occupational therapy interventions may increase functioning and thus aid clients' recovery. The VdT MoCA assessment is promising as a measure of improvement in functioning. Further research is needed to confirm these results and to further explore issues around occupational therapists' use of outcome measures

    The Scottish clinical supervision model for midwives

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    Following a change in UK legislation, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) model of statutory supervision for midwives ceased in 2017. In response, the Scottish Government (SG) and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) worked with the NHS Health Boards to develop a new employer-led model of clinical supervision. The aim of this new model is to help midwives provide improved services, safer care and improved outcomes for childbearing women and infants in keeping with professional regulation. The new Scottish Clinical Supervision Model is also designed to increase midwives personal wellbeing and help them deal with everyday challenges of clinical practice. This design of supervision is a radical departure from the prior NMC model, given that it incorporates facilitation and coaching methods which teach midwives to respond, reflect, and restore self, and through doing so reduce stress and increase resilience. In an attempt to improve nurturing leadership, the key components of this new model are underpinned by a person-centred approach, during which the supervisor provides unconditional positive regard and empathy towards the supervisee. Equipping midwives to develop contemporary supervision is supported by NES through online education that can be accessed at: https://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-theme-initiative/maternity-care/about-us/clinical-supervision.asp

    El Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido en ciencias: estado de la cuestión

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    This paper gives a descriptive overview of the literature related to Pedagogical Content Knowledge - PCK - in the sciences. It is expected that this review can contribute to a better understanding of PCK, pointing out what has been investigated about this concept. Specifically, we analyze: a) how PCK is defined, what are its main features and how it has been appropriated by teachers; b) the relationship between PCK, knowledge of the contents to be taught and students learning; c) how PCK was actually used in teachers' training and teachers' evaluation; and, d) the scientific areas in which PCK has been studied. It concludes that PCK is an essential tool for improving the quality of teacher training

    Inhaled carbon monoxide protects against the development of shock and mitochondrial injury following hemorrhage and resuscitation

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    Aims: Currently, there is no effective resuscitative adjunct to fluid and blood products to limit tissue injury for traumatic hemorrhagic shock. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of inhaled carbon monoxide (CO) to limit inflammation and tissue injury, and specifically mitochondrial damage, in experimental models of hemorrhage and resuscitation. Results: Inhaled CO (250 ppm for 30 minutes) protected against mortality in severe murine hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation (HS/R) (20% vs. 80%; P<0.01). Additionally, CO limited the development of shock as determined by arterial blood pH (7.25±0.06 vs. 7.05±0.05; P<0.05), lactate levels (7.2±5.1 vs 13.3±6.0; P<0.05), and base deficit (13±3.0 vs 24±3.1; P<0.05). A dose response of CO (25-500 ppm) demonstrated protection against HS/R lung and liver injury as determined by MPO activity and serum ALT, respectively. CO limited HS/R-induced increases in serum tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 levels as determined by ELISA (P<0.05 for doses of 100-500ppm). Furthermore, inhaled CO limited HS/R induced oxidative stress as determined by hepatic oxidized glutathione:reduced glutathione levels and lipid peroxidation. In porcine HS/R, CO did not influence hemodynamics. However, CO limited HS/R-induced skeletal muscle and platelet mitochondrial injury as determined by respiratory control ratio (muscle) and ATP-linked respiration and mitochondrial reserve capacity (platelets). Conclusion: These preclinical studies suggest that inhaled CO can be a protective therapy in HS/R; however, further clinical studies are warranted