330 research outputs found

    FIC/FEM formulation with matrix stabilizing terms for incompressible flows at low and high Reynolds numbers

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00466-006-0060-yWe present a general formulation for incompressible fluid flow analysis using the finite element method. The necessary stabilization for dealing with convective effects and the incompressibility condition are introduced via the Finite Calculus method using a matrix form of the stabilization parameters. This allows to model a wide range of fluid flow problems for low and high Reynolds numbers flows without introducing a turbulence model. Examples of application to the analysis of incompressible flows with moderate and large Reynolds numbers are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Advances in the development of the discrete element method for excavation processes

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    This work presents new developments of the discrete element method improving e ciency and accuracy of modelling of rock-like materials, especially in excavation processes.Postprint (published version

    Presence of Appendix Fibrosa Hepatitis: Study of Bioanthropological and Structure Correlation

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    Indexacion: ScieloRESUMEN: El apéndice fibroso hepático es una estructura anatómica del espacio subfrénico, poco descrita en la literatura universal y de importancia clínica. Se diseñó un protocolo para ser realizado en cadáveres donde se determina su presencia, características y correlación estadística con factores antropométricos. En 24 cadáveres se determina que el apéndice fibroso hepático siempre está presente, y que no existe correlación estadísticamente significativa, pero sí se observa variabilidad entre las dimensiones biométricas analizadas. SUMMARY: The hepatic fibrous appendix is an anatomical structure of the subfrenic space scarcely described in the universal literature and of vital clinical importance. For their study a protocol was designed to be carried out in cadavers where its presence is determined, characteristic and statistical correlation with anthropometric factors. In 24 cadavers it is determined that the hepatic fibrous appendix is always present, and that correlation doesn't exist statistically significant among the analyzed anthropological factors, but it's possible to observe variability in it's dimensions

    Communicating Arteries of the Cerebral Arterial Circle: Biometric Features and their Relation with the Cephalic Index

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    Indexación: ScieloLa clínica neuroquirúrgica tiene la necesidad de un acabado conocimiento anatómico de las arterias comunicantes como integrantes del círculo arterial del cerebro, por su variabilidad morfológica, su relación compleja con las estructuras adyacentes y por la alta frecuencia observada en la conformación de aneurismas. Debido a la importancia de estos vasos, efectuamos un estudio biométrico de los mismas, relacionando datos de calibre y longitud con índice cefálico. En el sexo masculino, el calibre promedio de la ACoP fue de 1,07 mm en el lado derecho y de 1,06 mm en el izquierdo; en el sexo femenino fue de 1,12 mm en el lado derecho y de 1,14 mm en el izquierdo. En el grupo de individuos con índice braquicéfalo, el calibre de la ACoP fue de 1,15 mm y en el grupo dolicomesocéfalo fue de 1,05 mm. Su longitud fue de 18,65 mm en los braquicéfalos y de 16,44 mm en los dolicomesocéfalos.El calibre de la ACoA fue de 1,53 mm en el sexo masculino y de 1,05 mm en el femenino, mientras que su longitud fue de 2,81 mm en el sexo masculino y de 2,33 mm en el femenino.La descripción biométrica y bioantropológica muestra parámetros importantes a considerar en la clínica quirúrgica. PALABRAS CLAVE : Anatomía; Biometría; Círculo arterial cerebral; Arterias comunicantes; Indice cefálico. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESUMEN: The neurosurgical clinic needs extensive and thorough anatomical knowledge of the communicating arteries as part of the cerebral arterial circle for their morphological variability, their complex relation as adjacent structures, and for the frequency observed in the formation of aneurisms. Considering the importance of these vessels, we conducted a biometric study of these, relating caliber and longitude information to the cephalic index. In the male, the mean caliber of the PCoA <p was of 1.07 mm on the right side and 1.06 mm on the left; in the female it was of 1.12 mm on the right side and of 1.14 mm on the left. In the group of individuals with brachiocephalic index, the caliber of the ACoP was of 1.15 mm and in the dolichomesocephalic groups was 1.05 mm. Its longitude was 18.65 mm in the brachiocephalous and of 16.44 mm in the dolichomesochephalic. The caliber of the ACoA was of 1.53 mm in the male and 1.05 mm in the female, while its longitude was of 2.81 mm in the male and 2.33 mm in the female. The biometric and bioanthropologic description shows important parameters to be considered in clinical surgery. KEY WORDS : Anatomy; Biometry; Cerebral arterial circle; Communicating arteries; Cephalic index

    Non-woven polypropylene fabric modified with carbon nanotubes and decorated with nanoakaganeite for arsenite removal

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    Due to its harmful impact on human health, the presence of heavy metals, metalloids and other toxic pollutants in drinking or irrigation water is a major concern. Recent studies have proved that nanosized adsorbents are significantly more effective than their microsized counterparts. Particular attention has been given to nanocomposites with nanoadsorbents embedded in matrixes that could provide stability to the material and contribute to eliminating problems that may appear when using conventional granular systems. This study presents the preparation of a novel hybrid filter from a commercially available polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric matrix modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and iron oxy(hydroxide) nanoparticles, and its use in the removal of As(III). A Box–Behnken statistical experimental design has been chosen to explore relevant variables affecting the filter performance: (1) As(III) concentration, (2) pH and (3) sorbent dose. From an As(III) concentration of 10 mg L−1, at pH 6.5 and with a sorbent dose of 5 g L−1, the PP filter modified with MWCNT removes 10% of the initial metalloid concentration, reaching a capacity of 0.27 mg g−1. After modification with iron oxy(hydroxide), the performance of the material is largely enhanced. The filter, under the same conditions, removes 90% of the initial As(III) concentration, reaching a capacity almost tenfold higher (2.54 mg g−1). This work demonstrates that the developed hybrid filter is effective toward the removal of As(III) in a wide range of pHs. A cubic regression model to compute the removal of the filter as a function of pH and sorbent dose is provided.acceptedVersio

    Making Strides: State of the Practice of Pedestrian Forecasting in Regional Travel Models

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    Much has changed in the 30 years since non-motorized modes were first included in regional travel demand models. As interest in understanding behavioral influences on walking and policies requiring estimates of walking activity increase, it is important to consider how pedestrian travel is modeled at a regional level. This paper evaluates the state of the practice of modeling walk trips among the largest 48 metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and assesses changes made over the last 5 years. By reviewing model documentation and responses to a survey of MPO modelers, this paper summarizes current practices, describes six pedestrian modeling frameworks, and identifies trends. Three-quarters (75%) of large MPOs now model non-motorized travel, and over two-thirds (69%) of those MPOs distinguish walking from bicycling; these percentages are up from nearly two-thirds (63%) and one-half (47%), respectively, in 2012. This change corresponds with an increase in the deployment of activity-based models, which offer the opportunity to enhance pedestrian modeling techniques. The biggest barrier to more sophisticated models remains a lack of travel survey data on walking behavior, yet some MPOs are starting to overcome this challenge by oversampling potential active travelers. Decision-makers are becoming more interested in analyzing walking and using estimates of walking activity that are output from models for various planning applications. As the practice continues to mature, the near future will likely see smaller-scale measures of the pedestrian environment, more detailed zonal and network structures, and possibly even an operational model of pedestrian route choice

    Amide-Directed Formation of Five-Coordinate Osmium Alkylidenes from Alkynes

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    The amide-directed synthesis of five-coordinate osmium alkylidene derivatives from alkynes is reported. These types of complexes, which have been elusive until now because of the tendency of osmium to give hydride alkylidyne species, are prepared by reaction of the dihydride OsH2Cl2(PiPr3)2 (1) with terminal alkynes containing a distal amide group. Complex 1 reacts with N-phenylhex-5-ynamide and N-phenylhepta-6-ynamide to give OsCl2{=C(CH3)(CH2)nNH(CO)Ph}(PiPr3)2 (n = 3 (2), 4 (3)). The relative position of carbonyl and NH groups in the organic substrates has no influence on the reaction. Thus, treatment of 1 with N-(pent-4-yn-1-yl)benzamide leads to OsCl2{=C(CH3)(CH2)3NHC(O)Ph}(PiPr3)2 (4). The new compounds are intermediate species in the cleavage of the C-C triple bond of the alkynes. Under mild conditions, they undergo the rupture of the Ca-CH3 bond of the alkylidene, which comes from the alkyne triple bond, to afford six-coordinate hydride-alkylidyne derivatives. In dichloromethane, complex 2 gives a 10:7 mixture of OsHCl2{=C(CH2)3C(O)NHPh}(PiPr3)2 (5) and OsHCl2{=CCH(CH3)(CH2)2C(O)NHPh}(PiPr3)2 (6). The first complex contains a linear separation between the alkylidyne Ca atom and the amide group, whereas the spacer is branched in the second complex. In contrast to the case for 2, complex 4 selectively affords OsHCl2{=C(CH2)3NHC(O)Ph}(PiPr3)2 (7). In spite of their instability, these compounds give the alkylidene-allene metathesis, being a useful entry to five-coordinate vinylidene complexes, including the dicarbon-disubstituted OsCl2(=C=CMe2)(PiPr3)2 (8) and the monosubstituted OsCl2(=C=CHCy)(PiPr3)2 (9)

    Elaboración y validez de un cuestionario de las habilidades motrices iniciales para estudiantes de enseñanza media chilena

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    El siguiente artículo presenta la elaboración y validación de un cuestionario de habilidades motrices que mida el estado de dichas habilidades a través de la percepción de las y los profesores de Educación Física (EF) en Chile durante la transición de la enseñanza básica hacia la enseñanza media para desempeñarse correctamente en las clases de EF. Para dicha validación se ha considerado un modelo de habilidades motrices. En una primera fase se realizó el análisis y vaciado del currículum de Educación Física chileno de 7º básico a 4º año medio para luego dar paso a una segunda fase de la creación del cuestionario y posteriormente realizar la validación de contenido, de constructo y la fiabilidad del instrumento en una tercera fase a través de la recogida de datos en una muestra piloto. A partir de los datos mostrados, se concluye que el instrumento creado es válido y fiable

    The Relation between Attitudes toward Functional Foods and Satisfaction with Food-Related Life

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    Purpose – To assess the effect of attitudes towards functional foods (FF) on university students’ satisfaction with food-related life and to distinguish student typologies, considering that the attitudes towards FF are not homogeneous among consumers. Design/methodology - A survey was applied to 372 university students (mean age=20.4 years, SD=2.4) in southern Chile. The questionnaire included the Attitudes towards Functional Foods (AFF) questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Food-related Life (SWFL) scale, questions about consumption and knowledge about FF and socio-demographic characteristics. Findings – Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling, it was found that attitudes toward functional foods directly and significantly influence students’ satisfaction with food-related life. A cluster analysis applied to the Z-scores from the factors obtained by the CFA classified three typologies: Positive towards FF (36.3%), moderately positive towards FF (43.0%) and negative towards FF (20.7%). The positive towards FF type had a significantly greater SWFL score than the negative towards FF type. The types differ according to consumption and knowledge about FF. Research limitations/implications – This study was conducted in the context of only one country in South America. Originality/value – This study is the first that assesses the effect of AFF on satisfaction with food-related life in a sample of university students. Fostering positive attitudes towards FF will allow for a growth in the degree of satisfaction with food-related life of university students with features similar to those of the study sample