49 research outputs found

    Kantzonsskötsel sett över tid i Krycklans avrinningsomrÄde : har sammansÀttningen i kantzoner pÄverkats av tidigare skogsskötsel sedan 1963?

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    Ecosystem services and many conflicting interests make management of small streams in the forest an important topic. Streams need to be protected in a way that maintains water quality, quantity and riparian characteristics. In 2013 the Swedish Forest Agency presented new Strategic Management Objectives (SMOs or “mĂ„lbilder”), that included directives for protecting streams in the forest by better management of riparian zones and creation of buffers. The aim of this study was to determine how past forest management has affected riparian zones. The data was collected within the Krycklan Catchment Study area in Vindeln, VĂ€sterbotten County, Sweden in autumn of 2019. Characteristics of the riparian zones, such as species richness of woody plants and the presence of stumps, were inventoried and have been analysed both over time and at different distances from the stream. Additionally, a subjective visual analysis of aerial photos (from 1963 to 2013) and a measure of the buffer width left after a harvest were made. The results showed a connection between both species richness of all woody plants and deciduous species related to distance from stream and age class. Presence of stumps for deciduous trees decreased over time. There were also differences in riparian buffer width over time. It was difficult to see a correlation between past forest management and the components inventoried in riparian zones. The changes in the Forestry Act in 1993 could have had some effect on the protection of streams. The SMOs from 2013 have not yet had an effect on riparian zones.EkosystemtjĂ€nster och mĂ„nga intressenter gör skydd av smĂ„ vattendrag i skogen till en viktig frĂ„ga. Vattendragen mĂ„ste skyddas och skötas sĂ„ kvaliteten och kvantiteten inte sjunker. Politik och lagar har reglerat hur skogsbruk ska bedrivas och 2013 kom nya mĂ„lbilder vilket kunde utveckla skydd för vattendrag ytterligare. MĂ„let med detta kandidatarbete var att se hur den historiska skogsskötseln har pĂ„verkat och utvecklat kantzoner över tid. Denna infallsvinkel Ă€r intressant för framtida skötsel och skydd av dels vattendrag men ocksĂ„ av skogens- och vattnets ekosystem. Datat som Ă€r anvĂ€nt kommer frĂ„n Krycklans avrinningsomrĂ„de, Vindeln, VĂ€sterbottens lĂ€n, Sverige och Ă€r insamlat hösten 2019. Olika komponenter i kantzonen som till exempel artrikedom och förekomst av stubbar har inventerats och analyserats. För att komplettera analysen har subjektiva analyser gjorts av flygfoton (frĂ„n 1963 till 2013) och bredden pĂ„ lĂ€mnade kantzoner efter avverkning har mĂ€tts. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett samband mellan de olika inventerade komponenterna och Ă„ldersklass respektive avstĂ„nd frĂ„n vattendraget. Det syntes skillnad i bredd pĂ„ kantzoner som var lĂ€mnade innan och efter 1993. Det var svĂ„rt att se en korrelation mellan tidigare skogsskötsel och de inventerade komponenterna i kantzoner. Ändringarna i SkogsvĂ„rdslagen 1993 kan ha haft en effekt pĂ„ kantzoner och det önskade skyddet av vattendrag. MĂ„lbilderna frĂ„n 2013 har inte pĂ„verkat zonerna i denna studie

    Krav pÄ robusthet i prefabricerade betongkonstruktioner

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    The ability for a damaged structure to withstand progressive collapse is often referred to as robustness. A robust building is characterized by the fact that the consequence of local damage is never more severe than the initial event. The way in which structural robustness is approached in the design of a building differs a great deal from one structural engineer to another. For a structure in consequence class 2b or higher, Eurocode requires that at least one out of three alternatives (indirect method, direct method, key element) is applied. Guidance for when and how to apply each method is appalling or completely missing. In addition to this, there are two different parts of Eurocode (EN 1991-1-7 and EN 1992-1-1) treating the subject and for a given set of circumstances, result in different design tensile forces. It’s difficult to conclude which part of Eurocode and which set of equations to apply. This leads to a situation where each structural engineer has to make his own individual interpretation of the code. However, by researching, reasoning and by mapping arguments from structural engineers with varying academic backgrounds (structural engineering consultants, professors and PhD students) it’s possible to identify interpretations that are more rational than others

    Temporal associations between morningness/eveningness, problematic social media use, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness: mediated roles of sleep quality and insomnia among young adults

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    The extant literature has suggested relationships between an individual's chronotype (in relation to morningness/eveningness) and several outcomes, including addictive disorders, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness. Moreover, sleep quality has been proposed to be a mediator in the aforementioned relationships. Consequently, the aim of the present study was to investigate the complex relationship between morningness/eveningness, problematic social media use, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness, with the potential mediators of sleep quality and insomnia. All participants (N = 1,791 [30.1% males]; mean age = 27.2 years, SD = 10.1) completed a battery of psychometric scales, including a reduced version of the Morningness‐Eveningness Questionnaire (at baseline), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Insomnia Severity Index (1 month after baseline assessment), the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (2 months after baseline assessment). The impacts of morningness‐eveningness on problematic social media use, anxiety, depression and daytime sleepiness were found in the mediation models. Furthermore, the mediated effects of insomnia and sleep quality were observed. The present study's results emphasize the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and sleep hygiene behaviours, and that of early detection of sleep problems among individuals who have the eveningness chronotype, because this would significantly improve their health outcomes

    Patient participation in nursing bedside handover: a systematic mixed-methods review

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    Background: Numerous reviews of nursing handover have been undertaken, but none have focused on the patients’ role. Objectives: To explore how patient participation in nursing shift-to-shift bedside handover can be enacted. Design: Systematic mixed-methods review. Data sources: Three search strategies were undertaken in July-August 2016: database searching, backwards citation searching and forward citation searching. To be included, papers had to either be research or quality improvement (QI) projects focusing on the patient role. Fifty-four articles were retrieved, including 21 studies and 25 QI projects. Review methods: Screening, data extraction and quality appraisal was undertaken systematically by two reviewers. Research studies and QI projects were synthesised separately using thematic synthesis, then the results of this synthesis were combined using a mixed-method synthesis table. Results: Segregated synthesis of research of patients’ perceptions revealed two contrasting categories; (1) patient-centred handover and (2) nurse-centred handover. Segregated synthesis of research of nurses’ perceptions included three categories: (1) viewing the patient as an information resource; (2) dealing with confidential and sensitive information; and (3) enabling patient participation. The segregated synthesis of QI projects included two categories: (1) nurse barrier to enacting patient participation in bedside handover; and (2) involving patients in beside handover. Once segregated findings were configured, we discovered that the patients’ role in bedside handover involves contributing clinical information related to their care or progress, which may affect patient safety. Barriers relate to nurses’ concerns for the consequences of encouraging patient participation, worries for sharing confidential and sensitive information and feeling hesitant in changing their handover methods. The way nurses approach patients, and how patient-centred they are, constitute further potential barriers. Strategies to improve patient participation in handover include training nurses, making handovers predictable for patients and involving both patients and nurses throughout the change process. Conclusions: Using research and QI projects allowed diverse findings to expand each other and identify gaps between research and heuristic knowledge. Our review showed the tension between standardising handovers and making them predictable for patient participation, while promoting tailored and flexible handovers. Further investigation of this issue is required, to understand how to train nurses and ensure patients’ viewpoint is captured. Many barriers and strategies identified QI projects were from the nurse perspective, thus caution interpreting results is required. We recommend steps be taken in the future to ensure improved quality of QI projects

    Patient influence in home-based reablement for older persons: qualitative research

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    Abstract Background Reablement services are rehabilitation for older people living at home, being person-centered in information, mapping and the goal-setting conversation. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about conversation processes and patient influence in formulating the patients’ goals. There are two research questions: How do conversation theme, structure and processes appear in interactions aiming to decide goals of home-based reablement rehabilitation for the elderly? How professionals’ communication skills do influence on patients' participation in conversation about everyday life and goals of home-based reablement? Methods A qualitative field study explored eight cases of naturally occurring conversations between patients and healthcare professionals in a rehabilitation team. Patients were aged 67–90 years old. The reablement team consisted of an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, nurse and care workers. Data was collected by audio recording the conversations. Transcribed text was analyzed for conversational theme and communication patterns as they emerged within main themes. Results Patient participation differed with various professional leadership and communication in the information, mapping and goalsetting process. In the data material in its entirety, conversations consisted mainly of three parts where each part dealt with one of the three main topics. The first part was “Introduction to the program.” The main part of the talk was about mapping (“Varying patient participation when discussing everyday life”), while the last part was about goal setting (“Goals of rehabilitation”). Conclusions Home-based reablement requires communication skills to encourage user participation, and mapping of resources and needs, leading to the formulation of objectives. Professional health workers must master integrating two intentions: goal-oriented and person-centered communication that requires communication skills and leadership ability in communication, promoting patient influence and goal-setting. Quality of such conversations is complex, and requires the ability to apply integrated knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to communication situations

    Response of Spring Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vernalis L.) to fire disturbance : a population study in northern Sweden

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    Spring Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill, is a perennial plant which grows in open and sandy pine forests. It is considered sensitive to competition and in need of repeated disturbances. In Sweden P. vernalis has declined severely and was assessed as endangered (EN) in the latest Red List. The boreal forest has historically been disturbed by wildfires but in Scandinavia wildfires are rare today and this is thought to have affected many species negatively, including P. vernalis. The aim of this study was to examine survival and growth of P. vernalis after fire disturbance. A prescribed burning was made in August 2020, covering parts of a large P. vernalis population at Hokaberg, HÀrjedalen, northern Sweden. Before burning 108 plants were marked and the first re-growing plants were observed within only 18 days. In the summer of 2021 all marked plants were inventoried, showing that 78 percent had survived the fire. Plant size increased between the summer and autumn of 2021 in spite of considerable grazing. None of the plants in the burned area flowered in 2021 but in autumn many had set flower buds. In the unburned area at Hokaberg few plants flowered in 2021 and no seedlings were observed. Here many of the plants were hardly grazed and 20 percent lost all their aboveground parts. A seedling experiment with burned and unburned soil from Hokaberg was set up in the lab. Growth was marginally better in burnt soil but the main result was that growth differed markedly between individual soil samples. Half of the plants were given an external nitrogen source, but this did not affect the growth. To conclude, the fire resulted in low mortality and strong post-fire growth. Many plants in the burned area are set to flower in 2022, in spite of the grazing pressure. Observations of abundant seedling establishment at a nearby older burnt area suggest that the population at Hokaberg will expand considerably in the coming years in response to the prescribed fire.Mosippa, Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill., Àr en flerÄrig ört som vÀxer i ljusa sandtallskogar, Àr konkurrenskÀnslig och anses lÄngsiktigt beroende av Äterkommande störningar. Mosippan har en starkt nedgÄende trend och bedömdes som starkt hotad, EN, i rödlistan 2020. I Skandinavien har skogsbrÀnderna kraftigt minskat under mer Àn ett sekel och detta tros ha pÄverkat mÄnga arter negativt, dÀribland mosippan. Syftet med denna studie var att utreda mosippans överlevnad och tillvÀxt efter brandstörning. En brÀnning genomfördes i augusti 2020 inom en större mosippslokal i Hokaberg, HÀrjedalen. Inför brÀnningen markerades 108 mosippor. De första ÄtervÀxande plantorna observerades redan efter 18 dagar. Sommaren 2021 inventerades alla mÀrkta plantor och 22 procent hade dött av branden. Plantorna ökade i storlek frÄn sommaren till hösten trots att de utsattes för bete. Ingen av plantorna i brÀnnan blommade 2021 men mÄnga av dem hade satt blomknopp. PÄ den obrÀnda lokalen i Hokaberg fanns fÄ blommor 2021 och inga groddplantor. MÄnga av plantorna i det obrÀnda omrÄdet var svÄrt betade och 20 procent saknade helt grönmassa hösten 2021. Ett sÄddförsök med brÀnd och obrÀnd jord genomfördes i labb. Resultatet visades nÄgot bÀttre tillvÀxt i brÀnd jord, men framförallt stor skillnad mellan individuella jordprover. HÀlften av krukorna tillsattes en extern kvÀvekÀlla men det gav inget tydlig effekt pÄ tillvÀxten. Slutsatsen Àr att naturvÄrdsbrÀnningen gav upphov till en viss mortalitet men att mÄnga av mosipporna i det brÀnda omrÄdet kommer att blomma redan Är tvÄ, trots pÄtagligt bete och mager mark. Observationer av riklig etablering av groddplantor pÄ en nÀraliggande ett Är Àldre brÀnna indikerar att populationen kommer att vÀxa betydligt de nÀrmaste Ären

    Interaktiv forskning

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    FrÄn inledningen: I detta paper Àr min avsikt att beskriva och diskutera den interaktiva forsk-ningen och hur kunskap kan skapas i denna ansats samt öka förstÄelsen för hur jag som forskare bör interagera med praktiken för att skapa ett gemen-sam lÀrande. Jag kommer att utgÄ frÄn min metoddesign och kritiskt disku-tera huruvida den beskrivna ansatsen kan öka kunskapsbildningen och va-liditeten i min forskning

    The professional caregivers experiences when a patient commits suicide.

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    Inom psykiatrisk verksamhet hÀnder det att patienter tar sitt liv under pÄgÄende behandling eller i direkt anslutning till en behandlingsperiod. Enligt patientsÀkerhetsförordningen mÄste dessa hÀndelser rapporteras och utredas. Syftet med patientsÀkerhetsförordningen Àr att den ska frÀmja hög patientsÀkerhet inom hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd genom att minska antalet vÄrdskador, oavsett om bristerna beror pÄ systemfel eller pÄ att vÄrdpersonal begÄtt misstag. Fokus Àr sÄledes pÄ ett patientperspektiv, dÀrför kÀnns det angelÀget att studera upplevelser som vÀcks hos olika grupper av vÄrdgivare nÀr en patient begÄr suicid. FrÄgestÀllningar: Behandlares upplevelser nÀr en patient gör suicid. Metod: En kvalitativ intervju pÄ fenomenologisk grund genomfördes med fem vÄrdgivare i psykiatrisk verksamhet, tvÄ sjuksköterskor med steg 1 utbildning och tre skötare. Resultat: Upplevelser hos vÄrdgivare som Àr med om en patients suicid kÀnnetecknas av chock, traumatisk stress och sorg. Det vÀcks ocksÄ tankar som rör den egna professionen och i en del fall oro för följder av beslut som i efterhand kan bedömas vara felaktiga. Diskussion: NÀr vÄrdgivare intervjuas om sina upplevelser efter en patients suicid, berÀttas om olika reaktioner som inte uppmÀrksammats nÀmnvÀrt. Det kÀnns dÀrför angelÀget att belysa de upplevelser av chock, sorg och traumatisk karaktÀr som Àr vanliga

    Samarbete som en Möjliggörare för Bildandet av Industriell Symbios mellan Tillverkningsföretag : En Studie inom Norrbotten & VÀsterbotten

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    Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of how collaboration in the manufacturing industry can enable the formation of industrial symbiosis by identifying challenges and strategies. To fulfill this purpose, two research questions has been addressed: What are the factors hindering collaboration and thus IS formation between companies in Norr- & VÀsterbotten? and What are the enabling strategies allowing collaboration for IS formation in Norr- & VÀsterbotten? Method: The research was conducted as a qualitative, inductive study of exploratory nature. The study utilized semi-structured interviews, in total, 14 interviews were conducted with regional companies and additional actors. The data was analyzed through thematic analysis. Findings: The study reveals that companies in the region face three challenges to successful collaboration: insufficient inter-organizational work methods, conservative market for new or agile collaborations, and uncertainty regarding collaboration and knowledge sharing. The study also identified four strategies to overcome those challenges: promoting communication mechanisms, utilize financial and sustainability value as incentive model, offer a platform for networking and matchmaking, and creating transparent data sharing between actors. These findings are summarized in a contingency framework to illustrate what challenges can be addressed by what strategies. Theoretical and practical implications: This study extends the industrial symbiosis literature by utilizing collaboration as a effective means of achieving increased cases of IS formation. Additionally, this study provides collaboration challenges and strategies, with a framework to help practitioners and policy makers successfully navigate and facilitate collaborative efforts. Lastly, this study investigated Norrbotten and VÀsterbotten, a previously rather unexplored re-gion. Limitations and further research: The generalizability of the findings are uncertain as they rest on the conditions of the region and mostly metallurgical SMEs. Consequently, it is recommended that future research replicate similar studies in other geographical areas, possibly including more companies and an increased diversity.Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att öka förstÄelsen för hur samarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin kan möjliggöra bildandet av industriell symbios genom att identifiera utmaningar och strategier. För att uppfylla syftet har tvÄ forskningsfrÄgor behandlats: Vilka faktorer hindrar samarbete och dÀrmed IS-bildande mellan företag i Norr- & VÀsterbotten? och Vilka strategier möjliggör samarbete för IS-bildande i Norr- & VÀsterbotten? Metod: Forskningen genomfördes som en kvalitativ, induktiv studie av explorativ karaktÀr. I studien anvÀndes semistrukturerade intervjuer, totalt genomfördes 14 intervjuer med regionala företag och ytterligare aktörer. Datan analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultat: Studien visar att företag i regionen stÄr inför tre utmaningar för framgÄngsrikt samarbete: otillrÀckliga interorganisatoriska arbetsmetoder, konservativ marknad för nya eller agila samarbeten och osÀkerhet kring samarbete och kunskapsdelning. Studien identifierade ocksÄ fyra strategier för att övervinna dessa utmaningar: frÀmja kommunikationsmekanismer, anvÀnda ekonomiskt vÀrde och hÄllbarhetsvÀrde som incitament, erbjuda en plattform för nÀtverk och matchmaking samt skapa transparent datadelning mellan aktörer. Dessa resultat sammanfattas i ett framework för att illustrera vilka utmaningar som kan hanteras med vilka strategier. Teoretiska och praktiska bidrag: Denna studie utökar den industriella symbioslitteraturen genom att anvÀnda samarbete som ett effektivt sÀtt att uppnÄ ökat antal fall av IS-bildning. Dessutom tillhandahÄller den hÀr studien samarbetsutmaningar och strategier, med ett framework för att hjÀlpa praktiserande aktörer och beslutsfattare att framgÄngsrikt navigera och underlÀtta samarbeten. Slutligen undersökte denna studie Norrbotten och VÀsterbotten, en tidigare ganska outforskad region. BegrÀnsningar och framtida forskning: Resultatens generaliserbarhet Àr osÀker eftersom de vilar pÄ de specifika förhÄllandena i regionen och mestadels metallurgiska SMF. DÀrför rekommenderas det att framtida forskning replikerar liknande studier i andra geografiska omrÄden, eventuellt med större antal företag och en ökad mÄngfald av företagen