881 research outputs found

    Expressions Language of Saro Eating Ritual Ternate Ethnic

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    Food as a cultural identity of an ethnic. Cultural identity is a distinguishing feature between one society and another. The ritual of eating saro is a traditional food ritual at the traditional wedding ceremony of Ternate, North Maluku. This article examines the ritual language of eating saro in the context of a traditional Ternate wedding from a literary and ethnographic perspective. This article describes the form and style of using the ritual language of eating saro, which is encoded in certain cultural messages. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with ethnolinguistic approach. The results of this study reveal that the expression of the ritual language of eating saro is in the form of a welcome expression in which there are proverbs, proverbs and metaphors. In addition, material symbols were found in the ritual of eating saro. The form of language expression is generally solemn, poetic, and conveyed using figurative language

    Identifying Prospective Biology Teachers’ Digital Literacy Competence at Cenderawasih University

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    Nowadays, integrating ICT into learning and teaching practice is a challenge faced in the education world. The current educational system requires teachers to master digital literacy competence. The purpose of the present study was to identify the digital literacy competence of prospective biology teachers at Cenderawasih University. A descriptive and quantitative approach, with the survey model, was applied in this paper. A random sampling technique was used with 71 student teachers as data informants. Data were collected from questionnaire items and documentation. Overall, prospective biology teachers’ digital literacy competence was at a high level. Student teachers scored highest in information skills, rated at very high criteria, the second and third areas, namely communication and content-creation, were at high criteria. The lowest values were indicated in safety and problem-solvin

    Analisis Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Mata Peajaran Matematika Kelas XII IPS SMAN 4 Bantaeng Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas butir soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas XII IPS SMAN 4 Bantaeng Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 yang ditinjau dari validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda dan efektivitas pengecoh. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Kualitas butir berdasarkan validitas isi memiliki nilai diatas kriteria, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil evaluasi antar pakar memiliki relevansi kuat, (2) berdasarkan validasi kriteria, butir yang valid lebih banyak dibandingkan butir yang tidak valid (3) Kualitas butir berdasarkan reliabilitas,memiliki koefisien reliabilitas yang rendah; (4) Kualitas soal berdasarkan daya pembeda, butir memiliki daya pembeda buruk/jelek, memiliki daya pembeda kurang baik, butir yang memiliki daya pembeda baik dan butir yang memiliki daya pembeda sangat baik; (5) Kualitas butir berdasarkan tingkat kesukaran, beberapa butir yang tergolong sedang; (6) Kualitas soal berdasarkan analisis efektivitas pengecoh, terdapat beberapa butir yang memiliki pengecoh tidak berfungsi. Kata kunci: Analisis Soal , Ulangan Akhir Semester dan Teori Tes Klasi

    Eksplorasi FusariumSpp yang Berasosiasi dengan Aquillaria Spp di Kabupaten Nunukan Kalimantan Utara

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    Fusariumspp adalah salah satu isolat cendawan yang berasosiasi dengan tanamanAquillariaspp untuk menghasilkan gaharu sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari batangAquillaria spp yang menunjukkan gejala pembentukan gaharu yang tumbuh secara alami pada ketinggian yang berbeda, mulai dari ketinggian 0-2000 mdpl, yang ada pada empat Kecamatan yaitu: Kecamatan Nunukan Selatan (0-100 mdpl), Lumbis (100-500 mdpl), Krayan Induk (1000-1500 mdpl), Krayan Selatan (1000-2000 mdpl) di Kabupaten Nunukan Kalimantan Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai isolat-isolat Fusarium pembentuk gaharu dari batang Aquillaria spp. Isolat Fusarium diperoleh dengan mengamati pertumbuhan morfologi cendawan pada media PDA. Hasil yang diperoleh diidentifikasi secara molekuler menggunakan jenis primer LSU. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada batang Aquillaria spp yang tumbuh pada ketinggian 0-100 mdpl terinfeksi oleh F. solani, ketinggian 100-500 mdpl terinfeksi oleh Fusarium sp, F. fujikuroi dan F. oxysporum, ketinggian 1000-1500 mdpl terinfeksi oleh F. solani, sedangkan Aquillariaspp yang tumbuh pada ketinggian 1000-2000 mdpl terinfeksi olehF. solani, F. oxysporum danF. ambrosiu


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    Abstrak: Pada awal merebaknya virus corona, ada begitu banyak pertanyaan dan kekhawatiran tentang dampak Covid-19, termasuk implikasinya terhadap praktik menyusui dan PMBA. Sementara itu pelayanan kesehatan publik termasuk di Posyandu menyebabkan ibu menjadi kesulitan mendapatkan informasi yang valid secara langsung dari kader Posyandu. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kader posyandu dan ibu balita tentang praktik pemberian makanan pada bayi dan anak (PMBA) di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu 1) tahap persiapan, 2) penyuluhan tentang praktik PMBA di masa pandemi Covid-19, dan 3) evaluasi dengan membagikan kuesioner post-test dan wawancara mendalam. Sebanyak 10 kader Posyandu dan 20 ibu balita yang lakukan sebanyak 4 kali selama bulan September-Oktober 2020. Evaluasi peningkatan pengetahuan dilakukan melalui pemberian pre dan post-test yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sebesar 36% dengan kategori pengetahuan cukup baik. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan kegiatan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kader dan ibu balita di masa pandemi. Kegiatan edukasi dan promosi kesehatan dan gizi yang berkelanjutan perlu terus dilakukan dan lebih ditingkatkan khususnya selama masa pandemi Covid-19.Abstract:At the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, there were so many questions and concerns about the impact of Covid-19, including its implications for breastfeeding and IYCF practices. Meanwhile, public health services, including at Posyandu, makes it difficult for mothers to get valid information directly from Posyandu cadres. Therefore, this community service activity aimed to increase the knowledge of Posyandu cadres and under-five mothers about breastfeeding and IYCF during the Covid-19 pandemic. This community service was carried out in three stages, namely 1) the preparation stage, 2) counseling about ICYF practices during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 3) evaluation by distributing post-test questionnaires and in-depth interviews. There were 10 Posyandu cadres and 20 mothers that was conducted 4 times during September-October 2020. The evaluation of knowledge improvement was carried out through giving pre and post-tests which were carried out before and after counseling. There was an increase in the participants’ knowledge by 36% with a fairly good knowledge category. This is under the purpose of this community service activity which was to increase the knowledge of cadres and mothers during the pandemic. Sustainable health and nutrition education and promotion need to be carried out and further improved, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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    Tiger shrimp diseases have occured in Indonesian shrimp ponds for more than two decades. In order to overcome this problem, five types of the RICA probiotic bacteria were tested in nine 250 m2 semi-intensive ponds of the Research and Development Institute for Coastal Aquaculture Marana Station. In the present study three different alternate use of the RICA probiotics were tested for tiger shrimp culture incompletely randomized design experiment. There were three treatments here namely: A) alternate use of probiotic bacteria RICA-1, RICA-2, RICA-3; B) alternate use of probiotic bacteria RICA-4, RICA-5, RICA-3, and C) control (without probiotic bacteria); each treatment were applied in three replications. The results showed that survival rate and production of tiger shrimp in treatment A (55.8% and 14.9 kg/pond) and B (52.7% and 16.7 kg/pond) were significantly better (P<0.05) than those of in control ponds (37.4% and 10.9 kg/pond). However, survival rate and production of tiger shrimp between treatment A and B were not significantly different (P>0.05). The average total bacteria population in the cultured water media of treatment A (4.32 x 104 cfu/mL) and B (5.18 x 104 cfu/mL) were relatively higher than control (1.46 x 104 cfu/mL). However the percentage ratio of Vibrio spp. and total bacteria population in the cultured water media of treatment A and B were relatively lower than control. The lower survival rate and production of tiger shrimp in control (C) compared to probiotic treatments (A and B) were not just affected by the increase of Vibrio spp. ratio, but also affected by the increase of total organic matter and nitrite concentrations in the control ponds that were relatively higher than treatment A and B

    Evaluation of Nutrition Education at Senior High Schools in Mamuju Regency West Sulawesi

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    Abstract Introduction: The 2018 Basic Health Research showed a high prevalence of anemia (32%), Chronic Energy Deficiency (36.3%), and overweight and obesity (16.0%) among adolescents. Nutrition education is crucial to be taught to adolescents from an early age. However, there is a lack of research on content related to nutrition education in textbooks of school policies on nutrition and health. This study aimed to evaluate the nutrition education on senior high schools in Mamuju Regency.Methods: This qualitative study examined word by word of high school students textbooks’ content of nutrition and health education.  The main study material was textbooks used by high school students in Mamuju Regency. The research informants were students and teachers. The analysis was done through content analysis by examining words and pictures in the textbooks. Data was classified into the same categories to answer the research objectives.Results: Only a small proportion of textbooks (0.17%) contain nutrition and health messages. The nutrition and health messages included the nutritional content of food, food labels, and physical activity such as how to do long jump. Informants did not get information on adolescent health and nutrition at school. In addition, there is currently no school policy regarding breakfast or healthy snacks in the school environment.Conclusion: Balanced nutrition messages had not been published in textbooks and delivered regularly in schools. Policy makers should review the school curriculum to include nutrition and health messages for adolescents in the textbooks used

    Peran Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Kota Balikpapan Terhadap Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Sektor Seni Pertunjukan

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    ABSTRAKBalikpapan merupakan daerah tujuan wisata unggulan berbasis budaya multietnis. Hal ini menjadikan Kota Balikpapan menarik dan kaya akan budaya seni, salah satunya seni pertunjukan. Dari dasar inilah peneliti tertarik untuk lebih mengetahui bagaimana peran Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Kota Balikpapan terhadap pengembangan ekonomi kreatif sektor seni pertunjukan. Peneliti menggunakan desain kualitatif deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data bukan berupa angka-angka. Data diambil berdasarkan dari naskah wawancara, dokumen pribadi, dan dokumen resmi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang peran Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata Kota Balikpapan terhadap pengembangan ekonomi kreatif sektor seni pertunjukan. Hasil yang didapat yaitu Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kota Balikpapan telah berperan dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif sektor seni pertunjukan di Kota Balikpapan dengan memberikan wadah kepada penggiat seni pertunjukan seperti amphitheatre, menjalin kerja sama di setiap kegiatan/acara hiburan khususnya seni pertunjukan, serta bersinergi dan berkolaborasi dengan pelaku seni pertunjukan. Kendala yang dihadapi Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata yaitu kurangnya minat sumber daya manusia dalam menjalankan ekonomi kreatif sektor seni pertunjukan, kurangnya inovasi dan kreativitas para pelaku seni pertunjukan sehingga perlu pembinaan dan itu harus ada kerja sama antara pemerintah yang tidak lain Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata beserta dengan dinas-dinas terkait lainnya. The Role of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism of Balikpapan City Towards Creative Economy Development Performing Arts Sector ABSTRACT Balikpapan is a leading tourist destination based on multi-ethnic culture. This makes Balikpapan City attractive and rich in artistic culture, one of which is performing arts. From this basis, researchers are interested in knowing more about the role of the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office in the development of the creative economy of the performing arts sector. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative design by collecting data not in the form of numbers. The data was taken based on interview scripts, personal documents, and official documents which aimed to find out about the role of the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office in the development of the creative economy of the performing arts sector. The results obtained are that the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office has played a role in developing the creative economy of the performing arts sector in Balikpapan City by providing a forum for performing arts activists such as the amphitheatre, establishing cooperation in every activity/entertainment event, especially performing arts, as well as synergizing and collaborate with performing artists. The obstacles faced by the Youth, Sports and Tourism Office are the lack of interest in human resources in running the creative economy of the performing arts sector, the lack of innovation and creativity of performing arts actors so that it needs guidance and there must be cooperation between the government which is none other than the Education and Culture Office, Department of Youth, Sports, and Tourism along with other related agencies

    Peranan Supervisor Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru di SD Negeri 14 Allu Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    Hasil penelitian ini antaralain:(1) Pelaksanaan supervisi di SD Negeri 14 Allu Kabupaten Bantaeng supervisor telah melaksanakan supervisi dalam upaya pengembangan dan peningkatan profesionalitas guru yaitu mengumpulkan penilaian mengenai situasi belajar mengajar dengan melakukan penilaian terhadap guru dan peserta didik, melakukan tinjauan kelas (2) Gambaran profesionalitas guru di SD Negeri 14 Allu Kabupaten Bantaeng yaitu guru menyediakan perangkat pembelajaran sebelum melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, penguasaan kompotensi dasar terhadap mata pelajaran yang diampuh, penguasaan serta pengembangan materi ajar, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi (3) Peranan supervisor pendidikan dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru di SD Negeri 14 Allu Kabupaten Bantaeng yaitu supervisor mampu melaksanakan peranannya seperti melakukan bimbingan dan pengarahan, membantu dalam pemilihan metode, membantu dalam pemilihan sumber pengajaran, dapat bertindak sebagai pemimpin, moderator, pemateri dan motivator mampu menerima saran dan kritikan yang di berikan kepadanya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa supervisor pendidikan berperan dalam meningkatkan profesionalitas guru di SD Negeri 14 Allu Kabupaten Bantaeng