106 research outputs found

    Avaliação e tecnologias no ensino superior

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    Esta obra constitui um testemunho da discussão ocorrida na I Conferência sobre Avaliação e Tecnologias no Ensino Superior, realizada em 18 e 19 de julho de 2013 (CATES 2013). O tema em debate centrava-se, como o nome indica, na relação entre a avaliação e as tecnologias e traduziu um momento importante do projeto Elearning e Avaliação no Ensino Superior - @assess.he, financiado pelo Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Exploring the behavioural approach for sustainable tourism

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    The behavioural approach to sustainable tourism has received considerable attention and interest from the academic community within various fields of study. It has particular value for developing sustainable social practices. In this article, we investigate the contributions of the behavioural approach in the economic sciences, psychology, and adult education. Our objective is to reinforce the notion that individuals have the capacity to alter their behaviour to achieve active participation in unity with nature that firmly favours both their own wellbeing and environmental protection. We distinguish the term tourism as not only as a leisure activity, but also as a turning or changing point (while individuals adapt their performance in tune with nature to find the ways to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium. Thereby, we make a further step to discussions on how exploration of the behavioural approach can support initiatives that promote environmental protection, and innovative tourism education programmes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-cultural validation and psychometric evaluation of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool (SMAT) for assessing and optimizing medication therapy management of older people

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    Background, rationale and objectives: The assessment of medication management ability in the elderly can be performed using specific tools, such as the Self-Medication Assessment Tool, which considers real and simulated regimens. The objective of this study was to perform the linguistic and cultural adaptation of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool to European Portuguese and determine its psychometric properties. Methods: The adaptation commenced with the translation/back translation cycle completed by 4 independent bilingual experts. The cultural component was accomplished through an external expert meeting and a longitudinal screening of concepts and construct. The pilot study was carried out in a sample of 150 Portuguese community-dwelling elders. Descriptive data, correlations, internal reliability, response consistency and exploratory factor analysis was conducted using SPSS Statistics (v22). Results: The pilot study was carried out in a sample of 150 community-dwelling elders: 112 (74.7%) participants were women; mean age was 74.73 ± 6.43 years. The Self-Medication Assessment Tool (Portuguese version) standard regimen (simulated medication regimen) mean scores were 20.92 ± 6.83 in functional ability and 38.75 ± 5.92 in cognitive ability; the real regimen (medication taken by the elderly) mean scores were 83.74 ± 15.86 in medication recall, 96.96 ± 11.39 in adherence self-report and 4.82 ± 10.1 in intentional non-adherence. Cronbach's α were 0.87 (functional ability), 0.84 (cognitive ability), 0.57 (medication recall), 0.94 (adherence self-report) and 0.79 (intentional non-adherence). The response consistency between test and re-test was verified. Conclusions: We have developed the European Portuguese version of the Self-Medication Assessment Tool with acceptable psychometric properties which can now be employed in the study of the elderly in clinical and research contexts

    analisando o cuidado de enfermagem em contexto de internamento de pediatria

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    O presente estudo, de abordagem qualitativa, visa compreender como o brincar integrado na prática de enfermagem pode ser usado na gestão do estado emocional da criança a viver uma experiência de hospitalização/cirurgia. Neste processo investigativo recorreu-se ao diário de campo para descrever e analisar a própria prática de enfermagem associada ao fenómeno em estudo. A recolha dos dados foi realizada num serviço de internamento de pediatria cirúrgica de um hospital pediátrico de Lisboa, no período de Abril a Junho de 2008, a partir de interacções de cuidados com 9 crianças de idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 8 anos. Os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de análise de conteúdo, os quais revelaram um processo de gestão do estado emocional da criança, através da actividade de brincar, que implica as seguintes acções/interacções: promover o confronto adaptativo, favorecer o relaxamento, incrementar o sentimento de controlo, promover o sentimento de segurança, facilitar a aproximação, promover a expressão emocional, minimizar o sentimento de solidão, promover a distracção e desmistificar os medos. Conclui-se que a actividade de brincar é um instrumento terapêutico primordial em enfermagem pediátrica, na medida em que se revela um meio para favorecer o bem-estar das crianças, e por isso é sugestivo de contribuir para resultados terapêuticos. De facto, usado de modo intencional e sistemático promove a adaptação e aprendizagem das crianças numa experiência positiva de hospitalização/cirurgia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Differential responses of photosynthesis, yield and soil properties 4 years after a single application of zeolites and biochar in a rainfed olive orchard

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    Olive orchards represent a key agricultural system in the Mediterranean Basin. Soil degradation processes associated with unsustainable agronomic practices and climate change could severely impact the sustainability of Mediterranean rainfed olive orchards. In this context, soil amendments are important tools that can be used to enhance soil fertility for sustained environmental quality and plant performance. In this study, a field trial was conducted for 4 years in olive tree (Olea europaea L.) to assess the effects of a mineral fertilizer compound and the combination with a single application of zeolites or biochar on the physiological and biochemical performance, tree nutritional status, crop yield and soil chemical and biological properties to gain knowledge towards more sustainable management. Our results showed that the addition of zeolites and biochar to mineral fertilizer ameliorated the physiological and biochemical performance, as evidenced by consistent increments of relative water content, stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis and by lower signs of oxidative stress during the periods of greater climate adversity. However, crop yield was not significantly different among soil treatments. On the other hand, soil chemical and biological traits at the surface layer (0-10 cm) have shown different and relevant responses after 4 years of soil amendment application. In fact, zeolite supply stood out as increased pH, extractable K, cation exchange capacity, microbial biomass carbon and microbial biomass quotient and reduced extractable Cu. Furthermore, zeolites induced positive changes in soil enzymatic activity, leading to increases in 10 enzymes involved in C, N and P cycles. In contrast, the effects of biochar on soil properties were much more reduced, given that it decreased the microbial biomass nitrogen and enhanced the activities of three P-cycle enzymes. In summary, our data demonstrated that both soil amendments can be an interesting complement to mineral fertilization, in order to increase trees' resilience under rainfed conditions and to promote soil health, although the use of zeolites appears to be a more promising strategy because of the induction of higher soil sustainability.This research was funded by a doctoral fellowship under the Doctoral Program “Agricultural Production Chains— from fork to farm” (PD/00122/2012) provided by the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to S.Martins (PD/BD/135327/2017) and by the Operational Group “Novas práticas em olivais de sequeiro: estratégias de mitigação e adaptação às alterações climáticas”, funded by PT2020 and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Program PT2020 for their financial support to CQ-VR (UIDB/00616/2020), CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and CITAB (UIDB/04033/2020) and also to the AgriFood XXI Project, No. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the North Regional Operational (NORTE) Program 2014–2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Que evolução?

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    Os destinos turísticos são lugares que atraem e satisfazem as necessidades dos visitantes. A procura turística apresenta padrões de exigência cada vez mais elevados e o tradicional produto “sol e praia” tem vindo a evidenciar-se como insuficiente para dar resposta às necessidades e expetativas dos turistas. O objetivo deste estudo foi caraterizar a procura e a oferta desportiva das unidades de alojamento de categoria média e superior do Algarve, de molde a inferir sobre a respetiva evolução nos últimos 17 anos. Foram inquiridas 43 unidades de alojamento (ua) o que significa uma amostra representativa de 34% do universo em estudo. O método de recolha de dados foi o questionário e os métodos de análise de dados foram a estatística descritiva e a análise de conteúdo. Os dados revelaram que as nacionalidades inglesa e portuguesa são as mais representativas, com 20% para ambas as nacionalidades na época alta, e 20% e 13% em época baixa, respetivamente. Verificou-se que a prática desportiva não é a principal motivação dos turistas das unidades de alojamento que integram a amostra. Constatou-se que houve uma evolução na oferta de serviços desportivos, nomeadamente: aumento do número e diversidade de atividades desportivas, de instalações e de responsáveis com formação na área do desporto, quando comparamos com estudo anterior. No entanto, apenas 21% dos diretores considerou muito adequada a oferta de serviços desportivos da unidade de alojamento sob a sua responsabilidade. As ideias estratégicas identificadas pelos diretores das unidades de alojamento para o desenvolvimento da oferta desportiva em contexto turístico foram: a criação de eventos desportivos, a maior dinamização e diversificação das atividades desportivas e ainda, a criação de pacotes turísticos compostos por práticas desportivas.Los destinos turísticos son lugares que atraen y satisfacen las necesidades de los visitantes. La demanda turística presenta patrones de exigencia cada vez más elevadas y el tradicional produto "sol y playa" se ha evidenciado como insuficiente para responder a las necesidades y expectativas de los turistas. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la demanda y la oferta deportiva de las unidades de alojamiento de categoría media y superior del Algarve, de modo a inferir sobre la respectiva evolución en los últimos 17 años. Se encuestaron 43 unidades de alojamiento (ua), lo que significa una muestra representativa del 34% del universo en estudio. El método de recogida de datos fue el cuestionario y los métodos de análisis de datos fueron la estadística descriptiva y el análisis de contenido. Los datos revelaron que las nacionalidades inglesa y portuguesa son las más representativas, con el 20% para ambas nacionalidades en la época alta, y el 20% y el 13% en época baja respectivamente. Se comprobó que la práctica deportiva no es la principal motivación de los turistas de las unidades de alojamiento que integran la muestra. Se constató que hubo una evolución en la oferta de servicios deportivos, en particular: aumento del número y diversidad de actividades deportivas, de instalaciones y de responsables con formación en el área del deporte, cuando comparamos con estudio anterior. Sin embargo, sólo el 21% de los directores consideró muy adecuada la oferta de servicios deportivos de la unidad de alojamiento bajo su responsabilidad. Las ideas estratégicas identificadas por los directores de las unidades de alojamiento para el desarrollo de la oferta deportiva en contexto turístico fueron: la creación de eventos deportivos, la mayor dinamización y diversificación de las actividades deportivas y la creación de paquetes turísticos compuestos por prácticas deportivas.Tourist destinations are places that attract and satisfy the needs of visitors. The demand standards of tourists are increasingly high and the traditional product "sun and beach" has become insufficient to meet the needs and expectations of tourists. The objective of this study was to characterize the sports’ demand and supply of the middle and upper class hotels of Algarve, in order to infer about their evolution in the last 17 years. A total of 43 hotels was surveyed, so we have a representative sample of 34% of the universe under study. The data collection method was the questionnaire and the methods of data analysis were descriptive statistics and content analysis. Data showed that the English and Portuguese nationalities are the most representative, with 20% for both nationalities in the high season, and 20% and 13% in the low season, respectively. It was verified that sports practice is not the main motivation of the tourists of the hotels that integrate the sample. When compared with previous study, it was observed that there was an evolution in the provision of sports services, namely: an increase in the number and diversity of sports activities, facilities and people with academic training in the sports area. However, only 21% of the directors considered the provision of sports services for hotels under their responsibility to be very adequate. The strategic ideas for the development of the sporting offer of the tourist context in study, identified by the managers of the hotels, were the following: the creation of sporting events, the greater promotion and diversification of sporting activities and the creation of tour packages composed of sports practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perturbações do sono e a qualidade de vida do utente hipertenso

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    Enquadramento: Referenciados como fatores de risco da hipertensão, história familiar, sedentarismo, erros alimentares, tabagismo, sexo, raça e idade, existe outro menos convencional como as perturbações do sono que influenciam igualmente a qualidade de vida do hipertenso. Objetivos: Identificar e relacionar as perturbações do sono com a qualidade de vida do hipertenso. Método: Estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo-correlacional realizado numa amostra de 431 utentes hipertensos. Colheita de dados em CS da Região Centro, de junho a outubro de 2012. O protocolo de avaliação inclui a caracterização Socio-Demográfica, a avaliação dos parâmetros clínicos, o Questionário de Sono de Oviedo (QSO) e a Questionário da Qualidade de vida dos hipertensos (MINICHAL). Resultados: 56,8% dos participantes são do sexo feminino e 43,2% do sexo masculino, com idades entre os 30 e os 95 anos.72,2% são casados, residem na aldeia (40,6%), com os cônjuges (51,0%). Habilitações até ao 4.º ano de escolaridade (68,7%), encontram-se reformados (69,8%) e 87,9% praticam alguma religião 43,9%; auferem entre os 500-1000 euros de rendimento mensal. 44,5% da amostra encontra-se em pré-obesidade, 52,2% apresenta a hipertensão controla. 55,2% dos inquiridos encontram-se satisfeitos com o seu sono. São as mulheres e os mais idosos que apresentam mais perturbações do sono. Quanto maior são as perturbações do sono, pior é a qualidade de vida. Conclusão: a abordagem desta associação justifica uma atuação planeada e organizada no sistema de saúde; que tente não apenas evitar estas doenças e reduzir as incapacidades por elas causadas mas melhor a qualidade de vida dos utentes. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Perturbações do sono, qualidade de vida, utente hipertenso.ABSTRACT Background: Referenced as risk factors of hypertension are; family history, physical inactivity, dietary neglect, smoking, sex, race and age. There is another less conventional factor such as sleep disturbances which also influence the quality of life of hypertension patients. Objectives: To identify and relate sleep disturbance with quality of life of hypertension patients. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-correlation performed upon a sample of 431 hypertension sufferers. Data collection was carried out in CS Central Region, from June to October 2012. The evaluation protocol includes the Socio-Demographic characterization, assessment of clinical parameters, the Oviedo Sleep Questionnaire (QSO) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire of hypertensives (MINICHAL). Results: 56.8% of participants were female and 43.2% male, aged between 30 and 95 years of age. 72, 2% are married, reside in villages (40.6%), with their spouses (51.0%). Those with only primary school education (68.7%) are retired (69.8%) and 87.9% practice some religion. 43,9% earn between 500-1000 euros monthly income. 44.5% of the sample who were pre-obese, presented 52.2% of the hypertension control. 55.2% of respondents are satisfied with their sleep. Women and the elderly tend to suffer from more sleep disturbances. The greater sleep disturbances there are, the worse the quality of life. Conclusion: The approach of this association warrants a planned and organized action within the health system, not just to try to avoid these diseases and reduce the disabilities caused by them but to better improve the quality of life of patients. KEYWORDS Sleep disturbances, quality of life, hypertension sufferer

    A new approach to bacterial colony morphotyping by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight-based mass spectrometry

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    Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry has been explored as a tool to bacterial colony morphotyping.To this end,four colony morphotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and four of Staphylococcus aureus were analysed using intact bacteria.Results suggest that mass spectrometry of intact bacteria could,in some extent,be used to complement the classical morphological classification of bacteria.Financial support from IBB-CEB and Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and European Community fund FEDER, through Program COMPETE, in the ambit of the FCT project "PTDC/SAU-SAP/113196/2009/ FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-016012" and Ana Margarida Sousa PhD grant (SFRH/BD/72551/2010), is gratefully acknowledged. Authors also thank Portugal-Spain cooperation action sponsored by the Foundation of Portuguese Universities [E 48/11] and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [AIB2010PT-00353]

    Comparing follow-up of patients with vitamin K antagonists in a health center: pre- and post- COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction and objectives: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the follow-up of patients treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) may have been affected. This study aims to compare how these patients were monitored preand post-COVID-19 pandemic and understand the impact of non-face-to-face appointments on their follow-up. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a Portuguese Health Center. The study included patients treated with VKAs and followed at the Health Center for international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring between March 2019 and March 2021. Data collected: sex, age, type of VKA; INR; date of INR assessment, type of appointment (face-to-face or phone/e-mail). Rosendaal’s method was used to calculate pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 time in therapeutic range (TTR). Good TTR control was defined if values ≥ 70%. Results: 44 patients were included. The mean TTR in the pre-COVID-19 period was 64.55% (95% CI: 58.10 - 71.00%). The post-COVID-19 mean was slightly higher (+ 2.26%), 66.81% (95% CI: 59.66 - 73.97%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.576). The use of non-face-to-face appointments did not contribute to worsening post-pandemic TTR, showing no lower follow-up than during pre-pandemic period in which all contacts were face-to-face [CI (95%) -0.397 - 0.196 for a reference range -0.489 - 0.693]. Conclusions: The TTR value in both periods was similar and lower than the value defined for effective hypocoagulation. The use of non-face-to-face consultation in the post-COVID-19 period does not seem to have influenced the quality of hypocoagulation.Introdução e objetivos: Durante a pandemia COVID-19 o acompanhamento de doentes medicados com antagonistas da vitamina K (AVKs) pode ter sido afetado. Este estudo pretende comparar a forma como estes doentes foram monitorizados antes e depois da pandemia COVID-19 e compreender o impacto da consulta não presencialno seu seguimento. Métodos: Estudo de coorte retrospetivo num Centro de Saúde em Portugal. O estudo incluiu doentes tratados com AVKs e seguidos no Centro de Saúde para monitorização do International Normalized Ratio (INR) entre março de 2019 e março de 2021. Dados recolhidos: sexo, idade, tipo de AVK; INR; data da avaliação do INR, tipo de consulta (presencial ou por telefone/e-mail). Foi utilizado o método de interpolação linear de Rosendaal para calcular o tempo em intervalo terapêutico (TTR) pré- e pós-COVID-19. Foi definido um bom controle se valores de TTR ≥ 70%. Resultados: Foram incluídos 44 doentes. A média de TTR no período pré-COVID-19 foi de 64,55% (95% IC: 58,10 - 71,00%). A média pós-COVID-19 foi ligeiramente superior (+ 2,26%), 66,81% (95%IC: 59,66 - 73,97%), mas a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,576). A utilização da consulta não presencial não contribuiu para o agravamento do TTR no período pós-pandemia, não mostrando um seguimento inferior ao do período pré-pandemia em que todos os contatos foram presenciais [IC (95%) -0,397 - 0,196 para um intervalo de referência -0,489 - 0,693]. Conclusões: O valor de TTR em ambos os períodos foi semelhante e inferior ao valor definido para hipocoagulação eficaz. A utilização da consulta não presencial no período pós-COVID-19 não parece ter influenciado a qualidade da hipocoagulação