76 research outputs found

    Engenharia de Produção e Design Thinking, coexistem? Um estudo de caso aplicado na elaboração de layouts.

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    Digital transformation is a process in which has influenced the way of buying and consuming products and services. In this sense, the retailer has a challenge, which is to attract customers to their physical establishments to offer a unique and personalized shopping experience. This work was developed in the commercial sector of a Commercial Exhibitors and Commercial Equipment Industry, located in the south of Brazil, in order to compare the lead time of the current layout design method in relation to the lead time of the process by applying Design Thinking to retail layout development. The methodology from the point of view of its nature is applied, in relation to its objectives was descriptive, regarding the approach: qualitative and as a case study. Based on the comparison between the current and future models, it was possible to reduce the lead time and increase the value added of 7.17% from the application of Design Thinking in the conduct of retail store layout projects.Diante da mudança de hábito de compra do usuário e de velocidade em que o mercado de varejo muda, é preciso se ter um método de elaboração de layout de varejo que acompanhe essas mudanças na mesma velocidade. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no setor comercial de uma Indústria de Expositores e Equipamentos comerciais para o varejo, situada no Sul do Brasil, com o objetivo de comparar o lead time do método atual de elaboração de projeto de layout em relação ao lead time do processo ao aplicar o Design Thinking como metodologia na condução do desenvolvimento de projetos no ambiente estudado. A metodologia do ponto de vista de sua natureza é aplicada, em relação aos seus objetivos foi descritiva, quanto a abordagem: qualitativa e como procedimento um estudo de caso. A partir da comparação entre os modelos atual e o futuro, obteve-se a diminuição do lead time e incremento da agregação de valor de 7,17% a partir da aplicação do Design Thinking na condução dos projetos de layout de lojas de varejo


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    Este artigo visa demonstrar o estudo sobre a substituição do óleo diesel pelo GLP (Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo) como combustível em fornos de aquecimento utilizados no processo de conformação à quente (forjamento) de metais, focando os benefícios econômicos e a redução de custos desta opção. Além da fundamentação teórica sobre fornos de aquecimento, óleo diesel e GLP, também será realizado um estudo de caso no setor de forjamento da empresa Siverst Ind. de Componentes Automotivos Ltda, situada em Canoas RS. Através da pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso, serão levantados dados econômicos sobre o comburente utilizado atualmente e sugerir a implantação do GLP como combustível para o aquecimento dos fornos, para fins de redução dos custos de insumos e manutenção. Este estudo tem o intuito de demonstrar a vantagem econômica que o GLP possui em relação ao óleo diesel nesta aplicação.Palavras-chave: Combustível. Óleo Diesel. GLP. Forjamento e Redução de Custos


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    Society's search for well-being, self-esteem and quality of life has been increasing, increasing the demand for dental services. And this demand causes a need for companies to improve to meet and maintain the quality of care, making possible the loyalty and prospection of new patients. The objective of this research is to analyze the effects of the application of the VSM in the process of inferior protocol with immediate load. The methodology applied was a case study in a dentistry clinic of Vale dos Sinos - RS, from the mapping of the current state and proposed future state. As results, it was observed in the current state of the first stage a percentage of VA(Added Value) of 14.01% and lead time of 0.480 days and in the second stage of the process in a percentage of VAD AV of 5.35% and lead time of 2.76 days. In the developed proposal, following the principles of the Lean, so that the previously outsourced process can be carried out internally, it is suggested a percentage of VAD AV of 75.19% and lead time of 0.0895 days in the first step, and in the second one percentage of VAD AV of 42.60% and lead time of 2.08 days. This proposal requires an investment of R9,783.00,thatwasanalyzedwithNPVandresultedinR 9,783.00, that was analyzed with NPV and resulted in R 30,849.08, also presenting an IRR of 84%, making it viable.A busca da sociedade por bem-estar, autoestima e qualidade de vida está crescendo, elevando a procura por serviços odontológicos. E essa demanda faz com que surja uma necessidade das empresas se aprimorarem para atender e manter a qualidade do atendimento, tornando possível a fidelização e prospecção de novos pacientes. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar os efeitos da aplicação do MFV no processo de protocolo inferior com carga imediata. A metodologia aplicada foi um estudo de caso em uma clínica odontológica do Vale dos Sinos-RS, a partir do mapeamento do estado atual e proposta de estado futuro. Como resultados, observou-se no estado atual da primeira etapa um percentual de TAV de 14,01% e lead time de 0,480 dias. E na segunda etapa do processo em um percentual de TAV de 5,35% e lead time de 2,76 dias. Na proposta elaborada, seguindo os princípios do Lean, para que o processo antes terceirizado possa ser realizado internamente, sugere-se um percentual de TAV de 75,19% e lead time de 0,0895 dias na primeira etapa, e na segunda um percentual de TAV de 42,60% e lead time de 2,08 dias. Essa proposta requer um investimento de R9.783,00,quefoianalisadocomVPLeresultouemR 9.783,00, que foi analisado com VPL e resultou em R 30.849,08, apresentando também uma TIR de 84%, tornando-o viável

    Acordo de níveis de serviço direcionados aos fornecedores de materiais e serviços no setor petroquímico: análise de critérios

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    Objective: This research aims at suggesting a conceptual model for the formulation of service level agreement, directed at suppliers of materials and services of the petrochemical sector.Methodology: This is a descriptive research whose analysis method was done through structural equation modelling, and the data came from a survey with 104 collaborators in the supply chain of the petrochemical sector in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.Originality: Upon considering the reality of the Southern Petrochemical Centre, it is possible to understand this research’s findings to the elaboration of service levels according to competitive criteria that become fundamental for the management process and competitiveness strategy in the search for suppliers by selecting the criteria that must be analysed upon establishing a new partner.Main results: All constructs suggested in this research had a 73% impact on the supply chain management construct with a service level agreement. The delivery, quality and service level construct presented the highest load obtained, followed by the quality and flexibility construct and finally the cost construct.Theoretical contributions: The supply chains play an important role in the accomplishment of the company’s objectives. Its mission is to notice the competitive needs of products and services by becoming responsible for the delivery at the right time, costs, quality and other elements in the operations’ strategy. According to the suggested model, all structures that encompass the competitive criteria positively impacted the supply chain management and the service level agreement, expanding the academic debate in the development of competitive advantage.Objetivo: Esta investigación tiene como objetivo sugerir un modelo conceptual para la formulación de acuerdo de nivel de servicio, dirigido a proveedores de materiales y servicios del sector petroquímico.Metodología: Se trata de una investigación descriptiva cuyo método de análisis se realizó mediante el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, y los datos provienen de una encuesta a 104 colaboradores de la cadena de suministro del sector petroquímico en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Originalidad: Al considerar la realidad del Centro Petroquímico Sur, es posible comprender los hallazgos de esta investigación para la elaboración de niveles de servicio de acuerdo a criterios competitivos que se tornan fundamentales para el proceso de gestión y estrategia de competitividad en la búsqueda de proveedores mediante la selección de los criterios que debe analizarse al establecer un nuevo socio.Resultados principales: Todos los constructos sugeridos en esta investigación tuvieron un impacto del 73% en el constructo de gestión de la cadena de suministro con un acuerdo de nivel de servicio. La construcción de entrega, calidad y nivel de servicio presentó la carga más alta obtenida, seguida por la construcción de calidad y flexibilidad y finalmente la construcción de costos.Contribuciones teóricas: Las cadenas de suministro juegan un papel importante en el logro de los objetivos de la empresa. Su misión es advertir las necesidades competitivas de productos y servicios haciéndose responsable de la entrega en el momento adecuado, los costos, la calidad y otros elementos de la estrategia de operaciones. De acuerdo con el modelo sugerido, todas las estructuras que engloban los criterios competitivos impactaron positivamente la gestión de la cadena de suministro y el acuerdo de nivel de servicio, ampliando el debate académico en el desarrollo de la ventaja competitiva.Objetivo: A pesquisa tem como objetivo sugerir um modelo conceitual para a formulação de acordos de nível de serviço, direcionado a fornecedores de materiais e serviços do setor petroquímico.Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva cujo método de análise foi feito por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, e os dados foram provenientes de uma survey com 104 colaboradores da cadeia de suprimentos do setor petroquímico no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Originalidade: Ao considerar a realidade do Pólo Petroquímico do Sul, é possível compreender os achados desta pesquisa para a elaboração de níveis de serviço segundo critérios competitivos que se tornam fundamentais para o processo de gestão e estratégia de competitividade na busca de fornecedores por meio da seleção dos critérios que deve ser analisado ao estabelecer um novo parceiro.Principais resultados: Todos os construtos, sugeridos nesta pesquisa, tiveram um impacto de 73% no construto de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos com um acordo de nível de serviço. O construto entrega, qualidade e nível de serviço apresentou a maior carga obtida, seguido pelo construto qualidade e flexibilidade e por último o construto custo.Contribuições teóricas: As cadeias de abastecimento desempenham um papel importante na realização dos objetivos da empresa. Sua missão é perceber as necessidades competitivas de produtos e serviços, tornando-se responsável pela entrega no tempo certo, custos, qualidade e outros elementos da estratégia de operações. De acordo com o modelo sugerido, todas as estruturas que englobam os critérios competitivos impactaram positivamente a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos e o acordo de nível de serviço ampliando o debate acadêmico no desenvolvimento de vantagem competitiva

    The process analysis of food production system in a restaurant, from Toyota Production System wastes

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    With the Brazilian economy showing up at a time of difficulty and distrust for the other economies of the world, the companies included in this scenario, seek to find ways to provide increased awareness of quality of offered or contracted services. Based on this context, this article aims to identify the wastes in a process of a restaurant, from the mapping of production mechanism of the Toyota Production System (TPS). The applied method was a field study. After proposing improvements in the process with a new layout, a reduction of 8.57% of lead time was obtained, and a reduction of 24.61% of the current course in the shop floor


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    This article describes a case study on the replacement of disposable packaging for reusable packaging in the international flow of materials in a auto parts company in the Mercosur. The study concerns the automotive parts exported from Brazil to Argentina by the road modal. Initially, it presents a theoretical review about reverse logistics, returnable packaging and international logistics. The following describes the case, according to the information collected by researchers at the company studied. Describe the facts, investigate the causes that originated and compares the process prior to that contemplates the use of disposable packaging, with a new process, based in returnable packaging. This article aims to answer the following research question: How can it be implemented an international flow of return reusable packaging in the automotive industry? Substantive economic, logistics, and environmental gains were yield.Este artigo descreve um estudo de caso sobre a substituição de embalagens descartáveis por embalagens reutilizáveis no fluxo internacional de materiais na indústria de autopeças no Mercosul. O estudo diz respeito a peças exportadas do Brasil para a Argentina pelo modal rodoviário. Inicialmente apresenta-se uma revisão teórica a respeito de logística reversa, embalagens retornáveis e logística internacional. A seguir, descreve-se o caso, de acordo com as informações colhidas pelos pesquisadores junto à empresa estudada.  Descrevem-se os fatos, investigam-se as causas que os originaram, e compara-se o processo anterior, baseado em embalagens descartáveis, com o novo processo, baseado em embalagens reutilizáveis. O artigo visa a responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como pode ser organizado o fluxo reverso de embalagens reutilizáveis em uma empresa da indústria automotiva

    Aplication of lean thinking in the order cycle to improve the level service provided to customers: a case study in a shoes industry company

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    The actual economic situation is the constant concern for all organizations. To make a company competitive on the market and render a better service to the clients, they use philosophies like lean, which is focus on eliminate the waste and added client value. This project aims to examine this philosophy in the order cycle process in a manufacturing company of components for shoes and the impacts that follow this process. Conducted as part of a case study, which was apply in the Value Stream Mapping to identify the current state of the process and a Survey with the clients of the company to measure the level of satisfaction to the service provided by the company, were developed basis proposals for improvements, as projecting the future with demand cycle. As a result, in a reduction of 55% of time and 97,5% is the distance on manufacturing process; and increase of 139,8% on value addition on demand cycle. These proposals show a good impact in the process order cycle in 15,95% related to the value-added process.

    Perceptions of pre-service teachers about a Science Lab developed in OpenSim

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    With the integration of technology in the educational area, use of virtual learning environments has allowed the adoption of new practices and forms of learning. Areas like Science has an interesting field of research involving the use of Virtual worlds, being possible to integrate virtual tasks with the practical work carried out in the real world, providing features such as immersion, interactivity, virtual reality, collaboration and visualization of phenomena through animated 3D objects. This article presents a virtual world composed of three laboratories for teaching Science in elementary education, whose objective is to demonstrate how it can assist educators in the process of teaching, mixing activities of the real and virtual world. OpenSim was used for the development of the virtual world, which has several types of educational content in the format of videos, slides, texts, questions and 3D simulations of practical experiments. These prototype were tested and validated by pre-service teachers of Science in a federal institution, with the objective of evaluate the benefits and difficulty involving this approach and the resources available in this environment. The results demonstrated a wide acceptance and satisfaction in using this virtual world, showing that the users felt motivated to use in their pedagogical practice and believe that it can assist students in their learning process

    Quantification of chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene in surface water samples by fluorescence measurement / Quantificação de cristão e benzo (a) pireno em amostras de água de superfície por medição de fluorescência

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, are compounds of organic nature derived from burning other organic compounds. They are common in nature, but in high concentrations are a sign of pollution and have harmful effects on human health. Therefore, techniques to identify and quantify these compounds in environmental samples, especially water samples, become essential. In this paper we apply the technique of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy to identify and quantify types of PAH in water samples, showing the simplicity of execution and low cost of the technique over other ones conventionally used and reported. For this study, we choose two PAH which seem to be the most common in the environment and are associated with several diseases, including cancer. Analytical curves were constructed, and analytical parameters for their determination collected; limits of detection and quantification were 2.0 and 6.7 ng.mL-1 for chrysene and 1.7 and 5.7 ng.mL-1 for benzo[a]pyrene, respectively. To study the validity of the proposed method, water samples collected from a stream in the city of Dourados (MS, Brazil) were studied. At each of the collection points, significant concentrations of chrysene and benzo[a]pyrene was detected, mostly at levels above those permitted by international regulatory organizations