203 research outputs found

    Understanding the EU Policy Portfolio: Conceptualising a Dynamic Model of Integration

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    This paper suggests that EU‘s policy portfolio resembles the outcome of interstate bargaining predicted by federalist theory. We conclude that federalist theory, when combined with economic integration theory, is a robust tool for conceptualizing the EU policy portfolio. The result is a dynamic model, which we call 'federal integration‘

    Explaining the EU's Policy Portfolio: Applying a Federal Integration Approach to EU Cohesion Policy. Bruges Political Research Paper No. 20, December 2011

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    This paper engages with the debate about why the nature of the EU's policy portfolio is as it is. It does so by taking cohesion policy and asking the question, why has it come to occupy so important a position in the EU‟s policy portfolio? It is argued that the two most common conceptually-based approaches applied to cohesion policy – intergovernmentalism and multilevel governance – do not adequately explain either the timing or the dynamic of cohesion policy. A model that combines economic integration approaches and federal approaches is developed in the paper to provide a basis for a new explanatory framework for the prominent position of cohesion in the portfolio. We suggest that our approach – which we call a federal integration approach – has the potential to be applied to other policy areas

    Enlargements and Their Impact on EU Governance and Decision-Making

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    This article examines the impact of enlargements on EU governance and decision-making, especially legislative decision-making. It is shown that all EU enlargement rounds, other than the first, have served to help improve the EU’s decision-making capacities, by promoting treaty and other changes that have made decision-making processes more efficient. The legislative outputs of the decision-making processes have declined in recent years, but this is for reasons other than enlargement

    The Subluminous and Peculiar Type Ia Supernova PTF09dav

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    PTF09dav is a peculiar subluminous type Ia supernova (SN) discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Spectroscopically, it appears superficially similar to the class of subluminous SN1991bg-like SNe, but it has several unusual features which make it stand out from this population. Its peak luminosity is fainter than any previously discovered SN1991bg-like SN Ia (M_B -15.5), but without the unusually red optical colors expected if the faint luminosity were due to extinction. The photospheric optical spectra have very unusual strong lines of Sc II and Mg I, with possible Sr II, together with stronger than average Ti II and low velocities of ~6000 km/s. The host galaxy of PTF09dav is ambiguous. The SN lies either on the extreme outskirts (~41kpc) of a spiral galaxy, or in an very faint (M_R>-12.8) dwarf galaxy, unlike other 1991bg-like SNe which are invariably associated with massive, old stellar populations. PTF09dav is also an outlier on the light-curve-width--luminosity and color--luminosity relations derived for other sub-luminous SNe Ia. The inferred 56Ni mass is small (0.019+/-0.003Msun), as is the estimated ejecta mass of 0.36Msun. Taken together, these properties make PTF09dav a remarkable event. We discuss various physical models that could explain PTF09dav. Helium shell detonation or deflagration on the surface of a CO white-dwarf can explain some of the features of PTF09dav, including the presence of Sc and the low photospheric velocities, but the observed Si and Mg are not predicted to be very abundant in these models. We conclude that no single model is currently capable of explaining all of the observed signatures of PTF09dav.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of 90 Type Ia supernovae among 700,000 Sloan spectra: the Type-Ia supernova rate versus galaxy mass and star-formation rate at redshift ~0.1

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    Using a method to discover and classify supernovae (SNe) in galaxy spectra, we find 90 Type Ia SNe (SNe Ia) and 10 Type II SNe among the ~700,000 galaxy spectra in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 that have VESPA-derived star-formation histories (SFHs). We use the SN Ia sample to measure SN Ia rates per unit stellar mass. We confirm, at the median redshift of the sample, z = 0.1, the inverse dependence on galaxy mass of the SN Ia rate per unit mass, previously reported by Li et al. (2011b) for a local sample. We further confirm, following Kistler et al. (2011), that this relation can be explained by the combination of galaxy "downsizing" and a power-law delay-time distribution (DTD; the distribution of times that elapse between a hypothetical burst of star formation and the subsequent SN Ia explosions) with an index of -1, inherent to the double-degenerate progenitor scenario. We use the method of Maoz et al. (2011) to recover the DTD by comparing the number of SNe Ia hosted by each galaxy in our sample with the VESPA-derived SFH of the stellar population within the spectral aperture. In this galaxy sample, which is dominated by old and massive galaxies, we recover a "delayed" component to the DTD of 4.5 +/- 0.6 (statistical) +0.3 -0.5 (systematic) X 10^-14 SNe Msun^-1 yr^-1 for delays in the range > 2.4 Gyr. The mass-normalized SN Ia rate, averaged over all masses and redshifts in our galaxy sample, is R(Ia,M,z=0.1) = 0.10 +/- 0.01 (statistical) +/- 0.01 (systematic) SNuM, and the volumetric rate is R(Ia,V,z=0.1) = 0.247 +0.029 -0.026 (statistical) +0.016 -0.031 (systematic) X 10^-4 SNe yr^-1 Mpc^-3. This rate is consistent with the rates and rate evolution from other recent SN Ia surveys, which together also indicate a ~t^-1 DTD.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 20 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables. Revised following referee report. A full version of figure 8 can be found at http://www.astro.tau.ac.il/~orgraur/Graur_SDSS_SNe_full.pd

    Photometric selection of high-redshift type Ia supernovae

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    We present a method for selecting high-redshift type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) located via rolling SN searches. The technique, using both color and magnitude information of events from only 2-3 epochs of multi-band real-time photometry, is able to discriminate between SNe Ia and core collapse SNe. Furthermore, for the SNe Ia, the method accurately predicts the redshift, phase and light-curve parameterization of these events based only on pre-maximum-light data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique on a simulated survey of SNe Ia and core-collapse SNe, where the selection method effectively rejects most core-collapse SNe while retaining SNe Ia. We also apply the selection code to real-time data acquired as part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). During the period May 2004 to January 2005 in the SNLS, 440 SN candidates were discovered of which 70 were confirmed spectroscopically as SNe Ia and 15 as core-collapse events. For this test dataset, the selection technique correctly identifies 100% of the identified SNe II as non-SNe Ia with only a 1-2% false rejection rate. The predicted parameterization of the SNe Ia has a precision of |delta_z|/(1+z_spec)<0.09 in redshift, and +/- 2-3 rest-frame days in phase, providing invaluable information for planning spectroscopic follow-up observations. We also investigate any bias introduced by this selection method on the ability of surveys such as SNLS to measure cosmological parameters (e.g., w and omega matter), and find any effect to be negligible.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Supernova PTF12glz: a possible shock breakout driven through an aspherical wind

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    We present visible-light and ultraviolet (UV) observations of the supernova PTF12glz. The SN was discovered and monitored in near-UV and R bands as part of a joint GALEX and Palomar Transient Factory campaign. It is among the most energetic Type IIn supernovae observed to date (~10^51erg). If the radiated energy mainly came from the thermalization of the shock kinetic energy, we show that PTF12glz was surrounded by ~1 solar mass of circumstellar material (CSM) prior to its explosive death. PTF12glz shows a puzzling peculiarity: at early times, while the freely expanding ejecta are presumably masked by the optically thick CSM, the radius of the blackbody that best fits the observations grows at ~8000km/s. Such a velocity is characteristic of fast moving ejecta rather than optically thick CSM. This phase of radial expansion takes place before any spectroscopic signature of expanding ejecta appears in the spectrum and while both the spectroscopic data and the bolometric luminosity seem to indicate that the CSM is optically thick. We propose a geometrical solution to this puzzle, involving an aspherical structure of the CSM around PTF12glz. By modeling radiative diffusion through a slab of CSM, we show that an aspherical geometry of the CSM can result in a growing effective radius. This simple model also allows us to recover the decreasing blackbody temperature of PTF12glz. SLAB-Diffusion, the code we wrote to model the radiative diffusion of photons through a slab of CSM and evaluate the observed radius and temperature, is made available on-line.Comment: Sumbitted to ApJ. Comments are welcom

    Real-time Analysis and Selection Biases in the Supernova Legacy Survey

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    The Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) has produced a high-quality, homogeneous sample of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) out to redshifts greater than z=1. In its first four years of full operation (to June 2007), the SNLS discovered more than 3000 transient candidates, 373 of which have been confirmed spectroscopically as SNe Ia. Use of these SNe Ia in precision cosmology critically depends on an analysis of the observational biases incurred in the SNLS survey due to the incomplete sampling of the underlying SN Ia population. This paper describes our real-time supernova detection and analysis procedures, and uses detailed Monte Carlo simulations to examine the effects of Malmquist bias and spectroscopic sampling. Such sampling effects are found to become apparent at z~0.6, with a significant shift in the average magnitude of the spectroscopically confirmed SN Ia sample towards brighter values for z>0.75. We describe our approach to correct for these selection biases in our three-year SNLS cosmological analysis (SNLS3), and present a breakdown of the systematic uncertainties involved.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Supernova rates from the Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO Supernova Search (STRESS)

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    To measure the supernova (SN) rates at intermediate redshift we performed the Southern inTermediate Redshift ESO Supernova Search (STRESS). Unlike most of the current high redshift SN searches, this survey was specifically designed to estimate the rate for both type Ia and core collapse (CC) SNe. We counted the SNe discovered in a selected galaxy sample measuring SN rate per unit blue band luminosity. Our analysis is based on a sample of ~43000 galaxies and on 25 spectroscopically confirmed SNe plus 64 selected SN candidates. Our approach is aimed at obtaining a direct comparison of the high redshift and local rates and at investigating the dependence of the rates on specific galaxy properties, most notably their colour. The type Ia SN rate, at mean redshift z=0.3, amounts to 0.22^{+0.10+0.16}_{-0.08 -0.14} h_{70}^2 SNu, while the CC SN rate, at z=0.21, is 0.82^{+0.31 +0.30}_{-0.24 -0.26} h_{70}^2 SNu. The quoted errors are the statistical and systematic uncertainties. With respect to local value, the CC SN rate at z=0.2 is higher by a factor of ~2 already at redshift, whereas the type Ia SN rate remains almost constant. This implies that a significant fraction of SN Ia progenitors has a lifetime longer than 2-3 Gyr. We also measured the SN rates in the red and blue galaxies and found that the SN Ia rate seems to be constant in galaxies of different colour, whereas the CC SN rate seems to peak in blue galaxies, as in the local Universe. SN rates per unit volume were found to be consistent with other measurements showing a steeper evolution with redshift for CC SNe with respect to SNe Ia. Finally we have exploited the link between star formation (SF) and SN rates to predict the evolutionary behaviour of the SN rates and compare it with the path indicated by observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 25 pages (including on line material), 13 figure
