28 research outputs found

    Social sustainability of alternative food systems viewed through actor argumentation

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    The method of the study was qualitative attitude research, which is based on the generation and analysis of argumentation. The material was produced by presenting selected statements concerning different aspects of social sustainability to the interviewees, asking them to comment on the statements. The attitudes towards alternative food systems were generally positive. The local and organic food production were seen more ecological, better for the economy of rural communities and more fair towards the farmer.Peer reviewe

    Using machine learning and 10-K filings to measure innovation

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a text-based measure of innovation using latent Dirichlet allocation on a sample of 45,409 10-K filings from US listed companies. We expect that the text-based innovation measure is associated with innovation and can be used to measure innovation for companies without patents or significant research and development expenditures. The empirical results are consistent with these assumptions, but reveal that thorough initial testing is required to ensure robustness. This study extends the research on innovation measurement and company disclosures, and provides a new method for assessing innovation using company disclosures.© 2024 The Authors. Accounting & Finance published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Keittiöt ilman rajoja : Yhteinen keittiö -hankkeen osallisuusvaikutusten arviointi

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    Yhteinen keittiö on ihmisiÀ yhteen kokoava tila tai toiminta, jossa on tarjolla edullista ruokaa, yhdessÀ olemista ja mielekÀstÀ tekemistÀ. Se on avoin kaikille ja kutsuu paikalle ihmisiÀ kaikista yhteiskuntaryhmistÀ. Siksi se on myös kohtaamispaikka alueen eri-ikÀisille ja eritaustaisille asukkaille. YhteisiÀ keittiöitÀ kehitettiin hankkeella vuosina 2017 2018. Vuoden 2018 aikana toteutettiin Kirkkohallituksen ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen Sokra-hankkeen yhteistyönÀ arviointi, jossa Yhteisten keittiöiden vaikuttavuutta tutkittiin kyselyllÀ, osallistuvalla havainnoinnilla ja avainhenkilöiden haastatteluilla. TÀssÀ raportissa kerrotaan alustavat tuloksen siitÀ, miten Yhteiset keittiöt onnistuivat vahvistamaan kÀvijöidensÀ osallisuuden kokemusta

    Maternal tiredness and cytokine concentrations in mid-pregnancy

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    Objective: Sleep disturbances relate to altered levels of inflammatory mediators in general population, but not much is known about the associations between sleep disturbances and inflammatory mediators during pregnancy. The present exploratory study investigated whether insomnia, tiredness, general sleep quality, and insufficient sleep duration during pregnancy relate to the concentrations of maternal peripheral circulating cytokines. As sleep disturbances are frequently observed in mood disorders, the results were controlled for symptoms of depression and anxiety. Methods: 137 participants were randomly drawn from a representative FinnBrain Birth Cohort. Serum concentrations of selected cytokines were analyzed using Multiplex bead arrays from blood samples drawn at the gestational week 24. The sleep disturbances were evaluated using the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the anxiety subscale of the self-rated Symptom Checklist 90, respectively. Results: Enhanced tiredness was associated with cytokine concentrations of IL-2, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, and TNF-alpha. The observed associations resembled a reversed U-shaped curve rather than being linear. Having a good general sleep quality was associated with higher logarithmic cytokine concentrations of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, and IFN-gamma. There was no evidence for associations between insomnia or sleep loss and cytokines. Conclusions: Maternal subjective tiredness and good general sleep quality were associated with altered levels of immunological markers during pregnancy. The association was independent from symptoms of depression and anxiety.Peer reviewe

    Beyond East-West : marginality and national dignity in Finnish identity construction

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    Since the end of the Cold War it has become common for Finnish academics and politicians alike to frame debates about Finnish national identity in terms of locating Finland somewhere along a continuum between East and West (e.g., Harle and Moisio 2000). Indeed, for politicians properly locating oneself (and therefore Finland) along this continuum has often been seen as central to the winning and losing of elections. For example, the 1994 referendum on EU membership was largely interpreted precisely as an opportunity to relocate Finland further to the West (Jakobson 1998, 111; Arter 1995). Indeed, the tendency to depict Finnish history in terms of a series of ‘westernising’ moves has been notable, but has also betrayed some of the politicised elements of this view (Browning 2002). However, this framing of Finnish national identity discourse is not only sometimes politicised, but arguably is also too simplified and results in blindness towards other identity narratives that have also been important through Finnish history, and that are also evident (but rarely recognised) today as well. In this article we aim to highlight one of these that we argue has played a key role in locating Finland in the world and in formulating notions of what Finland is about, what historical role and mission it has been understood as destined to play, and what futures for the nation have been conceptualised as possible and as providing a source of subjectivity and national dignity. The focus of this article is therefore on the relationship between Finnish nationalism and ideas of ‘marginality’ through Finnish history

    The Role of Geospatial Data in Data Economy

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    This work is a pre-study, and it is intended to produce a report under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) about the role of geospatial data in data economy, especially in a Finnish context. The aim was to review the state-of-the-art and needs regarding geospatial data and positioning in today’s data economy as well as the impact of geospatial data and positioning. Geospatial data has an important role in data economy. The report delves into the technical aspects of data, unveiling the untapped potential of its value and the cross-disciplinary role it serves in multiple industries. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the synergistic-sustainability potential geospatial data has for addressing climate impacts and facilitating more precise environmental monitoring. The subject is multidisciplinary, and therefore it was logical to include a wide variety of perspectives in the report. According to the review of literature and an illustrating case study, there is a need for many kinds of further research related to geospatial data connected to more precise Earth observation, pervasive positioning solutions, value and use of geospatial data in decision-making and resource allocation, measuring the value as well as customizing services and products related to it. The research related to competences needed to use the data, improvement of the use of data as well as the use of environmental performance indicators is needed too