6,739 research outputs found

    O direito à verdade sob a óptica da obra "1984" de George Orwell

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objetivo analisar o Direito à Verdade, enquanto direito essencial à consolidação de uma sociedade democrática, à luz da distopia de George Orwell “1984”, realizando paralelo entre direito e literatura. Em um primeiro momento, será abordada a relação entre direito e literatura, analisando-se o movimento assim denominado e suas principais vertentes. Assim, não obstante análise sobre a importância da relação entre as duas áreas de saberes, serão explorados os conceitos de direito como literatura e de direito na literatura, bem como as implicações de cada. Na segunda etapa, realizar-se-á análise da obra literária “1984”, contextualizando-a no cenário histórico mundial e apresentando-a como reflexo das experiências de seu autor. Em seguida, far-se-á interpretação do enredo da obra, de forma a extrair os principais elementos relevantes à compreensão da manipulação do passado e da violação ao direito à verdade que isto implica. Por fim, analisar-se-ão os conceitos de verdade, sobretudo de verdade fatual, para que, então, seja possível compreender o direito à verdade e sua necessidade em face de uma ordem democrática, bem como o modo pelo qual é promovido na superação de regimes ditatoriais

    The Development of an Advanced Biorefinery to Produce Cellulosic Sugars and Bionanomaterials

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    Market trends show growing interest in cellulose nanomaterials due to their low environmental impact. However, current nanocellulose isolation technologies face technoeconomic and life cycle limitations. Previous research has shown that enzymatic treatments effectively reduce the energy input for mechanical nanocellulose isolation. Simultaneously, there is potential to improve the viability of cellulosic ethanol facilities by coproducing nanocelluloses as high-value product obtained from agricultural feedstock. Here, our goal was to study the mass balance of enzymatic-mechanical processes that coproduces cellulosic sugars and nanocelluloses, evaluating the technical feasibility of converting lignified and non-lignified materials. First, we have determined a feasible 50:50 mass ratio to obtain nanocelluloses and sugars using efficient-saccharification enzyme cocktails. This ratio, derived from breakeven point in the enzyme cost equation, was set as target for converting carbohydrates. We investigated the coproduction of nanocelluloses (CNC and CNF) and high-titer sugars from hardwood bleached kraft pulp (HBKP), varying cellulose conversion. The integration was technically feasible and required low energy consumption. Total sugars concentration was 61–165 g.L-1. Optimizing CNC yield via response surface yielded in 4.4–8.7 g/100g of HBKP. CTec2 treatment significantly reduced the energy input for CNF isolation with energy savings up to 80% when compared to ultra-refining HBPK without pretreatment (25 kWh.kg-1). A new process method was studied to pretretreat sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and sugarcane straw (SCS), obtain sodium acetate and sugars, and isolate lignin-containing nanocelluloses (LCNC and LCNF). The pretreatment involved a modified version of the Deacetylation and Mechanical Refining (DMR) process, that was considered versatile and promoted full valorization of the biomasses. The pretreated materials had high fines level (83.6 – 87.9%) after Cellic CTec3/HTec3 treatment, hence significantly low energy input was required during ultra-refining. Total sugars concentration was 37–48 g.L-1 for SCB and 31.3 g.L-1 for SCS. LCNC yield was 5–7 g/100g of SCB and 6 g/100g of SCS. LCNF yield was 67–72 g/100g of SCB and 72 g/100g of SCS. The isolated lignin-containing nanocelluloses showed promising surface chemistry both as suspensions and films. LCNFs had high hydrophobicity (94o to 102º), low wettability (up to 810s), and good thermostability (Tmax 334–337 oC)

    Entre o WhatsApp e a praça da “família”: relato de uma experiência teórico-metodológica

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    This article reports the theoretical and methodological experience enabled by the research that aimed to understand the processes of sociability among young people gathered around the group self called “família Os poderosos e as ponderosas”, who contacted themselves through social networks and in the city squares of Fortaleza, Ceará. The generating question was: how are these relations, their dislocations and ruptures constituted from the convergence between the use of communication and information technologies and squares? For the purposes of the research, ethnography and netnography were used as main methodological procedures.Este artigo reflete a experiência teórico-metodológica possibilitada pela pesquisa que teve como objetivo compreender os processos de sociabilidade entre jovens reunidos em torno do grupamento autodenominado “família Os poderosos e as poderosas” e que se conectavam por meio de redes sociais e nas praças da cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, entre março e novembro de 2015. A questão geradora era: como se constituíam essas relações, seus deslocamentos e rupturas, a partir da convergência entre os usos de tecnologias de comunicação e informação e das praças? Para os fins da pesquisa, utilizou-se como procedimentos metodológicos principais a etnografia e a netnografia

    Gamma Rays from Space

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    An overview of gamma rays from space is presented. We highlight the most powerful astrophysical explosions, known as gamma-ray bursts. The main features observed in detectors onboard satellites are indicated. In addition, we also highlight a chronological description of the efforts made to observe their high energy counterpart at ground level. Some candidates of the GeV counterpart of gamma-ray bursts, observed by Tupi telescopes, are also presented

    Psycap and Amotivation to search for a job: the role of need frustration and family support

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    This work analyses unemployed individuals’ psychological capital (Psycap), and the mediating and moderation developments through which this resource is related with amotivation to search for a job. We tested, in particular, whether need frustration of autonomy, relatedness and competence mediated the relationship between Psycap and amotivation, by using a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 298 unemployed people. Additionally, we also tested whether individuals’ family support would moderate the negative relationship between Psycap and amotivation to search for a job, and if the strength of the hypothesized indirect effects were conditional on the perception of family support. Results revealed that the relationship between Psycap and amotivation was mediated by need frustration of relatedness and competence. Moreover, family support was confirmed to moderate the relationship between need frustration of competence and amotivation, such that the high levels of amotivation was found in individuals who demonstrated high levels of need frustration of competence and low family support. Ultimately, results have supported a conditional indirect and negative effect of the Psycap on forecasting amotivation through need frustration of competence when levels of family support were high, but not when the support was low. Overall, the results obtained show that need frustration of autonomy, relatedness and competence, and family support embody key elements in explaining how Psycap is associated with amotivation to search for a job

    Proposition of a tool to calculate the oxygen and air flow for high-flow nasal oxygenation in obese patients

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    Blood desaturation after surgery in obese patients in not uncommon. Oxygen therapy is almost always necessary in these cases and we have to use low-flow catheters, Venturi masks or non-rebreathing systems, but maybe the most efficacious are the non-invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) and the new high-flow oxygen therapy which offers a warm and humid high-flow mixture of O2 and air (up to 70l/min). We decided to use this device in a very obese patient scheduled for a gastroplasty but one question arose: how to calculate FiO2 without tables or mathematic calculations? We used a tool available in a website since 2020 to resolve this problem precisely. Patient’s SpO2 remained all the time between 99 and 100% and 4h after the surgery he was transferred to the ward

    Discriminação contra jovens lésbicas em contexto escolar = Discrimination against young lesbian women in the school context

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    O presente artigo teve como objetivo elaborar uma resenha teórica sobre a forma como as escolas e seus/suas profissionais se posicionam relativamente à cidadania de jovens lésbicas. Em primeiro lugar, apresentámos as características do ambiente escolar para os/as jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e transgénero. Depois, mostrámos como as pessoas com orientações sexuais e identidades de género não normativas são vistas e reconhecidas pelos seus pares e pelos/as professores/as, auscultando, em particular, as experiências de jovens lésbicas no contexto escolar. Por fim, discutimos sobre o modo como podemos contribuir para uma escola mais inclusiva que fomente a diversidade e a cidadania ativa de jovens lésbicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Doping e a lógica da escolha

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    Quando um atleta utiliza anabolizantes, para aumentar seu rendimento esportivo, observa-se que um conjunto de práticas e discursos tenta atribuir a ele a responsabilidade exclusiva pelo consumo. Neste artigo serão discutidos os casos de dois lutadores de Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), condenados por doping. Os autores mantiveram contato com os atletas durante seis meses, em duas academias da cidade de São Paulo, no ano de 2014. O estudo fundamenta-se em uma metodologia praxiográfica, vinculada à Teoria Ator-Rede. Por meio deste trabalho, pretendeu-se desconstruir a lógica da "escolha individual" pelo uso de anabolizantes, na qual o atleta é posicionado como o único responsável pelo consumo.When an athlete uses anabolic steroids to increase his athletic performance, it is observed that a set of practices and speeches try to attribute to him an exclusive responsibility for consumption. In this article, we will discuss the cases of two Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters convicted for doping, with whom the authors have had contact. The contact lasted for six months, at two specialized academies in the city of São Paulo, in the year 2014. The methodology of this study consists in a praxiographic analysis, based on the Actor-Network Theory (TAR). In this work, we intend to deconstruct the logic of "individual choice" by the use of doping, by which the athlete is positioned as the sole responsible for the consumption