19 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the optical behavior of a porphyrin encapsulated in sol-gel silica coatings and in solution as a function of pH

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    Artículo científicoWe report a comparative optical spectral study as a function of pH on a porphyrin encapsulated in a solgel matrix and in methanol solution. Its response has been discussed in terms of pH-sensitivity as a function of the coatings thickness. Comparison with the behavior of such porphyrin in methanol solution is also included. Optical properties of the porphyrin doped coatings show a quasi linear behavior throughout the pH range studied. Luminescent emission of doped coatings has its maximum peak at a slightly lower wavelength compared with the response in liquid medium (methanol solution), while in the excitation spectra no clear tendency was observed for different pH. Coatings doped with 1 wt% porphyrin fulfill Lambert-Beer law, although the molar absorptivity of the encapsulated porphyrin in the coatings is slightly lower than in methanol solution

    Estilos de crianza y su relación con la inteligencia emocional en adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Cuenca, en el periodo 2022-2023

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    Las competencias emocionales son una parte importante en la etapa de la adolescencia, diversos estudios han evidenciado que la ausencia de estas destrezas afecta tanto en la vida cotidiana como en el contexto escolar, por lo tanto, los adolescentes con buenos niveles de inteligencia emocional tienden a mostrar mayor bienestar físico y psicológico, además de saber enfrentar de mejor manera cualquier conflicto emocional. La familia tiene un papel fundamental, ya que es el contexto más importante donde se forjan dichas competencias. Para lo cual se planteó como objetivo relacionar los estilos de crianza y las dimensiones de inteligencia emocional en los adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Cuenca, periodo 2022-2023 según las variables sociodemográficas edad, sexo y tipología familiar. El estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transversal y de alcance correlacional. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron la Escala de estilos de crianza de Steinberg y el WLEIS-S. Como resultados se encontró una relación significativa entre las dimensiones de inteligencia emocional y el estilo de crianza mixto, lo que evidenció una mayor inteligencia emocional en los participantes que han sido criados bajo este estilo, mientras que esta fue menor en el estilo permisivo indulgente. Además, se evidenció que los participantes en su mayoría han sido criados bajo el estilo autoritativo con más del 50 %. Por último, en cuanto a la inteligencia emocional, se identificó que una media del 5,20 de los participantes tiene un predominio en el uso de las propias emocionesEmotional skills are an essential part of the adolescent stage, and various studies have shown that the absence of these skills affects both daily life and the school context. The family has a fundamental role since it is the most important context where these competencies are forged. Adolescents with good levels of emotional intelligence tend to show greater physical and psychological well-being and know how to deal better with any emotional conflict. The objective was to relate the parenting styles and the dimensions of emotional intelligence in adolescents of the Cuenca City Educational Unit, period 2022-2023 according to the sociodemographic variables age, sex, and family type. The study has a quantitative approach, non-experimental, cross-sectional design, and correlational scope. We worked with a population of 130 adolescents. A total of 91 adolescents participated because some adolescents did not sign the informed assent and others did not meet the inclusion criteria. The instruments used were the Steinberg Parenting Styles Scale and the WLEIS-S. s results, a significant relationship was found between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and the mixed parenting style, which showed a higher emotional intelligence in the participantswho have been raised under this style, while it was lower in the permissive indulgent style. In addition, it was evidenced that most of the participants have been raised under the authoritative style with more than 50%. Finally, regarding emotional intelligence, it was identified that an average of 5.20 of the participants have a predominance in the use of their own emotions.0000-0001-5930-434

    Surveillance and epidemiology of Herpes Zoster in Spain

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    [ES] Fundamentos: El herpes zóster (HZ) aparece debido a la reactivación de la infección latente por el virus de la varicela-zóster y está asociado a la inmunosupresión y al envejecimiento. El HZ es de creciente importancia en las sociedades avanzadas. La vacunación se vislumbra como una potente herramienta para reducir el zóster y su principal complicación: la neuralgia postherpética. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la tendencia temporal y la distribución por grupos de edad y sexo de los casos, hospitalizaciones y muertes por HZ en España entre 1998 y 2018. Métodos: Se analizaron los casos de HZ notificados a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica entre 2014-2018, las hospitalizaciones por HZ del registro RAE-CMBD entre 1998-2018 y las muertes por HZ de la Estadística de Mortalidad del INE entre 1999-2018. Se calcularon: tasas de incidencia, hospitalización (TH) y mortalidad (TM) anual y de periodo; tasas globales y por grupos de edad y sexo, así como porcentaje y porcentaje acumulado de casos y hospitalizaciones por grupos de edad. Resultados: La incidencia global de HZ se estimó en 351,6 por cada 100.000 habitantes y en 625,5 por cada 100.000 habitantes en personas de 50 años o más. La incidencia se incrementó con la edad, sobre todo a partir de los 50-54 años (incremento del 41% respecto al grupo de 45-49 años) y fue siempre más alta en mujeres. La TH global por HZ fue 6,75 por cada 100.000 habitantes y 15,7 por cada 100.000 habitantes en personas de 50 años o más. La TH fue creciendo con la edad, sobre todo a partir de los 60-64 años (incremento del 50% respecto al grupo de 54-59 años) y resultó siempre más alta en hombres. El 68,8% de casos y el 80,2% de hospitalizaciones por HZ ocurrieron a partir de los 50 años. Conclusiones: En España, el HZ es una entidad frecuente y grave en adultos y personas mayores, que requiere intervenciones en Salud Pública. Los cambios demográficos y la incorporación de la vacunación exigen seguir monitorizando estrechamente el comportamiento del HZ en términos de incidencia y gravedad. [EN] Background: Herpes Zoster (HZ) results from reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus infection and is associated with immunosuppression and ageing. HZ is of increasing importance in advanced societies. Vaccination appears as a powerful tool to reduce HZ as well as postherpetic neuralgia, the main zoster complication. This study aims to describe the temporal trend, the age and sex distribution of cases, hospitalisations and deaths by zoster occurred in Spain between 1998 and 2018. Methods: The available information for zoster in Spain were used: cases from National Surveillance System (2014-2018), registries from Spanish hospitalisation database (1998-2018) and deaths from the Spanish mortality statistics (1999-2018). Incidence, hospitalization (HR) and mortality (MR) rates per year and period were calculated. Rates by age group and sex as well as percentage and cumulative percentage for cases and hospitalisations by age group, were also calculated. Results: The global HZ incidence was 351.6/100,000 inhabitants and 625.5/100,000 among population aged 50 and over. The incidence increases with age, especially from the age of 50-54 years (41% increase over the 45-49 age group) and is always higher in women. The global HR was 6.75/100,000 and 15.7/100,000 in persons aged 50 and over; HR increases with age, especially from 60-64 years onwards (50% increase over 54-59 age group) and is always higher in men. The 68.8% of cases and 80.2% of hospitalisations for HZ occurred from the age of 50. Conclusions: In Spain HZ is a frequent and severe entity in adults and elderly people requiring public health interventions. The demographic changes and the introduction of vaccination require continued monitoring of HZ behaviour in terms of incidence and severity.S

    Análisis estadístico de los esfuerzos de fractura en materiales cerámicos

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    En este proyecto se incorporó un nuevo módulo al programa "Laboratorio Virtual de Materiales Cerámicos", dedicado al análisis estadístico de los esfuerzos de fractura a través de la función de probabilidad de Weibull


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    ... O estado de exceção apresenta-se como a forma legal daquilo que não pode ter forma legal.(Giorgio Agamben in Homo Sacer II,I) Este volume de Retratos de Assentamentos propõe uma reflexão sobre a questão ambiental em assentamentos na conjuntura atual e vem à luz em meio a situações contraditórias e em um momento crucial. Temos, como sempre, a grande satisfação de mais uma vez contribuir com o esforço para a divulgação de resultados científicos e denúncias da parte de pesquisadores e pesquisadoras que se debruçam sobre o rural e nos confiam suas produções... Desejamos a todos uma boa leitura e grandesreflexões

    Diseño e implementación de un laboratorio virtual para el estudio de las "Estructuras cristalinas más representativas de los Materiales Cerámicos", y de los "Defectos extensos en cristales iónicos"

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    En este proyecto se diseñaron y programaron dos módulos nuevos que se incorporarán al programa Laboratorio Virtual de Materiales Cerámicos, creado durante la ejecución del proyecto PIMCD_225 (2015). El primero de estos módulos está dedicado a las "Estructuras cristalinas más representativas de los Materiales Cerámicos" y el segundo módulo está relacionado con los "Defectos extensos en cristales iónicos", con este último se pretende ampliar el módulo de defectos, que estaba dedicado inicialmente a los de baja dimensionalidad (defectos puntuales)

    Usefulness of two independent DNA and rna tissue-based multiplex assays for the routine care of advanced NSCLC patients

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    Personalized medicine is nowadays a paradigm in lung cancer management, offering important benefits to patients. This study aimed to test the feasibility and utility of embedding two multiplexed genomic platforms as the routine workup of advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Two parallel multiplexed approaches were performed based on DNA sequencing and direct digital detection of RNA with nCounter® technology to evaluate gene mutations and fusions. The results were used to guide genotype-directed therapies and patient outcomes were collected. A total of 224 advanced non-squamous NSCLC patients were prospectively included in the study. Overall, 85% of samples were successfully characterized at DNA and RNA levels and oncogenic drivers were found in 68% of patients, with KRAS, EGFR, MET∆ex14, BRAF, and ALK being the most frequent (31%, 19%, 5%, 4%, and 4%, respectively). Among all patients with complete genotyping results and follow-up data (n = 156), the median overall survival (OS) was 1.90 years (confidence interval (CI) 95% 1.69-2.10) for individuals harbouring an actionable driver treated with a matched therapy, compared with 0.59 years (CI 95% 0.39-0.79) in those not eligible for any targeted therapy and 0.61 years (CI 95% 0.12-1.10) in patients with no drivers identified (p < 0.001). Integrating DNA and RNA multiplexing technologies into the routine molecular testing of advanced NSCLC patients is feasible and useful and highlights the necessity of widespread integrating comprehensive molecular diagnosis into lung cancer care

    Culture of Human Rotaviruses in Relevant Models Shows Differences in Culture-Adapted and Nonculture-Adapted Strains

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    Rotavirus (RV) is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children under 5 years old worldwide, and several studies have demonstrated that histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) play a role in its infection process. In the present study, human stool filtrates from patients diagnosed with RV diarrhea (genotyped as P[8]) were used to infect differentiated Caco-2 cells (dCaco-2) to determine whether such viral strains of clinical origin had the ability to replicate in cell cultures displaying HBGAs. The cell culture-adapted human RV Wa model strain (P[8] genotype) was used as a control. A time-course analysis of infection was conducted in dCaco-2 at 1, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. The replication of two selected clinical isolates and Wa was further assayed in MA104, undifferentiated Caco-2 (uCaco-2), HT29, and HT29-M6 cells, as well as in monolayers of differentiated human intestinal enteroids (HIEs). The results showed that the culture-adapted Wa strain replicated more efficiently in MA104 cells than other utilized cell types. In contrast, clinical virus isolates replicated more efficiently in dCaco-2 cells and HIEs. Furthermore, through surface plasmon resonance analysis of the interaction between the RV spike protein (VP8*) and its glycan receptor (the H antigen), the V7 RV clinical isolate showed 45 times better affinity compared to VP8* from the Wa strain. These findings support the hypothesis that the differences in virus tropism between clinical virus isolates and RV Wa could be a consequence of the different HBGA contents on the surface of the cell lines employed. dCaco-2, HT29, and HT29M6 cells and HIEs display HBGAs on their surfaces, whereas MA104 and uCaco-2 cells do not. These results indicate the relevance of using non-cell culture-adapted human RV to investigate the replication of rotavirus in relevant infection models.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICIN)/Spanish State Research Agency (AEI)/10.13039/501100011033 Project grants PID2020-115403RB C21 to M.J.Y. and PID2020-115403RB C22 to J.R.-D. This study was also supported by the Valencian Government grant CIAICO/2022/033 to J.R.-D. N.P.-G. is the recipient of a predoctoral grant from the Valencian Government (ACIF/2020/085). C.S.-B. is the recipient of an FPI predoctoral grant PRE2018-083315 from MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ESF Investing in your future”. N.N.-L. is the recipient of a predoctoral grant from the Valencian Government (ACIF/2020/076). R.C.-C. is the recipient of a predoctoral grant from the Valencian Government (ACIF/2021/162). This study was supported by PREVISION project (reference no. PID2019-105509RJ-I00) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities and AEI/FEDER, UE to W.R.With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX 2021-001189-S)Peer reviewe