100 research outputs found

    An Extreme Degree of Difficulty: The Educational Demographics of Urban Neighborhood High Schools

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    Despite the growth of a variety of alternatives to the neighborhood high school, most students in big-city school systems still attend large comprehensive high schools that serve a particular residential area. The authors contend that the extreme concentration of educational need at these schools is often overlooked by policymakers, school reform programs, and even district personnel. To illustrate the challenges facing neighborhood high schools, this paper examines key academic characteristics of ninth graders in Philadelphia during 1999-00. The authors find that a large percentage of ninth graders at neighborhood high schools have been ninth graders for two or more years. Many of the first-time ninth graders are either over-age, two or more years below grade level in reading and math, or had weak attendance in eighth grade. These data suggest that large and sustained investments of human and financial capital are desperately needed in the many neighborhood schools that serve primarily, and often almost exclusively, students with multiple risk factors for academic failure

    The dynamism of salt crust patterns on playas

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    Playas are common in arid environments and can be major sources of mineral dust that can influence global climate. These landforms typically form crusts that limit evaporation and dust emission, modify surface erosivity and erodibility, and can lead to over prediction or under prediction of (1) dust-emission potential and (2) water and heat fluxes in energy balance modeling. Through terrestrial laser scanning measurements of part of the Makgadikgadi Pans of Botswana (a Southern Hemisphere playa that emits significant amounts of dust), we show that over weeks, months, and a year, the shapes of these surfaces change considerably (ridge thrusting of >30 mm/week) and can switch among continuous, ridged, and degraded patterns. Ridged pattern development changes the measured aerodynamic roughness of the surface (as much as 3 mm/week). The dynamic nature of these crusted surfaces must be accounted for in dust entrainment and moisture balance formulae to improve regional and global climate models

    First use of Re:View – a tool to combine assessment tasks, marking criteria and graduate attributes

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    In order to improve clarity of the link between assessment tasks and graduate attributes to students, Re:View was introduced across three undergraduate biochemistry subjects. Re:View is an on-line assessment tool which provides a direct visual link between graduate attributes and marking criteria. It also provides students with an easy to access portal to retrieve their grade and assessor feedback on assessment tasks. Our aim was to improve the second and third year biochemistry student laboratory based learning experience by developing and clarifying the link between assessment tasks, marking criteria and graduate attributes, using ReView as the assessment tool. Marking criteria for laboratory based assessments across three biochemistry subjects were available to the students, and their assessments were marked against rubrics of criterion referenced marking criteria using Re:View. Student opinion was canvassed via anonymous feedback surveys and focus groups. Student opinion showed Re:View was of benefit to align marking criteria with graduate attributes and provided easy access to feedback which could be used to improve future work. With the use of Re:View we have clarified the link between assessment tasks and marking criteria and enhanced student engagement with laboratory based assessment tasks, which has improved their written assessment performance

    Evaporative sodium salt crust development and its wind tunnel derived transport dynamics under variable climatic conditions

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    Playas (or ephemeral lakes) can be significant sources of dust, but they are typically covered by salt crusts of variable mineralogy and these introduce uncertainty into dust emission predictions. Despite the importance of crust mineralogy to emission potential, little is known about (i) the effect of short-term changes in temperature and relative humidity on the erodibility of these crusts, and (ii) the influence of crust degradation and mineralogy on wind speed threshold for dust emission. Our understanding of systems where emission is not driven by impacts from saltators is particularly poor. This paper describes a wind tunnel study in which dust emission in the absence of saltating particles was measured for a suite of climatic conditions and salt crust types commonly found on Sua Pan, Botswana. The crusts were found to be non-emissive under climate conditions characteristic of dawn and early morning, as compared to hot and dry daytime conditions when the wind speed threshold for dust emission appears to be highly variable, depending upon salt crust physicochemistry. Significantly, sodium sulphate rich crusts were found to be more emissive than crusts formed from sodium chloride, while degraded versions of both crusts had a lower emission threshold than fresh, continuous crusts. The results from this study are in agreement with in-situ field measurements and confirm that dust emission from salt crusted surfaces can occur without saltation, although the vertical fluxes are orders of magnitude lower (∼10 μg/m/s) than for aeolian systems where entrainment is driven by particle impact

    A Randomized Phase II Trial of Pioglitazone for Lung Cancer Chemoprevention in High Risk Current and Former Smokers

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    Lung cancer chemoprevention, especially in high-risk former smokers, has great potential to reduce lung cancer incidence and mortality. Thiazolidinediones prevent lung cancer in preclinical studies, and diabetics receiving thiazolidinediones have lower lung cancer rates which led to our double-blind, randomized, phase II placebo-controlled trial of oral pioglitazone in high risk current or former smokers with sputum cytologic atypia or known endobronchial dysplasia. Bronchoscopy was performed at study entry and after completing of six months of treatment. Biopsies were histologically scored, and primary endpoint analysis tested worst biopsy scores (Max) between groups; Dysplasia index (DI) and average score (Avg) changes were secondary endpoints. Biopsies also received an inflammation score. The trial accrued 92 subjects (47 pioglitazone, 45 placebo), and 76 completed both bronchoscopies (39 pioglitazone, 37 placebo). Baseline dysplasia was significantly worse for current smokers, and 64% of subjects had mild or greater dysplasia at study entry. Subjects receiving pioglitazone did not exhibit improvement in bronchial dysplasia. Former smokers treated with pioglitazone exhibited a slight improvement in Max, while current smokers exhibited slight worsening. While statistically significant changes in Avg and DI were not observed in the treatment group, former smokers exhibited a slight decrease in both Avg and DI. Negligible Avg and DI changes occurred in current smokers. A trend towards decreased Ki-67 labeling index occurred in former smokers with baseline dysplasia receiving pioglitazone. While pioglitazone did not improve endobronchial histology in this high-risk cohort, specific lesions showed histologic improvement and further study is needed to better characterize responsive dysplasia

    Resolving the paradox of conflicting glacial chronologies: Reconstructing the pattern of deglaciation of the Magellan cordilleran ice dome (53–54°S) during the last glacial – interglacial transition

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    Raised shorelines and associated lacustrine sediments in the central Estrecho de Magallanes (Strait of Magellan) have been interpreted as products of cordilleran glaciers impounding a large proglacial lake and preventing drainage to the South Pacific and Southern Ocean during the Late glacial between c. 15.0 and 12.0 cal ka BP. However, a growing body of glacial geological evidence points towards an earlier retreat of the Magellan cordilleran ice dome, insufficient to dam lakes at that time. We critically re-evaluate the extant evidence for the c. 15.0–12.0 cal ka BP lake, here named ‘Lago Kawésqar’, and provide further sedimentological and chronological evidence for its existence. We also provide new cosmogenic surface nuclide dating of erratic and bedrock samples collected from extensive field campaigns that confirm the rapid and widespread retreat of the Magellan ice fields to the inner fjords of the Fuegian archipelago by c. 16.0 ka. To resolve the apparent paradox between these two lines of evidence we propose that glacial isostatic adjustment led to a topographic barrier to lake drainage rather than an ice dam. We use Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling to demonstrate that rapid isostatic recovery following the early deglaciation after c. 17.0 cal ka BP likely led to elevation of the present shallow south-western coastal margin of the Fuegian archipelago. Final drainage of Lago Kawésqar was probably caused by neotectonic subsidence of the same margin along the boundary of the South American – Scotia tectonic plates at c. 12.0 cal ka BP

    Changes in Gene Expression and Cellular Architecture in an Ovarian Cancer Progression Model

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Early stage disease often remains undetected due the lack of symptoms and reliable biomarkers. The identification of early genetic changes could provide insights into novel signaling pathways that may be exploited for early detection and treatment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mouse ovarian surface epithelial (MOSE) cells were used to identify stage-dependent changes in gene expression levels and signal transduction pathways by mouse whole genome microarray analyses and gene ontology. These cells have undergone spontaneous transformation in cell culture and transitioned from non-tumorigenic to intermediate and aggressive, malignant phenotypes. Significantly changed genes were overrepresented in a number of pathways, most notably the cytoskeleton functional category. Concurrent with gene expression changes, the cytoskeletal architecture became progressively disorganized, resulting in aberrant expression or subcellular distribution of key cytoskeletal regulatory proteins (focal adhesion kinase, α-actinin, and vinculin). The cytoskeletal disorganization was accompanied by altered patterns of serine and tyrosine phosphorylation as well as changed expression and subcellular localization of integral signaling intermediates APC and PKCβII. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our studies have identified genes that are aberrantly expressed during MOSE cell neoplastic progression. We show that early stage dysregulation of actin microfilaments is followed by progressive disorganization of microtubules and intermediate filaments at later stages. These stage-specific, step-wise changes provide further insights into the time and spatial sequence of events that lead to the fully transformed state since these changes are also observed in aggressive human ovarian cancer cell lines independent of their histological type. Moreover, our studies support a link between aberrant cytoskeleton organization and regulation of important downstream signaling events that may be involved in cancer progression. Thus, our MOSE-derived cell model represents a unique model for in depth mechanistic studies of ovarian cancer progression

    Finding the Needles in the Metagenome Haystack

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    In the collective genomes (the metagenome) of the microorganisms inhabiting the Earth’s diverse environments is written the history of life on this planet. New molecular tools developed and used for the past 15 years by microbial ecologists are facilitating the extraction, cloning, screening, and sequencing of these genomes. This approach allows microbial ecologists to access and study the full range of microbial diversity, regardless of our ability to culture organisms, and provides an unprecedented access to the breadth of natural products that these genomes encode. However, there is no way that the mere collection of sequences, no matter how expansive, can provide full coverage of the complex world of microbial metagenomes within the foreseeable future. Furthermore, although it is possible to fish out highly informative and useful genes from the sea of gene diversity in the environment, this can be a highly tedious and inefficient procedure. Microbial ecologists must be clever in their pursuit of ecologically relevant, valuable, and niche-defining genomic information within the vast haystack of microbial diversity. In this report, we seek to describe advances and prospects that will help microbial ecologists glean more knowledge from investigations into metagenomes. These include technological advances in sequencing and cloning methodologies, as well as improvements in annotation and comparative sequence analysis. More significant, however, will be ways to focus in on various subsets of the metagenome that may be of particular relevance, either by limiting the target community under study or improving the focus or speed of screening procedures. Lastly, given the cost and infrastructure necessary for large metagenome projects, and the almost inexhaustible amount of data they can produce, trends toward broader use of metagenome data across the research community coupled with the needed investment in bioinformatics infrastructure devoted to metagenomics will no doubt further increase the value of metagenomic studies in various environments