9 research outputs found

    KCNK3 Variants Are Associated With Hyperaldosteronism and Hypertension

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    Blood pressure (BP) is a complex trait that is the consequence of an interaction between genetic and environmental determinants. Previous studies have demonstrated increased BP in mice with global deletion of TASK-1 channels contemporaneous with diverse dysregulation of aldosterone production. In humans, genome-wide association studies in ≈100 000 individuals of European, East Asian, and South Asian ancestry identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in KCNK3 (the gene encoding TASK-1) associated with mean arterial pressure. The current study was motivated by the hypotheses that (1) association of KCNK3 SNPs with BP and related traits extends to blacks and Hispanics, and (2) KCNK3 SNPs exhibit associations with plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels. We examined baseline BP measurements for 7840 participants from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), and aldosterone levels and plasma renin activity in a subset of 1653 MESA participants. We identified statistically significant association of the previously reported KCNK3 SNP (rs1275988) with mean arterial pressure in MESA blacks (P=0.024) and a nearby SNP (rs13394970) in MESA Hispanics (P=0.031). We discovered additional KCNK3 SNP associations with systolic BP, mean arterial pressure, and hypertension. We also identified statistically significant association of KCNK3 rs2586886 with plasma aldosterone level in MESA and demonstrated that global deletion of TASK-1 channels in mice produces a mild-hyperaldosteronism, not associated with a decrease in renin. Our results suggest that genetic variation in the KCNK3 gene may contribute to BP variation and less severe hypertensive disorders in which aldosterone may be one of several causative factors

    Attenuation of peripheral salt taste responses and local immune function contralateral to gustatory nerve injury: effects of aldosterone

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    Dietary sodium restriction coupled with axotomy of the rat chorda tympani nerve (CTX) results in selectively attenuated taste responses to sodium salts in the contralateral, intact chorda tympani nerve. Converging evidence indicates that sodium deficiency also diminishes the activated macrophage response to injury on both the sectioned and contralateral, intact sides of the tongue. Because a sodium-restricted diet causes a robust increase in circulating aldosterone, we tested the hypothesis that changes in neurophysiological and immune responses contralateral to the CTX could be mimicked by aldosterone administration instead of the low-sodium diet. Taste responses in rats with CTX and supplemental aldosterone for 4–6 days were similar to rats with CTX and dietary sodium restriction. Responses to sodium salts were as much as 50% lower compared with sham-operated and vehicle-supplemented rats. The group-related functional differences were eliminated with lingual application of amiloride, suggesting that a major transduction pathway affected was through epithelial sodium channels. Consistent with the functional results, few macrophages were observed on either side of the tongue in rats with CTX and aldosterone. In contrast, macrophages were elevated on both sides of the tongue in rats with CTX and the vehicle. These results show that sodium deficiency or administration of aldosterone suppresses the immune response to neural injury, resulting in attenuation of peripheral gustatory function. They also show a potential key link among downstream consequences of sodium imbalance, taste function, and immune activity

    A genetically encoded fluorescent acetylcholine indicator for in vitro and in vivo studies.

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    The neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) regulates a diverse array of physiological processes throughout the body. Despite its importance, cholinergic transmission in the majority of tissues and organs remains poorly understood owing primarily to the limitations of available ACh-monitoring techniques. We developed a family of ACh sensors (GACh) based on G-protein-coupled receptors that has the sensitivity, specificity, signal-to-noise ratio, kinetics and photostability suitable for monitoring ACh signals in vitro and in vivo. GACh sensors were validated with transfection, viral and/or transgenic expression in a dozen types of neuronal and non-neuronal cells prepared from multiple animal species. In all preparations, GACh sensors selectively responded to exogenous and/or endogenous ACh with robust fluorescence signals that were captured by epifluorescence, confocal, and/or two-photon microscopy. Moreover, analysis of endogenous ACh release revealed firing-pattern-dependent release and restricted volume transmission, resolving two long-standing questions about central cholinergic transmission. Thus, GACh sensors provide a user-friendly, broadly applicable tool for monitoring cholinergic transmission underlying diverse biological processes