34 research outputs found

    Importance socioéconomique de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles de l’Aire de Patrimoine Communautaire (APAC) de Mangagoulack, Sénégal

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    Les Ă©cosystèmes de mangrove sont essentiels Ă  la survie de la population de la commune de Mangagoulack qui tire de l’aire marine protĂ©gĂ©e de Kawawana des ressources halieutiques comme les huĂ®tres, le sel et le bois de palĂ©tuviers. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  montrer l’importance socioĂ©conomique de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles l’aire marine de Kawawana. Elle a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur la base d’enquĂŞtes agro socioĂ©conomique auprès de 294 acteurs. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’exploitation des ressources naturelles liĂ©e aux activitĂ©s socioĂ©conomiques des mĂ©nages est plus exercĂ©e par des personnes âgĂ©es de 35 Ă  50 ans (47%) dont les femmes reprĂ©sentent (73%). La riziculture de mangrove est activitĂ© dominante (26,28%) suivie du maraĂ®chage (21,55%). La population exploite les huĂ®tres (12,17%), le sel (10,14%) et le bois de mangrove (11,40%). Quant Ă  l’utilisation des palĂ©tuviers, les espèces du genre Rhizophora et Avicennia germinans sont les plus connus (35%). Elles sont utilisĂ©es dans la cuisson (43%), la confection de plafonds et des clĂ´tures (19%), la mĂ©decine traditionnelle (8%) et des usages culturels (7%). Ces espèces de mangrove sont plus exploitĂ©es pendant les mois de mars et avril (24%) correspondant Ă  la pĂ©riode de cueillette des huĂ®tres dans le bolong de Tendouck (44,31%). La technique du dĂ©troquage d’huĂ®tres est plus pratiquĂ©e par les exploitants (67,74%). Cette technique contribue concomitamment Ă  la conservation des palĂ©tuviers et des huĂ®tres. Les rĂ©pondants estiment que cette technique assure un stock d’huĂ®tres abondant dans le milieu (77%) avec des individus de grosse taille (83%). La commercialisation des huĂ®tres se fait principalement dans le village de l’exploitant (56%) par les « bana-bana Â» dont le revenu trimestriel varie de 50 000 Ă  plus 450 000f CFA. Les pratiques endogènes rĂ©pertoriĂ©es rĂ©vèlent des mĂ©thodes de gestion respectueuses de la durabilitĂ© des ressources de la mangrove. The mangrove ecosystems play a vital role in sustaining the population of the Mangagoulack commune, providing essential fishery resources such as oysters, salt, and mangrove wood from the Kawawana Marine Protected Area. This study aims at stressing the socioeconomic significance of harnessing the natural resources of the Kawawana Marine Protected Area. It was conducted through agro-socioeconomic surveys involving 294 stakeholders. The findings reveal that the exploitation of natural resources linked to the socioeconomic activities of households is primarily undertaken by individuals aged between 35 and 50 (47%), with women representing 73% of this group. Mangrove rice farming emerges as the predominant activity (26.28%), followed by market gardening (21.55%). The population also engages in the exploitation of oysters (12.17%), salt (10.14%), and mangrove wood (11.40%). In terms of mangrove utilization, species such as those belonging to the genus Rhizophora and Avicennia germinans are most commonly known (35%). They are utilized for cooking (43%), constructing ceilings and fences (19%), traditional medicine (8%), and cultural practices (7%). These mangrove species are mainly exploited during March and April (24%), corresponding to the oyster harvesting season in the Tendouck bolong (44.31%). The practice of oyster peeling is more prevalent among the exploiters (67.74%), a technique that concurrently contributes to the conservation of mangroves and oysters. Respondents express that this technique ensures an abundant stock of oysters in the area (77%), with a significant proportion being large individuals (83%). Oysters are primarily commercialized in the exploiter's village (56%) by "bana-bana," whose quarterly incomes range from 50,000 to over 450,000 CFA francs. Recorded endogenous practices reveal management approaches that maintain the sustainability of mangrove resources

    Pojava parazitskih mirkrosporidija (Microsporidia) na ÄŤetiri vrste riba iz porodice Carangidae u obalnom podruÄŤju Senegala

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    Hepatic microsporidiosis was observed in four species of carangid fishes from the Senegalese coast. Being unable to positively identify the parasitic species, we provisionally placed them in the collective group Microsporidium Balbiani, 1984. The Microsporidium found in Caranx crysos and Caranx senegallus was labeled sp1, that found in Selene dorsalis was called sp2, and that found in Trachurus trachurus was called sp3. The Microsporidia formed cysts (xenomas) in the hepatic tissues of their hosts.U obalnim vodama Senegala zabilježena je na 4 vrste riba mikrosporidioza jetre. Privremeno su parazitske vrste svrstane u zajedničku skupinu, Microsporidium Balbiani, 1984. Microsporidium u ribama Caranx crysos i C. senegallus nazvan je sp1, u ribi Selene dorsalis, sp2, a Microsporidium u ribi Trachurus trachurus predstavlja sp3. Microsporidia stvaraju ciste u jetrenim tkivima svojih domaćina

    Composition floristique et dynamique du parc agroforestier à Cordyla pinnata (Lepr. ex A. Rich.) Milne-Redh. dans le Sud du Bassin Arachidier (Sénégal)

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    Les parcs agroforestiers, dans le Sud du Bassin Arachidier du Sénégal, revêtent une grande importance pour les populations locales. Ils contribuent à l’atténuation des changements climatiques par leur capacité de séquestration du carbone. Cependant, ils connaissent une dégradation progressive de leur peuplement. L’analyse des images satellites et l’inventaire des parcs agroforestiers des sites de Keur Samba Guèye et de Santhie Rame, ont permis de déterminer la flore de la végétation ligneuse des parcs et d’établir la densité, la structure actuelle et les tendances évolutives des individus de Cordyla pinnata. La flore ligneuse des parcs agroforestiers des sites comporte 35 espèces réparties en 34 genres et 18 familles. La structure des parcs est caractérisée par une abondance d’individus (96,07%) dans les grandes classes de diamètre ([30-85 cm [) et une régénération naturelle limitée à nulle avec une faiblesse des densités réelles (moins de 4 individus.ha-1). Les résultats de cette étude devraient aider à dégager des axes de conservation et de réhabilitation des parcs agroforestiers à C. pinnata.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Flore, végétation ligneuse, structure, dynamique, parc agroforestier, SénégalEnglish Title: Floristic composition and dynamics of Cordyla pinnata (Lepr. ex A. Rich.) Milne-Redh. agroforestry parkland of Senegal’s South Peanut BasinEnglish AbstractThe agroforestry parklands, located in the Southern Peanut Basin, are of great importance for rural population. They play a key role in the context of mitigating climate change by its capability of sequestering carbon. Nonetheless, agroforestry parkland systems are characterized by a progressive degradation. Analysis of satellite imagery and parklands’ trees inventory, carried out and applied to the sites of Keur Samba Gueye and Santhie Rame, provided information on parklands’ diversity of floristic composition and assessment of the density, structural characteristics and dynamics of C. pinnata trees. The ligneous flora of the parklands in these sites is composed of 35 species within 34 genera and 18 families. The structure of the parklands is characterized by a great dominance of individuals (96.07%) belonging to 30 to 85 cm diameter range with a low tree density (less than 4 trees.ha-1) and a limited to no natural regeneration. All these results should help to advocate for sustainable management of C. pinnata agroforestry parklands.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Flora, ligneous vegetation, structure, dynamic, agroforestry parklands, Senega

    Pronalazak nametnika Myxobolus episquamalis (Myxozoa, Myxobolidae) kod cipla glavaša, Mugil cephalus (Pisces, Teleostei, Mugilidae) u Senegalskom priobalju (istočni tropski Atlantik)

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    Myxobolus episquamalis (Myxozoa, Myxobolidae), a myxosporidian parasite, was found for the first time infecting scales and fins of flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) from the Senegalese coast. The overall prevalence of infection was 4.7% (25/529), while the highest infection rates were observed in January 2006 (17.1%) and July 2006 (13.9%). This parasite forms large and white cysts which cover a great part of the fish body. According to this new report from African Atlantic coast, Myxobolus episquamalis geographical distribution is extended considerably. However, the infection is of little commercial importance and does not cause a significant economic loss in Senegal.Myxobolus episquamalis (Myxozoa, Myxobolidae), mikrosporidijski nametnik, pronađen je po prvi put u cipla glavaša (Mugil cephalus) u senegalskom priobalju. Sveukupna prevalencija infekcije iznosila je 4.7% (25/529), dok je najveća stopa infekcije zabilježena u siječnju (17.1%) i srpnju (13.9%) 2006 godine. Ovaj nametnik stvara velike bijele ciste koje pokrivaju veliki dio tijela ribe. Prema ovom nalazu s afričke obale Atlantika, njegova zemljopisna rasprostranjenost je znatna. Ipak, infekcija nema veći gospodarski značaj tj. ne uzrokuje značajan ekonomski gubitak u ribarstvu Senegala

    No Difference in the Incidence of Malaria in Human-Landing Mosquito Catch Collectors and Non-Collectors in a Senegalese Village with Endemic Malaria

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    International audienceBackground The human landing catches is the gold standard method used to study the vectors of malaria and to estimate their aggressiveness. However, this method has raised safety concerns due to a possible increased risk of malaria or other mosquito-borne diseases among the mosquito collectors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of malaria attacks among mosquito collectors and to compare these results with those of non-collectors in a Senegalese village. Methods From July 1990 to December 2011, a longitudinal malaria study involving mosquito collectors and non-collectors was performed in Dielmo village, Senegal. During the study period, 4 drugs were successively used to treat clinical malaria, and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets were offered to all villagers in July 2008. No malaria chemoprophylaxis was given to mosquito collectors. Incidence of uncomplicated clinical malaria and asymptomatic malaria infection were analyzed among these two groups while controlling for confounding factors associated with malaria risk in random effects negative binomial and logistic regression models, respectively. Results A total of 3,812 person-trimester observations of 199 adults at least 15 years of age were analyzed. Clinical malaria attacks accounted for 6.3% both in collectors and non-collectors, and asymptomatic malaria infections accounted for 21% and 20% in collectors and non-collectors, respectively. A non-significant lower risk of malaria was observed in the collector group in comparison with the non-collector group after adjusting for other risk factors of malaria and endemicity level (Clinical malaria: adjusted incidence rate ratio = 0.89; 95% confidence interval = 0.65-1.22; p= 0.47). Conclusion Being a mosquito collector in Dielmo was not significantly associated with an increased risk of malaria both under holoendemic, mesoendemic and hypoendemic conditions of malaria epidemiology. This result supports the view that HLC, the most accurate method for evaluating malaria transmission, may be used without health concerns in Dielmo

    Temporal changes in Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding protein homolog 2b (PfRh2b) in Senegal and The Gambia.

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    BACKGROUND: The Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding protein homolog 2b (PfRh2b) is an important P. falciparum merozoite ligand that mediates invasion of erythrocytes by interacting with a chymotrypsin-sensitive "receptor Z". A large deletion polymorphism is found in the c-terminal ectodomain of this protein in many countries around the world, resulting in a truncated, but expressed protein. The varying frequencies by region suggest that there could be region specific immune selection at this locus. Therefore, this study was designed to determine temporal changes in the PfRh2b deletion polymorphism in infected individuals from Thiès (Senegal) and Western Gambia (The Gambia). It was also sought to determine the selective pressures acting at this locus and whether prevalence of the deletion in isolates genotyped by a 24-SNP molecular barcode is linked to background genotype or whether there might be independent selection acting at this locus. METHODS: Infected blood samples were sourced from archives of previous studies conducted between 2007 and 2013 at SLAP clinic in Thiès and from 1984 to 2013 in Western Gambia by MRC Unit at LSHTM, The Gambia. A total of 1380 samples were screened for the dimorphic alleles of the PfRh2b using semi-nested Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR. Samples from Thiès were previously barcoded. RESULTS: In Thiès, a consistent trend of decreasing prevalence of the PfRh2b deletion over time was observed: from 66.54% in 2007 and to 38.1% in 2013. In contrast, in Western Gambia, the frequency of the deletion fluctuated over time; it increased between 1984 and 2005 from (58.04%) to (69.33%) and decreased to 47.47% in 2007. Between 2007 and 2012, the prevalence of this deletion increased significantly from 47.47 to 83.02% and finally declined significantly to 57.94% in 2013. Association between the presence of this deletion and age was found in Thiès, however, not in Western Gambia. For the majority of isolates, the PfRh2b alleles could be tracked with specific 24-SNP barcoded genotype, indicating a lack of independent selection at this locus. CONCLUSION: PfRh2b deletion was found in the two countries with varying prevalence during the study period. However, these temporal and spatial variations could be an obstacle to the implementation of this protein as a potential vaccine candidate

    Subtelomere organization in the genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi: patterns of repeated sequences and physicochemical signatures

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    International audienceThe microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi is an obligate intracellular eukaryotic pathogen with a small nuclear genome (2.9 Mbp) consisting of 11 chromosomes. Although each chromosome end is known to contain a single rDNA unit, the incomplete assembly of subtelomeric regions following sequencing of the genome identified only 3 of the 22 expected rDNA units. While chromosome end assembly remains a difficult process in most eukaryotic genomes, it is of significant importance for pathogens because these regions encode factors important for virulence and host evasion

    Les encéphalopathies épileptogénes de l’enfant à propos de 113 cas

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    Introduction: Epileptic encephalopathies are conditions in which the neurological deterioration is secondary of the epileptic activities. Our aim is to describe epidemiological aspects, associated signs, and the frequency of the various types of encephalopathies. Patients and Methods: we lead a retrospective study from July 2003 to December 2011. 113 folders of children in the neuropaediatric consultation clinical of Fann University Teaching hospital and Albert Royer Children hospital in Dakar were reviewed. Data analysis was made by SPSS.16,0 Results: We collected 113 folders of patients. The average age was 3 years 2 months with a range of 1 month to 14 years, the sex ratio was 2.3 / 1 in favor of males. The mean age of onset was 11 months. Asphyxia was found in 17.7%, parental consanguinity was 15%. Among our patients, 49.5% had only one type of seizures. Partial motor seizurt res were found in 42.4%. Initial psychomotor development was abnormal in 61.1%. Motor disorder found in 48.6% of all cases, with axial hypotonia in 23.8%. West syndrome was found in 23% of the POCS syndrome in 7.1%, while Dravet syndrome accounted for 4% of our patients. Medical imaging was normal in 18.6%, with 16.8% of cortico subcortical atrophy. Regarding therapy, 73.45% were boarded on VPA, 81% had necessitated a triple therapy which. Were noticed drug resistant in 44.2%, while in 31% seizures were controlled. Academic pursuit was disrupted in all our patients. Conclusion: epileptic encephalopathies present a problem of drug resistance, and poor prognosis. Cognitive, social and motor disorders hence the need of a multidisciplinary approach.Introduction: les encéphalopathies épileptiques sont des conditions où la détérioration neurologique est secondaire à l’activité épileptique. Nos objectifs étaient de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, les signes associés et la fréquence des différentes variétés d’encéphalopathies. Patients et méthodes: Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective des dossiers des patients des consultations de neuropédiatrie de l’hôpital de Fann et d’Albert Royer de Dakar, de juillet 2003 au Décembre 2011. Les données étaient analysées par le SPSS. 16,0 Résultats: nous avons collecté 113 dossiers de patients. L’âge moyen était de 3ans et 2 mois avec des extrêmes de 1 mois à 14 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 2,3 en faveur du sexe masculin. L’âge moyen de début des crises était de 11 mois. L’asphyxie périnatale était retrouvée chez 17,7% des patients, la consanguinité parentale dans 15% des cas. Parmi nos patients, 49,5% avaient un seul type de crise.les crises partielles motrices étaient retrouvés dans 42,4%, suivi des spasmes à 16,8%. Le développement psychomoteur initial était anormal chez 61,1%. Un déficit moteur présent dans 48,6% avec 23,8% d’hypotonie axiale. 62% des patients avaient un déficit cognitif. Le syndrome de West était retrouvé chez 23,8% des patients, le syndrome de POCS était retrouvé chez 7,1%. L’imagerie cérébrale était revenue normale dans 18,6% des cas, alors qu’une atrophie cérébrale était retrouvée chez 16,8% des patients. 73,45% des patients étaient sous VPA. Conclusion: l’encéphalopathie épileptique pose un problème de pharmacoresistance avec un pronostic réservé aussi bien cognitif, moteur que social. Elles nécessitent une prise en charge multidisciplinaire