6 research outputs found

    Land matters : the road ahead

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    Papers presented virtually at the 41st International Southern African Transport Conference on 10-13 July 2028The presentation will unpack the South African government’s achievements and failures in land redistribution with respect to spatial transformation and public transport and provide suggestions for what needs to be done in the future. The presentation will shed light on the complexity of spatial transformation

    Judicial enforcement of socio-economic rights under the 1996 constitution : realising the vision of social justice

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    Few legal developments in South Africa and elsewhere in the world in recent times have excited such controversy as the legal recognition of social and economic rights. South Africa has created a special place for itself in world affairs for being one of the countries that recognise socio-economic rights in a justiciable Bill of Rights. Partly this is in response to the appalling levels of poverty prevalent in the country which could potentially destabilise the new democracy. Improvement of the quality of life of every citizen is a crucial step in consolidating the constitutional democracy. The question that will face any court in giving effect to socio-economic rights is: how are these rights to be judicially enforced in a given context? The crux of this thesis lies in the resolution of this question. Firstly this thesis traces the philosophical foundations to the legal recognition of socio-economic rights. It is stated that the recognition of these rights in a justiciable bill of rights requires a conceptually sound understanding of the nature of obligations that these rights place on the state. It is emphasised that it is imperative that access to justice be facilitated to poor and vulnerable members of society for the realisation of the constitutional goal of addressing inequality. Particular concern and priority should in this context be given to women, children and the disabled. The study explores various judicial remedies and makes suggestions on new and innovative constitutional mechanisms for judicial enforcement of these rights. It is concluded that there is an important role to be played by civil society in giving meaningful effect to socio-economic rights

    Transformative Power of Language Policies in Higher Education:

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    There is a disjuncture between the intentions of the South African constitutional provisions as contained in Section 6, which prescribe that all eleven official languages be treated equitably, and what is happening on the ground at the institutions of higher learning. In these institutions, English remains the primary language of instruction. African languages are encouraged as support languages in certain instances, but no institution has an African language as a medium of instruction (see for example the Rhodes Language Policy, 2019). This chapter calls into question the use of language and argues for purposive interpretation and practical implementation of the constitutional provisions on language. A proper and linguistically sound understanding of multilingualism as a developmental resource–educational, legal and societal–needs to emerge (Wolff, 2016). The constitutional aspects are explicated in the legislative and policy frameworks discussed in this chapter