104 research outputs found

    Review of optimism, creativity and spirituality in tourism research

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    Purpose - Optimism, creativity, and spirituality are important variables in Positive Psychology that can lead to better lives. The authors believe these are also fundamental concepts that can bring a new understanding of the tourism experiences, particularly in the current trend of the 'experience economy'. The study aimed to explore optimism, creativity, and spirituality from a Positive Psychology perspective on tourism settings to deepen the understanding of the state of the art and develop ideas for improvement of tourism research experiences Design - An extensive systematic literature review was developed anchored on PRISMA (2009) guidelines. The search engine Online Knowledge Library (B-On) was used and the search terms 'Optimism', 'Creativity' and 'Spirituality' crossed individually with 'Tourism', 'Travel' and 'Visitor'. In-depth analysis considering the chosen inclusion/exclusion criteria were undertaken concluding with a sample of 31 references. Findings - Overall, results showed a lack of optimism studies on tourism, leading to an urgent need to endeavor in the challenge of developing research. Creativity in tourism is mainly used as a background for the place and its culture and considers organizational, structural and product innovation development. Further, tourism can be seen as a spiritual activity seeking personal enrichment and fulfillment. Originality of the research - This study considers three variables not usually applied to tourism contexts as is clear by the low number of references found. The application of these and consequently of Positive Psychology on tourism is per se new, allowing the emergence of novel and important discussions on tourism.ARDITI - Agencia Regional para o Desenvolvimento de Investigacao, Tecnologia e Inovacao (Regional Agency for Development of Research, Technology and Innovation of Madeira) [M1420-09-5369-FSE-000001, Madeira 14-20

    Psicologia da Saúde e Bem-Estar

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    Nous finissons avec la présentation de quelques recherches que nous avons réalisé sur le bien-être enseignant, en particulier la formulation d’un programme de formation professionnelle qui permet de promouvoir le bien-être, conformément aux résultats obtenus. Le bien-être se révèle une mot-clé en Psychologie de la Santé et se rapporte à la qualité de vie. Les lignes de recherche sur le bien-être enseignant s’insèrent dans un cours, mis en oeuvre et évalué initialement dans le contexte d’un projet d’investigation-action pour un groupe de 25 enseignants. Après une analyse des stratégies possibles à utiliser, chacune des sessions suivantes cherche à contribuer au développement de certaines des compétences importantes pour empêcher ou décider des situations de malaise : compétences de gestion de croyances, attentes et attributions, dans le sens d’un fonctionnement cognitif plus ajusté, des compétences de gestion des symptômes physiques, compétences de gestion du temps et de travail avec l’équipe, compétences d’assertivité, compétences de direction et gestion de conflits, de règles pour une style de vie saine et claire personnalisé de stratégies de coping et de perspective de mise en oeuvre des apprentissages dans la vie professionnelle et personnelle dans le groupe expérimental d’enseignants, se sontt vérifiées une augmentation significative de la perception de bien-être professionnel.Terminamos com a apresentação de algumas investigações que temos realizado sobre o bem-estar docente, em particular a formulação de um programa de formação profissional que permite promover o bem-estar, de acordo com os resultados obtidos. O bem-estar revela-se um conceito-chave em Psicologia da Saúde e relaciona-se com a qualidade de vida. As linhas de investigação sobre o bem-estar docente se inserem em um curso, implementado e avaliado inicialmente no âmbito de um projecto de investigação-acção, para um grupo de 25 professores. Após uma análise das possíveis estratégias a utilizar, cada uma das sessões seguintes procura contribuir para o desenvolvimento de certas competências importantes para prevenir ou resolver situações de mal-estar: competências de gestão de crenças, expectativas e atribuições, no sentido de um funcionamento cognitivo mais adequado, competências de gestão dos sintomas físicos, competências de gestão do tempo e de trabalho em equipa, competências de assertividade, competências de liderança e gestão de conflitos, regras para estilo de vida saudável e plano personalizado de estratégias de coping e perspectiva de implementação das aprendizagens na vida profissional e pessoal No grupo experimental de professores, verificou-se um aumento significativo da percepção de bem-estar profissional.We finish with an presentation of some investigations that we have been accomplishing on the educational well being, in private the formulation of a program of professional formation that allows to promote the well being, according to the obtained results. The well being reveals a concept-key in Health Psychology and relates itself with life quality. The investigation lines on the educational well being insert in a course, implemented and evaluated initially in the scope of a project of action-investigation, for a group of 25 teachers. After a possible strategies analysis to use, each one of the next sessions search contribute for the development of some important competences to prevent or to solve indisposition situations: Beliefs administration competences, expectations and attributions, in the meaning of a more adequate cognitive operation, administration competences of the physical symptoms, time administration competences and of work in equip, assertiveness competences, conflicts leadership and administration competences, rules for healthy lifestyle and plan personalized of implementation coping and perspective strategies of apprentiship in the professional and personal life In the teachers’ experimental group, it verified a significant increase of the perception of professional welfare.De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, fue concluido este estudio con la presentación de algunas investigaciones que fueron realizados sobre el bienestar docente, en particular la formulación de un programa de formación profesional que permita promocionar el propio bienestar. De esta forma, el bienestar se revela como un concepto clave en Psicología de la Salud y se relaciona con la calidad de vida. Las líneas de investigación sobre el bienestar docente se insertan en un curso, implementado y evaluado inicialmente en el ámbito de un proyecto de investigación-acción, para un grupo de 25 profesores. Después de un análisis de las posibles estrategias a ser utilizadas, cada una de las siguientes sesiones de trabajo buscaron contribuir para el desarrollo de ciertas competencias importantes para prevenir o resolver situaciones de malestar: competencias de gestión de creencias, expectativas y atribuciones, con intención de centralizar el funcionamiento cognoscitivo más adecuado, competencias de gestión de los síntomas físicos, competencias de gestión del tiempo y del trabajo en equipo, competencias de asertividad, competencias de lideranza y gestión de conflictos, reglas para estilo de vida saludable y plano personalizado de estrategias de coping y perspectiva de implementación de los aprendizajes en la vida profesional y personal En el grupo experimental de profesores, se verificó un aumento significativo de la percepción de bienestar profesional

    Gestão do Stresse: formulação e aplicação dum curso de formação

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    To prevent and to solve teacher and health professional’s stress, it was planned and implemented a training course. The programe had 40h, in ten sessions, centered into the following aspects: sharing professional experie nces with colleagues, identification of stress factors, identification of coping strategics, changing of irrational believes for more suitable ones, assertiveness training and relaxation. The results shows the improvement of some well-being variables during the training course.Para prevenir e resolver situações de desmotivação e stresse de professores, médicos e enfermeiros foi formulado um programa de formação contínua. O programa tinha 40h, distribuídas por dez sessões, centradas nos seguintes aspectos: partilha de experiências profissionais com colegas, identificação de factores de stresse e estratégias de coping para lidar com eles, substituir crenças irracionais por crenças mais apropriadas, treino de competências de assertividade e de relaxamento. Comparando os resultados obtidos nalgumas variáveis antes e depois do programa de formação verificam-se os seus benefícios para os participantes.Palavras-chave: Stress, Gestão do stresse, formação contínua

    Creativity prediction and mental health

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    A criatividade tem sido mencionada desde há muito tempo pela literatura. A forma de a conceptualizar tem dependido em muito dos investigadores e da sua visão sobre o que é criatividade, porém as suas potencialidades têm tomado cada vez mais interesse pela comunidade científica. Os seus benefícios estendem-se a diversas áreas da vida humana, como sentimentos de satisfação, bem-estar e saúde mental. A investigação aqui apresentada procura encontrar modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, pressupondo que estes poderão ser de grande auxílio para o desenvolvimento de um melhor bem-estar psicológico. Assim a investigação comportou o uso de quatro variáveis: a pessoa, o processo, o produto e o ambiente criativo. A amostra contou com 215 estudantes universitários e os resultados revelaram o encontro de quatro modelos preditivos de comportamentos criativos, com uma maior ênfase nas artes visuais e manuais. Conclui-se com a ideia de que a predição de produtos criativos é possível e que tal poderá ser preponderante para um bom desenvolvimento da saúde mental.Creativity has been mentioned by the literature for a long time. The way each one of was conceptualize it differs from researcher to researcher and his or her way of interpreting it, however its potential has been receiving an increasing interest by the scientific community. Its benefits extend to many human life fields, including satisfaction, well-being and mental health. This research tries to find a creative behavior prediction model, assuming that it will help on the development of a better psychological well-being. So this research used four main variables: the creative person, the creative process, the creative product and the creative environment. The sample featured 215 college students and the results revealed four predictive models of creative behaviors, with a greater emphasis on the visual arts and crafts. We conclude with the idea that, it s possible to predict creative products and that it can be of great importance to a good mental health development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Parenting styles and child´s stress a parent-child analyses

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    Relation patterns adopted by parents in raising their children, defining consequently the family emotional climate were parental behaviors occur (Baumrind, 1971, Darling & Steinberg, 2002

    Children´s Stress Symptoms: A Between-Group Comparison

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    Children and adults are exposed to daily stressors and stress outcomes. Research has usually focused on adults, which underlies the need to study children’s experiences. A crosssectional quantitative study exploring children’s stress reactions was conducted with one hundred and twelve 5-8 year olds, 58 boys and 54 girls, from different schools in the Lisbon area to address the question: what are the stress symptoms experienced by school-age children?. The analyses focused on gender, age, family income, and type of school attended. Data were collected in school settings using parents’ demographic questionnaire and children’s reports (ESI child stress scale). Depressive reactions decrease with age and are significantly different between school-group children. 19.6% of children reported high stress scores, suggesting that child stress should be addressed and further researched. We pinpoint the importance of assessing children’s own perceptions and indicate some limitations that should be considered in future studies

    Motivação profissional no internato médico de medicina geral e familiar: um estudo nacional

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    PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION AND FAMILY MEDICINE RESIDENCY A National Study Background: Family medicine has some constraints, which may be considered critical for physicians' career choice, and motivation may be one of them. Motivation should be seen as a determinant of career success, particularly in educational context. The aim of this study was to develop an understanding about the family medicine residents' professional motivation, based on psychological and cognitive factors. Objectives: The following objectives were set: (1) to characterize the residents, in terms of cognitive-motivational variables; (2) to evaluate their assertive skills during the vocational training. Method: In 2005, we designed a mail survey applied to all graduates entering Family Medicine, in Portugal (N = 228), at the start of their specialty program. As part of a larger observational study, a 57 Likert scale items questionnaire was designed to collect descriptive data. In this cross sectional study we present data from professional project, professional commitment, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy expectancies, results control expectancies, initial motivation to the specialty and assertiveness skills (cross sectional study). Results: From the target population, 109 completed questionnaires (47.8%) were returned. Most of the participants indicated high levels of professional orientation (77.1%) for family medicine and 92.6% had been globally committed in practice. At the beginning of the residency, the participants had medium (59.6%) or high (33.9%) levels of motivation for choosing this specialty, 89% were intrinsically motivated and 60.5% proved to be quite assertive in their patient approach. Conclusions: These findings suggest that medical graduates, studied in this research, were globally motivated for practicing in a Family Medicine context, contradicting the overall perception of a physicians' declined interest for this specialty. These results may have implications in the design of real-life training programs for postgraduate education in Family Medicine, a time when physicians are forming expectations about their career performance and professional well being. Future researches should continue studying more deeply the professional motivation of that population, throughout the vocational training in Family Medicine residency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creation and management of pupil enterprises: opinions of participating students and teachers on the entre

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    The Entrepreneurship in the School Program is an educational program aiming to promote the development of skills in the area of entrepreneurship through the creation and management of "Import/Export" pupil enterprises, operating in commercial partnerships and exchanging products that later were sold in the local community. Conducted under the Strategic Program of "Network of Cities and Urban Competitiveness and Innovation of the Blue Corridor" it was implemented in 12 schools in 7 counties of the Alentejo region, Portugal, involving 281 students and 27 teachers from the primary and secondary education levels, organized into 18 pupil enterprises and 9 commercial partnerships. Using a random sample of participants including students and teachers, we aimed to know their opinion about the development of the project, as well as their views of their participation using a questionnaire developed for the purpose. The results demonstrated that the establishment of interpersonal relationships was very important to the participants and should be maintained and encouraged in similar programs in the future. In addition, the bureaucracy of the Program should be reduced, allowing the pupil enterprises to start selling their " imported" products earlier.O Programa Empreender na Escola é um programa de educação que visa a promoção do desenvolvimento de competências na área do empreendedorismo através da criação e gestão, por parte dos alunos, de miniempresas de “importação/exportação” que funcionam em parcerias comerciais, trocando entre si produtos que serão posteriormente comercializados na comunidade local. Realizado no âmbito do Programa Estratégico da “Rede de Cidades e Centros Urbanos para a Competitividade e a Inovação do Corredor Azul” foi implementado em 12 escolas de 7 municípios da região do Alentejo, Portugal, envolvendo 281 alunos e 27 professores do ensino básico e secundário, organizados em 18 “empresas” e 9 parcerias comerciais. Recorrendo a uma amostra aleatória de alunos e professores participantes procurámos conhecer a sua opinião sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto e sobre a sua participação através de um questionário desenvolvido para o efeito. Os resultados demonstraram que o estabelecimento de relações interpessoais é um aspeto muito importante para os participantes e que deve ser mantido e fomentado em programas deste género. Além disso, deve existir também uma redução da carga burocrática para que no final do 1º período as miniempresas já estejam em condições de comercializar os produtos “importados” da “empresa” parceira. Palavras-chave: educação para o empreendedorismo; programa de promoção do empreendedorismo; gestão de miniempresas na sala de aula; estudantes e professores do ensino básico e secundário

    Entrepreneurship education in Portugal, the development of the Entrepreneurship in the School Program

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    As competências empreendedoras foram consideradas como essenciais para o desenvolvimento da nossa sociedade, pelo que a educação para o empreendedorismo tem sido estimulada nas últimas décadas. Embora Portugal não seja exceção, ainda são poucas as iniciativas implementadas. Analisar as boas práticas existentes, assim como as limitações destes projetos permitem-nos encontrar pistas que contribuam para o desenho de programas que contribuam para o desenvolvimento das competências empreendedoras e criativas dos participantes. Através do estudo de atividades implementadas em Portugal e noutros países, verificou-se que estas devem focar-se numa abordagem por competências que conte com a participação ativa de escolas e professores. Por outro lado, concluiu-se ainda que é fundamental que estas iniciativas contemplem um período de avaliação que permita analisar a sua eficácia.Las capacidades empresariales se consideran esenciales para el desarrollo de nuestra sociedad, por lo que la educación empresarial ha sido estimulada en las últimas décadas. Si bien que Portugal no es una excepción, hay pocas iniciativas implementadas. Analizar las buenas prácticas existentes, así como las limitaciones de estos proyectos nos permiten encontrar pistas que contribuyan al diseño de programas que favorezcan al desarrollo de las habilidades empresariales y creativas de los participantes. A través del estudio de las actividades realizadas en Portugal y otros países, se encontró que estos deben centrarse en un enfoque de competencias que se basa en la participación activa de las escuelas y los profesores. Por otro lado, se concluyó que es fundamental que estas iniciativas contemplen un período de evaluación para analizar su eficacia.The entrepreneurial skills were considered essential for the development of our society, therefore the entrepreneurship education has been stimulated in recent decades. Although Portugal is no exception to this encouragement, there aren’t many initiatives implemented. Analyze existing good practices, as well as the limitations of these projects allow us to find clues that can contribute to the design of programs that aim to develop entrepreneurial and creative skills of the participants. Through the study of activities implemented in Portugal and other countries, it was found that most programs are focused on a competence approach that relies on the active participation of schools and teachers. On the other hand, it was concluded that it is critical that these initiatives contemplate a period of assessment to analyze their effectiveness