30 research outputs found

    Estructura del alcornocal de Mosquera tras un aprovechamiento secular (Serra d'Espadà, Castellón, España)

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    La aplicación del método de Gentry modificado al alcornocal de Mosquera (Azuébar, Castellón) brinda datos cuantitativos de su estructura, biomasa y biodiversidad. El presente trabajo interpreta los resultados obtenidos a la luz del singular aprovechamiento histórico de la finca, la extracción del corcho. El nuevo método aporta conocimiento útil sobre el estado y la dinámica de un alcornocal gestionado e intensamente explotado hasta hace medio siglo y que ahora afronta nuevos usos.The implementation of a modified version of Gentry�s method to Mosquera�s cork oak forest (Azuébar, Catellón) provides quantitative data on its structure, biomass and biodiversity. This study interprets the obtained results as due to the historical cork removal of this forest, and to other traditional uses such as vegetal charcoal production or removals of biomass fuels. This paper provides useful knowledge on the conditions and dynamics of a managed forest, exploited intensively until early 1960s and now destined to new uses

    Landscape Socioecology in the Serpis Valley (10,000–4000 BP)

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    En este trabajo se discute nuestro enfoque de la modelización del paisaje para la cuenca del Serpis medio (costa mediterránea central de la Península Ibérica) durante el Holoceno. La secuencia arqueológica de estos valles está marcada por la aparición inicial del paquete neolítico alrededor del año 5700 a.C. Examinamos cómo los paisajes responden al modo de vida agrícola, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Conceptos como el cambio, la adaptación y también la resiliencia proporcionan marcos conceptuales para comprender mejor la forma en que los seres humanos interactúan con su entorno. También ayudan a explicar cómo fenómenos como la introducción inicial de la horticultura simple de cereales o la posterior introducción del cultivo del arado (Bernabeu Aubán 1995) pueden desencadenar procesos con consecuencias a veces impredecibles en los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Estas consecuencias no son inherentemente desastrosas, pero las interacciones entre los ecosistemas y los seres humanos que usan recursos son complejas y a menudo muestran resultados no lineales en sus respuestas a las actuaciones antrópicas. Utilizamos el concepto de socioecología para caracterizar estos sistemas humanos y naturales vinculados estrechamente, ya que estos deben ser un importante foco de interés para la arqueología.In this paper we discuss our approach to landscape modeling for the Holocene middle Serpis drainage system (central Mediterranean Coast of the Iberian Peninsula). The archaeological sequence of these valleys is marked by the initial appearance of the Neolithic package around 5700 BC. We examine how landscapes respond to the agricultural way of life, in both the short and the long term. Concepts like change, adaptation and also resilience provide conceptual frameworks to better understand the way in which humans interact with their surroundings. They also help to explain how phenomena like the initial introduction of simple cereal horticulture, or subsequent introduction of plow cultivation (Bernabeu Aubán 1995) can trigger processes with sometimes unpredictable consequences in Mediterranean ecosystems. These consequences are not inherently disastrous, but the interactions between ecosystems and humans using resources are complex and often display non-linear outcomes of human decisions. We use the concept of socioecology to characterize these closely coupled human and natural systems as these should be an important focus of interest for archaeology

    Viejos paisajes, nuevas tecnologías: una reconstrucción del paisaje Holoceno con gvSIG y sextante

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    Con el objetivo de reconstruir el paisaje geomorfológico de finales del cuaternario y comienzos del Holoceno, se ha utilizado gvSIG y sextante para intentar establecer el paisaje a partir de los datos de campoarquelógicos y geomorfológicos recogidos durante una veintena de años en la cuenca media y alta del río Serpis. La evolución cuaternaria es la historia de un vaciado (erosión + denudación) de los valles del curso alto y medio del Serpis, con algunas interrupciones (fases de sedimentación). Testigos de dicha evolución son las terrazas fluviales adscritas por nosotros a diversos periodos del Cuaternario. La combinación de métodos tradicionales y el trabajo con el uso de herramientas SIG se ha mostrado una poderosa herramienta para modelizar el paisaje antiguo. Previo al trabajo de modelización existe un conocimiento geomorfológico yarqueológico territorial de la zona, producto de años de interpretación estereoscópica de foto aérea, trabajo de campo y análisis de laboratorio. La experiencia en la zona de investigación es imprescindible para el control y calibrado de los resultados parciales y de los diferentes MDTs obtenidos con gvSIG. Para la reconstrucción del paisaje geomorfológico se buscan aquellas partes del terreno que cumplen tres requisitos: a) ser bastante llanas (ligera pendiente en el sentido del flujo), b) una determinada altura sobre el cauce – ésta varía en el seno de la cuenca del Serpis, siendo de unos + 20 m en el curso medio y mayor en el alto, y c) próxima al cauce. A partir del MDT se establece la red de drenaje (actual) de orden 2 (Strahler, 1952, 1957). Se elabora la capa de pendientes la de elevación sobre el cauce y un buffer de 125 m entorno a la red de drenaje de orden 2 a 6.In order to reconstruct the geomorphological landscape of the late Quaternary and early Holocene, gvSIG and sextante have been used to try to establish the landscape from geomorphological field data collected over a period of twenty years in the middle and upper basin of the Serpis river. The Quaternary evolution is the history of an emptying (erosion + denudation) of the high and middle valleys of the Serpis, with some interruptions (sedimentation phases). Witnesses of this evolution are the fluvial terraces ascribed by us to diverse periods of the Quaternary. The combination of traditional methods with the use of GIS tools has proven to be a powerful tool for modeling the ancient landscape. Prior to the modeling work, there is an in-depth geomorphological and archeological knowledge of the area, the product of years of stereoscopic aerial photo interpretation, fieldwork and laboratory analysis. The experience in the research area is essential for the control and calibration of the partial results and of the different MDTs obtained with gvSIG. For the reconstruction of the geomorphological landscape, those parts of the terrain that meet three requirements are sought: a) to be quite flat (slight slope in the direction of the flow), b) a certain height over the current channel - this varies in the basin of the Serpis, being about + 20 m in the middle course and higher in the high, and c) areas close to the channel. From the MDT the drainage network (current) of order 2 is established (Strahler, 1952, 1957). The slope layer is constructed on the river bed and a buffer of 125 m around the drainage network of order 2 to 6

    Patrimonio industrial rural de Teruel: un ejemplo de abandono del territorio

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la naturaleza, distribución, importancia y el estado del patrimonio industrial disperso de la provincia de Teruel que cumpla los siguientes criterios: estar fuera de núcleos de población, estar abandonado, no estar completamente asolado y otros. Se han explorado múltiples fuentes: cartografía histórica; publicaciones, bases de datos (archivos, SIPCA, etc.); contactos mediante redes sociales y varias entrevistas. Con la información obtenida se ha realizado un análisis mediante SIG. En conclusión, el número de industrias abandonadas o destruidas es ingente en números absolutos y en comparación con lo restaurado. El trabajo amplia y actualiza parte del SIPCA, y reflexiona sobre la situación de abandono del importante patrimonio que conforman molinos, batanes, minas y fábricas en este territorio. Faltan herramientas de protección y concienciación sobre un patrimonio único e irrepetible


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    We present pollen analysis of late Quaternary endorheic deposits at Villena (Alicante, España). Vegetational developments are discussed in the light of climatic, historical, and edaphic determinisms, and within the context of former research in the region and the Mediterranean Basin.Se presentan los resultados del análisis polínico de un depósito endorreico del Cuaternario reciente en las proximidades de Villena (Alicante, España). Se discute la dinámica vegetal en virtud de condicionamientos climáticos, históricos y edáficos y en el contexto de otros estudios precedentes en el ámbito regional y en la cuenca mediterránea

    The Trouble with Ed Schools: A Book Review

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    American schools of education, whose two primary objectives are to prepare highly qualified teachers and to conduct valid and reliable education research, are often decried as “weak institutions” by many in academia and society in general. American schools of education are very often scorned by scholars and academia as intellectually inferior, referred to by teachers in the field as the “ivory tower” and considered to be out of touch and completely unrelated to what really transpires in schools, perceived by political leaders at all levels to be a primary contributing factor to the substandard state of contemporary public education. These are the observations and assertions of David Labaree, a professor in the school of education at Stanford University, who in The Trouble with Ed Schools employs critical sociological and historical analyses to analyze and examine the factors that have directly contributed to the lowly status of education schools in general, and the contemporary assumptions and perceptions that perpetuate this lowly status. If we as educators (and a society for that matter) are to achieve excellence in education we must be willing to engage in critical self reflection and analysis about the means by which we prepare teachers and engage in educational research and policy making. The Trouble with Ed Schools serves well as an impetus for such reflection and analysis

    The evolution of the ventilatory ratio is a prognostic factor in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients

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    Background: Mortality due to COVID-19 is high, especially in patients requiring mechanical ventilation. The purpose of the study is to investigate associations between mortality and variables measured during the first three days of mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 intubated at ICU admission. Methods: Multicenter, observational, cohort study includes consecutive patients with COVID-19 admitted to 44 Spanish ICUs between February 25 and July 31, 2020, who required intubation at ICU admission and mechanical ventilation for more than three days. We collected demographic and clinical data prior to admission; information about clinical evolution at days 1 and 3 of mechanical ventilation; and outcomes. Results: Of the 2,095 patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU, 1,118 (53.3%) were intubated at day 1 and remained under mechanical ventilation at day three. From days 1 to 3, PaO2/FiO2 increased from 115.6 [80.0-171.2] to 180.0 [135.4-227.9] mmHg and the ventilatory ratio from 1.73 [1.33-2.25] to 1.96 [1.61-2.40]. In-hospital mortality was 38.7%. A higher increase between ICU admission and day 3 in the ventilatory ratio (OR 1.04 [CI 1.01-1.07], p = 0.030) and creatinine levels (OR 1.05 [CI 1.01-1.09], p = 0.005) and a lower increase in platelet counts (OR 0.96 [CI 0.93-1.00], p = 0.037) were independently associated with a higher risk of death. No association between mortality and the PaO2/FiO2 variation was observed (OR 0.99 [CI 0.95 to 1.02], p = 0.47). Conclusions: Higher ventilatory ratio and its increase at day 3 is associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 receiving mechanical ventilation at ICU admission. No association was found in the PaO2/FiO2 variation