197 research outputs found

    The effects of the invasive seaweed asparagopsis armata on native rock pool communities: evidences from experimental exclusion

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    Biological invasions represent a threat to ecosystems, through competition and habitat destruction, which may result in significant changes of the invaded community. Asparagopsis armata Harvey 1855 is a red macroalgae (Rodophyta) globally recognized as an invasive species. It is found from the intertidal to shallow subtidal areas, on rock or epiphytic, forming natural vegetation belts on exposed coasts. This study evaluated the variations on native intertidal seaweed and macroinvertebrate assemblages inhabiting rock pools with and without the presence of the invasive macroalgae A. armata. To achieve this, manipulation experiments on Atlantic (Portugal) rock pools were done. Three rock pools were maintained without A. armata by manual removal of macroalgae, and three others were not experimentally manipulated during the study period and A. armata was freely present. In this study the variations between different rock pools were assessed. Results showed different patterns in the macroalgae composition of assemblages but not for the macrobenthic communities. Ellisolandia elongata (J. Ellis & Solander) K.R. Hind & G.W. Saunders 2013 was the main algal species affected by the invasion of A. armata. Invaded pools tended to show less macroalgal species richness, showing a more constant and conservative structure, with lower variation of its taxonomic composition than the pools not containing A. armata, where the variability between samples was always higher. Despite the importance of the achieved results, further data based on observation of long-term series are needed, in order to further understand more severe effects of the invader A. armata on native macroalgal assemblage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fermionic anticommutators for open superstrings in the presence of antisymmetric tensor field

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    We build up the anticommutator algebra for the fermionic coordinates of open superstrings attached to branes with antisymmetric tensor fields. We use both Dirac quantization and the symplectic Faddeev Jackiw approach. In the symplectic case we find a way of generating the boundary conditions as zero modes of the symplectic matrix by taking a discretized form of the action and adding terms that vanish in the continuous limit. This way boundary conditions can be handled as constraints.Comment: Revision: passage from discrete to continuous clarified, comment on previous results using Dirac quantization included, typos corrected. Version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Flutuação das proteínas séricas em vacas primíparas e multíparas no período pré-parto

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    The fluctuation of serum protein was investigated in two groups of milk cows, 6 primiparous and 6 multiparous, during the last six weeks pre-partum. Electrophoresis and the biuret method were used to analyse the serum proteins. Blood was collected from the coccigeal region at 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 weeks pre-partum and at birth. The results indicate a decrease in the total protein concentration (p < 0.0001) as a consequence of immunooglobulin concentration decrease (p < 0.0001) during the experimental period. The total protein decreased from 9.82 + 0.7 g/100 ml, six weeks pre-partum, to 7.92 + 0.6 g/100 ml, at birth (minimum value registered). In the same period immunoglobutin decreased from 4.12 + 0.7 g/100 ml to 2.40 + 0.5 g/100 ml (minimum value registered). Considering the two groups of cows separately, the multiparous showed a tendency to decrease more the immunoglobulin concentration (p < 0.09), when compared to primiparous.O comportamento das proteínas séricas foi avaliado em dois grupos de vacas de leite, 6 primíparas e 6 multíparas, durante as ultimas 6 semanas pré-parto. Para separação da fração protéica foi empregado o método de eletroforese, enquanto para quantificação da proteína total foi utilizado o método de biureto. O sangue, retirado da região coccígea, foi amostrado nos períodos 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 semanas pré-parto e no dia do parto. Os resultados indicam uma queda na concentração da proteína total (p < 0.0001), em função do decréscimo da concentração de imunoglobulina (p < 0.0001), durante o período analisado. A proteína total decresceu de 9,82 + 0,7 g/100 ml, na quinta semana pré-parto, para 7,92 + 0,6 g/100 ml no dia do parto (valor mínimo médio registrado). No mesmo período, a imunoglobulina variou de 4,12 + 0,7 g/100 ml para 2,40 + 0,5 g/100 ml (valor mínimo médio registrado). Considerando-se os dois grupos de vacas separadamente, as multíparas mostraram uma tendência de decréscimo mais acentuado na concentração de imunoglobulina (p < 0.09) quando comparadas com as primíparas

    Extending the D'Alembert Solution to Space-Time Modified Riemann-Liouville Fractional Wave Equations

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    In the realm of complexity, it is argued that adequate modeling of TeV-physics demands an approach based on fractal operators and fractional calculus (FC). Non-local theories and memory effects are connected to complexity and the FC. The non-differentiable nature of the microscopic dynamics may be connected with time scales. Based on the Modified Riemann-Liouville definition of fractional derivatives, we have worked out explicit solutions to a fractional wave equation with suitable initial conditions to carefully understand the time evolution of classical fields with a fractional dynamics. First, by considering space-time partial fractional derivatives of the same order in time and space, a generalized fractional D'Alembertian is introduced and by means of a transformation of variables to light-cone coordinates, an explicit analytical solution is obtained. To address the situation of different orders in the time and space derivatives, we adopt different approaches, as it will become clear throughout the paper. Aspects connected to Lorentz symmetry are analyzed in both approaches.Comment: 8 page

    Mapping invasive macroalgae in the Western Iberian Peninsula: a methodological guide

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    Effect of artificial shading on performance and reproductive parameters of semi-confined young Brangus bulls

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    Thirty Brangus bulls were used in a 90-d study to assess the effect of artificial shading on the performance and reproductive characteristics of semi-confined cattle. Animals were kept in four one-ha paddocks in two groups of eight for shade treatment (5 m²/animal of 80% solar block shade cloth) and two groups of seven animals in no-shade treatment. Each treatment had two homogeneous groups, each divided into heavy-bulls (351-450 kg) and light-bulls (300-350 kg). Time spent under shade, time standing, average daily gain, testicular development and sperm quality were investigated. Animals spent 24% of the daylight under the shade and no-shaded bulls spent more time standing (P 0.05) and testicular development between shaded and no-shaded animals. However, scrotal perimeter was higher for shaded light animals compared to no-shaded light bulls (P < 0.10). Sperm motility increase during the experimental period for shaded animals (P < 0.05) and sperm abnormalities were higher for the shaded ones (P < 0.05). Although the results did not indicate pronounced benefits on cattle performance, this resource was an important alternative because it appears to provide an improvement in some reproductive parameters and ensure a better thermal comfort to the animals

    Neurolysin knockout mice generation and initial phenotype characterization

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    The oligopeptidase neurolysin (EC; Nln) was first identified in rat brain synaptic membranes and shown to ubiquitously participate in the catabolism of bioactive peptides such as neurotensin and bradykinin. Recently, it was suggested that Nln reduction could improve insulin sensitivity. Here, we have shown that Nln knockout mice (KO) have increased glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and gluconeogenesis. KO mice have increased liver mRNA for several genes related to gluconeogenesis. Isotopic label semi-quantitative peptidomic analysis suggests increase in specific intracellular peptides in gastrocnemius and epididymal adipose tissue, which likely is involved with the increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in the KO mice. These results suggest the exciting new possibility that Nln is a key enzyme for energy metabolism and could be a novel therapeutic target to improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity

    Percepção ambiental dos produtores e qualidade do solo em propriedades orgânicas e convencionais.

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    O sistema orgânico de produção deve resultar na utilização mais racional dos recursos naturais, sobretudo do solo. Os produtores orgânicos devem adotar práticas conservacionistas, além de atender a outros princípios deste sistema de produção. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as práticas de manejo e conservação do solo adotadas por produtores orgânicos e convencionais nas regiões dos municípios de Socorro (Serra da Mantiqueira e Mogiana) e Ibiúna, situados no Estado de São Paulo. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar o grau de adoção de práticas conservacionistas pelos produtores e avaliar a qualidade do solo na agricultura orgânica e convencional. Foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário, com visitas locais para verificação das práticas conservacionistas e ocorrência de erosão, em 30 propriedades. Os resultados foram expressos em índices indicadores de diversidade de uso do solo, atitude conservacionista, percepção de erosão e do impacto sobre os recursos hídricos. Foram também realizadas análises de atributos químicos, físicos e biológicos indicadores da qualidade do solo. Concluiu-se que os produtores orgânicos têm maior percepção quanto à atitude conservacionista e nas propriedades orgânicas há maior diversidade de cultivos, embora não haja maior diversidade geral de uso do solo. A produção orgânica de alface, em Ibiúna proporcionou maior atividade biológica no solo e maior colonização por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. O sistema orgânico possui maiores teores de matéria orgânica e menores de potássio e não houve diferença entre os atributos físicos do solo dos sistemas orgânico e convencional

    Plantio direto, adubação verde e suplementação com esterco de aves na produção orgânica de berinjela.

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    Sob manejo orgânico, foram avaliados, em Seropédica, RJ, os sistemas de plantio direto da berinjela(Solanum melongena) nas palhadas de Crotalaria juncea (crotalária), Pennisetum glaucum (milheto, cv. BRS 1501)e vegetação espontânea (pousio), em comparação com o plantio convencional (aração e gradagem ou enxada rotativa). Simultaneamente, foram avaliados três tipos de cultivo: berinjela em monocultura, em consórcio com crotalária e em consórcio com caupi (Vigna unguiculata, cv. Mauá). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional quanto à produção comercial da berinjela. A palhada da crotalária foi mais eficiente que a do milheto e do pousio para cobertura morta do solo e conseqüentemente o controle de plantas espontâneas foi maior. O cultivo simultâneo com as leguminosas não acarretou redução da produtividade da berinjela.Em um segundo estudo, foram comparados plantio direto (palhadas de crotalária e da vegetação espontânea) e plantio convencional, combinados com doses crescentes de cama de aviário (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N)aplicada em cobertura. Em termos de aporte de biomassa, a crotalária foi novamente superior à vegetação espontânea.A berinjela respondeu à adubação orgânica, com produtividade máxima de 50,6 t ha-1 , correspondendo à maior dose empregada, contra 36,9 t ha-1 referentes ao controle