203 research outputs found

    Neurohormonas y citocinas en la insuficiencia cardíaca. Correlación con la reserva de flujo coronario

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    Introduction and objectives. In heart failure, the coronary flow reserve (CFR) measured by positron-emission tomography (PET) is reduced. As neurohormone and cytokine levels are also altered in patients with the condition, our aim was to determine whether there is a correlation between CFR and neurohormone and cytokine levels. Patients and method. The study included 40 patients with heart failure but without ischemic heart disease. Myocardial blood flow was measured by PET using nitrogen- 13 ammonia at baseline and during ATP infusion. The CFR was calculated for each patient. In addition, levels of the following were determined: norepinephrine, endothelin- 1, angiotensin-II, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1β, soluble IL-2 receptor, and IL-6. Results. All neurohormone levels were elevated above reference values. The levels of all cytokines, except IL-1β, were also elevated. There was a significant negative correlation between CFR and the levels of several neurohormones: ANP (r=–0.476), BNP (r=–0.442), and IL-6 (r=–0.509). Conclusions. In heart failure, the decrease in CFR is correlated with increases in the levels of certain neurohormones (i.e., ANP and BNP) and cytokines (i.e., IL-6), with vasodilatory effect. These increases are probably are related to compensatory mechanisms that are unable to correct for the endothelial dysfunction present in these patients

    Highly Aligned Bacterial Nanocellulose Films Obtained During Static Biosynthesis in a Reproducible and Straightforward Approach

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    Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) is usually produced as randomly-organized highly pure cellulose nanofibers films. Its high water-holding capacity, porosity, mechanical strength, and biocompatibility make it unique. Ordered structures are found in nature and the properties appearing upon aligning polymers fibers inspire everyone to achieve highly aligned BNC (A-BNC) films. This work takes advantage of natural bacteria biosynthesis in a reproducible and straightforward approach. Bacteria confined and statically incubated biosynthesized BNC nanofibers in a single direction without entanglement. The obtained film is highly oriented within the total volume confirmed by polarization-resolved second-harmonic generation signal and Small Angle X-ray Scattering. The biosynthesis approach is improved by reusing the bacterial substrates to obtain A-BNC reproducibly and repeatedly. The suitability of A-BNC as cell carriers is confirmed by adhering to and growing fibroblasts in the substrate. Finally, the thermal conductivity is evaluated by two independent approaches, i.e., using the well-known 3 ω -method and a recently developed contactless thermoreflectance approach, confirming a thermal conductivity of 1.63 W mK −1 in the direction of the aligned fibers versus 0.3 W mK −1 perpendicularly. The fivefold increase in thermal conductivity of BNC in the alignment direction forecasts the potential of BNC-based devices outperforming some other natural polymer and synthetic materials. Bacteria confined and statically incubated for a few days biosynthesized bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) nanofibers in a single direction without entanglement. The obtained film is highly oriented within the total volume of the film, and it shows a five-fold increase in thermal conductivity in the parallel direction forecasting the potential of BNC-based devices outperforming some other natural polymer and synthetic materials

    3D-bioengineered model of human skeletal muscle tissue with phenotypic features of aging for drug testing purposes

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    Three-dimensional engineering of skeletal muscle is becoming increasingly relevant for tissue engineering, disease modeling and bio-hybrid robotics, where flexible, versatile and multidisciplinary approaches for the evaluation of tissue differentiation, functionality and force measurement are required. This works presents a 3D-printed platform of bioengineered human skeletal muscle which can efficiently model the three-dimensional structure of native tissue, while providing information about force generation and contraction profiles. Proper differentiation and maturation of myocytes is demonstrated by the expression of key myo-proteins using immunocytochemistry and analyzed by confocal microscopy, and the functionality assessed via electrical stimulation and analysis of contraction kinetics. To validate the flexibility of this platform for complex tissue modeling, the bioengineered muscle is treated with tumor necrosis factor a to mimic the conditions of aging, which is supported by morphological and functional changes. Moreover, as a proof of concept, the effects of Argireline® Amplified peptide, a cosmetic ingredient that causes muscle relaxation, are evaluated in both healthy and aged tissue models. Therefore, the results demonstrate that this 3D-bioengineered human muscle platform could be used to assess morphological and functional changes in the aging process of muscular tissue with potential applications in biomedicine, cosmetics and bio-hybrid robotics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Coping strategies used by health-care workers during the SARS-COV2 crisis. A real-world analysis.

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    El artículo ha sido publicado en la revista Psychiatry Research [Elsevier]. Está disponible en: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165178122005066?via%3Dihub[EN]The aim of this paper is to analyze the main coping strategies used by frontline teams during the first days of the COVID pandemic confinement in Spain. This information could be necessary in order to carry out training programs that allow a better handling of future emergency situations, as well as acting more effectively and with less negative emotional impact. A questionnaire was used to identify different psychological profiles for coping, and in turn, other relevant variables were analyzed. The most used strategies by health professionals were problem solving, desiderative thinking and social support. Emotional expression and social support were used more by women. Significantly different behaviors were found in desiderative thinking (lower in people of 35-50 years old, and social support, higher in people 35 years old). The symptoms most commonly experienced by medical personnel were: sleep disorders, anxiety, tension, depressive symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and general somatic muscular symptoms. A relationship could be determined between the age/gender of the workers and the participants' overall assessment of their ability to cope with the COVID-19 stress situation they had experienced (men 50 years old and women between 35 and 50 years old, who felt able or very able to cope with the stress caused by the health emergency. However, women 50 years old believed they were able to cope poorly with the circumstances. The advantage of specific training plans in order to help with some stress symptoms could be suggested, aimed at the acquisition of tools based on problem solving, and emotional management in stressful and emergency situations

    Technoestresse e idade: um estudo transversal em funcionários públicos

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    A pesar de los hallazgos sobre el estrés relacionado con la tecnología, la relación entre la edad y el tecnoestrés en trabajadores públicos es todavía limitada. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue observar la relación entre la edad y el nivel de tecnoestrés en funcionarios de distintos ayuntamientos españoles. El estudio, de tipo transversal, se realizó en por 132 trabajadores (60 hombres y 72 mujeres) con una media de edad de 42,9 años (DT: 9,49). Para conocer el nivel de Tecnoestrés se administró el Cuestionario RED. Los análisis de correlación revelan que la edad se relaciona positivamente con la tecnofatiga y negativamente con la tecnoadicción. Además, la prueba MANOVA indica diferencias significativas entre los baby boomers y la generación Y. En resumen, estos resultados defienden la idea de que los trabajadores públicos de mayor edad son más propensos al estrés relacionado con la tecnología en el trabajo, pese a ello, deben realizarse más investigaciones que respalden estos hallazgos.Despite the findings on stress and technology, the relationship between age and techno-stress in public workers is still limited. The main aim of this study was to observe the relationship between age and techno-stress in officials of different Spanish municipalities. The cross-sectional study was carried out in 132 workers (60 men and 72 women) with a mean age of 42.9 years (SD: 9.49). To assess techno-stress, the RED Questionnaire was administered. Correlation analyzes reveal that age is positively related to techno-fatigue and negatively to techno-addiction. Furthermore, the MANOVA test indicates significant differences between baby boomers and generation Y. In summary, these results support the idea that older public workers are more prone to technology-related stress at work. Despite this, more research should be done to support these findings.Apesar dos achados sobre o estresse relacionado com a tecnologia, a relação entre a idade e o tecnoestresse em servidores públicos ainda é limitada. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi observar a relação entre a idade e o nível de tecnoestresse em funcionários de diferentes prefeituras espanholas. O estudo, de tipo transversal, foi realizado com 132 trabalhadores (60 homens e 72 mulheres) com uma média de idade de 42,9 anos (DT:9, 49). Para conhecer o nível de Tecnoestresse foi aplicado o Questionário RED. As análises de correlação revelam que a idade se relaciona positivamente com a tecnofadiga e negativamente com o vício tecnológico. Além disso, a prova MANOVA indica diferenças significativas entre os baby boomers e a geração Y. Em resumo, tais resultados defendem a ideia de que os servidores públicos com idade mais avançada têm maior propensão ao estresse relacionado à tecnologia no trabalho e, ainda assim, devem ser realizados mais estudos para respaldar tais achados

    Sox-2 Positive Neural Progenitors in the Primate Striatum Undergo Dynamic Changes after Dopamine Denervation.

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    The existence of endogenous neural progenitors in the nigrostriatal system could represent a powerful tool for restorative therapies in Parkinson's disease. Sox-2 is a transcription factor expressed in pluripotent and adult stem cells, including neural progenitors. In the adult brain Sox-2 is expressed in the neurogenic niches. There is also widespread expression of Sox-2 in other brain regions, although the neurogenic potential outside the niches is uncertain. Here, we analyzed the presence of Sox-2+ cells in the adult primate (Macaca fascicularis) brain in naïve animals (N = 3) and in animals exposed to systemic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6 tetrahydropyridine to render them parkinsonian (N = 8). Animals received bromodeoxyuridine (100 mg/kg once a day during five consecutive days) to label proliferating cells and their progeny. Using confocal and electron microscopy we analyzed the Sox-2+ cell population in the nigrostriatal system and investigated changes in the number, proliferation and neurogenic potential of Sox-2+ cells, in control conditions and at two time points after MPTP administration. We found Sox-2+ cells with self-renewal capacity in both the striatum and the substantia nigra. Importantly, only in the striatum Sox-2+ was expressed in some calretinin+ neurons. MPTP administration led to an increase in the proliferation of striatal Sox-2+ cells and to an acute, concomitant decrease in the percentage of Sox-2+/calretinin+ neurons, which recovered by 18 months. Given their potential capacity to differentiate into neurons and their responsiveness to dopamine neurotoxic insults, striatal Sox-2+ cells represent good candidates to harness endogenous repair mechanisms for regenerative approaches in Parkinson's disease

    La adaptación al castellano de la Children’s Communication Checklist permite detectar las dificultades en el uso pragmático del lenguaje y diferenciar subtipos clínicos

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    Introducción. La Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) de Bishop es una prueba útil para la valoración de la pragmática verbal en los escolares. El objetivo del trabajo es comprobar la fiabilidad y la validez de esta escala en castellano. Sujetos y métodos. Se analiza la CCC contestada por los padres de 360 niños/as de 4-12 años, con inteligencia normal, 160 controles y 200 de cuatro grupos clínicos: trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (n = 68), trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal procedimental (n = 77), trastorno de la comunicación social (n = 25) y trastornos del espectro autista de nivel 1 (n = 30). Se realizan análisis: factorial para agrupar los ítems del cuestionario, de fiabilidad de las nuevas escalas y discriminante para comprobar si clasifica bien a los afectos de dificultades en el uso del lenguaje. Resultados. Se obtienen siete factores (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin: 0,852) con moderada similitud a las de la CCC original: relaciones sociales, intereses y otros cinco que constituyen pragmática (habilidades conversacionales, coherencia-comprensión, compenetración, comunicación no verbal y pertinencia). La correlación es significativa entre todos ellos, en el grupo control, y entre los cinco que configuran pragmática, en los grupos clínicos (r de Pearson). La fiabilidad de las escalas es buena (alfa de Cronbach: 0,914). El cuestionario clasifica bien al 98,9% de los casos agrupados con y sin trastorno pragmático; y al 78% de los participantes en sus correspondientes grupos clínicos. Además, permite diferenciar las patologías según la presencia e intensidad de los síntomas. Conclusiones. Esta versión española de la CCC es altamente válida y fiable. Los estadísticos aportados pueden utilizarse como valores de referencia

    Effect of peri-implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes and the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures: Consensus report of group 2 of the SEPA/DGI/OF workshop

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to comprehensively assess the literature in terms of the effect of peri-implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes and the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures to increase the mucosal thickness with autogenous grafts or soft tissue substitutes. MATERIAL AND METHODS Two systematic reviews (SR) were performed prior to the consensus meeting to assess the following questions. Review 1, focused question: In systemically healthy patients with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis, what is the influence of thin as compared to thick peri-implant mucosa on esthetic outcomes? Review 2, focused question 1: In systemically healthy humans with at least one dental implant (immediate or staged implant), what is the efficacy of connective tissue graft (CTG), as compared to absence of a soft tissue grafting procedure, in terms of gain in peri-implant soft tissue thickness (STT) reported by randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs)? Review 2, focused question 2: In systemically healthy humans with at least one dental implant (immediate or staged implant), what is the efficacy of CTG, as compared to soft tissue substitutes, in terms of gain in peri-implant STT reported by RCTs or CCTs? The outcomes of the two SRs, the consensus statements, the clinical implications, and the research recommendations were discussed and subsequently approved at the consensus meeting during the group and plenary sessions. CONCLUSIONS There was a tendency of superior esthetic outcomes in the presence of a thick mucosa. The connective tissue graft remains the standard of care in terms of increasing mucosa thickness

    Fiber-optic lossy mode resonance sensors

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    In the last 4 years, experimental evidences about the potential use of optical sensors based on Lossy Mode Resonances (LMR) have been presented in the literature. These LMR sensors have some similarities with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensors, the gold standard in label-free, real-time biomolecular interaction analysis. In these new LMR sensors, if the non-metallic nanocladding of an optical waveguide fulfills the conditions explained in this work, coupling of light to the cladding modes happens at certain resonance wavelengths, which enables the use of LMR devices as refractometers and opens the door to diverse applications such as in biology and proteomics research. These highly sensitive refractometers have already shown sensitivities higher than 20,000 nm/RIU or 5x10-7 RIU and, given the youth of this field, it is expected to achieve even better values