66 research outputs found

    Um estudo sobre a utilização do sistema de informações nas pequenas empresas de confecção do Recife

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Multi-Institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2004.A indústria de confecção constitui-se num dos principais segmentos produtivos do Estado, absorvendo percentual significativo de mão de obra, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de Pernambuco. Analisando-se em termos de porte, as pequenas empresas de confecção do Recife respondem por 25% das empresas industriais da capital. Considerando o aumento da concorrência, a necessidade das empresas estarem preparadas para a tomada de decisão fundamentada num sistema de informação, isto conduziu ao interesse de investigar essa realidade no contexto das pequenas empresas de confecção de Recife. Este estudo verificou a adequação do Sistema de Informações às rotinas gerenciais das empresas de pequeno porte de confecção da cidade do Recife e sua relação com o processo de tomada de decisão. A pesquisa foi fundamentada em técnicas de documentação direta (entrevistas e questionário) e indireta (pesquisa bibliográfica). Os resultados evidenciaram que as empresas pesquisadas utilizam sistema de informação, que, necessariamente não é sistema integrado. O planejamento e controle das atividades desenvolvidas nesta empresa se restringem, em sua maioria, a um período de seis a doze meses.Fabric industry consists of the most productive segment of the State of Pernambuco, which absorbs a significant percentage of workmanship and has been contributing for its development. Analysing it in terms of size, small companies of fabric in the city of Recife represents 25% of the industrial companies. Considering the increase of the competition, there is a necessity of those companies to be prepared to make decisions based on an information system. This fact leaded the interest to investigate this reality in the context of Recife area. The objective of this study is to verify the application of the Business Information System to the management process of the small fabric industries in Recife, in order to facilitate the decision making process. The research was based on the direct examination of documents (interview and questionnaire) and bibliographic research. Results shown that those fabric industries studied has been using systems of information, but not necessarily integrated. Planning and control of their activities are limited, generally, to a period that varies from six to twelve months

    The Influence of Positive Emotions on Knowledge Sharing

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    Capturing, structuring and disseminating knowledge is critical for success, yet challenging. For knowledge sharing to happen, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment. This environment is not enough to stimulate such sharing; other variables can influence the interaction of individuals. We contend that a variable calling for further attention is positive emotions. Hence, the goal of this study is to identify research that addresses sharing and positive emotions. We describe the systematic approach taken for identifying and analyzing these studies. We find a variety of useful insights in these studies. However, we suggest that there is room for additional research to examine knowledge management and positive emotions in the future. Lastly, the initial results of this project highlight the importance of IS researchers developing a multilingual understanding of phenomena that they study

    Knowledge management: an exploratory study for knowledge transfer in a university

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    At present time educational and scientific organizations face dynamic and competitive environments that urge for innovation in their knowledge transfer processes. For that, they can count on a set of tools and techniques to better manage knowledge. Thus, the objective of this study is to suggest Knowledge Management tools and techniques that favor the transfer of knowledge in the development of organizational processes. The study carried out in the lato sensu postgraduate sector of a university located in the south of Brazil which started its activities 30 years ago, has a qualitative and exploratory character, as the methodological procedures employed were documentary research and an ethnography study. The primary data was collected through participant observation. The findings show that there are three major organizational processes in Educational institutions: "enrolling students", "accompanying students" and "operationalizing classes". Those processes involve 18 activities resulting in the fragmentation of knowledge. Thus, six Knowledge Management tools and techniques were suggested to support knowledge transfer in the organizational processes namely: benchmarking, practical community, collaboration tools, lessons learned, best practices, and storytelling


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    With the growing culture of the maker, several spaces have emerged aiming at technological innovation, such as hackerspaces. In this sense, the objective of this article is to understand how the GC can support hackerspaces so that the knowledge of its members becomes accessible to new members. For this, a bibliographic and exploratory research was carried out through informal conversation with three members of a hackerspace located in the state of Paraná. Finally, the findings of this research point out that the CG supports hackerspaces in the creation of knowledge bases, in the sharing of knowledge among its members and new members, and in stimulating the creation of knowledge.Com crescente da cultura maker têm surgido diversos espaços visando a inovação tecnológica, como os hackerspaces. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é compreender como a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) pode apoiar os hackerspaces para que o conhecimento de seus membros se torne acessível para novos integrantes. Nesse sentido, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória por meio de conversas informais com membros de um hackerspace localizado no estado do Paraná. Finalmente, os achados desta pesquisa apontam que a GC apoia os hackerspaces na criação de bases de conhecimento, no compartilhamento do conhecimento entre seus membros e novos integrantes, bem como no estímulo à criação do conhecimento

    Knowledge management: an exploratory study for knowledge transfer in a university

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    At present time educational and scientific organizations face dynamic and competitive environments that urge for innovation in their knowledge transfer processes. For that, they can count on a set of tools and techniques to better manage knowledge. Thus, the objective of this study is to suggest Knowledge Management tools and techniques that favor the transfer of knowledge in the development of organizational processes. The study carried out in the lato sensu postgraduate sector of a university located in the south of Brazil which started its activities 30 years ago, has a qualitative and exploratory character, as the methodological procedures employed were documentary research and an ethnography study. The primary data was collected through participant observation. The findings show that there are three major organizational processes in Educational institutions: "enrolling students", "accompanying students" and "operationalizing classes". Those processes involve 18 activities resulting in the fragmentation of knowledge. Thus, six Knowledge Management tools and techniques were suggested to support knowledge transfer in the organizational processes namely: benchmarking, practical community, collaboration tools, lessons learned, best practices, and storytelling

    The knowledge products within software industry organizations: a new perspective on software artifacts / Os produtos de conhecimento dentro das organizações do setor de software: uma nova perspectiva sobre artefatos de software

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    The Knowledge Management (KM) has become essential for organizations looking to store, encode, retrieve and disseminate knowledge in the environment in which they operate. In the software industry, KM presents itself as a form of management with relevant contribution potential, since this industry produces information on a constant basis. In this way, this information can be consolidated into software artifacts. Such artifacts represent knowledge of a particular software project, as well as a knowledge product. That is because a knowledge product also represents some kind of codified and stored knowledge. Thus, this work aims to analyze software artifacts from the perspective of knowledge products. To this end, a questionnaire was conducted and interviews with ten experienced project managers from the software industry. As a result, it was observed that the software artifacts become knowledge products because they allow reuse and register intellectual capital creating new knowledge and encouraging innovation in the software industry organizations

    Criação e compartilhamento do conhecimento usando tecnologia de impressão 3d em obras de arte para o aluno deficiente visual / Creating and sharing knowledge using 3d printing technology in works of art for the visual disabled student

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    A interação entre as pessoas favorece o exercício de criar, compartilhar e de gerência dos conhecimentos. No âmbito escolar, isso não é diferente até porque a escola tem como propósito a reelaboração dos conhecimentos produzidos. Ao chegar à escola, os alunos trazem sua bagagem de conhecimento, habilidades, dificuldades e deficiências. Neste cenário objetivo aquí é o de descrever como o uso da tecnologia de impressão 3D pode subsidiar o compartilhamento do conhecimento de alunos do ensino médio na reprodução de obras de artes para deficientes visuais. Trata-se de estudo de caso que ocorreu em uma escola pública da cidade de Terra Boa – PR. O resultado foi à geração de uma obra de arte no formato 3D que pode se lida pelo aluno deficiente visual. Sua inclusão e participação efetiva foi fundamental na construção e compartilhamento do conhecimento do grupo. 

    Abordagem do conceito de elemento químico em periódicos da área de Química e Ensino de Química publicados entre 1998-2018

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    Nesse artigo buscamos analisar a tendência de como vem ocorrendo as abordagens referentes ao conceito de Elemento Químico, em periódicos disponíveis na língua portuguesa e em inglês, durante os últimos 20 anos (1998-2018). Sendo esse conceito entendido como estruturante, para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico na química. A pesquisa caracterizou-se pela busca de periódicos, livros e dissertações que foram coletados em três indexadores de pesquisa online: portal de periódicos da CAPES; Scielo e Google acadêmico, devido a relevância dos mesmos, totalizando 1.507 arquivos encontrados. Para compreensão da linha de pesquisa, delimitamos em quatro categorias: conceitual; histórica; empírica e conceitual. Os resultados apresentados, demonstram déficit em pesquisas que dialoguem sobre a contrução do conhecimento acerca do conceito de elemento químico, fundamentado por uma abordagem histórica e filosofica, por essas contribuirem de forma estruturante na noção do conceito.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The knowledge products within software industry organizations: a new perspective on software artifacts / Os produtos de conhecimento dentro das organizações do setor de software: uma nova perspectiva sobre artefatos de software

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    The Knowledge Management (KM) has become essential for organizations looking to store, encode, retrieve and disseminate knowledge in the environment in which they operate. In the software industry, KM presents itself as a form of management with relevant contribution potential, since this industry produces information on a constant basis. In this way, this information can be consolidated into software artifacts. Such artifacts represent knowledge of a particular software project, as well as a knowledge product. That is because a knowledge product also represents some kind of codified and stored knowledge. Thus, this work aims to analyze software artifacts from the perspective of knowledge products. To this end, a questionnaire was conducted and interviews with ten experienced project managers from the software industry. As a result, it was observed that the software artifacts become knowledge products because they allow reuse and register intellectual capital creating new knowledge and encouraging innovation in the software industry organizations

    Analysis of expiratory muscle strength and spontaneous breathing of individuals on mechanical ventilation: a cross-sectional study

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    Os músculos da expiração têm funções em todo o ciclo respiratório, mas não são frequentemente avaliados no desmame da ventilação mecânica. Assim, revisões e consensos não mencionam a pressão expiratória máxima (PEmáx) e o treino expiratório. Objetivou-se investigar a relação da força muscular expiratória com a respiração espontânea de indivíduos ventilados mecanicamente. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com participantes de 18 a 79 anos de idade. Foram formados os grupos PEmáx satisfatória (GPES) e PEmáx baixa (GPEB) conforme o ponto de corte de 55cmH2O e comparados a parâmetros de desmame. O GPES (n=9) teve desempenho superior ao do GPEB (n=21) no índice de respiração rápida e superficial (IRRS) (40,6±17,6rpm/L e 75,3±44,1rpm/L, respectivamente; p=0,022) e na frequência respiratória (f) (19,1±6,2rpm e 26,1±9,4rpm; p=0,044). A prevalência de PEmáx satisfatória foi pequena, observada no tamanho dos grupos. Além disso, embora a PEmáx percentual do valor predito tenha sido menor no GPEB, como esperado (67,2±15,4% vs. 45,8±14,7%; p=0,001), a pressão inspiratória máxima percentual não diferiu significantemente (82,4±21,8% vs. 67,8±18,4%; p=0,077). A PEmáx se correlacionou moderadamente com o IRRS (r=–0,406; p=0,026) e com a f (r=–0,426; p=0,017). Conclui-se que a PEmáx≥55cmH2 O esteve associada à melhores valores no IRRS e na f, e que a redução da força muscular expiratória foi mais prevalente e severa que a da força muscular inspiratória.| Los músculos de la espiración tienen funciones en todo el ciclo respiratorio, sin embargo, no son frecuentemente evaluados en el desmame de la ventilación mecánica. Así, revisiones y consensos no mencionan la tensión espiratoria máxima (PEmáx) y el entreno espiratorio. Se ha objetivado investigar la relación de la fuerza muscular espiratoria con la respiración espontánea de los individuos ventilados mecánicamente. Se trata de un estudio transversal con participantes de 18 a 79 años de edad. Han sido hechos los grupos PEmáx satisfactoria (GPES) y PEmáx baja (GPEB) de acuerdo con el punto de corte de 55cmH2O y han sido comparados a parámetros de destete. El GPES (n=9) ha tenido el desempeño superior al del GPEB (n=21) en el índice de respiración rápida y superficial (IRRS) (40,6±17,6rpm/L y 75,3±44,1rpm/L, respectivamente; p=0,022) y en la frecuencia respiratoria (f) (19,1±6,2rpm y 26,1±9,4rpm; p=0,044). La prevalencia de PEmáx satisfactoria ha sido pequeña, ha sido observada en el tamaño de los grupos. Además de eso, aunque la PEmáx porcentual del valor predicho haya sido menor en el GPEB, como ha sido esperado (67,2±15,4% vs. 45,8±14,7%; p=0,001), la presión inspiratoria máxima porcentual no ha diferido significantemente (82,4±21,8% vs. 67,8±18,4%; p=0,077). La PEmáx se ha correlacionado moderadamente con el IRRS (r=–0,406; p=0,026) y con la f (r=–0,426; p=0,017). Se concluye que la PEmáx≥55cmH2O ha estado asociada a los mejores valores en el IRRS y en la f, y que la reducción de la fuerza muscular espiratoria ha sido más prevalente y severa que la de la fuerza muscular inspiratoria.The expiratory muscles have functions throughout the respiratory cycle, but they are not often evaluated in the weaning from mechanical ventilation. Thus, reviews and consensus do not mention the maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) and the expiratory training. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of expiratory muscle strength with the spontaneous breathing of individuals on mechanical ventilation. This is a cross-sectional study with participants aged between 18 and 79 years. The groups satisfactory MEP (SMEPG) and low MEP (LMEPG) were formed according to the cut-off point of 55 cmH2 O and compared to weaning parameters. The SMEPG (n=9) had better performance than LMEPG (n=21) in the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) (40.6±17.6 bpm/L and 75.3±44.1 bpm/L, respectively; p=0.022) and in the respiratory rate (RR) (19.1±6.2 bpm and 26.1±9.4 bpm; p=0.044). Prevalence of satisfactory MEP was low, as observed in the size of groups. In addition, although the MEP percentage of the predicted value was lower in LMEPG, as expected (67.2±15.4% vs. 45.8±14.7%; p=0.001), the percentage for maximal inspiratory pressure was not significantly different (82.4±21.8% vs. 67.8±18.4%; p=0.077). The MEP was moderately correlated with the RSBI (r=−0.406; p=0.026) and with the RR (r=−0.426; p=0.017). It was concluded that MEP≥55 cmH2 O was associated with better values in RSBI and RR and that the reduction of expiratory muscle strength was more prevalent and severe than that of inspiratory muscle strength
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