48 research outputs found

    Diagnostic value of early postoperative color doppler ultrasonography to predict vascular complications following liver transplantation

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    Introduction: Blood flow and hemodynamic of the transplanted liver has an important predictive role in the survival of the patients. We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of early post-operative color doppler ultrasonography (CDU) for detecting vascular complications following liver transplantation at our center. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, consecutive patients who underwent deceased donor liver transplantation between March 2016 and March 2017 were enrolled. Color Doppler ultrasonography was performed within the first week following surgery. The follow-up CDU was performed after 1 year from the liver transplantation. Using the findings of follow up CDU as the reference standard, we calculated values of the capability of the initial CDU in the diagnosis of the hepatic artery, portal vein and intrahepatic veins' stenosis, including the level of agreement, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy. Results: The data of 50 patients were analyzed in this study (mean age=38.9±13.2 years, 26 [52%] men). In the initial ultrasonography, 16 cases had hepatic artery stenosis, 4 cases had portal vein stenosis and 4 patients had IVC stenosis. The diagnostic value of the early postoperative CDU for hepatic artery stenosis, portal vein stenosis, and other vascular stenosis were 71.9, 96.0, and 62.0, respectively. Conclusion: Early post-operative CDU is a safe and feasible method that can detect the development of hepatic artery or portal vein stenosis in liver transplant recipients with a low to moderate positive predictive value and a high negative predictive value. &nbsp

    Accelerating Polynomial Multiplication for RLWE using Pipelined FFT

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    The evolution of quantum algorithms threatens to break public key cryptography in polynomial time. The development of quantum-resistant algorithms for the post-quantum era has seen a significant growth in the field of post quantum cryptography (PQC). Polynomial multiplication is the core of Ring Learning with Error (RLWE) lattice based cryptography (LBC) which is one of the most promising PQC candidates. In this work, we present the design of fast and energy-efficient pipelined Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) based polynomial multipliers and present synthesis results on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to evaluate their efficacy. NTT is performed using the pipelined R2SDF and R22SDF Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) architectures. In addition, we propose an energy efficient modified architecture (Modr2). The NTT-based designed polynomial multipliers employs the Modr2 architecture that achieve on average 2× better performance over the R2SDF FFT and 2.4× over the R22SDF FFT with similar levels of energy consumption. The proposed polynomial multiplier with Modr2 architecture reaches 12.5× energy efficiency over the state-ofthe-art convolution-based polynomial multiplier and 4× speedup over the systolic array NTT based polynomial multiplier for polynomial degrees of 1024, demonstrating its potential for practical deployment in future designs

    Exploring Energy Efficient Quantum-resistant Signal Processing Using Array Processors

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    Quantum computers threaten to compromise public-key cryptography schemes such as DSA and ECDSA in polynomial time, which poses an imminent threat to secure signal processing. The cryptography community has responded with the development and standardization of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms, a class of public-key algorithms based on hard problems that no known quantum algorithms can solve in polynomial time. Ring learning with error (RLWE) lattice- based cryptographic (LBC) protocols are one of the most promising families of PQC schemes in terms of efficiency and versatility. Two common methods to compute polynomial multiplication, the most compute-intensive routine in the RLWE schemes are convolutions and Number Theoretic Transform (NTT). In this work, we explore the energy efficiency of polynomial multiplier using systolic architecture for the first time. As an early exploration, we design two high-throughput systolic array polynomial multipliers, including NTT-based and convolution-based, and compare them to our low-cost sequential (non-systolic) NTT-based multiplier. Our sequential NTT-based multiplier achieves more than 3x speedup over the state-of-the-art FGPA implementation of the polynomial multiplier in the NewHope-Simple key exchange mechanism on a low-cost Artix7 FPGA. When synthesized on a Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA, the NTT-based systolic and convolution-based systolic designs achieve on average 1.7x and 7.5x speedup over our sequential NTT-based multiplier respectively, which can lead to generating over 2x more signatures per second by CRYSTALS-Dilithium, a PQC digital signature scheme. These explorations will help designers select the right PQC implementations for making future signal processing applications quantum- resistant

    Domain-specific Accelerators for Ideal Lattice-based Public Key Protocols

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    Post Quantum Lattice-Based Cryptography (LBC) schemes are increasingly gaining attention in traditional and emerging security problems, such as encryption, digital signature, key exchange, homomorphic encryption etc, to address security needs of both short and long-lived devices — due to their foundational properties and ease of implementation. However, LBC schemes induce higher computational demand compared to classic schemes (e.g., DSA, ECDSA) for equivalent security guarantees, making domain-specific acceleration a viable option for improving security and favor early adoption of LBC schemes by the semiconductor industry. In this paper, we present a workflow to explore the design space of domain-specific accelerators for LBC schemes, to target a diverse set of host devices, from resource-constrained IoT devices to high-performance computing platforms. We present design exploration results on workloads executing NewHope and BLISSB-I schemes accelerated by our domain-specific accelerators, with respect to a baseline without acceleration. We show that achieved performance with acceleration makes the execution of NewHope and BLISSB-I comparable to classic key exchange and digital signature schemes while retaining some form of general purpose programmability. In addition to 44% and 67% improvement in energy-delay product (EDP), we enhance performance (cycles) of the sign and verify steps in BLISSB-I schemes by 24% and 47%, respectively. Performance (EDP) improvement of server and client side of the NewHope key exchange is improved by 37% and 33% (52% and 48%), demonstrating the utility of the design space exploration framework

    CryptoPIM: In-memory Acceleration for Lattice-based Cryptographic Hardware

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    Quantum computers promise to solve hard mathematical problems such as integer factorization and discrete logarithms in polynomial time, making standardized public-key cryptography (such as digital signature and key agreement) insecure. Lattice-Based Cryptography (LBC) is a promising post-quantum public-key cryptographic protocol that could replace standardized public-key cryptography, thanks to the inherent post-quantum resistant properties, efficiency, and versatility. A key mathematical tool in LBC is the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT), a common method to compute polynomial multiplication that is the most compute-intensive routine, and which requires acceleration for practical deployment of LBC protocols. In this paper, we propose, a high-throughput Processing In-Memory (PIM) accelerator for NTT-based polynomial multiplier with the support of polynomials with degrees up to 32k. Compared to the fastest FPGA implementation of an NTT-based multiplier, achieves on average 31x throughput improvement with the same energy and only 28% performance reduction, thereby showing promise for practical deployment of LBC

    A Lattice-based Enhanced Privacy ID

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    The Enhanced Privacy ID (EPID) scheme is currently used for hardware enclave attestation by an increasingly large number of platforms that implement Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). However, the scheme currently deployed by Intel is supported on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), and will become insecure should a large quantum computer become available. As part of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)\u27s effort for the standardisation of post-quantum cryptography, there has been a great boost in research on lattice-based cryptography. As this type of cryptography is more widely used, one expects that hardware platforms start integrating specific instructions that accelerate its execution. In this article, a new EPID scheme is proposed, supported on lattice primitives, that may benefit not only from future research developments in post-quantum cryptography, but also from instructions that may extend Intel\u27s Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) in the future. This paper presents a new security model for EPID in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. The proposed Lattice-based EPID (LEPID) scheme is proved secure under the new model. Experimentally compared with a closely related Lattice-based Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) (LDAA) scheme from related art, it is shown that the private-key size is reduced 1.5 times, and that signature and verification times are sped up up to 1.4 and 1.1 times, respectively, for the considered parameters, when LEPID is compared with LDAA. Moreover, the signature size compares favourably to LDAA for small and medium-sized communities

    Vulnerability of blockchain technologies to quantum attacks

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    Quantum computation represents a threat to many cryptographic protocols in operation today. It has been esti- mated that by 2035, there will exist a quantum computer capable of breaking the vital cryptographic scheme RSA2048. Blockchain technologies rely on cryptographic protocols for many of their essential sub-routines. Some of these protocols, but not all, are open to quantum attacks. Here we analyze the major blockchain-based cryp- tocurrencies deployed today—including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and ZCash, and determine their risk exposure to quantum attacks. We finish with a comparative analysis of the studied cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technologies and their relative levels of vulnerability to quantum attacks