436 research outputs found

    Tio nyanser av mindre avvikelse

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    Mindre avvikelse Ă€r ett begrepp i fastighetsbildningslagen som ger möjlighet att inom vissa ramar göra avsteg frĂ„n gĂ€llande detaljplan vid fastighetsbildning. Syftet med reglerna Ă€r bland annat att tillĂ„ta smĂ„ avsteg utan att behöva göra det omfattande och tidskrĂ€vande arbetet att Ă€ndra en detaljplan. BestĂ€mmelsen, sĂ„ som den Ă€r formulerad i fastighetsbildningslagens 3 kap 2 §, stĂ€ller dock krav pĂ„ att avvikelsen skall vara “mindre” och att den inte skall motverka detaljplanens syfte. För att undersöka hur dessa rekvisit skall tolkas har arbetet som syfte att utreda vilka huvudfaktorer som pĂ„verkar bedömningen av tillĂ„tligheten av en mindre avvikelse samt att sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som möjligt utreda i vilken utstrĂ€ckning och pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt dessa faktorer pĂ„verkar. För att ta reda pĂ„ detta har grundliga studier gjorts av förarbeten till sĂ„vĂ€l fastighetsbildningslagen som plan- och bygglagen. Av detta har framgĂ„tt att regler om möjligheten att avvika frĂ„n detaljplaner vid fastighetsbildning har funnits Ă€nda sedan jorddelningslagens tid. Reglernas exakta utformning i lagtext har över tiden Ă€ndrats i utformning, men mycket sĂ€llan har nĂ„gon Ă€ndring i sak varit avsedd. De största förĂ€ndringarna skedde vid införandet av 1987 Ă„rs plan- och bygglag, dĂ€r man bland annat konstaterade att mindre avvikelse i fastighetsbildningslagen skall bedömas efter samma grunder som i plan och bygglagen. 35 rĂ€ttsfall som berör mindre avvikelse har analyserats. Av den rĂ€ttspraxis som framtrĂ€tt kan man tydligt utlĂ€sa att möjligheten att göra en mindre avvikelse Ă€r starkt beroende av vilken typ av avvikelse det rör sig om. De huvudfaktorer som vi anser pĂ„verkar bedömningen av en mindre avvikelse Ă€r: ‱ Huruvida avvikelsen beror pĂ„ att nĂ„gon detalj i planen blivit felaktigt utformad eller ej tillrĂ€ckligt studerad. ‱ Huruvida allmĂ€nna och/eller enskilda intressen pĂ„verkas av avvikelsen. ‱ ByggnadsnĂ€mndens instĂ€llning till avvikelsen. ‱ Huruvida avvikelsen sker frĂ„n en bestĂ€mmelse som Ă€r ett vĂ€sentligt inslag i planen eller ej. ‱ Avvikelsens art och omfattning ‱ OmrĂ„dets karaktĂ€r (kĂ€nslig eller okĂ€nslig omgivning). ‱ Huruvida ett beslut om bygglov redan finns för den Ă„tgĂ€rd som man önskar göra en mindre planavvikelse för. NĂ„gra faktorer har karaktĂ€ren av direkt avgörande ja/nej-faktorer, medan andra snarare avgör den tillĂ„tna storleken pĂ„ en avvikelse. Om man vid en genomgĂ„ng av faktorerna ovan finner att det inte föreligger nĂ„got hinder för en mindre avvikelse, Ă€r vĂ„r slutsats att den som regel bör tillĂ„tas. En bedömning i det enskilda fallet kommer dock alltid att vara nödvĂ€ndig. Slutligen ges ett antal förslag pĂ„ förbĂ€ttringar av nuvarande lagstiftning med grund i den övriga analysen.In the Swedish cadastral legislation, “minor exemption” is a concept which can be used when a cadastral measure is carried out within an area covered by a zoning plan. If the measure in question differs from the plan, it can still be allowed given that two conditions are met: the exemption must be minor, and it must not counteract the intentions of the plan. The aim of this work is to answer the question “what main factors affect the assessment of what could be read as a minor exemption not counteracting the intentions of the plan.” In order to answer this question, we study the preparatory works of the laws involved, as well as a number of court cases covering minor exemption. In our conclusions, we observe and describe in detail seven main factors that affect this assessment. Lastly, we present a small number of suggestions for improvement of the current Swedish legislation.Dans la lĂ©gislation cadastrale suĂ©doise, une « petit dĂ©rogation » est un concept que l’on peut utiliser quand un arrangement cadastral est effectuĂ© dans les limites d’un plan de zonage. Si l’arrangement en question Ă©carte du plan, il peut ĂȘtre permis quand mĂȘme pourvu que deux conditions soient remplies : la dĂ©rogation doit ĂȘtre petite, et il ne doit pas contrarier l’intention du plan. Le but de cette ouvrage est de rĂ©pondre Ă  la question « Quel sont les Ă©lĂ©ments principaux influent sur l'Ă©valuation de ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ© comme une petite dĂ©rogation qui ne contraire pas l’intention du plan. » Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous Ă©tudions les travaux prĂ©paratoires des lois impliquĂ©es, aussi bien qu’un nombre des affaires juridiques qui a traitĂ© des questions d’un « petit dĂ©rogation ». Dans nos conclusions, nous observons et dĂ©crivons en dĂ©tail sept Ă©lĂ©ments principaux influents sur cette Ă©valuation. En fin, nous prĂ©sentons un petit nombre de suggestions pour amĂ©liorer la lĂ©gislation actuel suĂ©doise

    Healthcare professionals’ attitudes across different hospital departments regarding alcohol-related presentations

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIMS Attitudes to individuals presenting with alcohol-related issues are important in developing therapeutic relationships and applying alcohol-related interventions. This study explores staff attitudes to these individuals across a range of roles and departments. DESIGN AND METHODS Data were gathered from 204 staff in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland. Regression models were used to predict attitudes as measured by the Short Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire (SAAPPQ). RESULTS Two hundred and four people participated in the study. The sample comprised doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and other staff who had face-to-face contact with patients. Staff worked in accident and emergency (A&E), medical, surgical, addiction or psychiatry departments. Staff working in addiction and psychiatry departments had significantly higher levels of role adequacy compared with those in A&E. Staff in addictions also demonstrated higher levels of role legitimacy, motivation and role satisfaction than those in A&E. Doctors had higher role adequacy and role legitimacy than nursing staff. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS There are critical differences in staff attitudes to patients presenting with alcohol-related issues in a range of hospital settings; training and working in a specialist setting have a significant positive influence on staff attitudes. This suggests that further training and support would positively enhance the attitudes of staff in a variety of professional roles and across a range of hospital settings in the management of patients presenting with alcohol-related difficulties

    Sumoylation and phosphorylation: hidden and overt links

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    Post-translational modifications are essential mediators between stimuli from development or the environment and adaptive transcriptional patterns. Recent data allow a first glimpse at how two modifications, phosphorylation and sumoylation, act interdependently to modulate stress responses. In particular, many components of the SUMO conjugation system are phosphoproteins, and some regulators and enzymes of protein phosphorylation can be sumoylated. Equally important, however, a number of proteins can be subject to both modifications. These substrates also have the capacity to connect stimuli transmitted via sumoylation with those transmitted via phosphorylation. As a prime example, we review data suggesting that nitrate reductase is a hub that integrates cues from these two modifications. Powerful proteomics approaches allowed the identification of additional common substrates, paving the way for studies to understand, on a broader basis, the cross-talk of phosphorylation with sumoylation and how it contributes to plant growth

    Activator Control of Nucleosome Occupancy in Activation and Repression of Transcription

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    The relationship between chromatin structure and gene expression is a subject of intense study. The universal transcriptional activator Gal4 removes promoter nucleosomes as it triggers transcription, but how it does so has remained obscure. The reverse process, repression of transcription, has often been correlated with the presence of nucleosomes. But it is not known whether nucleosomes are required for that effect. A new quantitative assay describes, for any given location, the fraction of DNA molecules in the population that bears a nucleosome at any given instant. This allows us to follow the time courses of nucleosome removal and reformation, in wild-type and mutant cells, upon activation (by galactose) and repression (by glucose) of the GAL genes of yeast. We show that upon being freed of its inhibitor Gal80 by the action of galactose, Gal4 quickly recruits SWI/SNF to the genes, and that nucleosome “remodeler” rapidly removes promoter nucleosomes. In the absence of SWI/SNF, Gal4â€Čs action also results in nucleosome removal and the activation of transcription, but both processes are significantly delayed. Addition of glucose to cells growing in galactose represses transcription. But if galactose remains present, Gal4 continues to work, recruiting SWI/SNF and maintaining the promoter nucleosome-free despite it being repressed. This requirement for galactose is obviated in a mutant in which Gal4 works constitutively. These results show how an activator's recruiting function can control chromatin structure both during gene activation and repression. Thus, both under activating and repressing conditions, the activator can recruit an enzymatic machine that removes promoter nucleosomes. Our results show that whereas promoter nucleosome removal invariably accompanies activation, reformation of nucleosomes is not required for repression. The finding that there are two routes to nucleosome removal and activation of transcription—one that requires the action of SWI/SNF recruited by the activator, and a slower one that does not—clarifies our understanding of the early events of gene activation, and in particular corrects earlier reports that SWI/SNF plays no role in GAL gene induction. Our finding that chromatin structure is irrelevant for repression as studied here—that is, repression sets in as efficiently whether or not promoter nucleosomes are allowed to reform—contradicts the widely held, but little tested, idea that nucleosomes are required for repression. These findings were made possible by our nucleosome occupancy assay. The assay, we believe, will prove useful in studying other outstanding issues in the field

    A Yeast-Based Functional Assay to Study Plant N-Degron – N-Recognin Interactions

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    The N-degron pathway is a branch of the ubiquitin-proteasome system where amino-terminal residues serve as degradation signals. In a synthetic biology approach, we expressed ubiquitin ligase PRT6 and ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 2 (AtUBC2) from Arabidopsis thaliana in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with mutation in its endogenous N-degron pathway. The two enzymes re-constitute part of the plant N-degron pathway and were probed by monitoring the stability of co-expressed GFP-linked plant proteins starting with Arginine N-degrons. The novel assay allows for straightforward analysis, whereas in vitro interaction assays often do not allow detection of the weak binding of N-degron recognizing ubiquitin ligases to their substrates, and in planta testing is usually complex and time-consuming

    GibbsST: a Gibbs sampling method for motif discovery with enhanced resistance to local optima

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    BACKGROUND: Computational discovery of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) is a challenging but important problem of bioinformatics. In this study, improvement of a Gibbs sampling based technique for TFBS discovery is attempted through an approach that is widely known, but which has never been investigated before: reduction of the effect of local optima. RESULTS: To alleviate the vulnerability of Gibbs sampling to local optima trapping, we propose to combine a thermodynamic method, called simulated tempering, with Gibbs sampling. The resultant algorithm, GibbsST, is then validated using synthetic data and actual promoter sequences extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is noteworthy that the marked improvement of the efficiency presented in this paper is attributable solely to the improvement of the search method. CONCLUSION: Simulated tempering is a powerful solution for local optima problems found in pattern discovery. Extended application of simulated tempering for various bioinformatic problems is promising as a robust solution against local optima problems

    Transcription factor clusters regulate genes in eukaryotic cells

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    Transcription is regulated through binding factors to gene promoters to activate or repress expression, however, the mechanisms by which factors find targets remain unclear. Using single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, we determined in vivo stoichiometry and spatiotemporal dynamics of a GFP tagged repressor, Mig1, from a paradigm signaling pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find the repressor operates in clusters, which upon extracellular signal detection, translocate from the cytoplasm, bind to nuclear targets and turnover. Simulations of Mig1 configuration within a 3D yeast genome model combined with a promoter-specific, fluorescent translation reporter confirmed clusters are the functional unit of gene regulation. In vitro and structural analysis on reconstituted Mig1 suggests that clusters are stabilized by depletion forces between intrinsically disordered sequences. We observed similar clusters of a co-regulatory activator from a different pathway, supporting a generalized cluster model for transcription factors that reduces promoter search times through intersegment transfer while stabilizing gene expression
