48 research outputs found

    Effects of Taiji Practice on Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Healthy Participants—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Taiji is regarded as a mind-body practice that is characterized by gentle and mindful body movements. In contrast to the continuously growing evidence base supporting the beneficial effects of Taiji on physical and mental well-being, studies investigating its underlying mechanisms are still scarce. The aim of our study was to examine the impact of Taiji practice on self-attribution of mindfulness and self-compassion, two potential components well known for their health promoting effects. Seventy healthy participants (age range: 23-50years) were randomly assigned either to the intervention group or to a wait list control group. The intervention group attended Taiji classes twice a week for 3months. Before, shortly after and 2months after the intervention, we measured the degree of self-attributed mindfulness and self-compassion in all study participants by using self-report questionnaires. Compared to the control group, the intervention group showed significantly higher increase scores in self-attributed mindfulness after the intervention that persisted 2months later. Increases in self-attributed self-compassion were also higher in Taiji practitioners, with significant group differences from preintervention to follow-up assessment. Our findings suggest that Taiji practice can effectively enhance self-attribution of mindfulness and is likely to have beneficial effects on self-compassion in healthy participants. The role of mindfulness as a mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of Taiji practice warrants further researc

    Planar photonic crystal

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    We present results of guiding light in a single-line-defect planar photonic crystal (PPC) waveguide with 90° and 60° bends. The wave guiding is obtained by total internal reflection perpendicular to the plane of propagation and by the photonic band gap for the 2D photonic crystal in the plane. The results for photonic waveguiding are shown and demonstrated at 1.5 µm wavelength

    Experimental and theoretical confirmation of Bloch-mode light propagation in planar photonic crystal waveguides

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    The dispersion diagram of the leaky modes in the planar photonic crystal waveguide is experimentally obtained for the wavelengths from 1440 to 1590 nm. A small stop band, around wavelength 1500 nm, is detected. The experimentally obtained results are in very good agreement with our three-dimensional finite difference time domain calculations. Propagation losses of the leaky modes are estimated and we have found that they decrease as we approach the ministop band

    Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten bei künstlicher Befruchtung – ein Vergleich der Behandlungspraxis in schweizerischen, deutschen und österreichischen Kinderwunschzentren mit Erhebungen in randomisierten kontrollierten Studien

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    One in 5 couples is affected by infertility. To increase the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technology (ART) adjuvant acupuncture treatments are frequently administered. However, little is known about acupuncture treatment modalities employed in fertility centers. The aim of our study was to assess modalities of acupuncture treatments in fertility centers and compare them with investigated acupuncture treatments in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) related to ART.Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch belastet jedes fünfte Paar. Zur Wirksamkeitssteigerung der künstlichen Befruchtung werden oftmals Akupunkturbehandlungen durchgeführt. Wenig ist über die Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten in Kinderwunschzentren bekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, diese zu erfassen und mit den in randomisierten kontrollierten Studien (RCTs) untersuchten Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten zu vergleichen. Methoden: 180 Kinderwunschkliniken, die auf den Webseiten der schweizerischen, deutschen und österreichischen reproduktionsmedizinischen Vereinigungen aufgeführt waren, wurden zur Teilnahme an einer Onlinebefragung über das Akupunkturangebot bei künstlicher Befruchtung eingeladen. Die Umfrageergebnisse wurden den Angaben aus 17 RCTs gegenübergestellt. Ergebnisse: Akupunktur wird von 33 (38,4%) aller an der Umfrage beteiligten Kinderwunschkliniken (n = 86) angeboten (Rücklaufquote = 47,8%). Die Wahl der Akupunkturpunkte ist in 39,4% der Kliniken standardisiert, in 24,2% semi-standardisiert und in 27,3% erfolgt sie individuell nach TCM-Diagnose. Körperakupunktur mit Nadelstimulierung wurde am häufigsten genannt (84,8%). In einigen Kliniken wird ergänzend zur Körperakupunktur auch Ohrakupunktur (24,2%) und Moxibustion (21,2%) angewendet. Die Leistungserbringer sind überwiegend ärztliche Akupunkturtherapeuten (84,8%). Im Vergleich zu den RCTs wurden große Unterschiede hinsichtlich Bestimmung der Akupunkturpunkte, Stimulierungsverfahren und beruflichem Hintergrund der Akupunktur-Leistungserbringer festgestellt. Schlussfolgerungen: Weniger als 40% aller Akupunktur anbietenden Kinderwunschkliniken im deutschsprachigen Raum verwenden standardisierte Akupunkturpunkteprotokolle. Um die externe Validität der Aku- punkturforschung in der Reproduktionsmedizin zu erhöhen und die klinische Wirksamkeit dieser adjuvanten Behandlungsform zu untersuchen, sollten in zukünftigen Studien semi-standardisierte und individuelle Bestimmungen der Akupunkturpunkte berücksichtigt und der Einsatz von angelerntem Personal vermieden werde

    The Amount of Weight Loss Six Months after Bariatric Surgery: It Makes a Difference

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    Background: Bariatric surgery, especially Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), has become the most frequently used therapy for morbid obesity. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of surgically induced weight loss on cardiopulmonary function 6 months after the procedure, as well as the effect of such an intervention on well-known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study on 66 morbidly obese patients (BMI ≥40 or ≥35 kg/m2 with present comorbidities), comparing their cardiopulmonary function prior to and 6 months after RYGB surgery. Results: The substantial amount of weight loss (29.80 ± 13.27 kg) after RYGB surgery was associated with significant reduction of comorbidities, especially diabetes and sedentary lifestyle (p = 0.005 and p = 0.002, respectively). Regarding functional capacity, there was significant increase in peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak, p = 0.003), duration of exercise testing, metabolic equivalents (exercise time and METs, p < 0.001), and in peak O2 pulse. These findings were particularly pronounced in a group of patients who had lost more than 18% of initial weight. Conclusions: Reduction of body weight after RYGB surgery is associated with significantly improved cardiorespiratory function 6 months after surgery, especially in patients who lost more than 18% of their initial body weight. In addition, substantial decreases in body weight were also associated with a reduction of cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, smoking, hypertriglyceridemia, and sedentary lifestyle

    Effects of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine (Zhi Mu 14) on hot flushes and quality of life in postmenopausal women: results of a four-arm randomized controlled pilot trial

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a clinical trial investigating the effects of acupuncture (AP) and Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) on hot flushes and quality of life in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Forty postmenopausal women reporting at least 20 hot flushes per week were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. They were randomly allocated to receive traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) AP, sham AP, verum CHM, or placebo CHM for 12 weeks. Follow-up assessment was conducted 12 weeks after intervention. Primary outcome measures included hot flush frequency and severity. As a secondary outcome measure, the severity of menopausal symptoms was assessed using the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) II. RESULTS: TCM AP induced a significant decline in all outcome measures from pretreatment to posttreatment compared with sham AP (hot flush frequency, P = 0.016; hot flush severity, P = 0.013; MRS, P < 0.001). In the TCM AP group, a larger decrease in MRS scores persisted from pretreatment to follow-up (P = 0.048). No significant differences were noted between the verum CHM group and the placebo CHM group. Compared with the verum CHM group, there was a significant decrease in MRS scores (P = 0.002) and a trend toward a stronger decrease in hot flush severity (P = 0.06) in the TCM AP group from pretreatment to posttreatment. CONCLUSIONS: TCM AP is superior to sham AP and verum CHM in reducing menopausal symptoms, whereas verum CHM shows no significant improvements when compared with placebo CHM

    Nanophotonics based on planar photonic crystals

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    By creating different types of defects in the photonic crystal lattice, various nanophotonics components, such as cavities and waveguides, can be realized. The quest for a compact and efficient nano-cavity, with high quality factor (Q) and small mode volume (V/sub mode/), has been a central part of research in integrated optics. Recently, we have proposed a systematic method to design optical nano-cavities that satisfy both of these requirements. The cavity consists of a defect hole that is smaller than surrounding holes arranged in the triangular lattice photonic crystal. In order to test our design we have fabricated high-Q cavities in the InGaAsP material system

    Asymmetries in explosive strength following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Background: Despite its apparent functional importance, there is a general lack of data regarding the time-related changes in explosive strength and the corresponding side-to-side asymmetries in individuals recovering from an ACL reconstruction (ACLR). The present study was designed to assess changes in the maximum and explosive strength of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in athletes recovering from an ACLR. Methods: Twenty male athletes with an ACL injury completed a standard isometric testing protocol pre-ACLR, four and six months post-ACLR. In addition to the maximum strength (F-max), the explosive strength of quadriceps and hamstrings was assessed through four variables derived from the slope of the force-time curves over various time intervals (REDmax, RED50, RFD150 and RED250). Side-to-side asymmetries were calculated relative to post-ACLR measures of the uninvolved leg ("standard" asymmetries), and relative to pre-ACLR value of the uninvolved leg ("real" asymmetries). Results: Pre-ACLR asymmetries in quadriceps RFD (average 26%) were already larger than in F-max (14%) (p lt 0.05). Six months post-ACLR real asymmetries in RFD variables (33-39%) were larger than the corresponding standard asymmetries (26-28%; p lt 0.01). Average asymmetries in hamstrings' RFD and F-max were 10%, 25% and 15% for pre-ACLR and two post-ACLR sessions, respectively (all p gt 0.05). Conclusions: In addition to the maximum strength, the indices of explosive strength should also be included in monitoring recovery of muscle function following an ACLR. Furthermore, pre-injury/reconstruction values should be used for the post-ACLR side-to-side comparisons, providing a more valid criterion regarding the muscle recovery and readiness for a return to sports

    A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

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    In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes

    Reperfusion therapy for ST elevation acute myocardial infarction 2010/2011: current status in 37 ESC countries

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    Aims Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is the preferred reperfusion therapy in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We conducted this study to evaluate the contemporary status on the use and type of reperfusion therapy in patients admitted with STEMI in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) member countries. Methods and results A cross-sectional descriptive study based on aggregated country-level data on the use of reperfusion therapy in patients admitted with STEMI during 2010 or 2011. Thirty-seven ESC countries were able to provide data from existing national or regional registries. In countries where no such registries exist, data were based on best expert estimates. Data were collected on the use of STEMI reperfusion treatment and mortality, the numbers of cardiologists, and the availability of PPCI facilities in each country. Our survey provides a brief data summary of the degree of variation in reperfusion therapy across Europe. The number of PPCI procedures varied between countries, ranging from 23 to 884 per million inhabitants. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention and thrombolysis were the dominant reperfusion strategy in 33 and 4 countries, respectively. The mean population served by a single PPCI centre with a 24-h service 7 days a week ranged from 31 300 inhabitants per centre to 6 533 000 inhabitants per centre. Twenty-seven of the total 37 countries participated in a former survey from 2007, and major increases in PPCI utilization were observed in 13 of these countries. Conclusion Large variations in reperfusion treatment are still present across Europe. Countries in Eastern and Southern Europe reported that a substantial number of STEMI patients are not receiving any reperfusion therapy. Implementation of the best reperfusion therapy as recommended in the guidelines should be encourage