137 research outputs found

    Consolidating Medical Education in Sudan During War

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    Background: Providing quality medical education in Sudan faces challenges due to armed conflicts. This short communication explores practical solutions for ensuring the continuity of medical education during the conflict in the Sudanese context. Methods: A comprehensive literature review covered relevant articles published from 1915 to 2023. Four major databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were searched using keywords related to medical education, war, armed conflict, and affected countries. Data synthesis identified common themes, challenges, and trends and suggested solutions for medical education in conflict zones. Case studies from Ukraine, Liberia, and Iraq were included for a comprehensive understanding. Results: Collaborative alliances among medical schools facilitate resource sharing and support. Engaging the Sudanese diaspora through virtual collaborations, mentorship programs, and faculty exchanges enhance educational experiences. Stable regions as educational hubs ensure uninterrupted academic progress for students from conflict-affected areas. Online and remote education, including asynchronous learning and social media platforms, overcome access barriers and fosters knowledge sharing. Ambulatory teaching provides practical experience and adaptability. Prioritizing faculty well-being and professional development through training and support is crucial. Emphasizing resilience and adaptability in student education prepare them for healthcare delivery in resource-limited settings. Research and innovation contribute to evidence-based strategies. International collaboration and support offer opportunities for knowledge exchange and infrastructure improvement. Conclusion: Implementing collaborative strategies and innovative approaches helps Sudanese medical schools overcome challenges during armed conflicts and maintain quality medical education. These solutions empower students and faculty, enhance resilience, and contribute to improving healthcare systems in post-war Sudan

    The response of benthic foraminifer, ostracod and mollusc assemblages to environmental conditions: a case study from the Camalti Saltpan (Izmir-Western Turkey)

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    The subject of this report is benthic foraminifer populations preserved in the saltpan of Camalti in the Province of Izmir. High salinity in certain habitats of Ammonia tepida Cushman may be the primary cause of the high rate of twins and triplets as well as other morphological abnormalities recorded within this species (50 % as compared to an anomaly rate of 1 % in normal marine waters). Thicker cyst membrane developing in extremely saline environments may encourage twins and other morphological deformities by denying free movement of the offspring. Ecological factors such as heavy metal contamination of ambient waters as well as contamination by other wastes are also not ruled out as leading to such developmental anomalies. Of the 27 collected samples, Number 5 (that is closest to the sea) includes the typical marine foraminifers. Nonion depressulum (Walker & Jacob), Ammonia tepida Cushman and Porosononion subgronosum(Egger) are the dominant species in other samples. A total of 63 abnormal individuals (8 triplets, 24 twins, and 31 morphological anomalies) was found within seven of the 27 samples collected. Ten samples contained freshwater ostracods: Darwinula stevensoni(Brady and Robertson), Leptocythere lacertosa Hirschmann, Cyprideis torasa (Jones), Cyprideis (C.) anatolica Bassiouni, and Loxochoncha elliptica Brady. Among these samples (some of which contained only a few species of ostracods - and those limited in number of offspring), one had an unusually high ratio of healthy foraminifers vs those with anomalies. Worthy of note in another sample was a high abundance of molluscs. Among pelecypods, were found Ostrea edulis Linné, Lucinella divaricata (Linné), Pseudocama gryphina Lamarck,Cerastoderma edule (Linné), and Scrobicularia plana da Costa; and among gastropods were identified Hydrobi (Hydrobia) acuta(Draparnaud), Rissoa labiosa (Montagu), R. parva (da Costa), R. violacea Desmarest, Pirenella conica (Blainville), Bittium desayesi(Cerulli and Irelli), B. lacteum Philippi and B. reticulatum Philippi

    Naso-Maxillary extramedullary plasmacytoma: A case report

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    We report an early case of extramedullary, right maxillary sinus and nasal, plasmacytoma. The patient was a 27 years old female who presented with nasal bleeding and a nasal mass. Imaging studies showed opacities in the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinus but there was no bone involvement.  A biopsy from the nasal mass showed a plasmacytoma. She was investigated to rule out systemic disease. The investigations included; serum electrophoresis, urine analysis for Bence Jones proteins, bone marrow aspirates study and radiological skeletal survey. The results of all investigations were negative. After complete excision of the tumour endoscopically the patient was treated with adjuvant radiotherapy. She remained well, without recurrence or spread of the tumour at 4 years follow up. CTscans pre and postoperatively as well as H&E and Immunohistochemistry slides are presented. To our knowledge, this is the first case to be reported in Sudan.                                                                   &nbsp

    Seasonal Effect on Biomarkers of Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Coasts of North Western Suez Gulf, Egypt

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    Petroleum hydrocarbons of surface water were collected from eight locations of from the coasts of north western Suez Gulf, Egypt. The extracted petroleum hydrocarbons were determined by gas chromatography–flame ionization detector and quantified by integrating the areas of both the resolved and unresolved components. The results confirm that the concentration is relatively higher than the recommended in the regulations of the Egyptian low of Environment of No.4/1994 of petroleum products. At various locations, The dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons ranged from 5.639 to 74.8 and 1.868 to 65.698 mg/ml for summer and winter seasons, respectively. This indicates that chronic oil pollution, in addition to hydrocarbon concentrations, the diagnostic indices used shows that the hydrocarbons in the area were comes from biogenic, petrogenic and anthropogenic sources. FT-IR spectrometric analysis confirms the petrogenic nature of pollutants

    First-line ovulation induction for polycystic ovary syndrome : an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mr M. Draper from Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide, for his assistance in developing the search strategies and Dr M. H. Zafarmand from University of Amsterdam for assisting with the translation. We would like to acknowledge all the investigators and participants of the primary trials. The investigators of individual trials are listed in Supplementary Table SIV. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of NICHD, the Reproductive Medicine Network (RMN) and the Protocol Subcommittee, in making the database for PPCOS I and II available. +The authors of the Reproductive Medicine Network are R.S.L., R.G. Brzyski, M.P. Diamond, C. Coutifaris, W.D. Schlaff, P. Casson, G.M. Christman, H. Huang, Q. Yan, R. Alvero, D.J. Haisenleder, K.T. Barnhart, G.W. Bates, R. Usadi, S. Lucidi, V. Baker, J.C. Trussell, S.A. Krawetz, P. Snyder, D. Ohl, N. Santoro, H.X. Barnhart, B.R. Carr, S.A. Carson, M.P. Steinkampf, P.G. McGovern, N.A. Cataldo, G.G. Gosman, J.E. Nestler, L.C. Giudice, P.C. Leppert, E.R. Myers, E. Eisenberg and H. Zhang. The details of their affiliations and NIH Grants are listed in Supplementary Table SV. Funding An Australian government research training programme scholarship (to R.W.); Australian National Health and Medical Research Council-funded Centre for Research Excellence in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (APP1078444). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Hydrology in the Sea of Marmara during the last 23 ka : implications for timing of Black Sea connections and sapropel deposition

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 25 (2010): PA1205, doi:10.1029/2009PA001735.Sediments deposited under lacustrine and marine conditions in the Sea of Marmara hold a Late Quaternary record for water exchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Here we report a multiproxy data set based on oxygen and strontium isotope results obtained from carbonate shells, major and trace elements, and specific organic biomarker measurements, as well as a micropaleontological study from a 14C-dated sediment core retrieved from the Sea of Marmara. Pronounced changes occurred in Ύ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values at the fresh and marine water transition, providing additional information in relation to micropaleontological data. Organic biomarker concentrations documented the marine origin of the sapropelic layer while changes in n-alkane concentrations clearly indicated an enhanced contribution for organic matter of terrestrial origin before and after the event. When compared with the Black Sea record, the results suggest that the Black Sea was outflowing to the Sea of Marmara from the Last Glacial Maximum until the warmer BÞlling-AllerÞd. The first marine incursion in the Sea of Marmara occurred at 14.7 cal ka B.P. However, salinification of the basin was gradual, indicating that Black Sea freshwaters were still contributing to the Marmara seawater budget. After the Younger Dryas (which is associated with a high input of organic matter of terrestrial origin) both basins were disconnected, resulting in a salinity increase in the Sea of Marmara. The deposition of organic-rich sapropel that followed was mainly related to enhanced primary productivity characterized by a reorganization of the phytoplankton population.We acknowledge support from INSU and the French Polar Institute IPEV

    Characterization of the association between 8q24 and colon cancer: gene-environment exploration and meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide association studies and subsequent replication studies have shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the chromosomal region 8q24 are associated with colorectal cancer susceptibility.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined 11 SNP markers in the 8q24 region between 128.47 and 128.54 Mb, using a total of 1,987 colon cases and 2,339 controls who self-reported as white from two independent, well-characterized study populations. Analysis was performed separately within each study, and combined using random effects meta-analysis. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) and to test for effect modification by known colon cancer risk factors. We also performed a meta-analysis combining our results with previous studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed evidence of association for four SNPs in low to high linkage disequilibrium (r<sup>2 </sup>ranging from 0.18 to 0.93) localized in a 16.2 kb region defined by rs10505477 and rs1056368. The combined results for our two studies of colon cancer showed an OR of 1.10 (95% CI: 1.01-1.20, P<sub>trend </sub>= 0.023), and a meta-analysis of our results with previously reported studies of colon and colorectal cancer strongly support the association for this SNP (combined OR for rs6983267 = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.18-1.24, p = 5.5 × 10<sup>-44</sup>). We did not observe any notable evidence of effect modification by known colon cancer risk factors, and risk did not differ significantly by tumor site or stage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study confirms the association between polymorphisms on chromosome 8q24 and colon cancer risk and suggests that the susceptibility locus in region 8q24 is not strongly modified by various lifestyle, environmental, and demographic risk factors for colon cancer.</p

    Traditional practices of Turkish infertile women: An example from a rural county [Tradicionalne prakse Turskih neplodnih zena: Primjer iz ruralnog okruga]

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    PubMedID: 26040063Infertility is not only a health problem, but is also a central existential intrapersonal and relational confl ict. Infertility treatments are invasive, expensive, time-consuming, emotionally draining. All over the world there are numerous traditional methods used in the treatment of infertility. This investigation was carried out to determine the traditional practices of infertile women in a rural county in Eastern Turkey. This is a descriptive study carried out in 105 primary infertile women. Data were collected between September 2007 and April 2008 by using a questionnaire. Data analysis included descriptive statistics. 55% of the women were in the 25–34 year age range. It was observed that only 17% of the women applied to a gynecologist without using any traditional applications while 83% of the women applied for traditional applications. The most prevalent traditional practices were consulting traditional healers, visiting mausoleums where religious leaders were buried, using traditional drugs, use of written fertility amulets. Various traditional practices against infertility are prevalent rural counties. Some of these practices may be potentially harmful for women. Health professionals should be aware that infertile women may sometimes follow questionable traditional practices and advices. © 2015, Croatian Anthropological Society. All rights reserved
