83 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre la indicación general de la cirugía ambulatoria en el procedimiento de hernia inguinal y factores que determinan su programación ingresada en nuestro medio.

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    La hernia inguinal constituye una patología muy frecuente en nuestro medio, cuyo único tratamiento es la cirugía. Cada año se operan más de 20 millones de casos, siendo uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más realizados por el servicio de Cirugía General y de Aparato Digestivo. La reparación de la hernia inguinal es una intervención de corta duración y bajo riesgo para el paciente. Estas características la convierten en una candidata ideal para ser realizada de forma ambulatoria. La cirugía mayor ambulatoria (CMA) consiste en que el paciente es dado de alta el mismo día de la intervención. Esto trae consigo una serie de beneficios tanto para el paciente como para el hospital respecto a la reparación mediante ingreso. Según la ASECMA se calcula que hasta el 90% de las hernias podrían ser reparadas de forma ambulatoria en nuestro medio. Sin embargo, en España tan solo el 54,2% de las reparaciones de hernia inguinal fueron realizadas mediante régimen ambulatorio en 2019. Esta diferencia podría deberse a la existencia de factores que determinen que pacientes con indicación de CMA sean finalmente intervenidos con ingreso. Para probar la existencia de dichos factores en nuestro medio se ha llevado a cabo el presente estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes intervenidos de hernia inguinal en el HCUV. Los resultados de este muestran que factores como la edad, el grado ASA, la lateralidad, la recidiva, la técnica quirúrgica y el propio cirujano limitan el número de reparaciones de hernia inguinal programadas de forma ambulatoria. La búsqueda de estrategias que disminuyan la influencia de estos factores en nuestro medio constituye un paso clave para aumentar la implementación de la CMA en los próximos años.Grado en Medicin

    Behavior Patterns, Energy Consumption and Comfort during COVID-19 Lockdown Related to Home Features, Socioeconomic Factors and Energy Poverty in Madrid

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    During spring 2020, the world was shocked at the imminent global spread of SARS-CoV-2, resorting to measures such as domestic confinement. This meant the reconfiguration of life in an unusual space; the home. However, not all households experienced it in the same way; many of them were vulnerable. A general increase in energy consumption and discomfort in many cases, led these families to suffer the ravages of confinement. This study analyzes the energy and comfort situation for the Madrid (Spain) population, according to the configuration of the homes, the characteristics of the dwellings, the vulnerability index by district, and energy poverty (measured with the 10% threshold of energy expenditure of home incomes). The results show a greater exposure, in confinement, of vulnerable and energy-poor households to scenarios of discomfort in the home, to which they could not respond, while energy consumption inevitably increased. Driven by need, energy-poor homes applied certain saving strategies, mainly resorting to thermal adaptation with clothing. This study shows the risk these households experienced in the face of an extreme situation, and invites reflection on preventive and containment measures that aim to avoid harming the disadvantaged in the future; harm that would also entail serious consequences on the health of their cohabitants.This research was funded by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), grant number 202060E225, entitled: “Proyecto sobre confinamiento social (COVID-19), vivienda y habitabilidad [COVID-HAB]”.S

    Working from Home: Is Our Housing Ready?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and the precautionary measures applied globally (lockdowns and curfews) have impacted homes, including work. Working from home (WFH) has emerged as a growing trend in the post-pandemic era. The research question was: Are our homes ready for teleworking? To respond, a national prospective mixed approach was launched for Spanish households during the spring 2020 lockdown, using two online questionnaires, one quantitative and the other qualitative. Through a survey, photographs, and narratives, the study evaluates the perceived adequacy of telework spaces and their specific characteristics, the availability of digital resources and the internet. A total of 1800 surveys and over 200 images and texts related to telework environments were obtained. The results suggest that the adequacy of these spaces was insufficient for more than a quarter of the homes. Also, strong relations between the perceived workspace adequacy and a social status or stability of homes were shown and validated, despite other sociodemographic features, the home composition or habitat were not related. Some other variables statistically significant were occupation regime, type and surface of dwellings; their indoor environmental quality; the availability of exclusive spaces for teleworking; quality of digital resources; and the specific space features. The analysis was completed with qualitative insights through photos and texts. Telework, lived in this context as an experiment, needs this reflection from an environmental, resource-availability, and ergonomic point of view.This research was funded by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), grant number 202060E225, entitled: “Proyecto sobre confinamiento social (COVID-19), vivienda y habitabilidad [COVID-HAB]”.S

    Toward a local maximum-entropy material point method at finite strain within a B-free approach

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    The material point method can be regarded as a meshfree extension of the finite element method. This fact has two interesting consequences. On the one hand, this puts a vast literature at our disposal. On the other hand, many of this inheritance has been adopted without questioning it. A clear example of it is the use of the Voigt algebra, which introduces an artificial break point between the formulation of the continuum problem and its discretized counterpart. In the authors' opinion, the use of the Voigt rules leads to a cumbersome formulation where the physical sense of the operations is obscured since the well-known algebra rules are lost. And with them, the intuition about how stresses and strains are related. To illustrate it, we will describe gently and meticulously the whole process to solve the nonlinear governing equations for isothermal finite strain elastodynamics, concluding with a compact set of expressions ready to be implemented effortless. In addition, the classic Newmark- (Formula presented.) algorithm has been accommodated to the local maximum-entropy material point method framework by means of an incremental formulation.Fil: Molinos, Miguel. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Martín Stickle, Miguel. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Navas, Pedro. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Yagüe, Ángel. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Manzanal, Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Tecnologías y Ciencias de la Ingeniería "Hilario Fernández Long". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Tecnologías y Ciencias de la Ingeniería "Hilario Fernández Long"; Argentina. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Pastor, Manuel. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Españ

    Geo-caracterización energética de la vivienda cordobesa: Aplicación de clústeres aproximativos a escala municipal.

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    In a context of increasing occupation of cities, where Climate Change accelerates this process due to numerous habitat alterations, the first must develop a special resilience to guarantee human survival and well-being. Among other effects, there is an increase in extreme episodes such as heat waves, which affect different cities unevenly, as well as their population, which also adapts differently. In the case of Córdoba, an increase in temperature is expected in the highest IPCC scenarios. Given this, housing, presented as a protective factor for the health and well-being of people, has to adapt, fulfilling its protective function against external weather changes. That is why an approximation of the energy characterization of cordobese homes is addressed using the information available on their energy rating, grouped into georeferenced approximation clusters. The results show a most very poor rating, also related to urban development, and mainly on the north-south axis. This suggests the need for more in-depth transdisciplinary studies, with socioeconomic and other indicators from the municipality, which help to develop more realistic, accurate and probably less costly local responses, in the face of not very optimistic scenarios.En un contexto de creciente ocupación de las ciudades, donde el Cambio Climático acelera este proceso debido a las numerosas alteraciones del hábitat, aquellas deben desarrollar una especial resiliencia, para garantizar la supervivencia y bienestar humanos. Entre otros efectos, se observa un aumento de los episodios extremos como las olas de calor, los cuales afectan de forma desigual a las distintas urbes, así como a su población, que se adapta también de forma distinta. Para el caso de Córdoba, se prevé un aumento de temperatura en los escenarios IPCC de los más elevados. Ante esto, la vivienda, presentada como un factor protector de la salud y el bienestar de las personas, ha de adaptarse, cumpliendo su función protectora frente a las inclemencias exteriores. Es por ello que se aborda una aproximación de la caracterización energética de las viviendas cordobesas utilizando la información disponible sobre su calificación, agrupada en clústeres de aproximación georreferenciados. Los resultados arrojan una calificación mayoritaria muy deficiente, relacionada también con el desarrollo urbano, y vertebrada principalmente sobre el eje norte-sur. Esto sugiere la necesidad de estudios más profundos transdisciplinarios, con indicadores socioeconómicos u otros del municipio, que ayuden a elaborar respuestas locales más realísticas, ajustadas y probablemente menos costosas, ante escenarios poco optimistas

    Indicadores de satisfacción y hábitos de ocupación de los mayores españoles en sus viviendas durante el confinamiento Covid-19

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    The coronavirus pandemic has led countries to confine the population to minimize the impact of COVID-19. This measure has meant that households permanently and continuously shared the domestic space, during the validity period of the public health measure. The way of living the experience has been very different according to the socioeconomic characteristics of the population, as well as the composition of the household, affecting the way of adapting their habits, routines and occupations. For older people, particular circumstances, such as the greater tendency to live in solitude, or the work situation, has conditioned the way of experiencing this situation. The findings show a certain status and stability, which affects different areas of life. This was reflected in the qualities and satisfaction with the home, in certain maintenance of habits and routines, and in general caution when going outside.La pandemia por coronavirus ha llevado a los países a confinar a la población para minimizar el impacto de la COVID-19. Esta medida ha conllevado que los hogares compartiesen de forma permanente y continuada el espacio doméstico, durante el periodo de vigencia de la medida de salud pública. La forma de vivir la experiencia ha sido muy diferente según las características socioeconómicas de la población, así como de la composición del hogar, afectando a la forma de adaptar sus hábitos, rutinas y ocupaciones. Para las personas mayores, las circunstancias particulares, como la mayor tendencia a vivir en soledad, o la situación laboral, ha condicionado la forma de experimentar esta situación. Los hallazgos muestran cierto estatus y estabilidad, que afecta a distintos ámbitos vitales. Esto se reflejó en las cualidades y satisfacción con la vivienda, en cierto mantenimiento de hábitos y rutinas, y en y la cautela generalizada a la hora de salir a la calle

    Indoor Environmental Quality and Consumption Patterns before and during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Twelve Social Dwellings in Madrid, Spain

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    This article analyses the situation that prevailed in 12 dwellings located on the outskirts of Madrid during Spain’s state of emergency. How did 24/7 occupation affect the quality of indoor air and power consumption patterns? The mixed method used (surveys and instrumental monitoring) pragmatically detected the variation in consumption, comfort and indoor air quality patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The characteristics initially in place and household predisposition had a conclusive effect on such variations. The starting conditions, including household composition, habits and the way daily activities were performed, differed widely, logically affecting power consumption: 8/12 case studies increase occupancy density by more than 25 percent; 11/12 improve thermal comfort; 10/12 improve air quality but not necessarily translate in a sufficient ventilation practices; air quality was lower in the bedrooms on the whole; only 4/12 case studies use the potential of passive measures; only one household adopted energy savings strategies; 10/12 case studies increase electric power consumption but none of the dwellings was fitted with a renewable power generation system. The conclusion drawn is that, despite starting conditions differing widely, household composition, habits (including performance of daily activities performance) and power consumption also played an active role in the end result. This approach allowed to integrate qualitative and quantitative findings on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy use and households’ behavior. The objective data on the energy situation of the case studies not only is useful for the study, but also for potential enrollment in energy rehabilitation programs, such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy’s National Programme for R&D + I Geared to Societal Challenges under the project BIA2017-83231-C2-1-R ‘Nueva herramienta integrada de evaluación para áreas urbanas vulnerables. Hacia la autosuficiencia energética y a favor de un modelo de habitabilidad biosaludable’ and ‘Habita_RES-(2018–2021)’.S

    Impact of urban heat islands on morbidity and mortality in heat waves: observational time series analysis of Spain's five cities

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    Urban heat islands (UHIs) have become an especially relevant phenomenon as a consequence of global warming and the growing proportion of people living in cities. The health impacts that are sometimes attributed to the rise in temperature generated in an UHI are not always adequately justified. The objective is to analyse what effect UHIs have on maximum (Tmax) and minimum daily temperatures (Tmin) recorded in urban and non-urban observatories, and quantify the impact on morbidity and mortality during heat waves in Spain's five cities

    A general two phase depth integrated model considering pore water pressure and dewatering

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    Debris flows can be considered a type of landslide with large velocities and long run-out distances. There are many types of debris flows, depending on the properties of the solid and fluid components of the mixture. The triggering and propagation of debris flows can be studied using a single 3D mathematical model. The computational cost can be very high because of their length, and depth-integrated models provide a good combination of accuracy and cost. Both types of models can be combined in the analysis, using 3D models for initiation and at singular points where more accuracy is wanted. As in a chain where the strength is never higher than that of the weaker link, we have to ensure that all the models are accurate enough in a joint model. This paper deals with a new depth-integrated model which can take into account the changes caused by dewatering in a debris flow

    Natural Lighting in Historic Houses during Times of Pandemic. The Case of Housing in the Mediterranean Climate

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    The pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has led to a forced increase in the number of hours spent at home. In many cases, the lockdown situations, both in social and work terms, have meant that homes have suddenly also become workplaces. Based on all the indicators, this new relational scenario in the labor market displays a clear upward trend and is far from being a temporary situation. It is known that sunlight affects people’s circadian rhythm and that its reduction and even absence during this period of isolation has had a psychological impact on the population. This makes it necessary to reconsider the regulations applied in homes, in order to guarantee their habitability, given their recent widespread use as offices, as well as domestic spaces. In historic centers, the comprehensive renovations being carried out include improvements in energy efficiency and thermal comfort, which play a fundamental role. However, the energy consumption linked to artificial lighting and the quality of this lighting itself have remained in the background, as improvement strategies consist mainly in the replacement of incandescent or fluorescent lamps with LED lamps. Prior to the pandemic, the electric consumption of lighting systems accounted for 10–15% of the total, a figure which increased to 40–50% during the lockdown period. Aiming to improve people’s well-being while reducing energy expenditure on lighting, this article presents a quantitative approach to improving the levels of natural lighting in residential heritage buildings located in historic centers. According to data obtained from previous surveys of a sector of the population, homes built prior to 1950 were characterized by good natural lighting conditions and a very low incidence of health issues among occupants compared to contemporary homes.This project “Plan for the energy rehabilitation of the residential heritage of Málaga: research on dwellings from the 19th and 20th centuries” has been developed thanks to the Grant for the Promotion of Research Projects in Social and Legal Sciences, Humanities, Architecture and Fine Arts of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Málaga