92 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención para reestablecer el equilibrio ocupacional de jóvenes afectados por tastorno de la conducta alimentaria en la asociación ARBADA

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    Los trastornos de conducta alimentaria afectan a cada vez más personas, sobre todo a jóvenes, y tienen una gran repercusión en las ocupaciones y las rutinas de las personas que los sufren.El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar una propuesta de intervención para jóvenes con trastorno de conducta alimentaria de la asociación ARBADA, con la finalidad de reestablecer el equilibrio ocupacional que se haya visto alterado.Para diseñar esta propuesta de intervención se contactó con la asociación ARBADA, a través de la cual se obtiene información sobre el perfil ocupacional de los/as usuarios/as y las familias que acuden a ella. A partir de ésta se elabora un plan de intervención en el que se tiene en cuenta las actividades que son relevantes para la persona afectada, la creación/mantenimiento de una rutina ocupacional equilibrada y el papel de la familia como elemento modulador del proceso de recuperación.Como terapeutas ocupacionales, no podemos dejar de considerar todo lo que conlleva tener un TCA, ni cómo la ocupación y las actividades diarias pueden ayudar en la recuperación de estos trastornos. <br /

    Diagnóstico de laringoespasmo mediante laringoscopio óptico Airtraq tras extubación accidental

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    Airway Management after accidental extubation during a shoulder surgery in lateral decubitus position using AIRTRAQ videolaryngoscope. Diagnosis and management of layngospasm as a consequence of the accidental extubation.Manejo de vía aérea tras extubación accidental en paciente colocado en decúbito lateral mediante videolaringoscopio óptico indirecto. Diagnóstico y manejo de laringoespasmo secundario tras la extubación gracias a dicho dispositivo

    FODMAP Intake in Spanish Population: Open Approach for Risk Assessment

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    Fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols’ (FODMAP) were related with intestinal complications. The present study aimed to determine the FODMAP consumption of Spanish children, adolescents and adults, analyzing the real FODMAP risk of foods, and to set an open methodology for the measurement of this intake in other regions as well as nutrient intake assurance. Total fructan analysis was performed analytically in eighty-seven food samples. Daily intake of FODMAPs, fiber and micronutrients was calculated by combining the food composition for selected fermentable carbohydrates with the national food consumption stratified by age in an open software. Spanish child and adolescent total FODMAP consumption was settled as 33.4 ± 92.4 and 27.3 ± 69.0 g/day, respectively. Both intakes were higher than that of the adult population (21.4 ± 56.7 g/day). The most important food sources of lactose, excess of fructose and total fructan, considering their content and dietary intake were different between age groups. The contribution of these foods to dietary calcium and fiber and the consequent risk of deficiency if they are withdrawn was highlighted. We demonstrated the relevance of stratifying the total FODMAP intake by age. An open approach for FODMAP intake quantification and nutrient control was provided.Maialen Vazquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. This research was supported by a grant (University-Society US18/15 and GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Current understanding of the diagnosis and management of the tendinopathy: An update from the lab to the clinical practice

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    [Abstract] Tendinopathy is labeled by many authors as a troublesome, common pathology, present in up to 30% medical care con- sultations involving musculoskeletal conditions. Despite the lasting interest for addressing tendon pathology, current re- searchers agree that even the exact definition of the term tendinopathy is unclear. Tendinopathy is currently diagnosed as a clinical hypothesis based on the patient symptoms and physical context. One of the main goals of current clinical management is to personalize treatment approaches to adapt them to the many different needs of the population. Tendons are complex structures that unite muscles and bones with two main objectives: to transmit forces and stor- age and release energy. Regarding the tensile properties of the tendons, several authors argued that tendons have higher tensile strength compared with muscles, however, are con- sidered less flexible. Tendinopathy is an accepted term which is used to indicated a variety of tissue conditions that appear in injured tendons and describes a non-rupture damage in the tendon or para- tendon, which is intensified with mechanical loading Even when the pathoetiology of tendinopathy is unclear, there is a wide array of treatments available to treat and manage tendinopathy. Although tendinitis usually debuts with an in- flammatory response, the majority of chronic tendinopathies do not present inflammation and so the choosing of treat- ment should vary depending on severity, compliance, pain and duration of symptoms. The purpose of this article is to review and provide an overview about the currently research of the tendon diagno- sis, management and etiology

    A single cysteine post-translational oxidation suffices to compromise globular proteins kinetic stability and promote amyloid formation

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    Oxidatively modified forms of proteins accumulate during aging. Oxidized protein conformers might act as intermediates in the formation of amyloids in age-related disorders. However, it is not known whether this amyloidogenic conversion requires an extensive protein oxidative damage or it can be promoted just by a discrete, localized post-translational modification of certain residues. Here, we demonstrate that the irreversible oxidation of a single free Cys suffices to severely perturb the folding energy landscape of a stable globular protein, compromise its kinetic stability, and lead to the formation of amyloids under physiological conditions. Experiments and simulations converge to indicate that this specific oxidation-promoted protein aggregation requires only local unfolding. Indeed, a large scale analysis indicates that many cellular proteins are at risk of undergoing this kind of deleterious transition; explaining how oxidative stress can impact cell proteostasis and subsequently lead to the onset of pathological states

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia de los Municipios El Paso – Manaure – Sandiego – Valledupar (Cesar).

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    Tabla 1. Formulación de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicasEl presente trabajo busca que el profesional en psicología, por medio del acompañamiento psicosocial en escenario de violencia pueda ayudar para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades intervenidas, realizando acciones que van en pro de orientar a los sujetos. Se desarrolló una actividad individual y la otra colaborativa, donde nos aproximaremos al enfoque narrativo y los relatos de varias personas que han sufrido el flagelo del conflicto armado, (Rojas, 2015) “quiebra la posibilidad de despliegue de las capacidades de disfrute y búsqueda del bienestar propio y colectivo. Las situaciones que imponen la violencia sociopolítica desbordan en gran medida la capacidad del ser humano de sortear las dificultades por sí mismo, no obstante su capacidad de resiliencia; por lo tanto, para superarlas y continuar su vida, es necesario el desarrollo de intervenciones en ámbitos como la protección, los medios de subsistencia básicos y el apoyo para retomar la construcción del proyecto de vida individual, familiar y comunitario”.(p. 47) De acuerdo a lo anterior la victima sale a delante desarrollando la resiliencia y decide dedicar su vida a ayudar a otras personas que han pasado por la misma situación. Luego de forma colaborativa, se socializa los aportes de los estudiantes para hacer un análisis de las diferentes posiciones y por medio de las preguntas que se crearon se entrevista al protagonista con el fin de llegar a una reflexión que nos hará llegar a entender de manera clara la situación de violencia que vivió y afrontó el protagonista.The main goal of this work is that the professional in psychology, through the psychosocial accompaniment in scenario of violence can help to improvement the life quality of the intervened communities, carrying out actions that go in favor of guiding the people. An individual activity was developed and the other one was collaborative, where we will approach the narrative focus and the stories of several people who have suffered the scourge of armed conflict, (Rojas, 2015) “which breaks the possibility the deployment of the capacities the enjoy and search for their own and collective welfare. The situations that impose sociopolitical violence greatly exceed the capacity of the human being to overcome the difficulties by himself, However his resilience capacity; therefore, in order to overcome them and continue their lives, it is necessary to develop interventions in areas such as protection basic, means to survive and support to start again the constructions of the individual, family and community life project. Then, in a collaborative way, the student are socialized to make an analysis of the different position and by means of question that were asked, the individual is interviewed to get a reflection that will allow us to understand clearly the situation of violence that lived by the protagonist. ”.(p. 47) According to the above, the victim moves forward developing accomplishments like resilience to help other people that has been through the same situation

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )

    Effects of Renewable Energy Production and Infrastructure on Wildlife

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    The high levels of human demands of resources—from food to space and energy—are one of the main drivers of global change and are causing large negative impacts on ecosystems functioning worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997 ). Global change components range from climate change to habitat destruction, species invasions, pollution and eutrophication. Although these factors can produce ecosystem changes independently, the final descent is often driven by synergistic processes. The resulting amplifying feedbacks can be disconnected from the original driver of change, leading to a state shift in the biosphere with unexpected consequences (Barnosky et al. 2012 ). Climate change seems to have taken prominence over other drivers of global change, leading to larger funding and attention with respect to other major components of global change (Veríssimo et al. 2014 )

    Development and validation of an HIV risk exposure and indicator conditions questionnaire to support targeted HIV screening

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    The aim of our study was to develop a Spanish-structured HIV risk of exposure and indicator conditions (RE&IC) questionnaire. People attending to an emergency room or to a primary clinical care center were offered to participate in a prospective, 1 arm, open label study, in which all enrolled patients filled out our developed questionnaire and were HIV tested. Questionnaire accuracy, feasibility, and reliability were evaluated. Valid paired 5329 HIV RE&IC questionnaire and rapid HIV tests were performed, 69.3% in the primary clinical care center, 49.6% women, median age 37 years old, 74.9% Spaniards, 20.1% Latin-Americans. Confirmed hidden HIV infection was detected in 4.1%, while HIV RE&IC questionnaire was positive in 51.2%. HIV RE&IC questionnaire sensitivity was 100% to predict HIV infection, with a 100% negative predictive value. When considered separately, RE or IC items sensitivity decreases to 86.4% or 91%, and similarly their negative predictive value to 99.9% for both of them. The majority of people studied, 90.8% self-completed HIV RE&IC questionnaire. Median time to complete was 3 minutes. Overall HIV RE&IC questionnaire test-retest Kappa agreement was 0.82 (almost perfect), likewise for IC items 0.89, while for RE items was lower 0.78 (substantial). A feasible and reliable Spanish HIV RE&IC self questionnaire accurately discriminated all non–HIV-infected people without missing any HIV diagnoses, in a low prevalence HIV infection area. The best accuracy and reliability were obtained when combining HIV RE&IC items