34 research outputs found

    Analytical solution to the one-dimensional non-uniform absorption of solar radiation in uncoated and coated single glass panes

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    The analytical solution to the one-dimensional absorption–conduction heat transfer problem inside a single glass pane is presented, which correctly takes into account all the relevant physical phenomena: the appearance of multiple reflections, the spectral distribution of solar radiation, the spectral dependence of optical properties, the presence of possible coatings, the non-uniform nature of radiation absorption, and the diffusion of heat by conduction across the glass pane. Additionally to the well established and known direct absorptance αe, the derived solution introduces a new spectral quantity called direct absorptance moment βe, that indicates where in the glass pane is the absorption of radiation actually taking place. The theoretical and numerical comparison of the derived solution with existing approximate thermal models for the absorption–conduction problem reveals that the latter ones work best for low-absorbing uncoated single glass panes, something not necessarily fulfilled by modern glazings

    SoC architecture for acquisition and processing of the EMG signal

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    2023 38th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 15-17 November 2023, Málaga, Spain.EMG (electromyography) is a technique used to measure the electrical activity of muscles and nerves, during contraction and relaxation, and is used in a variety of clinical and research applications. In particular, it is very useful for the diagnosis and evaluation of neuromuscular disorders and control electromechanical devices or prostheses. This signal has a low SNR and needs to undergo conditioning processes including amplification, filtering and digitisation for further processing. In order to improve the SNR of the EMG signals, this work describes a System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture for the acquisition and processing of the EMG signals, offering a modular and high performance solution. These signals could be applied to the movement of a therapeutic exoskeleton with the aim of improving active rehabilitation therapies for patients with incomplete spinal cord injury. The proposed architecture provides a modular solution that allows signal digitization, performed as close as possible to the electrode and minimizing transmission losses, signal noise and artifacts. In addition, sampling is performed at a higher sampling rate than commercial acquisition systems, while supporting significant processing throughput. The architecture uses the ADS1298R integrated circuit for multichannel acquisition and perform the correct conditioning of EMG signals, as well as integrate the communication module through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) interface to carry out the configuration and data transfers. In this case, the acquired signal is processed using a moving average-based algorithm and its thresholding to establish the muscle activity. The identified muscle activity could be used as an active reference to activate the therapeutic exoskeleton. The results show the validation of the proposed architecture with an EMG signal with a sampling rate of 8 kSPS.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852

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    We present a photometric detection of the first brightness dips of the unique variable star KIC 8462852 since the end of the Kepler space mission in 2013 May. Our regular photometric surveillance started in October 2015, and a sequence of dipping began in 2017 May continuing on through the end of 2017, when the star was no longer visible from Earth. We distinguish four main 1-2.5% dips, named "Elsie," "Celeste," "Skara Brae," and "Angkor", which persist on timescales from several days to weeks. Our main results so far are: (i) there are no apparent changes of the stellar spectrum or polarization during the dips; (ii) the multiband photometry of the dips shows differential reddening favoring non-grey extinction. Therefore, our data are inconsistent with dip models that invoke optically thick material, but rather they are in-line with predictions for an occulter consisting primarily of ordinary dust, where much of the material must be optically thin with a size scale <<1um, and may also be consistent with models invoking variations intrinsic to the stellar photosphere. Notably, our data do not place constraints on the color of the longer-term "secular" dimming, which may be caused by independent processes, or probe different regimes of a single process

    Relación entre prácticas parentales y ajuste psicológico de adolescentes escolarizados

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    Objetivo: El prop&oacute;sito fue determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre lasPr&aacute;cticas Parentales y el Ajuste Psicol&oacute;gico en adolescentesescolarizados.M&eacute;todos: Participaron 142 estudiantes escolarizados. Seutilizaron la Escala de Pr&aacute;cticas Parentales para Adolescentes(PP-A), y para el Ajuste Psicol&oacute;gico, el Youth Self-Report(YSR).Resultados: Aunque se identificaron buenas pr&aacute;cticas parentales,hubo baja correlaci&oacute;n entre las variables estudiadas.Las pr&aacute;cticas parentales de ambos padres que tendierona asociarse negativamente con el ajuste psicol&oacute;gicofueron: Comunicaci&oacute;n, Control Conductual y Autonom&iacute;a. ElControl Conductual materno no obtuvo ninguna correlaci&oacute;ncon Problemas Internalizados; sin embargo, Comunicaci&oacute;ny Control Conductual materno fueron m&aacute;s significativos enrelaci&oacute;n con Problemas de Comportamiento Externalizados,y la Autonom&iacute;a, con los Problemas Internalizados.Conclusiones: Las pr&aacute;cticas parentales se consideraroncomo favorecedoras del ajuste psicol&oacute;gico de los adolescentesevaluados, particularmente, la Comunicaci&oacute;n Materna yla Autonom&iacute;a promovida por ambos padres. Por su parte, laImposici&oacute;n materna y el Control Psicol&oacute;gico paterno, se asociaronmejor con problemas de comportamiento internalizadosy externalizados

    Relación entre prácticas parentales y ajuste psicológico de adolescentes escolarizados

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    Objetivo: El prop&oacute;sito fue determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre lasPr&aacute;cticas Parentales y el Ajuste Psicol&oacute;gico en adolescentesescolarizados.M&eacute;todos: Participaron 142 estudiantes escolarizados. Seutilizaron la Escala de Pr&aacute;cticas Parentales para Adolescentes(PP-A), y para el Ajuste Psicol&oacute;gico, el Youth Self-Report(YSR).Resultados: Aunque se identificaron buenas pr&aacute;cticas parentales,hubo baja correlaci&oacute;n entre las variables estudiadas.Las pr&aacute;cticas parentales de ambos padres que tendierona asociarse negativamente con el ajuste psicol&oacute;gicofueron: Comunicaci&oacute;n, Control Conductual y Autonom&iacute;a. ElControl Conductual materno no obtuvo ninguna correlaci&oacute;ncon Problemas Internalizados; sin embargo, Comunicaci&oacute;ny Control Conductual materno fueron m&aacute;s significativos enrelaci&oacute;n con Problemas de Comportamiento Externalizados,y la Autonom&iacute;a, con los Problemas Internalizados.Conclusiones: Las pr&aacute;cticas parentales se consideraroncomo favorecedoras del ajuste psicol&oacute;gico de los adolescentesevaluados, particularmente, la Comunicaci&oacute;n Materna yla Autonom&iacute;a promovida por ambos padres. Por su parte, laImposici&oacute;n materna y el Control Psicol&oacute;gico paterno, se asociaronmejor con problemas de comportamiento internalizadosy externalizados

    Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You – Report Two: Climate Litigation in Asia and the Pacific and Beyond

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    Climate change in Asia and the Pacific is deadly and impacts communities now. Regional climate litigation seeks relief in increasingly urgent ways and judges need a tool kit to respond. Report Two of this four-part series is a comprehensive review of the growing number and variety of climate lawsuits in Asia and the Pacific. It underscores the unique flavor and voice of regional jurisprudence and compares it with global approaches. No one can solve climate change alone and neither can any particular judiciary. Judges can, however, learn from each other, taking judicial excellence and applying it to the case before them

    Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You – Report Two: Climate Litigation in Asia and the Pacific and Beyond

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    Climate change in Asia and the Pacific is deadly and impacts communities now. Regional climate litigation seeks relief in increasingly urgent ways and judges need a tool kit to respond. Report Two of this four-part series is a comprehensive review of the growing number and variety of climate lawsuits in Asia and the Pacific. It underscores the unique flavor and voice of regional jurisprudence and compares it with global approaches. No one can solve climate change alone and neither can any particular judiciary. Judges can, however, learn from each other, taking judicial excellence and applying it to the case before them

    History of Women in Medicine

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