125 research outputs found

    Prevención de las reacciones en la piel debido a teleterapia en mujeres con cáncer de mama: revisión integradora

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    One of the possible courses of cancer treatment is teletherapy, and one of the most important adverse side effects are skin reactions, an ailment more commonly called radiodermatitis. The main purpose of this study is to analyze knowledge of the evidence about topical products used in the prevention of radiodermatitis, to support care delivery to women with breast cancer during teletherapy. The research method used here is the comprehensive literature review. Four databases were used to select the bibliography. The sample consists of 15 articles. The data shows that, among the topical products analyzed here, Calendula, corticosteroids and Xclair have shown significant protective effects, underlining their actions. The lack of articles published in Brazil highlights the need for further research in this area, seeking better care quality through the use of products with scientifically proven efficiency.Teleterapia está entre las modalidades de tratamiento para el cáncer y uno de sus principales efectos adversos son reacciones de la piel, comúnmente llamado radiodermatitis. Este estudio objetivó analizar el conocimiento acerca de los productos tópicos utilizados para la prevención de la radiodermatitis que justifiquen la atención en teleterapia en mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se adoptó como método de investigación la revisión integradora de la literatura. Para la selección de los artículos se utilizaron cuatro bases de datos. La muestra fue constituida por 15 artículos. Los datos muestran que entre los productos tópicos analizados la caléndula, esteroides y Clair X tuvo un efecto protector significativo, destacando así por sus acciones. La ausencia de artículos publicados en Brasil se centra en la necesidad de seguir investigando para mejorar la calidad de la atención mediante el uso de productos con una eficacia científicamente probada.Dentre as modalidades de tratamento para o câncer está a teleterapia, e um dos principais efeitos adversos dessa modalidade são as reações de pele, comumente chamadas radiodermatites. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conhecimento sobre as evidências acerca de produtos tópicos, utilizados na prevenção de radiodermatite, que fundamente o cuidado em teleterapia direcionado a mulheres com câncer de mama. Adotou-se como método de pesquisa a revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a seleção da bibliografia utilizaram-se quatro bases de dados. A amostra constitui-se de 15 artigos. Os dados demonstram que, dentre os produtos tópicos analisados, a calêndula, os corticoesteroides e o Xclair tiveram efeito protetor significante, destacando-se, assim, pelas suas ações. A ausência de artigos publicados no Brasil mostra a necessidade de mais pesquisas nessa área, visando a melhor qualidade na assistência a mulheres com câncer de mama, por meio da utilização de produtos com eficácia comprovada cientificamente

    Capitão Lampião e a Dama Maria Bonita: Histórias do cangaço narradas por Manoel Neto

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    Esophageal Diverticulum and Megaesophagus in a Dog and a Cat

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    Background: Esophageal diverticula are pouch-like dilatations in the esophageal wall that rarely affect dogs and cats, and may have the megaesophagus as a base cause. The definitive method of diagnosis is the contrasting chest X-ray that will visualize the sacculation.Cases: Case 1. A feline male, mixed breed, with 40 days of life was seen with complaint of postprandial regurgitation that was repeated at each meal. On physical examination, the animal was below ideal weight, apathetic, with pale mucosa and bristly. It was suspected of megaesophagus, which was confirmed by contrasting thoracic lateral-lateral (LL) radiography, and the patient also had anterior partial esophageal dilation to the topographic image of the heart. The image was suggestive of persistence of the right aortic arch, and corrective surgery was indicated but it was not authorized by the tutors. Therefore, conservative dietary treatment was instituted. The animal remained stable for a period of one and a half years. After this period the patient returned with an aggravated condition of vomiting, anorexia and apathy. The same clinical condition was maintained in the chest X-ray. An esophageal flushing was indicated, which was not authorized by the tutors, being prescribed mucosal protector and antibiotic. The medication was maintained by the tutor and after 1 month of the initial care, the clinical condition worsened and the animal died. Case 2. A 6-month-old male Pinscher dog weighing 1 kg was seen with postprandial regurgitation complaint since the beginning of the weaning transition period. In the esophagography performed a compatible radiographic image was seen with a diverticulum of the cranial thoracicesophagus and congenital total megaesophagus. The treatment adopted was conservative. Twelve months after the initial care, the animal presented radiographically resolution of the diverticulum and megaesophagus and was in good health.Discussion: These cases report two rare conditions of esophageal diverticulum associated with megaesophagus in a feline and canine. In the case of the feline, it was possible to conclude that the formation of the diverticulum was secondary to not surgical resolution of the persistence of the right aortic arch, with consequent maintenance of the megaesophagus,since the diverticulum was not present in the first radiographic examination. In the second case, when the radiograph was taken, the animal already presented the cranial diverticulum to the total megaesophagus, which, together with the history of postprandial vomiting since the 45 days of life, suggested a delay in the maturation of the esophageal nervous system that caused the megaesophagus and impairment of normal peristalsis of the organ culminating in the formation of the diverticulum. Due to the rare condition in both species, there are no reports of predilection for race, age or sex of the animals affected by the diverticulum, whereas for the megaesophagus, when in the congenital form, it preferentially occurs in young dogs and cats [less than 2 years of age], at the time of transition from the liquid to the solid diet. Both reportswere of young animals that had recently undergone a food transition, which would justify the appearance of the megaesophagus as the main cause of the esophageal diverticulum. The clinical signs presented by the animals were compatible with those reported in the literature. It is concluded that although the esophageal diverticulum occurred in both cases as aconsequence of megaesophagus, the resolution of the underlying cause is decisive for the resolution of the clinical condition determining the patient’s prognosis.Keywords: regurgitation, food impacts, esophageal dysfunction

    Convents without nuns: Historical analysis of women workers in a textile factory

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    This paper aims to contribute to the historical unveiling of a certain set of dispositives and discourses that befell Brazilian textile factory working women who came to reside in the convents inaugurated in the last decades of the 19th century by a textile company located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. By appropriating methodological contributions such as historical document analysis, we present a historically-situated analysis of the discourses and truth effects organized by the company that influenced the lives of these women, along with an articulation of gender issues and the dynamics of power relations. An analytical scheme following the writings of Michel Foucault is proposed, in order to discuss the statements and their truth effects in the factory worker’s lives, as well as to create an analytical lens through which the discussion of gender issues can take place. Our findings include the demonstration of how gender can be seen beyond a binary, sexist and biological vision, that is, close to a historical creation of power relations that still involves the female sexed body. Lastly, we also demonstrated how the gendered idea of a female factory worker is strongly built via discourse and performed routinely by the enforced compliance to gendered norms that constrain and constitute a female worker’s subjectivity

    Morphological analysis and chlorophyll index of bell pepper cultivars under protected cultivation

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    Bell pepper is one of the vegetables that most contributes to the horticultural economy of the state of Para, Brazil, although the state has a low production of this vegetable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars grown in protected cultivation under the edaphoclimatic conditions of southeastern state of Para. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. A randomized block experimental design was used, with four replications. The treatments consisted of 9 bell pepper cultivars: Itapua 501, Yolo Wonder, Chapeu de Bispo Cambuci, Proveito, Amarelo SF 134, Rubi Gigante, Amarelo Alegria, All Big, and Amarelo Satrapo Sais. The parameters analyzed were: plant height (cm); number of fruits per plant; fruit weight (g); transversal (mm) and longitudinal diameters of fruits (mm); leaf area (cm²), width (cm), length (cm), perimeter (cm), and ratio (cm); and chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll. The cultivar Amarelo Satrapo showed greater adaptability to cultivation in the studied region, presenting higher fruit weight, yield, and transversal diameter, leaf area and length, and good morphophysiological development. The cultivars Itapua 501, Amarelo SF 134, and Rubi Gigante showed good performances for morphophysiological parameters. The cultivars that presented the highest chlorophyll indices were Proveito, Itapua 501, All Big, and Amarelo Satrapo. The cultivar Amarelo Satrapo presented the highest adaptation to the climate conditions of southeastern Para.Bell pepper is one of the vegetables that most contributes to the horticultural economy of the state of Para, Brazil, although the state has a low production of this vegetable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars grown in protected cultivation under the edaphoclimatic conditions of southeastern state of Para. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia. A randomized block experimental design was used, with four replications. The treatments consisted of 9 bell pepper cultivars: Itapua 501, Yolo Wonder, Chapeu de Bispo Cambuci, Proveito, Amarelo SF 134, Rubi Gigante, Amarelo Alegria, All Big, and Amarelo Satrapo Sais. The parameters analyzed were: plant height (cm); number of fruits per plant; fruit weight (g); transversal (mm) and longitudinal diameters of fruits (mm); leaf area (cm²), width (cm), length (cm), perimeter (cm), and ratio (cm); and chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll. The cultivar Amarelo Satrapo showed greater adaptability to cultivation in the studied region, presenting higher fruit weight, yield, and transversal diameter, leaf area and length, and good morphophysiological development. The cultivars Itapua 501, Amarelo SF 134, and Rubi Gigante showed good performances for morphophysiological parameters. The cultivars that presented the highest chlorophyll indices were Proveito, Itapua 501, All Big, and Amarelo Satrapo. The cultivar Amarelo Satrapo presented the highest adaptation to the climate conditions of southeastern Para

    Biological development of Euborellia annulipes reared with artificial diets and Ephestia kuehniella eggs

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    One of the forms of integrated pest management is the rearing of insects using artificial diets. The Euborellia annulipes species has gained prominence for being voracious with its preys, demonstrating a potential for use in biological control programs. This study aimed to evaluate the biological development of the E. annulipes predator fed with artificial diets and E. kuehniella eggs. Newly hatched predator nymphs were separated into an experimental unit consisting of 5 insects, 10 replicates and 7 treatments. The instars duration, nymphal period and viability, postures, number of eggs per posture, period of pre-oviposition and egg incubation and egg viability were evaluated. There was no difference for the periods nymphal, pre-oviposition and incubation of E. annulipes eggs. Oviposition ranged from 23.8 to 73.0 eggs/posture, as a function of diet. Artificial diets based on E. kuehniella eggs can be used for rearing E. annulipes. However, reared eggs fed with rice flour should be avoided, because they reduce oviposition and influence the E. annulipes development


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    INTRODUÇÃO: A administração de medicamentos é de responsabilidade da equipe de enfermagem, dentre elas destaca-se a via intramuscular, que é uma das mais utilizadas na prática clínica do enfermeiro, tanto na administração de medicamentos na clínica, urgência e emergência como na administração de imunobiológicos. Cônscio que, essa administração envolve mais do que a injeção de uma solução no interior da massa muscular, mas também uma avaliação sobre a melhor região e músculo a ser selecionado. Dito isto, é perceptível que, tal procedimento deve ser realizado por pessoas que possuam conhecimentos. Dessa forma, mostra-se relevante discutir sobre a administração correta e segura de medicamentos via intramuscular na formação de discentes do curso de Enfermagem. OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência sobre a aula prática em laboratório na administração de medicamentos pela via intramuscular na disciplina de Tecnologias do Processo de Cuidar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo relato de experiência. A experiência foi vivenciada por discentes do curso de Enfermagem em um laboratório de Enfermagem da instituição onde no mesmo, os discentes foram divididos em duplas para praticarem em bonecos similares. Cada dupla, recebeu material esterilizado (seringas e agulhas). RESULTADOS: Neste estudo, pode-se identificar que as práticas em laboratório com foco na administração de medicamentos por via intramuscular, promoveu aos discentes de Enfermagem, uma vivência simulada, onde possibilitou a prática correta dessa administração antes do contato real com um paciente, visando impossibilitar qualquer tipo de intercorrências que podem vir a acontecer devido a esse procedimento, principalmente as IRAS. Em um estudo de literatura, foram encontrados relatos de lesões de necrose tecidual, contratura de grupos musculares, fibrose e até perda de amplitude de movimentos articulares em crianças e adultos que fizeram uso de medicação intramuscular de forma incorreta. Consciente disto, o profissional de Enfermagem deve conter consigo, total responsabilidade com aquele paciente visando a total segurança do mesmo devendo atuar nas ações de promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, reduzindo ou eliminando o risco de danos desnecessários associados com a saúde. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Assim, na perspectiva dos Estudante de Enfermagem, a aula pratica no laboratório teve uma estrema relevância para o conhecimento e aprendizado. Dito isto, vale salientar a importância do domínio da administração para a segurança do paciente

    Conceito vivido de sobrevivente ao câncer de mama: direcionamentos para cuidados de enfermagem e saúde

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    Objetivo: Desvelar o movimento existencial do ser mulher sobrevivente ao câncer de mama.Métodos: Qualitativo, fenomenológico, com analítica heideggeriana a partir de 15 entrevistas, entre outubro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021, em um hospital de ensino mineiro. À construção das Unidades de Significação, seguiram-se momentos metódicos compreensivos.Resultados: O ser-aí-mulher-sobrevivente-ao-câncer-de-mama se mostrou na cotidianidade, ocupada na manualidade dos afazeres dentro e fora de casa, movida pela impessoalidade e impropriedade. Desvelou-se o temor da morte, falatório, curiosidade e ambiguidade que a conduziram à decadência,vivenciada no mundo do tratamento e do seguimento, possibilitando ser-com. À angústia que se anunciou fugaz, seguiu-se a decadência que na maior parte das vezes a presença se mantém.Conclusões: Reforça-se a necessária estruturação de linha de cuidados especializada e interdisciplinar, em que o cuidado centrado na escuta ativa e qualificada abarque a multidimensionalidade, vislumbrando a mulher nos aspectos que permeiam a sobrevivência ao câncer. Palavras-chave: Neoplasias da mama. Sobreviventes de câncer. Pesquisa qualitativa. Enfermagem

    Recent dengue virus infection: epidemiological survey on risk factors associated with infection in a medium-sized city in Mato Grosso

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is considered to be the most important arbovirus worldwide, with important complications that increase its lethality. In Brazil, an endemic country, the disease reaches significant incidence levels, with occurrences of serious cases and high costs of hospitalizations for its treatment. OBJECTIVE: To analyze risk factors among individuals with recent histories of dengue infection in a medium-sized city in Mato Grosso. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive cross-sectional study, of epidemiological-survey type, conducted among the urban population of a city located in mid-northern Mato Grosso. METHODS: A seroepidemiological survey using questionnaires and collection of biological material was conducted among 596 adults aged ≥ 18 years who had been selected through a cluster sampling process. Positive dengue cases were those with positive results from anti-dengue immunoassays (ELISA). Statistical analyses with descriptive and inferential techniques were used, with 95% confidence intervals and a 5% significance level.RESULTS: The seroepidemiological profile of the study participants was predominantly female, with ages between 18 and 39 years, self-declared non-white race/color, not more than eight years of education and not living with a companion. Among the sanitary factors analyzed, the following were risk factors for dengue virus infection: no running water at home; no water supply from the public piped network; no waste from drains or toilets sent to the sewage network; endemic disease combat agents visiting the home; and presence of mosquito breeding sites at home. CONCLUSION: Low schooling levels and previous dengue virus infection were associated with current dengue virus infection