31 research outputs found

    Utjecaj novih fermentiranih proizvoda, koji sadrĆŸavaju ekstrudiranu pĆĄenicu, na kakvoću pĆĄeničnoga kruha

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    Lactobacillus sakei MI806, Pediococcus pentosaceus MI810 and Pediococcus acidilactici MI807, able to produce bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances, were originally isolated from Lithuanian spontaneous rye sourdough and adapted in the novel fermentation medium containing extruded wheat material. The novel fermented products (50 and 65 % moisture content) were stored at the temperatures used in bakeries (15 days at 30–35 °C in the summer period or 20 days under refrigeration conditions at 0–6 °C). The number of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was determined during the storage of fermented products for 15–20 days. Furthermore, the effect of novel fermented products stored under different conditions on wheat bread quality was examined. Extruded wheat material was found to have a higher positive effect on LAB growth compared to the control medium by lowering the reduction of LAB populations in fermented products with the extension of storage time and increase of temperature. During storage, lower variation and lower decrease in LAB count were measured in the novel fermented products with a moisture content of 65 % compared to those with 50 %. Furthermore, this humidity allows for the production of a product with higher moisture content in continuous production processes. The addition of the new fermented products with 65 % humidity to the wheat bread recipe (10 % of the quantity of flour) had a significant effect on bread quality: it increased the acidity of the crumb and specific volume of the bread, and decreased the fractal dimension of the crumb pores and crumb firmness. Based on the microbiological investigations of fermented products during storage and baking tests, the conditions of LAB cultivation in novel fermentation media were optimized (time of cultivation approx. 20 days at 0–6 °C and approx. 10 days at 30–35 °C).Lactobacillus sakei MI806, Pediococcus pentosaceus MI810 i Pediococcus acidilactici MI807, bakterije koje proizvode inhibitore slične bakteriocinu, izolirane su iz litvanskoga kiselog tijesta ĆĄto se proizvodi od raĆŸenoga braĆĄna, te prilagođene za uporabu u novoj fermentacijskoj podlozi s ekstrudiranom pĆĄenicom. Da bi se ispitala mogućnost njihove primjene u pekarama, ti novi fermentirani proizvodi (s 50 i 65 % vlaĆŸnosti) skladiĆĄteni su 15 dana pri ljetnim temperaturama od 30 do 35 °C i 20 dana u hladnjaku pri 0 do 6 °C. Tijekom tih 15 do 20 dana ispitivan je broj mliječno-kiselih bakterija u fermentiranim proizvodima, te njihov utjecaj na kakvoću kruha. Dodatak ekstrudirane pĆĄenice bitno je utjecao na rast mliječno-kiselih bakterija, u usporedbi s kontrolnom podlogom, smanjujući njihovo odumiranje u fermentiranim proizvodima tijekom duljeg skladiĆĄtenja pri poviĆĄenoj temperaturi. Tijekom skladiĆĄtenja primijećene su manje promjene broja mliječno-kiselih bakterija u novim fermentiranim proizvodima sa 65 % vlaĆŸnosti nego u onima s 50 % vlaĆŸnosti, pa je zaključeno da se njihovim dodatkom u kontinuiranom procesu moĆŸe proizvesti kruh s većim udjelom vlage. Dodatak 10 % novih fermentiranih proizvoda sa 65 % vlaĆŸnosti pĆĄeničnom braĆĄnu bitno je utjecao na kakvoću kruha: povećali su se kiselost kruĆĄnih mrvica i specifični volumen kruha, a smanjila fraktalna dimenzija pora te čvrstoća mrvica. Na osnovi mikrobioloĆĄkih istraĆŸivanja fermentiranih proizvoda tijekom skladiĆĄtenja te pokusnog pečenja kruha optimirani su uvjeti uzgoja mliječno-kiselih bakterija u novim fermentiranim proizvodima (optimalno vrijeme uzgoja bilo je otprilike 20 dana pri 0-6 °C i 10 dana pri 30-35 °C)

    Traumatic Dental Injuries, Treatment and Complications in Children and Adolescents: A Register-Based Study

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    Objective Traumatic dental injury (TDI) is a common dental concern among children worldwide. We performed a retrospective patient register study among children under 18 years to investigate TDIs with respect to causes, treatment, and complications. Materials and Methods  We collected information on TDIs from the original patient records of 407 child patients visiting dental clinic of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. We analyzed all child patients’ (n = 407) background, cause, type of TDI, treatment, complications, and time elapsed from injury to visit to the dentist. Statistical Analysis The χ 2-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests served in the statistical analyses. Results A total of 579 TDI cases occurred during 2010 to 2016. Lateral luxation (19.8%) and intrusion (14.8%) occurred more often in the primary than the permanent dentition (p < 0.05). The most common cause of TDI was falling (56%). Avulsion occurred in approximately 10% of cases. Follow-up (44.5%) and tooth extraction (48.3%) were the most frequent treatments in the primary and splinting (25.3%) in the permanent teeth. Pulp necrosis was the most frequent complication in primary (92%) and permanent (54%) dentition. About 1% of the patients obtained dental care during the first hour after injury. Conclusion The most frequent TDIs included lateral luxation in primary teeth and enamel-dentine fractures in permanent teeth. We observed a delay in patients obtaining emergency dental care.publishedVersio

    MANET Network in Internet of Things System

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    In the current world of technology, various physical things can be used for facilitation of a human work. That is why the Internet of Things,an innovative technology and a good solution which allows the connection of the physical things with the digital world through the use of heterogeneous networks and communication technologies, is used. The Internet of Things in smart environments interacts with wireless sensor network (WSN) and mobile ad‐hoc network (MANET), making it even more attractive to the users and economically successful. Interaction between wireless sensor and mobile ad‐hoc networks with the Internet of Things allows the creation of a new MANET‐IoT systems and IT‐based networks. Such the system gives the greater mobility for a user and reduces deployment costs of the network. However, at the same time it opens new challenging issues in its networking aspects as well. In this work, the authors propose a routing solution for the Internet of Things system using a combination of MANET protocols and WSN routing principles. The presented results of solution\u27s investigation provide an effective approach to efficient energy consumption in the global MANET‐IoT system. And that is a step forward to a reliable provision of services over global Future Internet infrastructure

    Factors Associated to Endemic Dental Fluorosis in Brazilian Rural Communities

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    The present paper examines the relationship between hydrochemical characteristics and endemic dental fluorosis, controlling for variables with information on an individual level. An epidemiological survey was carried out in seven rural communities in two municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Thystrup & Fejerskov index was employed by a single examiner for the diagnosis of dental fluorosis. A sampling campaign of deep groundwater in the rural communities of interest was carried out concomitantly to the epidemiological survey for the determination of physiochemical parameters. Multilevel modeling of 276 individuals from seven rural communities was achieved using the non-linear logit link function. Parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. Analysis was carried out considering two response variables: presence (TF 1 to 9) or absence (TF = 0) of any degree of dental fluorosis; and presence (TF ≄ 5—with loss of enamel structure) or absence of severe dental fluorosis (TF ≀ 4—with no loss of enamel structure). Hydrogeological analyses revealed that dental fluorosis is influenced by the concentration of fluoride (OR = 2.59 CI95% 1.07–6.27; p = 0.073) and bicarbonate (OR = 1.02 CI95% 1.01–1.03; p = 0.060) in the water of deep wells. No other variable was associated with this prevalence (p > 0.05). More severe dental fluorosis (TF ≄ 5) was only associated with age group (p < 0.05). No other variable was associated to the severe dental fluorosis (p > 0.05). Dental fluorosis was found to be highly prevalent and severe. A chemical element besides fluoride was found to be associated (p > 0.05) to the prevalence of dental fluorosis, although this last finding should be interpreted with caution due to its p value

    Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries

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    The Effect of daily Use of Probioticsin Adults Experiencing Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea

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    Abstract A common cause of diarrhea is the prescribed course of antibiotics to treat an infection. Diarrhea can be a dangerous side effect that can prolong the stay in the hospital, increase the hospital bills to the patient, and in general, can deplete the body and diminish the well-being of the person. According to Wright et al. (2015) the widespread use of antibiotics cause diarrhea in patients and it is prevalent in a hospital setting. As described in the article written by Litao et al. (2018) intestinal flora is disrupted by the use of antibiotics and diarrhea cannot be explained in any other way. According to Litao et al. (2018) the balance of the microflora in the gut is very important, once antibiotic is used, the antibiotic sensitive bacteria is killed, and the antibiotic resistant bacteria multiply. This disbalance cause enteritis and diarrhea. We want to reduce the duration and frequency of diarrhea as best as possible. This project will focus on how the daily dose of probiotics during antibiotic therapy compared to no daily dose of probiotics during antibiotic therapy will be beneficial. Our intervention as the solution to our problem is the use of probiotics over no use of probiotics to stop or reduce the duration and frequency of diarrhea in patients taking antibiotics. Probiotics can be found in various forms such as yogurt, tablets, and capsules in dietary supplements and as non-prescription drugs from pharmacies. Our intervention suggested implementing probiotics such as yogurt into the patient’s diet. Owen-Jones et al. (2018) highly suggests yogurt over most probiotics because of how easily digestible it is. It was shown that there was better evidence of using probiotics over not using probiotics to stop or reduce the duration and frequency of diarrhea. In a clinical practice setting, we can use our intervention for resolving the clinical problem by making sure there are options in the patient’s food menu that incorporate probiotics as needed in the patient’s diet. As long as there are no other dietary restrictions, the patient is allowed to choose the food menu options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As nurses, we can assist our patients in choosing probiotic included meal options that will most benefit them. By having a diet that has something like yogurt readily available in a clinical setting, our patients will be able to reduce or stop the duration and frequency of their antibiotic-associated diarrhea

    Global recruitment: the case of Aalborg University

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