42 research outputs found

    Specificity of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test in Social Phobia

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    The specificity of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test (SISST) was evaluated in sample of 277 patients seeking treatment for anxiety. Both the positive and negative scales significantly discriminated between patients diagnosed with social phobia and other anxiety disorder patients. Patients with social phobia scored significantly higher on the negative scale and significantly lower on the positive scale as compared with other treatment-seeking anxiety disorder patients. Negative SISST scores were significantly correlated with the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The positive scale was significantly correlated with the BDI. Despite this relationship, differences in BAI and BDI scores did not account for SISST findings. The present study provides further support for the use of the SISST with clinical populations

    Data science for Space Weather services in Argentina

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    Space Weather services rely heavily on the data. Challenges include multiple data sources, multiple formats (not always structured data), raw data (direct from the instruments), different data resolutions (in time and in space), poor metadata, data missing (instrument failure, connectivity issues, etc.), bad calibrated data, among many other issues. Bearing in mind the above considerations, we present in this work the main data pipeline design and implementation details for the Tucumán Space Weather Center - TSWC (https://spaceweather.facet.unt.edu.ar/), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán in Argentina as a new web-based system for Space Weather services.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    The role of organisms in hyporheic processes : gaps in current knowledge, needs for future research and applications

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    Fifty years after the hyporheic zone was first defined (Orghidan, 1959), there are still gaps in the knowledge regarding the role of biodiversity in hyporheic processes. First, some methodological questions remained unanswered regarding the interactions between biodiversity and physical processes, both for the study of habitat characteristics and interactions at different scales. Furthermore, many questions remain to be addressed to help inform our understanding of invertebrate community dynamics, especially regarding the trophic niches of organisms, the functional groups present within sediment, and their temporal changes. Understanding microbial community dynamics would require investigations about their relationship with the physical characteristics of the sediment, their diversity, their relationship with metabolic pathways, their inter- actions with invertebrates, and their response to environmental stress. Another fundamental research question is that of the importance of the hyporheic zone in the global metabolism of the river, which must be explored in relation to organic matter recycling, the effects of disturbances, and the degradation of contaminants. Finally, the application of this knowledge requires the development of methods for the estimation of hydro- logical exchanges, especially for the management of sediment clogging, the optimization of self-purification, and the integration of climate change in environmental policies. The development of descriptors of hyporheic zone health and of new metrology is also crucial to include specific targets in water policies for the long-term management of the system and a clear evaluation of restoration strategies

    Capteurs pour la mesure de la matière organique totale et biodégradable dans les eaux

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Eaux [TR1_IRSTEA]BELCA [Relecteur_IRSTEA]Coquery, M.This review discusses in a critical angle the new developments of sensors for the measurement of priority pollutants targeted in the E.U. Water Framework Directive. Significant advances are reported in the paper and their advantages and limitations are also discussed. Future perspectives in this area are also pointed out in the conclusions. This review covers publications of the year 2009. Among priority substances, sensors for monitored the four WFD metal represent 81% of articles. None of the analyzed publications presents a micro-sensor totally validated in laboratory, ready for tests in real conditions in the field. The researches are mainly focused on the sensitive part of the micro-sensors. Neverthless, the main factor limiting to micro-sensor applications in the environment is the ruggedness of the receptor towards environmental conditions This point constitutes the first technological obstacle to overcome for any long-term field tests.Ce document soumis à publication correspond à l’action 13 « Développement et optimisation des méthodes physico-chimiques » (cf. Fiches 1 à 5 et 8, programme AQUAREF 2009 – Chimie), domaine Qualité de l’eau (cours d’eau, plans d’eau, masses d’eau de transition). Il résume les publications scientifiques publiées ces deux dernières décennies portant sur la mesure des matières organiques totale et biodégradable dans les eaux. Il rapporte l’état de l’art des techniques les plus importantes. Bien que son objectif porte sur la mesure in situ, des techniques d’analyse en ligne pouvant conduire à l’élaboration de capteurs sensu stricto sont également discutées comme technologies émergentes. Le rapport est divisé en deux sections : 1) matière organique totale ; 2) matière organique biodégradable. Chaque technique est décrite rapidement avant l’analyse de la littérature publiée. Nous concluons avec des recommandations sur les choix technologiques selon les objectifs de recherche

    Le suivi des substances prioritaires de la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau au moyen de micro-capteurs, synthèse 2009

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    [Departement_IRSTEA]Eaux [TR1_IRSTEA]BELCA [Relecteur_IRSTEA]Coquery, M.This review discusses in a critical angle the new developments of sensors for the measurement of priority pollutants targeted in the E.U. Water Framework Directive. Significant advances are reported in the paper and their advantages and limitations are also discussed. Future perspectives in this area are also pointed out in the conclusions. This review covers publications of the year 2009. Among priority substances, sensors for monitored the four WFD metal represent 81% of articles. None of the analyzed publications presents a micro-sensor totally validated in laboratory, ready for tests in real conditions in the field. The researches are mainly focused on the sensitive part of the micro-sensors. Neverthless, the main factor limiting to micro-sensor applications in the environment is the ruggedness of the receptor towards environmental conditions This point constitutes the first technological obstacle to overcome for any long-term field tests.Cette synthèse aborde d'un angle critique les récents développements dans le domaine des micro-capteurs pour la mesure des polluants prioritaires de la Directive de Structure sur l'eau. Des avances significatives sont pointées et leurs avantages et limitations sont discutées. Des perspectives futures de développement sont indiquées en conclusion. Cette synthèse couvre les publications de l'année 2009. Parmi les substances prioritaires, les capteurs dédiés au suivi des quatre métaux de la DCE représentent 81 % des articles. Aucune des publications analysées ne présente un micro-capteur totalement validé au laboratoire et prêt pour des tests dans des conditions réelles de terrain. Les recherches sont principalement concentrées sur la spécificité et sensibilité de la partie sensible des micro-capteurs (le récepteur). Mais la limitation principale à l'application de terrain est le manque de résistance de ces récepteurs aux conditions environnementales. Ce point constitue le premier obstacle technologique à surmonter afin de s'approcher de tests à long terme sur le terrain