25 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic pressures within the breeding range of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland

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    Capsule: Patterns in the frequency and co-occurrence of anthropogenic pressures associated with suitable breeding habitat for Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus demonstrates the need for specific, focussed management and policy options aimed at mitigating impacts on this threatened population. Aims: To describe anthropogenic pressures and threats in the upland breeding range of Hen Harriers and to explore their potential impacts on the declining Hen Harrier population. Methods: We used text mining, mixed-effects models, principal component analysis and clustering methods to explore anthropogenic pressures on suitable breeding and foraging habitats for Hen Harriers in Ireland, based on the 2015 national breeding Hen Harrier survey data. Results: Mixed-effects models described a strong influence of agriculture, forestry, predator activity, and recreational activities on survey areas that contained Hen Harrier territories. Cluster analyses described three discrete pressure clusters and showed consistent co-occurrence of independent pressures. Conclusions: Areas of suitable habitat for Hen Harriers in the uplands overlap with areas that experience anthropogenic pressures known to negatively impact on this vulnerable bird species. Combined with clear evidence for the co-occurrence of multiple pressures at a regional scale, this demonstrates a clear need for statutory agencies to consider the potential cumulative impacts of individual pressures when developing conservation strategies for Hen Harriers

    Addressing the high cervical cancer rates along the Texas-Mexico border through community outreach, patient navigation, and provider training/telementoring

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    Objective: Cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates are 68% and 57% higher, respectively, along the Texas-Mexico border compared with the rest of the United States. This is likely due to a combination of low health literacy, limited access to affordable screening, and a lack of trained personnel to perform colposcopy, loop electrosurgical excision procedures (LEEP), and appropriate management of women with pre-invasive disease. The objective of our study was to increase cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment rates in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). Method: We initiated a comprehensive program at two health centers and one mobile clinic in the RGV consisting of (1) a public education program designed for community health workers to teach women about cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination coupled with patient navigation to participating clinics; (2) colposcopy and LEEP training for physicians and advanced-practice providers through locally held hands-on courses and mentoring program; and (3) implementation of Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes), a well-established telementoring program using video conferencing to connect academic specialists with community providers for case-based learning. We compared screening, diagnosis, and treatment rates pre- and post-program implementation. Results: From November 2014 to June 2018, local providers screened 19,028 women with Pap ± HPV testing (baseline 12,460, 53% increase); performed colposcopy on 2,644 women with abnormal screening results (baseline 945, 180% increase); and performed 483 LEEP procedures for treatment of cervical dysplasia (baseline 0). Ten women were diagnosed with invasive cancer and navigated to one of the participating gynecologic oncologists for treatment (baseline N/A). Five additional providers in the RGV completed the mentoring program to be certified to perform colposcopy (100% increase from baseline of 5) and two additional providers to perform LEEP (baseline 0). ECHO telementoring video conferences have been held every two weeks for a total 94 sessions (average of 22 participants/session) with 182 patient cases presented and discussed. Conclusion: Our comprehensive approach has led to an increase in the number of women undergoing cervical cancer screening and diagnosis/treatment of dysplasia. If sustained, we anticipate these efforts will decrease cervical cancer rates in the RGV. The program is currently being expanded to additional medically underserved regions of Texas

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    A Reforma Sampaio Dória: professores, poder e figurações

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    As reformas de ensino são objetos de pesquisa em Educação. Analisou-se a Reforma de 1920 da instrução pública paulista, dirigida por Sampaio Dória, do ponto de vista das prescrições legais e de sua implantação em uma realidade específica, a Escola Normal de Piracicaba/SP. A implantação contou com um grupo de professores que é o nosso objeto privilegiado. Dele apreendemos a formação de uma figuração social produtora de gradientes de poder a partir de reconhecidos domínios pedagógicos, literários, artísticos e político-nacionalistas. Os conceitos de figuração e de poder propostos por Norbert Elias nos dão suporte teórico. A Reforma de 1920, uma rede de pessoas interdependentes e seus desdobramentos são analisados neste artigo

    Data from: A new low-turbulence wind tunnel for animal and small vehicle flight experiments

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    Our understanding of animal flight benefits greatly from specialized wind tunnels designed for flying animals. Existing facilities can simulate laminar flow during straight, ascending and descending flight, as well as at different altitudes. However, the atmosphere in which animals fly is even more complex. Flow can be laminar and quiet at high altitudes but highly turbulent near the ground, and gusts can rapidly change wind speed. To study flight in both laminar and turbulent environments, a multi-purpose wind tunnel for studying animal and small vehicle flight was built at Stanford University. The tunnel is closed-circuit and can produce airspeeds up to 50 m s−1 in a rectangular test section that is 1.0 m wide, 0.82 m tall and 1.73 m long. Seamless honeycomb and screens in the airline together with a carefully designed contraction reduce centreline turbulence intensities to less than or equal to 0.030% at all operating speeds. A large diameter fan and specialized acoustic treatment allow the tunnel to operate at low noise levels of 76.4 dB at 20 m s−1. To simulate high turbulence, an active turbulence grid can increase turbulence intensities up to 45%. Finally, an open jet configuration enables stereo high-speed fluoroscopy for studying musculoskeletal control in turbulent flow

    Wind Tunnel Aeroacoustic Testing Data

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    The uploaded aeroacoustic data were taken in the empty test section during wind tunnel commissioning. See the Wind Tunnel Data README file for details on file structure

    The decline in sexual assaults in men's prisons in New South Wales: A "systems" approach

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    Male prison rape and sexual assaults remains a serious and sensitive issue in many countries. Human rights groups claim that sexual assaults among male prisoners have reached pandemic proportions and need to be stopped. Researchers for many years have studied the causes of male sexual assault in prison and offered numerous recommendations on its prevention. Few, however, have presented evidence for a decline in male prisoner sexual assaults and investigated the reasons for the decline. This article provides evidence from population-based surveys of a steady decrease in male prisoner sexual assaults in New South Wales (NSW) between 1996 and 2009. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with former and current inmates, and using a "systems" approach they discuss the complexity of sexual assaults in prison, incorporating a multiplicity of perspectives. In particular, they bring together different sources of data and discuss this in relation to changes in power structures and control in a modern prison, the attitudes of older and younger prisoners, the concept of "duty of care," introduction of prison drug programs, and prisoner attitudes toward gender and sexuality. In anthropology, the term "system" is used widely for describing sociocultural phenomena of a given society in a holistic manner without reducing the complexity of a given community. © The Author(s) 2011