690 research outputs found

    A photometric study of the hot exoplanet WASP-19b

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    Context: When the planet transits its host star, it is possible to measure the planetary radius and (with radial velocity data) the planet mass. For the study of planetary atmospheres, it is essential to obtain transit and occultation measurements at multiple wavelengths. Aims: We aim to characterize the transiting hot Jupiter WASP-19b by deriving accurate and precise planetary parameters from a dedicated observing campaign of transits and occultations. Methods: We have obtained a total of 14 transit lightcurves in the r'-Gunn, IC, z'-Gunn and I+z' filters and 10 occultation lightcurves in z'-Gunn using EulerCam on the Euler-Swiss telescope and TRAPPIST. We have also obtained one lightcurve through the narrow-band NB1190 filter of HAWK-I on the VLT measuring an occultation at 1.19 micron. We have performed a global MCMC analysis of all new data together with some archive data in order to refine the planetary parameters and measure the occultation depths in z'-band and at 1.19 micron. Results: We measure a planetary radius of R_p = 1.376 (+/-0.046) R_j, a planetary mass of M_p = 1.165 (+/-0.068) M_j, and find a very low eccentricity of e = 0.0077 (+/-0.0068), compatible with a circular orbit. We have detected the z'-band occultation at 3 sigma significance and measure it to be dF_z'= 352 (+/-116) ppm, more than a factor of 2 smaller than previously published. The occultation at 1.19 micron is only marginally constrained at dF_1190 = 1711 (+/-745) ppm. Conclusions: We have shown that the detection of occultations in the visible is within reach even for 1m class telescopes if a considerable number of individual events are observed. Our results suggest an oxygen-dominated atmosphere of WASP-19b, making the planet an interesting test case for oxygen-rich planets without temperature inversion.Comment: Published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 11 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Collective synchronization in populations of globally coupled phase oscillators with drifting frequencies

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    We generalize the Kuramoto model for coupled phase oscillators by allowing the frequencies to drift in time according to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamics. Such drifting frequencies were recently measured in cellular populations of circadian oscillator and inspired our work. Linear stability analysis of the Fokker-Planck equation for an infinite population is amenable to exact solution and we show that the incoherent state is unstable passed a critical coupling strength K_c(\ga, \sigf), where \ga is the inverse characteristic drifting time and \sigf the asymptotic frequency dispersion. Expectedly KcK_c agrees with the noisy Kuramoto model in the large \ga (Schmolukowski) limit but increases slower as \ga decreases. Asymptotic expansion of the solution for \ga\to 0 shows that the noiseless Kuramoto model with Gaussian frequency distribution is recovered in that limit. Thus varying a single parameter allows to interpolate smoothly between two regimes: one dominated by the frequency dispersion and the other by phase diffusion.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    "Medikamente sind Bomben" - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance

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    Fragestellung: Nach einer Organtransplantation finden komplexe psychologische Verarbeitungsprozesse statt. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, welche Metaphern im Zusammenhang mit Transplantationserfahrungen verwendet werden, und ob Unterschiede zwischen Patienten mit guter bzw. ungenügender Compliance im Gebrauch dieser Metaphern bestehen. Methode: 14 lungentransplantierte Patienten wurden in einem halbstrukturierten Interview zu ihren Transplantationserfahrungen befragt. Ihre Compliance wurde von den behandelnden Ärzten eingeschätzt. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte anhand einer Metaphernanalyse, welche Hinweise auf vor- und unbewusste Vorstellungen der Patienten liefert. Die Interraterreliabilität über die Metapherngruppen war Cohen’s Kappa K = 0.8. Ergebnisse: Die Patienten konzeptualisierten ihren Körper, aber auch ihr Selbst als ein “Gefäß”, dass sowohl materielle (z.B. die Lunge) wie immaterielle Objekte (z.B. Gedanken an den Spender, Affekte) enthält. Der wichtigste Unterschied zwischen den Compliance-Gruppen bestand darin, dass Patienten mit ungenügender Compliance eine grössere Distanz zur transplantierten Lunge erlebten. Auch konzeptualisierten sie ihren Körper bzw. ihr Selbst nicht als ein Gefäß, das die Lunge enthält. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass gute Compliance mit einer erfolgreichen Organintegration assoziiert ist, welche die Zugehörigkeit der Lunge in einem als Gefäß konzeptualisierten Körper bzw. Selbst umfasst. Patienten mit ungenügender Compliance nehmen die Lunge eher als Fremdkörper wahr. Diese Verarbeitungsprozesse sind teils bewusster, teils vor- und unbewusster Natur

    Dynamics of the Apple Fruit Microbiome after Harvest and Implications for Fruit Quality

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    The contribution of the apple microbiome to the production chain of apple was so far largely unknown. Here, we describe the apple fruit microbiome and influences on its composition by parameters such as storage season, storage duration, storage technology, apple variety, and plant protection schemes. A combined culturing and metabarcoding approach revealed significant differences in the abundance, composition, and diversity of the apple fruit microbiome. We showed that relatively few genera contribute a large portion of the microbiome on fruit and that the fruit microbiome changes during the storage season depending on the storage conditions. In addition, we show that the plant protection regime has an influence on the diversity of the fruit microbiome and on the dynamics of pathogenic fungal genera during the storage season. For the genus Neofabraea, the quantitative results from the metabarcoding approach were validated with real-time PCR. In conclusion, we identified key parameters determining the composition and temporal changes of the apple fruit microbiome, and the main abiotic driving factors of microbiome diversity on apple fruit were characterized

    The effects of mismatches on hybridization in DNA microarrays: determination of nearest neighbor parameters

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    Quantifying interactions in DNA microarrays is of central importance for a better understanding of their functioning. Hybridization thermodynamics for nucleic acid strands in aqueous solution can be described by the so-called nearest-neighbor model, which estimates the hybridization free energy of a given sequence as a sum of dinucleotide terms. Compared with its solution counterparts, hybridization in DNA microarrays may be hindered due to the presence of a solid surface and of a high density of DNA strands. We present here a study aimed at the determination of hybridization free energies in DNA microarrays. Experiments are performed on custom Agilent slides. The solution contains a single oligonucleotide. The microarray contains spots with a perfect matching complementary sequence and other spots with one or two mismatches: in total 1006 different probe spots, each replicated 15 times per microarray. The free energy parameters are directly fitted from microarray data. The experiments demonstrate a clear correlation between hybridization free energies in the microarray and in solution. The experiments are fully consistent with the Langmuir model at low intensities, but show a clear deviation at intermediate (non-saturating) intensities. These results provide new interesting insights for the quantification of molecular interactions in DNA microarrays.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Integration of Light and Temperature in the Regulation of Circadian Gene Expression in Drosophila

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    Circadian clocks are aligned to the environment via synchronizing signals, or Zeitgebers, such as daily light and temperature cycles, food availability, and social behavior. In this study, we found that genome-wide expression profiles from temperature-entrained flies show a dramatic difference in the presence or absence of a thermocycle. Whereas transcript levels appear to be modified broadly by changes in temperature, there is a specific set of temperature-entrained circadian mRNA profiles that continue to oscillate in constant conditions. There are marked differences in the biological functions represented by temperature-driven or circadian regulation. The set of temperature-entrained circadian transcripts overlaps significantly with a previously defined set of transcripts oscillating in response to a photocycle. In follow-up studies, all thermocycle-entrained circadian transcript rhythms also responded to light/dark entrainment, whereas some photocycle-entrained rhythms did not respond to temperature entrainment. Transcripts encoding the clock components Period, Timeless, Clock, Vrille, PAR-domain protein 1, and Cryptochrome were all confirmed to be rhythmic after entrainment to a daily thermocycle, although the presence of a thermocycle resulted in an unexpected phase difference between period and timeless expression rhythms at the transcript but not the protein level. Generally, transcripts that exhibit circadian rhythms both in response to thermocycles and photocycles maintained the same mutual phase relationships after entrainment by temperature or light. Comparison of the collective temperature- and light-entrained circadian phases of these transcripts indicates that natural environmental light and temperature cycles cooperatively entrain the circadian clock. This interpretation is further supported by comparative analysis of the circadian phases observed for temperature-entrained and light-entrained circadian locomotor behavior. Taken together, these findings suggest that information from both light and temperature is integrated by the transcriptional clock mechanism in the adult fly head

    Replica Symmetry Breaking in Attractor Neural Network Models

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    The phenomenon of replica symmetry breaking is investigated for the retrieval phases of Hopfield-type network models. The basic calculation is done for the generalized version of the standard model introduced by Horner [1] and by Perez-Vicente and Amit [2] which can exhibit low mean levels of neural activity. For a mean activity aˉ=1/2\bar a =1/2 the Hopfield model is recovered. In this case, surprisingly enough, we cannot confirm the well known one step replica symmetry breaking (1RSB) result for the storage capacity which was presented by Crisanti, Amit and Gutfreund [3] (\alpha_c^{\hbox{\mf 1RSB}}\simeq 0.144). Rather, we find that 1RSB- and 2RSB-Ans\"atze yield only slightly increased capacities as compared to the replica symmetric value (\alpha_c^{\hbox{\mf 1RSB}}\simeq 0.138\,186 and \alpha_c^{\hbox{\mf 2RSB}}\simeq 0.138\,187 compared to \alpha_c^{\hbox{\mf RS}}\simeq 0.137\,905), significantly smaller also than the value \alpha_c^{\hbox{\mf sim}} = 0.145\pm 0.009 reported from simulation studies. These values still lie within the recently discovered reentrant phase [4]. We conjecture that in the infinite Parisi-scheme the reentrant behaviour disappears as is the case in the SK-spin-glass model (Parisi--Toulouse-hypothesis). The same qualitative results are obtained in the low activity range.Comment: Latex file, 20 pages, 8 Figures available from the authors upon request, HD-TVP-94-

    The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets. X. A Hot Jupiter orbiting HD73256

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    Recent radial-velocity measurements obtained with the CORALIE spectrograph on the 1.2-m Euler Swiss telescope at La Silla unveil the presence of a new Jovian-mass Hot Jupiter around HD 73256. The 1.85-M_Jup planet moves on an extremely short-period (P=2.5486 d), quasi-circular orbit. The best Keplerian orbital solution is presented together with an unsuccessful photometric planetary-transit search performed with the SAT Danish telescope at La Silla. Over the time span of the observations, the photometric follow-up of the candidate has nevertheless revealed a P=14-d photometric periodicity corresponding to the rotational period of the star. This variation as well as the radial-velocity jitter around the Keplerian solution are shown to be related to the fair activity level known for HD 73256.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted in A&

    Reactive Hall response

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    The zero temperature Hall constant R_H, described by reactive (nondissipative) conductivities, is analyzed within linear response theory. It is found that in a certain limit, R_H is directly related to the density dependence of the Drude weight implying a simple picture for the change of sign of charge carriers in the vicinity of a Mott-Hubbard transition. This novel formulation is applied to the calculation of R_H in quasi-one dimensional and ladder prototype interacting electron systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figure