98 research outputs found

    Pleiotropic effects of erythropoietin. Influence of erythropoietin on processes of mesenchymal stem cells differentiation

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    The article notes that рuman recombinant erythropoietin is characterised as a factor which stimulates differentiation and proliferation of erythroid precursor cells, and as a tissue protective factor. Erythropoietin is one of the most perspective humoral agents which are involved in the preconditioning phenomeno

    Pharmacological modulation of cell functional activity with valproic acid and erythropoietin

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    Valproic acid (VA) is carboxylic acid with a branched chain, which is used as an antiepileptic drug. VA, which is an antiepileptic drug, is also a teratogen, which causes defects of a neural tube and an axial skeleton, although the mechanisms are not yet fully clear. It is shown that valproic acid reduces the intracellular level of oxygen active form

    Seasonal variation of water uptake of a Quercus suber tree in Central Portugal

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    Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is the phenomenon where plant roots transfer water between soil horizons of different water potential. When dry soil is a stronger sink for water loss from the plant than transpiration, water absorbed by roots in wetter soil horizons is transferred toward, and exuded into dry soil via flow reversals through the roots. Reverse flow is a good marker of HR and can serve as a useful tool to study it over the long-term. Seasonal variation of water uptake of a Quercus suber tree was studied from late winter through autumn 2003 at Rio Frio near Lisbon, Portugal. Sap flow was measured in five small shallow roots (diameter of 3–4 cm), 1 to 2 m from the tree trunk and in four azimuths and at different xylem depths at the trunk base, using the heat field deformation method (HFD). The pattern of sap flow differed among lateral roots as soil dried with constant positive flow in three roots and reverse flow in two other roots during the night when transpiration ceased. Rain modified the pattern of flow in these two roots by eliminating reverse flow and substantially increasing water uptake for transpiration during the day. The increase in water uptake in three other roots following rain was not so substantial. In addition, the flux in individual roots was correlated to different degrees with the flux at different radial depths and azimuthal directions in trunk xylem. The flow in outer trunk xylem seemed to be mostly consistent with water movement from surface soil horizons, whereas deep roots seemed to supply water to the whole cross-section of sapwood. When water flow substantially decreased in shallow lateral roots and the outer stem xylem during drought, water flow in the inner sapwood was maintained, presumably due to its direct connection to deep roots. Results also suggest the importance of the sap flow sensor placement, in relation to sinker roots, as to whether lateral roots might be found to exhibit reverse flow during drought. This study is consistent with the dimorphic rooting habit of Quercus suber trees in which deep roots access groundwater to supply superficial roots and the whole tree, when shallow soil layers were dry

    Effect of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells secretome on imiquimod-induced psoriasis in rats

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    Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells secretome contains a range of anti-inflammatory factors and can be used for the treatment of psoriasi

    Atmospheric drivers of storage water use in Scots pine

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    International audienceIn this study we determined the microclimatic drivers of storage water use in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in a temperate climate. The storage water use was modeled using the ANAFORE model, integrating a dynamic water flow and ? storage model with a process-based transpiration model. The model was calibrated and validated with sap flow measurements for the growing season of 2000 (26 May?18 October). Because there was no severe soil drought during the study period, we were able to study atmospheric effects. Incoming radiation was the main driver of storage water use. The general trends of sap flow and storage water use are similar, and follow more or less the pattern of incoming radiation. Nevertheless, considerable differences in the day-to-day pattern of sap flow and storage water use were observed, mainly driven by vapour pressure deficit (VPD). During dry atmospheric conditions (high VPD) storage water use was reduced. This reduction was disproportionally higher than the reduction in measured sap flow. Our results suggest that the trees did not rely more on storage water during periods of atmospheric drought, without severe soil drought. A third important factor was the tree water deficit. When storage compartments were depleted beyond a threshold, storage water use was limited due to the low water potential in the storage compartments. The maximum relative contribution of storage water to daily transpiration was also constrained by an increasing tree water deficit

    Towards developmental modelling of tree root systems

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    Knowledge of belowground structures and processes is essential for understanding and predicting ecosystem functioning, and consequently in the development of adaptive strategies to safeguard production from trees and woody plants into the future. In the past, research has mainly been concentrated on growth models for the prediction of agronomic or forest production. Newly emerging scientific challenges, e.g. climate change and sustainable development, call for new integrated predictive methods where root systems development will become a key element for understanding global biological systems. The types of input data available from the various branches of woody root research, including biomass allocation, architecture, biomechanics, water and nutrient supply, are discussed with a view to the possibility of incorporating them into a more generic developmental model. We discuss here the main focus of root system modelling to date, including a description of simple allometric biomass models, and biomechanical stress models, and then build in complexity through static growth models towards architecture models. The next progressive and logical step in developing an inclusive developmental model that integrates these modelling approaches is discussed.Knowledge of belowground structures and processes is essential for understanding and predicting ecosystem functioning, and consequently in the development of adaptive strategies to safeguard production from trees and woody plants into the future. In the past, research has mainly been concentrated on growth models for the prediction of agronomic or forest production. Newly emerging scientific challenges, e.g. climate change and sustainable development, call for new integrated predictive methods where root systems development will become a key element for understanding global biological systems. The types of input data available from the various branches of woody root research, including biomass allocation, architecture, biomechanics, water and nutrient supply, are discussed with a view to the possibility of incorporating them into a more generic developmental model. We discuss here the main focus of root system modelling to date, including a description of simple allometric biomass models, and biomechanical stress models, and then build in complexity through static growth models towards architecture models. The next progressive and logical step in developing an inclusive developmental model that integrates these modelling approaches is discussed.Knowledge of belowground structures and processes is essential for understanding and predicting ecosystem functioning, and consequently in the development of adaptive strategies to safeguard production from trees and woody plants into the future. In the past, research has mainly been concentrated on growth models for the prediction of agronomic or forest production. Newly emerging scientific challenges, e.g. climate change and sustainable development, call for new integrated predictive methods where root systems development will become a key element for understanding global biological systems. The types of input data available from the various branches of woody root research, including biomass allocation, architecture, biomechanics, water and nutrient supply, are discussed with a view to the possibility of incorporating them into a more generic developmental model. We discuss here the main focus of root system modelling to date, including a description of simple allometric biomass models, and biomechanical stress models, and then build in complexity through static growth models towards architecture models. The next progressive and logical step in developing an inclusive developmental model that integrates these modelling approaches is discussed.Peer reviewe

    Когнитивные нарушения у реконвалесцентов с менингеальной формой клещевого энцефалита и микст-инфекцией

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    The operative, long-term memory (Mendelevich V.D. technique, 1999) and attention (proof assay of Burdon) at 96 convalescents with the meningeal form tick-borne encephalitis (CTBE) and 23 – mikst-infection (CMI) three age groups in late regenerative (6–12 months) and remote (till 2 years) the periods is investigated operative. The greatest is taped message comprehension quality indicators of a long-term memory and parameters of proof assay of Burdon. In the remote period сognitive disturbances were taped at all convalescents, prevailed at CMI and in III age group. Obtained data can form a basis for an expert estimation of state of health CTBE and CMI and prove medicamental correction at a stage of a dispensary observation.Исследованы оперативная, долговременная память (методика В.Д. Менделевича, 1999) и внимание (корректурная проба Бурдона) у 96 реконвалесцентов с менингеальной формой клещевого энцефалита (РКЭ) и у 23 с микст-инфекцией (РМИ) трех возрастных групп в поздний восстановительный (6-12 мес) и отдаленный (до 2 лет) периоды. Выявлена наибольшая информативность качественных показателей долговременной памяти и показателей корректурной пробы Бурдона. В отдаленном периоде когнитивные нарушения определялись у всех реконвалесцентов, преобладали у РМИ и в III возрастной группе. Полученные данные могут служить основой для экспертной оценки состояния здоровья РКЭ и РМИ и обосновывают медикаментозную коррекцию на этапе диспансерного наблюдения

    Specifics of cerebral haemodynamics in patients with the hemispheric ischemic stroke

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    Ап inspection is conducted 112 patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke (IS) in age from 40 to 84 years, part on the degree of expressed of neurological deficit in obedience to the Scandinavian scale (35,7+8,1) - 1 group (54), (53,8+4,2 points) is II a group (58). The comparative analysis of neurological deficit is given, level neuron - specific enolase (NSE) in blood, hemodynamic indexes, character of atherosclerotic name-plates. We compared the hemodynamic features of carotid and vertebrobasilar region. Dependence is exposed between expressed of neurological defect, degree of damage of fabric of brain, characterized by the change of level of NSE and degree of disturbances of hemodynamic. The highest degree of severity of neurological symptoms of hemispheric IS was observed in significant concomitant carotid lesions and vertebrobasilar region extravasal compression of vertebral arteries dynamic nature, combined with little hemodynamically significant carotid stenosis predominated in patients with hemispheric IS with a lesser degree of ischemic damage and neurological deficits. Character of atherosclerotic name-plates reflected pathogenic of ischemic stroke.Проведено клиническое и ультразвуковое дуплексное обследование 112 пациентов с атеротромботическим подтипом полушарного ишемического инсульта (ИИ) в возрасте от 40 до 84 лет, разделенных по степени выраженности неврологического дефицита согласно скандинавской шкале (35,7+8,1) - 1 группа (54); (53,8+4,2 баллов) - II группа (58). У пациентов обеих групп дан сравнительный анализ неврологического дефицита, уровня нейрон - специфической енолазы (НСЕ) в крови, гемодинамических показателей, характера атеросклеротических бляшек, особенностей гемодинамики в каротидном и вертебро-базилярном бассейнах. Установлена зависимость между выраженностью неврологического дефекта, повышением уровня НСЕ и степенью нарушения гемодинамики. Наибольшая степень тяжести неврологической симптоматики полушарного ИИ наблюдалась при значимом сочетанном поражении каротидного и вертебробазилярного бассейнов, экстравазальная компрессия позвоночных артерий динамического характера в сочетании с гемодинамически значимыми (65-70%) стенозами сонных артерий преобладала у больных ИИ с меньшей степенью ишемического поражения и неврологического дефицита. Характер атеросклеротических бляшек отражал патогенез ишемического инсульта