37 research outputs found

    Public Opinion on Artificial Intelligence Development

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    In connection with the active role of Russia and other countries in the design and implementation of devices with artificial intelligence (AI), there is a need to study the opinion of different social groups on this technology and the problems that arise when using it. The purpose of this work is to analyze public opinion on AI, in Russia and various foreign countries, and the possible consequences of its implementation in different areas of human activity. The research has revealed students’ opinions about AI devices and the problems related to their development in Russia. The research methods adopted are a content analysis of foreign publications devoted to the study of public opinion on AI and a questionnaire survey. Overall, 190 students of the Ural Federal University enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs were interviewed. The analysis of publications devoted to the study of public opinion in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe, as well as the results of our survey, has led to the conclusion that the majority of people have only a vague idea of what AI devices are. Our study has revealed that 23.6% of the respondents know nothing about AI. 36% of the respondents believe that in the near future the most demanded specialists in the labor market will be those who create robots and control their work. The survey has also shown the important role of mass media and general and special education institutions in informing the population about the opportunities and problems that arise when devices that exceed human mental capabilities are created and enter the social fabric. Keywords: public opinion, artificial intelligence, subjects of public opinion, representations of social groups about artificial intelligenc

    QED corrections to polarized deep-inelastic and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering

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    Leading-log model-independent QED corrections in DIS of unpolarized electron off tensor-polarized deuteron are considered. Same approach was used for investigation of semi-inclusive DIS of electron by nucleus with detection of hadron and scattered electron. Calculations are based on covariant parametrization of polarization and use of Drell-Yan like representation to describe radiation by initial and scattered electron. Applications to polarization transfer from polarized electron to detected hadron and to scattering by polarized target are considered. DIS of unpolarized electron on tensor-polarized deuteron with tagged collinear photon radiated from initial-state electron are investigated

    The scanning of hadronic cross-section in e⁺e⁻-annihilation by radiative return method

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    The possibility of high precision measurement of the total hadronic cross-section in electron-positron annihilation process by analysis of the initial-state radiative events is discussed. Different experimental setups are discussed. The main attention is dedicated to measurement of hadronic cross-section at DAPhNE, where the final hadronic state π⁺π⁻ dominates due to radiative return on ρ-resonance. Radiative corrections at one percent level accuracy are calculated taking into account real experimental constraints on event selection

    Radiative corrections in elastic and deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering

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    The electron structure function method is applied to calculate model-independent radiative corrections to an asymmetry of electron-proton scattering. The representations for both spin-independent and spin-dependent parts of the cross section are derived. Master formulae take into account the leading correction in all orders and the main contribution of of the second order next-to-leading ones and have accuracy at the level of one per mille

    Radiative corrections in elastic and deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering

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    The electron structure function method is applied to calculate model-independent radiative corrections to an asymmetry of electron-proton scattering. The representations for both spin-independent and spin-dependent parts of the cross section are derived. Master formulae take into account the leading correction in all orders and the main contribution of of the second order next-to-leading ones and have accuracy at the level of one per mille

    Single–spin asymmetries in electron–proton and photon-proton scattering in the Bethe–Heitler processes induced by loop corrections

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    The single–spin target asymmetries in the hard electroproduction process e⁻ + p → e⁻ + γ + p and in the e⁺e⁻-pair photoproduction γ + p → e⁺ + e⁻ + p, induced by the loop radiative corrections to the vertex part of lepton interaction are considered. The physical reason to appearance such a kind of asymmetries is the nonzero imaginary part of the respective Bethe-Heitler amplitudes (on the level of radiative correction). The single–spin target asym-metries at unpolarized ingoing electron or photon beams and at arbitrary polarizations of the target proton for condi-tions of CLAS (Jefferson Lab, USA) and HERMES (DESY) experiments are calculated.Досліджені односпінові асиметрії мішені в процесах “жорсткого” електронародження e⁻ + p → e⁻ + γ + p і в фотонародженні e⁺e⁻--пар γ + p → e⁺ + e⁻ + p, індуковані петлевими радіаційними поправками в лептон-ній частині взаємодії. Фізичною причиною, що обумовлює такого виду асиметрії, є ненульова уявна частина Бете-Гайтлерівської амплітуди, яка з’являється на рівні радіаційної поправки. Односпінові асиметрії мішені у випадку неполяризованого електронного (чи фотонного) пучків та довільної поляризації протона-мішені обчислені в кінематичних умовах експериментів по електронародженню CLAS (Jefferson Lab, USA) і HERMES (DESY).Исследованы односпиновые асимметрии мишени в процессах “жесткого” электророждения e⁻ + p → e⁻ + γ + p и в фоторождении e⁺e⁻--пар γ + p → e⁺ + e⁻ + p, индуцированные петлевыми радиационными поправками в лептонной части взаимодействия. Физической причиной, обуславливающей такого вида асимметрии, является ненулевая мнимая часть Бете-Гайтлеровской амплитуды, которая появляется на уровне радиационной поправки. Односпиновые асимметрии мишени в случае неполяризованного электронного (или фотонного) пучка и произвольной поляризации протона-мишени вычислены в кинематических условиях экспериментов по электророждению CLAS (Jefferson Lab, USA) и HERMES (DESY)

    Emission of Two Hard Photons in Large-Angle Bhabha Scattering

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    A closed expression for the differential cross section of the large-angle Bhabha e+ee^+ e^- scattering which explicitly takes into account the leading and next-to-leading contributions due to the emission of two hard photons is presented. Both collinear and semi-collinear kinematical regions are considered. The results are illustrated by numerical calculations.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 1 PostScript figure, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Manifestation of an excited electron in e⁺e⁻ → γγ reaction

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    The differential cross section and some polarization observables have been calculated for the e⁺e⁻ → γγ reaction taking into account the contribution of the excited electron. The spin correlation coefficients were calculated for the case when both beams are polarized. We consider two approaches for the excited electron contribution: the eeγγ contact interaction and the exchange of the excited electron in t- and u-channels. Numerical estimations are given for the excited electron contribution to the differential cross section and spin correlation coefficients for various values of the electron beam energy and excited electron mass.Диференціальний переріз та деякі поляризаційні спостережувані обчислені для реакції e⁺e⁻ → γγ з врахуванням внеску збудженого електрона. Коефіцієнти спінової кореляції були отримані для випадку, коли обидва пучки поляризовані. Було розглянуто два підходи для врахування внеску збудженого електрона: eeγγ контактна взаємодія та обмін збудженим електроном у t- і u-каналах. Числові оцінки для внеску збудженого електрона у величину диференціального перерізу та коефіцієнтів спінової кореляції приведені для деяких величин енергії електронного пучка та маси збудженого електрона.Дифференциальное сечение и некоторые поляризационные наблюдаемые вычислены для реакции e⁺e⁻ → γγ с учетом вклада возбужденного электрона. Коэффициенты спиновой корреляции были получены для случая, когда оба пучка поляризованы. Было рассмотрено два подхода для учета вклада возбуждённого электрона: eeγγ контактное взаимодействие и обмен возбужденным электроном в t- и u-каналах. Численные оценки для вклада возбужденного электрона в величину дифференциального сечения и коэффициентов спиновой корреляции приведены для некоторых величин энергии электронного пучка и массы возбужденного электрона

    About the possibility to measure the circular polarization of high-energy photon in reaction γ + e⁻ → e⁺ + e⁻ + e⁻

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    Two possibilities of the measuring high-energy photon circular polarization by means of the process γ + e⁻ → e⁺ + e⁻ + e⁻ are investigated. The first one is connected with the measurement of polarization asymmetry of the cross section when the initial electron beam is longitudinally polarized. The second possibility related with the measurement of the created-positron (or electron) polarization. Just this polarization does not decrease when the photon energy grows up and can be used for effective determination of the photon circular polarization degree.Проанализированы две возможности определения степени циркулярной поляризации высокоэнергетического фотона в процессе γ + e⁻ → e⁺ + e⁻ + e⁻. Первая связана с измерением поляризационной асимметрии сечения, когда начальный пучок электронов обладает продольной поляризацией. Вторая – с измерением поляризации образованного позитрона (или электрона). Показано, что в последнем случае поляризация не убывает с ростом энергии фотона и может быть использована для эффективного определения степени его циркулярной поляризации.Проаналізовано дві можливості визначити ступінь циркулярної поляризації фотона високої енергії у реакції γ + e⁻ → e⁺ + e⁻ + e⁻. Перша пов'язана із вимірюванням асиметрії перерізу, коли початковий пучок електронів має поздовжню поляризацію. Друга -- із вимірюванням поляризації утворюваного позитрона (чи електрона). Виявлено, що в останньому випадку поляризація не зменшується з ростом енергії фотона і може бути використана для ефективного визначення його циркулярної поляризації

    Collinear Photon Exchange in the Beam Normal Polarization Asymmetry of Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    The parity-conserving single-spin beam asymmetry of elastic electron-proton scattering is induced by an absorptive part of the two-photon exchange amplitude. We demonstrate that this asymmetry has logarithmic and double-logarithmic enhancement due to contributions of hard collinear quasi-real photons. An optical theorem is used to evaluate the asymmetry in terms of the total photoproduction cross section on the proton, predicting its magnitude at a few parts per million for high electon beam energies and small scattering angles. At fixed 4-momentum transfers, the asymmetry is rising logarithmically with increasing electron beam energy, following the high-energy diffractive behavior of total photoproduction cross section on the proton.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Corrected an algebraic error in Eq.(17), other formulas and plots changed accordingl