6,847 research outputs found

    Subjective signal strength distinguishes reality from imagination

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    Humans are voracious imaginers, with internal simulations supporting memory, planning and decision-making. Because the neural mechanisms supporting imagery overlap with those supporting perception, a foundational question is how reality and imagination are kept apart. One possibility is that the intention to imagine is used to identify and discount self-generated signals during imagery. Alternatively, because internally generated signals are generally weaker, sensory strength is used to index reality. Traditional psychology experiments struggle to investigate this issue as subjects can rapidly learn that real stimuli are in play. Here, we combined one-trial-per-participant psychophysics with computational modelling and neuroimaging to show that imagined and perceived signals are in fact intermixed, with judgments of reality being determined by whether this intermixed signal is strong enough to cross a reality threshold. A consequence of this account is that when virtual or imagined signals are strong enough, they become subjectively indistinguishable from reality

    Screening of heterogeneous surfaces: charge renormalization of Janus particles

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    Nonlinear ionic screening theory for heterogeneously charged spheres is developed in terms of a mode-decomposition of the surface charge. A far-field analysis of the resulting electrostatic potential leads to a natural generalization of charge renormalization from purely monopolar to dipolar, quadropolar, etc., including mode-couplings. Our novel scheme is generally applicable to large classes of surface heterogeneities, and is explicitly applied here to Janus spheres with differently charged upper and lower hemispheres, revealing strong renormalization effects for all multipoles.Comment: 2 figure

    Nonextensive aspects of self-organized scale-free gas-like networks

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    We explore the possibility to interpret as a 'gas' the dynamical self-organized scale-free network recently introduced by Kim et al (2005). The role of 'momentum' of individual nodes is played by the degree of the node, the 'configuration space' (metric defining distance between nodes) being determined by the dynamically evolving adjacency matrix. In a constant-size network process, 'inelastic' interactions occur between pairs of nodes, which are realized by the merger of a pair of two nodes into one. The resulting node possesses the union of all links of the previously separate nodes. We consider chemostat conditions, i.e., for each merger there will be a newly created node which is then linked to the existing network randomly. We also introduce an interaction 'potential' (node-merging probability) which decays with distance d_ij as 1/d_ij^alpha; alpha >= 0). We numerically exhibit that this system exhibits nonextensive statistics in the degree distribution, and calculate how the entropic index q depends on alpha. The particular cases alpha=0 and alpha to infinity recover the two models introduced by Kim et al.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Structure and thermodynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures: a macromolecular approach

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    The change of the structure of concentrated colloidal suspensions upon addition of non-adsorbing polymer is studied within a two-component, Ornstein-Zernicke based liquid state approach. The polymers' conformational degrees of freedom are considered and excluded volume is enforced at the segment level. The polymer correlation hole, depletion layer, and excess chemical potentials are described in agreement with polymer physics theory in contrast to models treating the macromolecules as effective spheres. Known depletion attraction effects are recovered for low particle density, while at higher densities novel many-body effects emerge which become dominant for large polymers.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Europhys. Let

    Age of second language acquisition affects nonverbal conflict processing in children : an fMRI study

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    Background: In their daily communication, bilinguals switch between two languages, a process that involves the selection of a target language and minimization of interference from a nontarget language. Previous studies have uncovered the neural structure in bilinguals and the activation patterns associated with performing verbal conflict tasks. One question that remains, however is whether this extra verbal switching affects brain function during nonverbal conflict tasks. Methods: In this study, we have used fMRI to investigate the impact of bilingualism in children performing two nonverbal tasks involving stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. Three groups of 8-11-year-old children - bilinguals from birth (2L1), second language learners (L2L), and a control group of monolinguals (1L1) - were scanned while performing a color Simon and a numerical Stroop task. Reaction times and accuracy were logged. Results: Compared to monolingual controls, bilingual children showed higher behavioral congruency effect of these tasks, which is matched by the recruitment of brain regions that are generally used in general cognitive control, language processing or to solve language conflict situations in bilinguals (caudate nucleus, posterior cingulate gyrus, STG, precuneus). Further, the activation of these areas was found to be higher in 2L1 compared to L2L. Conclusion: The coupling of longer reaction times to the recruitment of extra language-related brain areas supports the hypothesis that when dealing with language conflicts the specialization of bilinguals hampers the way they can process with nonverbal conflicts, at least at early stages in life

    Lyman Alpha Blobs as an Observational Signature of Cold Accretion Streams into Galaxies

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    Recent hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation reveal streams of cold (T ~ 1e4 K) gas flowing into the centers of dark matter halos as massive as 1e12-1e13.5 M_sun at redshifts z~1-3. In this paper we show that if > 20% of the gravitational binding energy of the gas is radiated away, then the simulated cold flows are spatially extended Lyman Alpha (Lya) sources with luminosities, Lya line widths, and number densities that are comparable to those of observed Lya blobs. Furthermore, the filamentary structure of the cold flows can explain the wide range of observed Lya blob morphologies. Since the most massive halos form in dense environments, the association of Lya blobs with overdense regions arise naturally. We argue that Lya blobs - even those which are clearly associated with starburst galaxies or quasars - provide direct observational support for the cold accretion mode of galaxies. We discuss various testable predictions of this association.Comment: MNRAS in press. 13 pages, 6 figures. Discussion + references added. Main conclusions unaffecte

    Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of 3-ketosteroid Delta(1) -dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus erythropolis SQ1

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    3-Ketosteroid Delta(1)-dehydrogenase plays a crucial role in the early steps of steroid degradation by introducing a double bond between the C1 and C2 atoms of the A-ring of its 3-ketosteroid substrates. The 3-ketosteroid Delta(1)-dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus erythropolis SQ1, a 56 kDa flavoprotein, was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at room temperature. The crystals grew in various buffers over a wide pH range (from pH 5.5 to 10.5), but the best crystallization condition consisted of 2%(nu/nu) PEG 400, 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.5, 2.0 M ammonium sulfate. A native crystal diffracted X-rays to 2.0 angstrom resolution. It belonged to the primitive orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 107.4, b = 131.6, c = 363.2 angstrom, and contained eight molecules in the asymmetric unit. The initial structure of the enzyme was solved using multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) data collected from a Pt-derivatized crystal

    Structure of laponite-styrene precursor dispersions for production of advanced polymer-clay nanocomposites

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    One method for production of polymer-clay nanocomposites involves dispersal of surface-modified clay in a polymerisable monomeric solvent, followed by fast in situ polymerisation. In order to tailor the properties of the final material we aim to control the dispersion state of the clay in the precursor solvent. Here, we study dispersions of surface-modified Laponite, a synthetic clay, in styrene via large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations and experimentally, using small angle X-ray and static light scattering. By tuning the effective interaction between simulated laponite particles we are able to reproduce the experimental scattering intensity patterns for this system, with good accuracy over a wide range of length scales. However, this agreement could only be obtained by introducing a permanent electrostatic dipole moment into the plane of each Laponite particle, which we explain in terms of the distribution of substituted metal atoms within each Laponite particle. This suggests that Laponite dispersions, and perhaps other clay suspensions, should display some of the structural characteristics of dipolar fluids. Our simulated structures show aggregation regimes ranging from networks of long chains to dense clusters of Laponite particles, and we also obtain some intriguing ‘globular’ clusters, similar to capsids. We see no indication of any ‘house-of-cards’ structures. The simulation that most closely matches experimental results indicates that gel-like networks are obtained in Laponite dispersions, which however appear optically clear and non-sedimenting over extended periods of time. This suggests it could be difficult to obtain truly isotropic equilibrium dispersion as a starting point for synthesis of advanced polymer-clay nanocomposites with controlled structures
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