72 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the problem of formation of social health in modern students. Social health is analyzed as a condition caused by the relationship of students with the educational and socio-cultural environment.В статье рассматривается проблема формирования социального здоровья у современной студенческой молодежи. Социальное здоровье анализируется как состояние, обусловленное взаимоотношениями студенческой молодежи с образовательной и социокультурной средой

    Graft Polymerization of Stearyl Methacrylate on PET Track-Etched Membranes for Oil–Water Separation

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    In this article, results of PET track-etched membranes (PET TeMs) hydrophobized by photo-induced graft polymerization of stearyl methacrylate (SM) inside the pores were presented. The effects of monomer concentration, time of irradiation and the nature of the solvent on the degree of grafting and membrane morphology were investigated. The PET TeMs with pore diameters ranging from 350 nm (pore density of 1 × 108 pore/cm2) to 3.05 µm (pore density of 1 × 106 pore/cm2) were hydrophobized and tested for oil–water separation by using hexadecane–water and chloroform–water emulsions. Studies have shown high separation performance for membranes (up to 1100 mL/m2·s) with large pore diameters while achieving a high degree of purification. © 2022 by the authors.Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, BRFFR: F20MS-025; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: AP09057934This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP09057934) and the grant of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR) No. F20MS-025 of 04.06.2020

    Dwarf Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits of the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol Ore District, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

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    The metallogenic aspects, tectonic setting, magmatism, structure, and composition of Au-and Ag-bearing porphyry copper deposits in the Buchim-Damjan-Borov Dol ore district and their genetic features are considered and compared with earlier published data. Special attention is paid to supergene gold in heavy concentrate halos of the Borov Dol deposit. The total Cu reserves of the deposits discussed in this paper do not exceed 150 kt. The Buchim deposit likely is the world's smallest deposit of this type currently involved in mining. A comprehensive study of these dwarf porphyry copper deposits is undertaken to answer questions on the conditions of their formation. How do they differ from formation conditions of giant deposits

    Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring

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    Rapid changes of the biosphere observed in recent years are caused by both small and large scale drivers, like shifts in temperature, transformations in land-use, or changes in the energy budget of systems. While the latter processes are easily quantifiable, documentation of the loss of biodiversity and community structure is more difficult. Changes in organismal abundance and diversity are barely documented. Censuses of species are usually fragmentary and inferred by often spatially, temporally and ecologically unsatisfactory simple species lists for individual study sites. Thus, detrimental global processes and their drivers often remain unrevealed. A major impediment to monitoring species diversity is the lack of human taxonomic expertise that is implicitly required for large-scale and fine-grained assessments. Another is the large amount of personnel and associated costs needed to cover large scales, or the inaccessibility of remote but nonetheless affected areas. To overcome these limitations we propose a network of Automated Multisensor stations for Monitoring of species Diversity (AMMODs) to pave the way for a new generation of biodiversity assessment centers. This network combines cutting-edge technologies with biodiversity informatics and expert systems that conserve expert knowledge. Each AMMOD station combines autonomous samplers for insects, pollen and spores, audio recorders for vocalizing animals, sensors for volatile organic compounds emitted by plants (pVOCs) and camera traps for mammals and small invertebrates. AMMODs are largely self-containing and have the ability to pre-process data (e.g. for noise filtering) prior to transmission to receiver stations for storage, integration and analyses. Installation on sites that are difficult to access require a sophisticated and challenging system design with optimum balance between power requirements, bandwidth for data transmission, required service, and operation under all environmental conditions for years. An important prerequisite for automated species identification are databases of DNA barcodes, animal sounds, for pVOCs, and images used as training data for automated species identification. AMMOD stations thus become a key component to advance the field of biodiversity monitoring for research and policy by delivering biodiversity data at an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier GmbH on behalf of Gesellschaft fur Okologie

    Robust grasping under object pose uncertainty

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    This paper presents a decision-theoretic approach to problems that require accurate placement of a robot relative to an object of known shape, such as grasping for assembly or tool use. The decision process is applied to a robot hand with tactile sensors, to localize the object on a table and ultimately achieve a target placement by selecting among a parameterized set of grasping and information-gathering trajectories. The process is demonstrated in simulation and on a real robot. This work has been previously presented in Hsiao et al. (Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2008; Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), 2010) and Hsiao (Relatively robust grasping, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009).National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0712012

    Структура и свойства многослойных нанокомпозиционных покрытий поливинилового спирта с наночастицами оксида алюминия

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    The nanocomposite polymer – inorganic materials formation, the study of their morphology and mechanical properties at the nanolevel is acute in the development of new materials for various functional purposes, including medical ones. As a result of the research the technique for producing singleand multilayer films of polyvinyl alcohol and composite polymer coatings with aluminum oxide nanoparticles by the spin coating method has been developed. It is shown that the optimal mass content of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in suspension for the formation of uniform composite coatings is 0.625 %. Based on experimental data on the structuralmorphological and mechanical properties of the formed coatings obtained by atomic force microscopy, it has been found that an increase in the number of layers of composite coatings leads to an increase in the number of conglomerates which, in turn, increases the surface roughness of the films. The modulus of elasticity of single-layer films of polyvinyl alcohol is (509.5 ± 10 %) MPa. In the case of composite coatings with aluminum oxide nanoparticles, changes in the elastic modulus have been established for multilayer coatings: an increase to 559.0 MPa (5 layers) and a decrease to 415.2 MPa (10 layers). The modulus of elasticity of the investigated single-layer coatings is significantly reduced in the range of 20−40 ºС. The smallest values after exposure to temperatures have been determined for films with nanoparticles (236.2 ± 10 %) MPa. Nanocomposites demonstrate an increase in the contact angle with an increase in the number of layers of composite coatings up to 20. A subsequent increase in the thickness of the coatings (the number of layers) leads to an increase in the hydrophilicity of the nanocomposites. The developed compositions of nanocomposite films are promising as sorption coatings.Создание нанокомпозиционных полимер-неорганических материалов, изучение их морфологии и механических свойств на наноуровне актуальны в области разработки новых материалов различного функционального назначения, в том числе медицинского. В результате проведенных исследований разработана методика получения одно- и многослойных пленок поливинилового спирта и композиционных полимерных покрытий с наночастицами оксида алюминия методом спин-коатинга. Показано, что оптимальное массовое содержание наночастиц оксида алюминия в суспензии для получения однородных композиционных покрытий составляет 0,625 %. На основании данных о структурно-морфологических и механических свойствах сформированных покрытий, полученных методом атомно-силовой микроскопии, установлено, что увеличение количества слоев композиционных покрытий приводит к росту числа конгломератов, что, в свою очередь, повышает шероховатость поверхности пленок. Модуль упругости однослойных пленок поливинилового спирта составляет (509,5 ± 10 %) МПа. В случае пленок композиционных покрытий с наночастицами оксида алюминия изменения модуля упругости установлены для многослойных покрытий: увеличение до 559,0 МПа (5 слоев) и уменьшение до 415,2 МПа (10 слоев). Модуль упругости исследуемых однослойных покрытий значительно снижается в диапазоне 20−40 ºС. Наименьшие значения после воздействия температур определены для пленок с наночастицами (236,2 ± 10 %) МПа. Нанокомпозиты демонстрируют рост краевого угла смачивания с увеличением количества слоев композиционных покрытий до 20. Последующий рост толщины покрытий (количества слоев) приводит к увеличению гидрофильности нанокомпозитов. Разработанные составы нанокомпозиционных пленок перспективны в качестве сорбционных покрытий


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    Aortic malformations often cause critical states in the neonatal period. MSCT method allows you to get a detailed understanding of the anatomy of vice and identify concomitant bronchopulmonary disease. This paper presents a comparative analysis of 27 patients of the first year of life with the pathology of the aortic arch, which were performed echocardiography and MSCT. After analysis of both research methods in 4 patients revealed a discrepancy echocardiography and MSCT data which led to a change in surgical approach. Just according to SITC 2 patients revealed tracheal stenosis, in one case, isolated, in another due to compression of the vascular ring. MSCT is a highly informative method for diagnosing pathology of the aortic arch and associated bronchopulmonary disease in children in the first year of life.Пороки развития аорты зачастую являются причиной критических состояний в неонатальном периоде. Метод МСКТ позволяет получить детальное представление об анатомии порока и выявить сопутствующую бронхолегочную патологию. В работе представлен сравнительный анализ данных 27 пациентов первого года жизни с патологией дуги аорты, которым была выполнена ЭхоКГ и МСКТ. После анализа обоих методов исследования у 4 пациентов выявлено несоответствие данных ЭхоКГ и МСКТ, что привело к изменению хирургической тактики. Также по данным МСТК, у 2 пациентов выявлен стеноз трахеи, в одном случае - изолированный, в другом - за счет сдавления сосудистым кольцом. МСКТ является высокоинформативным методом диагностики патологии дуги аорты и сопутствующей бронхолегочной патологии у детей первого года жизни

    Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins: Choosing the Appropriate Host

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Membrane proteins are the targets of 50% of drugs, although they only represent 1% of total cellular proteins. The first major bottleneck on the route to their functional and structural characterisation is their overexpression; and simply choosing the right system can involve many months of trial and error. This work is intended as a guide to where to start when faced with heterologous expression of a membrane protein. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The expression of 20 membrane proteins, both peripheral and integral, in three prokaryotic (E. coli, L. lactis, R. sphaeroides) and three eukaryotic (A. thaliana, N. benthamiana, Sf9 insect cells) hosts was tested. The proteins tested were of various origins (bacteria, plants and mammals), functions (transporters, receptors, enzymes) and topologies (between 0 and 13 transmembrane segments). The Gateway system was used to clone all 20 genes into appropriate vectors for the hosts to be tested. Culture conditions were optimised for each host, and specific strategies were tested, such as the use of Mistic fusions in E. coli. 17 of the 20 proteins were produced at adequate yields for functional and, in some cases, structural studies. We have formulated general recommendations to assist with choosing an appropriate system based on our observations of protein behaviour in the different hosts. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Most of the methods presented here can be quite easily implemented in other laboratories. The results highlight certain factors that should be considered when selecting an expression host. The decision aide provided should help both newcomers and old-hands to select the best system for their favourite membrane protein