169 research outputs found


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    Обстежена група практично здорових не вагітних, вагітних і пацієнток з загрозою переривання (167 жінок). По клінічному опитуванні для виявлення неврозних станів (К.К.Яхин, В.М.Менделевич) знайдено, що у практично здорових не вагітних жінок по різних шкалах станів психоемоціонального здоров’я в цілому від 6,7 % (ШВН) до 33,3 % (ШИТР) жінок, під час фізіологічної вагітності - від 13,3 % (ШТ) до (27, 9 %) пацієнток. При загрозі переривання психоемоційний статус характеризується станом дезадаптації або гіперадаптації. Застосування ДЄНС в комплексній терапії дозволило знизити медикаментозну нагрузку і зберегти вагітність у всіх обстежених. В групі порівняння вагітнсть збережена у 93 % випадків за рахунок довготривалої гормональної терапії

    Carbohydrate, phenolic and antioxidant level in relation to chlorophyll a content in oilseed winter rape (Brassica napus L.) inoculated with Leptosphaeria maculans

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    Syftet med föreliggande studien var att undersöka om sjuksköterskors egna rökvanor påverkar attityden till tobakspreventivt arbete på sjukhuset, både till tobakspreventivt arbete med patienterna och attityden till rökfritt sjukhus. Studien är empirisk och utfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sex sjuksköterskor på en vårdavdelning på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige. Data från intervjuerna analyserades och resulterade i sju olika teman: Preventiva rollen, Kunskap om prevention, Vem skall leda det preventiva arbetet, Rökkontroll, Utbildningsnivå och rökning, Sjuksköterskan, en förebild?, Vem ska hjälpa patienten vid rökstopp på sjukhuset?, Är det någon skillnad mellan icke rökande och rökande vad avser rökpreventionen?. Den preventiva rollen hamnade i fokus och skillnader fanns mellan rökande och icke rökande sjuksköterskor både vad gäller preventivt omvårdnasarbete och kontrollThe aim of the present study is to investigate whether nurses smoking habits influence their attitude to tobacco prevention in hospitals, both in their work with patients and regarding their attitude to hospital smoking bans. The following question was posed: is there a difference between smoking and non-smoking nurses in patient-care activities regarding smoking prevention and control? The study is qualitative, based on qualitative interviews with six nurses at a ward of a hospital in Sweden. Interview data were analyzed and eight themes emerged: the role in prevention work knowledge of prevention who is to lead prevention work smoking control smoking and education levels the nurse as a role model who is to help the patient give up smoking possible differences between nonsmoking and smoking nurses regarding smoking prevention. The role in prevention work turned out to be central. Smoking nurses had greater difficulties in connection with preventive work and control, due to their personal experience of how hard it can be to give up smoking habits

    Univariate and multivariate GARCH models applied to the CARBS indices

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    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to estimate the calibrated parameters of different univariate and multivariate GARCH family models. It is unrealistic to assume that volatility of financial returns is constant. In the empirical analysis, the symmetric GARCH, and asymmetric GJR-GARCH and EGARCH models were estimated for the CARBS indices and a global minimum variance portfolio (GMVP), the best fitting model was determined using the AIC and BIC. The asymmetric terms of the GJR-GARCH and EGARCH models indicate signs of the leverage effect. The information criterion suggest that the EGARCH model is the best fitting model for the CARBS indices and the GMVP

    Лідерство і освіта, наука і ефективність управління бізнесом. Монографія

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    In this work, was analysed the features of leadership in such three important areas of public life as science, education and business in the context of ensuring effective management. Science today is the main source of knowledge and a powerful factor in innovative development, education acts as the sphere of production of staffing in science, business, and all other spheres of public life, and business in the conditions of a market economy actually performs the function of providing life support to society. In this work, scientific-theoretical and psychological-pedagogical aspects of the very leadership phenomenon and its role in ensuring the effectiveness of managing the joint activities of people is intertwined. Particular attention is paid to the characteristic features of governance in a post-industrial society, which is largely based on the principles of innovative development. Therefore, a modern leader must be an innovatively thinking person, improve his managerial skills and methods of influencing staff.У цій роботі було проаналізовано особливості лідерства в таких трьох важливих сферах суспільного життя, як наука, освіта та бізнес в контексті забезпечення ефективного управління. Наука сьогодні є головним джерелом знань і потужним фактором інноваційного розвитку, освіта виступає сферою виробництва кадрів у науці, бізнесі та всіх інших сферах суспільного життя, а бізнес в умовах ринкової економіки фактично виконує функція забезпечення життєзабезпечення суспільства. У цій роботі переплітаються науково-теоретичні та психолого-педагогічні аспекти самого феномена лідерства та його роль у забезпеченні ефективності управління спільною діяльністю людей. Особлива увага приділяється характерним рисам управління в постіндустріальному суспільстві, яке значною мірою базується на принципах інноваційного розвитку. Тому сучасний керівник повинен бути інноваційно мислячою людиною, удосконалювати свої управлінські навички та методи впливу на персонал

    Ab initio van der Waals interactions in simulations of water alter structure from mainly tetrahedral to high-density-like

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    The structure of liquid water at ambient conditions is studied in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations using van der Waals (vdW) density-functional theory, i.e. using the new exchange-correlation functionals optPBE-vdW and vdW-DF2. Inclusion of the more isotropic vdW interactions counteracts highly directional hydrogen-bonds, which are enhanced by standard functionals. This brings about a softening of the microscopic structure of water, as seen from the broadening of angular distribution functions and, in particular, from the much lower and broader first peak in the oxygen-oxygen pair-correlation function (PCF), indicating loss of structure in the outer solvation shells. In combination with softer non-local correlation terms, as in the new parameterization of vdW-DF, inclusion of vdW interactions is shown to shift the balance of resulting structures from open tetrahedral to more close-packed. The resulting O-O PCF shows some resemblance with experiment for high-density water (A. K. Soper and M. A. Ricci, Phys. Rev. Lett., 84:2881, 2000), but not directly with experiment for ambient water. However, an O-O PCF consisting of a linear combination of 70% from vdW-DF2 and 30% from experiment on low-density liquid water reproduces near-quantitatively the experimental O-O PCF for ambient water, indicating consistency with a two-liquid model with fluctuations between high- and low-density regions

    Preparation and Characterization of the Extracellular Domain of Human Sid-1

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    In C. elegans, the cell surface protein Sid-1 imports extracellular dsRNA into the cytosol of most non-neuronal cells, enabling systemic spread of RNA interference (RNAi) throughout the worm. Sid-1 homologs are found in many other animals, although for most a function for the protein has not yet been established. Sid-1 proteins are composed of an N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) followed by 9–12 predicted transmembrane regions. We developed a baculovirus system to express and purify the ECD of the human Sid-1 protein SidT1. Recombinant SidT1 ECD is glycosylated and spontaneously assembles into a stable and discrete tetrameric structure. Electron microscopy (EM) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) studies reveal that the SidT1 ECD tetramer is a compact, puck-shaped globular particle, which we hypothesize may control access of dsRNA to the transmembrane pore. These characterizations provide inroads towards understanding the mechanism of this unique RNA transport system from structural prospective

    Mapping interactions between the RNA chaperone FinO and its RNA targets

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    Bacterial conjugation is regulated by two-component repression comprising the antisense RNA FinP, and its protein co-factor FinO. FinO mediates base-pairing of FinP to the 5′-untranslated region (UTR) of traJ mRNA, which leads to translational inhibition of the transcriptional activator TraJ and subsequent down regulation of conjugation genes. Yet, little is known about how FinO binds to its RNA targets or how this interaction facilitates FinP and traJ mRNA pairing. Here, we use solution methods to determine how FinO binds specifically to its minimal high affinity target, FinP stem–loop II (SLII), and its complement SLIIc from traJ mRNA. Ribonuclease footprinting reveals that FinO contacts the base of the stem and the 3′ single-stranded tails of these RNAs. The phosphorylation or oxidation of the 3′-nucleotide blocks FinO binding, suggesting FinO binds the 3′-hydroxyl of its RNA targets. The collective results allow the generation of an energy-minimized model of the FinO–SLII complex, consistent with small-angle X-ray scattering data. The repression complex model was constrained using previously reported cross-linking data and newly developed footprinting results. Together, these data lead us to propose a model of how FinO mediates FinP/traJ mRNA pairing to down regulate bacterial conjugation