18 research outputs found

    Cosmogenic <sup>3</sup>He paleothermometry on post-LGM glacial bedrock within the central European Alps

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    Diffusion properties of cosmogenic 3He in quartz at Earth surface temperatures offer the potential to directly reconstruct the evolution of past in situ temperatures from formerly glaciated areas, which is important information for improving our understanding of glacier–climate interactions. In this study, we apply cosmogenic 3He paleothermometry to rock surfaces gradually exposed from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Holocene period along two deglaciation profiles in the European Alps (Mont Blanc and Aar massifs). Laboratory experiments conducted on one representative sample per site indicate significant differences in 3He diffusion kinetics between the two sites, with quasi-linear Arrhenius behavior observed in quartz from the Mont Blanc site and complex Arrhenius behavior observed in quartz from the Aar site, which we interpret to indicate the presence of multiple diffusion domains (MDD). Assuming the same diffusion kinetics apply to all quartz samples along each profile, forward model simulations indicate that the cosmogenic 3He abundance in all the investigated samples should be at equilibrium with present-day temperature conditions. However, measured cosmogenic 3He concentrations in samples exposed since before the Holocene indicate an apparent 3He thermal signal significantly colder than today. This observed 3He thermal signal cannot be explained with a realistic post-LGM mean annual temperature evolution in the European Alps at the study sites. One hypothesis is that the diffusion kinetics and MDD model applied may not provide sufficiently accurate, quantitative paleo-temperature estimates in these samples; thus, while a pre-Holocene 3He thermal signal is indeed preserved in the quartz, the helium diffusivity would be lower at Alpine surface temperatures than our diffusion models predict. Alternatively, if the modeled helium diffusion kinetics is accurate, the observed 3He abundances may reflect a complex geomorphic and/or paleoclimatic evolution, with much more recent ground temperature changes associated with the degradation of alpine permafrost.</p

    Glacial geomorphology of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, Central Asia

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    In this article, we present a map of the glacial geomorphology of the Altai andWestern Sayan Mountains, covering an area of almost 600,000 km2. Although numerous studies provide evidence for restricted Pleistocene glaciations in this area, others have hypothesized the past existence of an extensive ice sheet. To provide a framework for accurate glacial reconstructions of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, we present a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 based on a mapping from 30 m resolution ASTER DEM and 15 m/30 mresolution Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. Four landform classes have been mapped: marginal moraines, glacial lineations, hummocky terrain, and glacial valleys. Our mapping reveals an abundance of glacial erosional and depositional landforms. The distribution of these glacial landforms indicates that the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains have experienced predominantly alpine-style glaciations, with some small ice caps centred on the higher mountain peaks. Large marginal moraine complexes mark glacial advances in intermontane basins. By tracing the outer limits of present-day glaciers, glacial valleys, and moraines, we estimate that the past glacier coverage have totalled to 65,000 km2 (10.9% of the mapped area), whereas present-day glacier coverage totals only 1300 km2 (0.2% of the mapped area). This demonstrates the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for mapping the glacial geomorphology in remote mountain areas and for quantifying the past glacier dimensions. The glacial geomorphological map presented here will be used for further detailed reconstructions of the paleoglaciology and paleoclimate of the region.Central Asia Paleoglaciology Project (CAPP

    Evaluating the timing of former glacier expansions in the Tian Shan: A key step towards robust spatial correlations

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    The timing of past glaciation across the Tian Shan provides a proxy for past climate change in this critical area. Correlating glacial stages across the region is difficult but cosmogenic exposure ages have considerable potential. A drawback is the large observed scatter in 10Be surface exposure data. To quantify the robustness of the dating, we compile, recalculate, and perform statistical analyses on sets of 10Be surface exposure ages from 25 moraines, consisting of 114 new and previously published ages. We assess boulder age scatter by dividing boulder groups into quality classes and rejecting boulder groups of poor quality. This allows us to distinguish and correlate robustly dated glacier limits, resulting in a more conservative chronology than advanced in previous publications. Our analysis shows that only one regional glacial stage can be reliably correlated across the Tian Shan, with glacier expansions occurring between 15 and 28 ka during marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 2. However, there are examples of older more extensive indicators of glacial stages between MIS 3 and MIS 6. Paleoglacier extent during MIS 2 was mainly restricted to valley glaciation. Local deviations occur: in the central Kyrgyz Tian Shan paleoglaciers were more extensive and we propose that the topographic context explains this pattern. Correlation between glacial stages prior to late MIS 2 is less reliable, because of the low number of samples and/or the poor resolution of the dating. With the current resolution and spatial coverage of robustly-dated glacier limits we advise that paleoclimatic implications for the Tian Shan glacial chronology beyond MIS 2 are speculative and that continued work toward robust glacial chronologies is needed to resolve questions regarding drivers of past glaciation in the Tian Shan and Central Asia

    Complex patterns of glacier advances during the late glacial in the Chagan Uzun Valley, Russian Altai

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    The Southern part of the Russian Altai Mountains is recognized for its evidence for catastrophic glacial lake outbursts. However, little is known about the late Pleistocene paleoglacial history, despite the interest in such reconstructions for constraining paleoclimate. In this study, we present a detailed paleoglaciological reconstruction of the Chagan Uzun Valley, in the Russian Altai Mountains, combining for the first time detailed geomorphological mapping, sedimentological logging, and in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al surface exposure dating of glacially-transported boulders. The Chagan Uzun Valley exhibits the most impressive glacial landforms of this sector of the Altai, with extensive lobate moraine belts deposited in the intramontane Chuja Basin, reflecting a series of pronounced former glacial advances. Observations of “hillside-scale” folding and extensive faulting of pre-existing soft sediments within the outer moraine belts, together with the geomorphology, strongly indicate that these moraine belts were formed during surge-like events. Identification of surge-related features is essential for paleoclimate inference because these features correspond to a glacier system that is not in equilibrium with the contemporary climate, but instead largely influenced by various internal and external factors. Therefore, no strict relationship can be established between climatic variables and the pronounced distal glacial extent observed in the Chagan Uzun Valley/Chuja basin. In contrast, the inner (up-valley) glacial landforms of the Chagan Uzun valley were likely deposited during retreat of temperate valley glaciers, close to equilibrium with climate, and so most probably triggered by a general warming. Cosmogenic ages associated with the outermost, innermost, and intermediate stages all indicate deposition times clustered around 19 ka. However, the actual deposition time of the outermost moraine may slightly predate the 10Be ages due to shielding caused by subsequent lake water coverage. This chronology indicates a Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 last maximum extent of the Chagan Uzun Glacier, and an onset of the deglaciation around 19 ka. This is consistent with other regional paleoclimate proxy records and with the Northern Hemisphere glaciation chronology. Finally, this study also highlights the highly dynamic environment in this area, with complex interactions between glacial events and the formation and drainage of lakes

    Timing and dynamics of glaciation in the Ikh Turgen Mountains, Altai region, High Asia

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    Spanning the northern sector of High Asia, the Altai region contains a rich landform record of glaciation. We report the extent, chronologies, and dynamics of two paleoglaciers on opposite flanks of the Ikh Turgen mountains (In Russian: Chikhacheva Range), straddling the border between Russia and Mongolia, using a combination of remote sensing-based glacial geomorphological mapping, 10Be surface exposure dating, and geomorphometric analysis. On the eastern side (Mongolia), the Turgen-Asgat paleoglacier, with its potential for developing a large accumulation area (∼257 km2), expanded 40 km down valley, and mean ages from a latero-frontal moraine indicate deglaciation during marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 3 (45.1 ± 1.8 ka, n = 4) and MIS 2 (22.8 ± 3.3 ka, n = 5). These minimum age constraints are consistent with other 10Be glacial chronologies and paleoclimate records from the region, which indicates glacier culmination during cold and wet conditions coinciding with MIS 3 (piedmont-style glaciation; inferred for a few sites across the region) and glacier culmination during cold and dry conditions coinciding with MIS 2 (mainly valley-style glaciation; inferred from several sites across the region). On the western side (Russia), the Boguty paleoglacier had a smaller accumulation area (∼222 km2), and advanced 30 km down valley across a low gradient forefield. Surface exposure ages from two moraine complexes on this side of the mountains exhibit wide scatter (∼14–53 ka, n = 8), making paleoclimate inferences and comparison to other proxies difficult. Ice surface profile reconstructions imply that the two paleoglaciers likely shared an ice divide