138 research outputs found

    Microsyntenic Clusters Reveal Conservation of lncRNAs in Chordates Despite Absence of Sequence Conservation

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    Homologous long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are elusive to identify by sequence similarity due to their fast-evolutionary rate. Here we develop LincOFinder, a pipeline that finds conserved intergenic lncRNAs (lincRNAs) between distant related species by means of microsynteny analyses. Using this tool, we have identified 16 bona fide homologous lincRNAs between the amphioxus and human genomes. We characterized and compared in amphioxus and Xenopus the expression domain of one of them, Hotairm1, located in the anterior part of the Hox cluster. In addition, we analyzed the function of this lincRNA in Xenopus, showing that its disruption produces a severe headless phenotype, most probably by interfering with the regulation of the Hox cluster. Our results strongly suggest that this lincRNA has probably been regulating the Hox cluster since the early origin of chordates. Our work pioneers the use of syntenic searches to identify non-coding genes over long evolutionary distances and helps to further understand lncRNA evolution

    Neuropsychological Test Barcelona-2: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

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    The Barcelona test (TB) is an instrument of neuropsychological assessment, developed under the influence of Luria’s ideas, and published in 1990 [1]. It explores the main cognitive functions and allows the design of graphic profiles similar to those of the Boston Test for the diagnosis of aphasia. Objective: To present the theoretical and practical characteristics of a new version of the test, the Test Barcelona-2. The new and computerized versions of test structure is described here with six modules established: (1) Language-attention-orientation; (2) Reading and writing; (3) Motorpraxis; (4) Perception-gnosis; (5) Memory; (6) Abstraction-execution. As a novelty, test allows the selection for specific profiles: alpha, beta, abbreviated, aphasia, andecological-forensic approach. The types of variables condition a different statistical approach and a differentiated form of graphic expression. The new test presents a modular structure, which allows determining intra- and inter-module dissociations. Computerization greatly facilitates the work of the clinician. In the case of aphasia the test allows to differentiate easily all its clinical forms. Keywords: Test Barceona-2, neuropsychological test; computerized workstation, modular structur

    The young stellar population of NGC 4214 as observed with HST. II. Results

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    We present the results of a detailed UV-optical study of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4214 using multifilter HST/WFPC2+STIS photometry. The stellar extinction is found to be quite patchy, with some areas having values of E(4405-5495)< 0.1 mag and others, associated with star forming regions, much more heavily obscured, a result which is consistent with previous studies of the nebular extinction. We determined the ratio of blue-to-red supergiants and found it to be consistent with theoretical models for the metallicity of the SMC. The stellar IMF of the field in the range 20-100 solar masses is found to be steeper than Salpeter. A number of massive clusters and associations with ages between a few and 200 million years are detected and their properties are discussed.Comment: 49 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Effect of Season and Parity on Reproduction Performance of Iberian Sows Bred with Duroc Semen

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    [EN] The Iberian pig is an autochthonous breed from the Iberian Peninsula highly valued for its meat. The sows are often bred as Iberian × Duroc crossings for increased efficiency. Since sow parity and season affect the reproductive performance, we evaluated two-year records from a commercial farrow-to-finish farm (live, stillborn, and mummified piglets after artificial insemination, AI). A total of 1293 Iberian sows were inseminated with semen from 57 boars (3024 AI). The effects of parity (gilts, 1, 2–4, 5–10, and >10 farrowings) and season were analyzed by linear mixed-effects models (LME). The data were fitted to cosinor models to investigate seasonal effects within parity groups. The effects of maximum daily temperature (MDT) and day length change (DLC) during spermatogenesis, pre-AI, and post-AI periods were analyzed with LME. The 2–4 group was the optimal one for parity. A seasonal effect was evident between spring–summer (lower fertility/prolificacy) and autumn–winter (higher). Cosinor showed that the seasonal drop in reproductive performance occurs earlier in Iberian sows than in other breeds, more evident in gilts. MDT negatively affected performance in all periods and DLC in spermatogenesis and pre-AI. These results are relevant for the improvement of Iberian sows’ intensive farmingSIF. Martínez-Pastor participated in the PIVEV network (AGL2016-81890-REDT, MINECO). This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector

    Adaptación y validación espanola ˜ del Empowerment of Parents in the Intensive Care-Neonatology (EMPATHIC-N)

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    Introduction Parental satisfaction is rarely measured in the neonatal intensive care unit due to a lack of specific assessment tools. The EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care-Neonatology (EMPATHIC-N) questionnaire is an instrument to assess satisfaction in relation to family-centred care that has been validated in several countries, but not Spain. Objectives To perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the EMPATHIC-N to Spanish followed by its validation for the purpose of assessing satisfaction in parents with children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Material and methods The questionnaire first underwent forward and backward translation and transcultural adaptation by a panel of experts through a standardized process based on the Delphi method, followed by a pilot study in 8 parents and then a cross-sectional study in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital to assess the reliability and converging validity of the Spanish version. Results The study proved the comprehensibility, validity, feasibility, applicability and usefulness of the Spanish version of the EMPATHIC-N in the field of paediatric health after being evaluated by 19 professionals and 60 parents. The content validity was found to be excellent (0.93). The reliability and convergent validity of the Spanish version of the EMPHATIC-N was analysed in a sample of 65 completed questionnaires. The Cronbach α for each domain was greater than 0.7, indicating a high internal consistency. We assessed validity by analysing the correlation of the 5 domains with the with the 4 general satisfaction items. The validity was found to be adequate (rs, 0.4-0.76; P < .01). Conclusions The Spanish version of the EMPATHIC-N questionnaire is a comprehensible, useful, valid and reliable instrument to measure satisfaction in the parents of children admitted to neonatal care units

    Spanish adaptation and validation of the empowerment of parents in the intensive care-neonatology (EMPATHIC-N) questionnaire

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    Introduction Parental satisfaction is rarely measured in the neonatal intensive care unit due to a lack of specific assessment tools. The Empowerment of Parents in The Intensive Care-Neonatology (EMPATHIC-N) questionnaire is an instrument to assess satisfaction in relation to family-centred care that has been validated in several countries, but not Spain. Objectives To perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the EMPATHIC-N to Spanish followed by its validation for the purpose of assessing satisfaction in parents with children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Material and methods The questionnaire first underwent forward and backward translation and transcultural adaptation by a panel of experts through a standardized process based on the Delphi method, followed by a pilot study in 8 parents and then a cross-sectional study in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital to assess the reliability and converging validity of the Spanish version. Results The study proved the comprehensibility, validity, feasibility, applicability and usefulness of the Spanish version of the EMPATHIC-N in the field of paediatric health after being evaluated by 19 professionals and 60 parents. The content validity was found to be excellent (0.93). The reliability and convergent validity of the Spanish version of the EMPHATIC-N was analysed in a sample of 65 completed questionnaires. The Cronbach α for each domain was greater than 0.7, indicating a high internal consistency. We assessed validity by analysing the correlation of the 5 domains with the with the 4 general satisfaction items. The validity was found to be adequate (rs, 0.4−0.76; P < .01). Conclusions The Spanish version of the EMPATHIC-N questionnaire is a comprehensible, useful, valid and reliable instrument to measure satisfaction in the parents of children admitted to neonatal care units

    Factors affecting the transfer of learning to the workplace

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    Training aims to respond to the needs of development of individuals and organizations (Grohmann & Kauffeld, 2013). Based on Holton model, we carried out a study seeking to identify and understand the factors involved in the process of learning transfer to the workplace from two different training actions on the design and skills. The study took place at a Portuguese organization and involved 98 participants. Former students were interviewed with the purpose to explore the factors that facilitated or hindered the learning transfer, and the Inventory of the Portuguese version of the Learning Transfer System (Holton, Bates, Seyler & Carvalho, 1997; Velada & Caetano, 2009) was applied. The results suggest that the Holton model (2005) shows that the trainees have identified important issues for learning transfer and that there are differences in relation to the transfer factor pursuant to the type of training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In-orbit Performance of the Near-infrared Spectrograph NIRSpec on the James Webb Space Telescope

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    The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) is one of the four focal plane instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope. In this paper, we summarize the in-orbit performance of NIRSpec, as derived from data collected during its commissioning campaign and the first few months of nominal science operations. More specifically, we discuss the performance of some critical hardware components such as the two NIRSpec Hawaii-2RG detectors, wheel mechanisms, and the microshutter array. We also summarize the accuracy of the two target acquisition procedures used to accurately place science targets into the slit apertures, discuss the current status of the spectrophotometric and wavelength calibration of NIRSpec spectra, and provide the "as measured" sensitivity in all NIRSpec science modes. Finally, we point out a few important considerations for the preparation of NIRSpec science programs

    The linked units of 5S rDNA and U1 snDNA of razor shells (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pharidae)

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    [Abstract] The linkage between 5S ribosomal DNA and other multigene families has been detected in many eukaryote lineages, but whether it provides any selective advantage remains unclear. In this work, we report the occurrence of linked units of 5S ribosomal DNA (5S rDNA) and U1 small nuclear DNA (U1 snDNA) in 10 razor shell species (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pharidae) from four different genera. We obtained several clones containing partial or complete repeats of both multigene families in which both types of genes displayed the same orientation. We provide a comprehensive collection of razor shell 5S rDNA clones, both with linked and nonlinked organisation, and the first bivalve U1 snDNA sequences. We predicted the secondary structures and characterised the upstream and downstream conserved elements, including a region at −25 nucleotides from both 5S rDNA and U1 snDNA transcription start sites. The analysis of 5S rDNA showed that some nontranscribed spacers (NTSs) are more closely related to NTSs from other species (and genera) than to NTSs from the species they were retrieved from, suggesting birth-and-death evolution and ancestral polymorphism. Nucleotide conservation within the functional regions suggests the involvement of purifying selection, unequal crossing-overs and gene conversions. Taking into account this and other studies, we discuss the possible mechanisms by which both multigene families could have become linked in the Pharidae lineage. The reason why 5S rDNA is often found linked to other multigene families seems to be the result of stochastic processes within genomes in which its high copy number is determinan