15 research outputs found
An international laboratory comparison of dissolved organic matter composition by high resolution mass spectrometry: Are we getting the same answer?
High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has become a vital tool for dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterization. The upward trend in HRMS analysis of DOM presents challenges in data comparison and interpretation among laboratories operating instruments with differing performance and user operating conditions. It is therefore essential that the community establishes metric ranges and compositional trends for data comparison with reference samples so that data can be robustly compared among research groups. To this end, four identically prepared DOM samples were each measured by 16 laboratories, using 17 commercially purchased instruments, using positive-ion and negative-ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) HRMS analyses. The instruments identified ~1000 common ions in both negative- and positive-ion modes over a wide range of m/z values and chemical space, as determined by van Krevelen diagrams. Calculated metrics of abundance-weighted average indices (H/C, O/C, aromaticity, and m/z) of the commonly detected ions showed that hydrogen saturation and aromaticity were consistent for each reference sample across the instruments, while average mass and oxygenation were more affected by differences in instrument type and settings. In this paper we present 32 metric values for future benchmarking. The metric values were obtained for the four different parameters from four samples in two ionization modes and can be used in future work to evaluate the performance of HRMS instruments
Resource recovery from sulphate-rich sewage through an innovative anaerobic-based water resource recovery facility (WRRF)
[EN] This research work proposes an innovative water resource recovery facility (WRRF) for the recovery of energy, nutrients and reclaimed water from sewage, which represents a promising approach towards enhanced circular economy scenarios. To this aim, anaerobic technology, microalgae cultivation, and membrane technology were combined in a dedicated platform. The proposed platform produces a high-quality solid- and coliform-free effluent that can be directly discharged to receiving water bodies identified as sensitive areas. Specifically, the content of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent was 45 mg COD.L-1 , 14.9 mg N.L-1 and 0.5 mg P.L-1 , respectively. Harvested solar energy and carbon dioxide biofixation in the form of microalgae biomass allowed remarkable methane yields (399 STP L CH 4.kg(-1) CODinf ) to be achieved, equivalent to theoretical electricity productions of around 0.52 kWh per m 3 of wastewater entering the WRRF. Furthermore, 26.6% of total nitrogen influent load was recovered as ammonium sulphate, while nitrogen and phosphorus were recovered in the biosolids produced (650 +/- 77 mg N.L-1 and 121.0 +/- 7.2 mg P.L-1).This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Projects CTM2014-54980-C2-1-R and CTM2014-54980-C2-2-R) jointly with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which are gratefully acknowledged. This research was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport via two pre-doctoral FPU fellowships (FPU14/05082 and FPU15/02595) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via two pre-doctoral FPI fellowships (BES-2015-071884, BES-2015-073403) and one Juan de la Cierva contract (FJCI-2014-21616). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support received from Generalitat Valenciana via two VALithornd post-doctoral grants (APOSTD/2014/049 and APOSTD/2016/104) and via the fellowships APOTI/2016/059 and CPI-16-155, as well as the financial aid received from the European Climate KIC association for the 'MAB 2.0' Project (APIN0057_ 2015-3.6-230_ P066-05) and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia via a pre-doctoral FPI fellowship to the seventh author.Seco Torrecillas, A.; Aparicio Antón, SE.; Gonzalez-Camejo, J.; Jiménez Benítez, AL.; Mateo-Llosa, O.; Mora-Sánchez, JF.; Noriega-Hevia, G.... (2018). Resource recovery from sulphate-rich sewage through an innovative anaerobic-based water resource recovery facility (WRRF). Water Science & Technology. 78(9):1925-1936. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2018.492S19251936789Bair, R. A., Ozcan, O. O., Calabria, J. L., Dick, G. H., & Yeh, D. H. (2015). Feasibility of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) for onsite sanitation and resource recovery (nutrients, energy and water) in urban slums. Water Science and Technology, 72(9), 1543-1551. doi:10.2166/wst.2015.349Barat, R., Serralta, J., Ruano, M. V., Jiménez, E., Ribes, J., Seco, A., & Ferrer, J. (2013). Biological Nutrient Removal Model No. 2 (BNRM2): a general model for wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology, 67(7), 1481-1489. doi:10.2166/wst.2013.004Batstone, D. J., Hülsen, T., Mehta, C. M., & Keller, J. (2015). Platforms for energy and nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater: A review. Chemosphere, 140, 2-11. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.021Bilad, M. R., Arafat, H. A., & Vankelecom, I. F. J. (2014). Membrane technology in microalgae cultivation and harvesting: A review. Biotechnology Advances, 32(7), 1283-1300. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2014.07.008Carrington E.-G. 2001 Evaluation of Sludge Treatments for Pathogen Reduction. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/pubs/home.htm.Cookney, J., Mcleod, A., Mathioudakis, V., Ncube, P., Soares, A., Jefferson, B., & McAdam, E. J. (2016). Dissolved methane recovery from anaerobic effluents using hollow fibre membrane contactors. Journal of Membrane Science, 502, 141-150. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2015.12.037De Morais, M. G., & Costa, J. A. V. (2007). Biofixation of carbon dioxide by Spirulina sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus cultivated in a three-stage serial tubular photobioreactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 129(3), 439-445. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2007.01.009Giménez, J. B., Robles, A., Carretero, L., Durán, F., Ruano, M. V., Gatti, M. N., … Seco, A. (2011). Experimental study of the anaerobic urban wastewater treatment in a submerged hollow-fibre membrane bioreactor at pilot scale. Bioresource Technology, 102(19), 8799-8806. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.07.014Giménez, J. B., Martí, N., Ferrer, J., & Seco, A. (2012). Methane recovery efficiency in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) treating sulphate-rich urban wastewater: Evaluation of methane losses with the effluent. Bioresource Technology, 118, 67-72. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.05.019Giménez, J. B., Bouzas, A., Carrere, H., Steyer, J.-P., Ferrer, J., & Seco, A. (2018). Assessment of cross-flow filtration as microalgae harvesting technique prior to anaerobic digestion: Evaluation of biomass integrity and energy demand. Bioresource Technology, 269, 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2018.08.052González-Camejo, J., Serna-García, R., Viruela, A., Pachés, M., Durán, F., Robles, A., … Seco, A. (2017). Short and long-term experiments on the effect of sulphide on microalgae cultivation in tertiary sewage treatment. Bioresource Technology, 244, 15-22. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.07.126Martí, N., Barat, R., Seco, A., Pastor, L., & Bouzas, A. (2017). Sludge management modeling to enhance P-recovery as struvite in wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 196, 340-346. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.12.074Moosbrugger R. , WentzelM. & EkamaG.1992Simple Titration Procedures to Determine H2CO3 Alkalinity and Short-chain Fatty Acids in Aqueous Solutions Containing Known Concentrations of Ammonium, Phosphate and Sulphide Weak Acid/Bases. Water. Res. Commission, Report, No. TT 57/92.Morales, N., Boehler, M., Buettner, S., Liebi, C., & Siegrist, H. (2013). Recovery of N and P from Urine by Struvite Precipitation Followed by Combined Stripping with Digester Sludge Liquid at Full Scale. Water, 5(3), 1262-1278. doi:10.3390/w5031262Pretel, R., Durán, F., Robles, A., Ruano, M. V., Ribes, J., Serralta, J., & Ferrer, J. (2015). Designing an AnMBR-based WWTP for energy recovery from urban wastewater: The role of primary settling and anaerobic digestion. Separation and Purification Technology, 156, 132-139. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2015.09.047Pretel, R., Robles, A., Ruano, M. V., Seco, A., & Ferrer, J. (2016). Economic and environmental sustainability of submerged anaerobic MBR-based (AnMBR-based) technology as compared to aerobic-based technologies for moderate-/high-loaded urban wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 45-54. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.10.004Sharma, B., Sarkar, A., Singh, P., & Singh, R. P. (2017). Agricultural utilization of biosolids: A review on potential effects on soil and plant grown. Waste Management, 64, 117-132. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2017.03.002Sialve, B., Bernet, N., & Bernard, O. (2009). Anaerobic digestion of microalgae as a necessary step to make microalgal biodiesel sustainable. Biotechnology Advances, 27(4), 409-416. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2009.03.001Sid, S., Volant, A., Lesage, G., & Heran, M. (2017). Cost minimization in a full-scale conventional wastewater treatment plant: associated costs of biological energy consumption versus sludge production. Water Science and Technology, 76(9), 2473-2481. doi:10.2166/wst.2017.423Viruela, A., Murgui, M., Gómez-Gil, T., Durán, F., Robles, Á., Ruano, M. V., … Seco, A. (2016). Water resource recovery by means of microalgae cultivation in outdoor photobioreactors using the effluent from an anaerobic membrane bioreactor fed with pre-treated sewage. Bioresource Technology, 218, 447-454. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.06.11
Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects
Insects play a key role in the regulation and dynamics of many ecosystem services (ES). However, this role is often assumed, with limited or no experimental quantification of its real value. We examined publication trends in the research on ES provided by insects, ascertaining which ES and taxa have been more intensively investigated, and which methodologies have been used, with particular emphasis on experimental approaches. We first performed a systematic literature search to identify which ES have been attributed to insects. Then we classified the references retrieved according to the ES, taxonomic group and ecosystem studied, as well as to the method applied to quantify each ES (in four categories: no quantification, proxies, direct quantification and experiments). Pollination, biological control, food provisioning, and recycling organic matter are the most studied ES. However, the majority of papers do not specify the ES under consideration, and from those that do, most do not quantify the ES provided. From the rest, a large number of publications use proxies as indicators for ES, assuming or inferring their provision through indirect measurements such as species abundances, species density, species richness, diversity indices, or the number of functional groups. Pollinators, predators, parasitoids, herbivores, and decomposers are the most commonly studied functional groups, while Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera are the most studied taxa. Experimental studies are relatively scarce and they mainly focus on biological control, pollination, and decomposition performed in agroecosystems. These results suggest that our current knowledge on the ES provided by insects is relatively scarce and biased, and show gaps in the least-studied functional and taxonomic groups. An ambitious research agenda to improve the empirical and experimental evidence of the role played by insects in ES provision is essential to fully assess synergies between functional ecology, community ecology, and biodiversity conservation under current global changes
Llibre Blanc de la mediació a Catalunya
Projectes científics associats: IDT SGR2009-688; ONTOMEDIA CSO-2008-05536-SOCI, TSI-20501-2008-131; GCC SGR2009-221; GREL SGR2009-357; SGR2009-1328; AT CSD2007-0022; AT COST IC0801Altres ajuts: TSI-20501-2008-131Altres ajuts: COST-IC0801L'estudi que es presenta ara és fruit de gairebé dos anys de treball. Una cartografia completa de les experiències en mediació en tots els àmbits socials, de les escoles als hospitals, de les empreses als nuclis familiars, de la mediació comunitària als conflictes de consum o laborals, de la mediació penal a la mediambiental. També s'hi ha incorporat una anàlisi dels costos de la mediació i de la seva configuració jurídica. La conjunció de les fotografies en relleu i dels estudis més teòrics han fet possible la reflexió ulterior, les interpretacions crítiques i, en darrer terme, les conclusions i les recomanacions, que ens ajudaran a progressar. La mediació permet detenir l'escalada dels conflictes i sostreure'ls de la resolució judicial, per implicar les parts i fer-les protagonistes actives de les solucions a què arribin. Des del Departament de Justícia, ens interessa superar l'excessiva judicialització dels conflictes -insatisfactòria per a tothom- i promoure instruments que facilitin, de manera àgil però amb totes les garanties, la intel·ligència dels problemes i, a partir d'aquí, la fixació de les millors solucions per a les parts implicades, que elles mateixes hauran construït
The Rtg1 and Rtg3 proteins are novel transcription factors regulated by the yeast hog1 mapk upon osmotic stress
La adaptación de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae a condiciones de alta osmolaridad está mediada por la vía de HOG ((high-osmolarity glycerol). La activación de esta vía induce una serie de respuestas que van a permitir la supervivencia celular en respuesta a estrés. La regulación génica constituye una respuesta clave para dicha supervivencia. Se han descrito cinco factores de transcripción regulados por Hog1 en respuesta a estrés osmótico. Sin embargo, éstos no pueden explicar la totalidad de los genes regulados por la MAPK Hog1. En el presente trabajo describimos cómo el complejo transcripcional formado por las proteínas Rtg1 y Rtg3 regula, a través de la quinasa Hog1, la expresión de un conjunto específico de genes. Hog1 fosforila Rtg1 y Rtg3, aunque ninguna de estas fosforilaciones son esenciales para regulación transcripcional en respuesta a estrés. Este trabajo también muestra cómo la deleción de proteínas RTG provoca osmosensibilidad celular, lo que indica que la integridad de la vía de RTG es esencial para la supervivencia celular frente a un estrés osmótico.In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the adaptation to high osmolarity is mediated by the HOG (high-osmolarity glycerol) pathway, which elicits different cellular responses required for cell survival upon osmostress. Regulation of gene expression is a major adaptative response required for cell survival in response to osmotic stress. At least five transcription factors have been reported to be controlled by the Hog1 MAPK. However, they cannot account for the regulation of all of the genes under the control of the Hog1 MAPK. Here we show that the Rtg1/3 transcriptional complex regulates the expression of specific genes upon osmostress in a Hog1-dependent manner. Hog1 phosphorylates both Rtg1 and Rtg3 proteins. However, none of these phosphorylations are essential for the transcriptional regulation upon osmostress. Here we also show that the deletion of RTG proteins leads to osmosensitivity at high osmolarity, suggesting that the RTG-pathway integrity is essential for cell survival upon stress
The Hog1 SAPK controls the Rtg1/Rtg3 transcriptional complex activity by multiple regulatory mechanisms
Cells modulate expression of nuclear genes in response to alterations in mitochondrial function, a response termed retrograde (RTG) regulation. In budding yeast, the RTG pathway relies on Rtg1 and Rtg3 basic helix-loop-helix leucine Zipper transcription factors. Exposure of yeast to external hyperosmolarity activates the Hog1 stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK), which is a key player in the regulation of gene expression upon stress. Several transcription factors, including Sko1, Hot1, the redundant Msn2 and Msn4, and Smp1, have been shown to be directly controlled by the Hog1 SAPK. The mechanisms by which Hog1 regulates their activity differ from one to another. In this paper, we show that Rtg1 and Rtg3 transcription factors are new targets of the Hog1 SAPK. In response to osmostress, RTG-dependent genes are induced in a Hog1-dependent manner, and Hog1 is required for Rtg1/3 complex nuclear accumulation. In addition, Hog1 activity regulates Rtg1/3 binding to chromatin and transcriptional activity. Therefore Hog1 modulates Rtg1/3 complex activity by multiple mechanisms in response to stress. Overall our data suggest that Hog1, through activation of the RTG pathway, contributes to ensure mitochondrial function as part of the Hog1-mediated osmoadaptive response.This work was supported by the Botin Foundation and grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2011-26722 to E.d.N. and BIO2009-07762 to F.P.) and the FP7 (UNICELLSYS) framework program
Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects.
Insects play akeyrole in the regulation and dynamics of many ecosystem services (ES). However, this role is often assumed, withlimited or no experimental quantification of itsreal value.We examine publication trends in the research on ES provided by insects, ascertainingwhich ESand taxa were more intensivelyinvestigated,and with which methodological approaches,with particular emphasison experimental approaches. We performed a systematicliterature search to identify which EShave been attributed to insects. Thenweclassifiedthereferences retrieved according to theES, taxonomic group and ecosystem studied, as well as to the method applied to quantify the ES(in four categories:no quantification, proxies, direct quantificationand experiments). Pollination, biological control, food provisioning and recycling organic matter are the most studied ES. However, the majority of papers do not specify theES under consideration, and from those that do it, most do not quantifythe ESprovided. From the rest, alarge number of publications use proxies as indicators for ES, assuming or inferringtheir provision through indirect measurementssuch as species abundances, species richness, diversity indices, species density or the number of functional groups. Pollinators, predators, parasitoids, herbivores and decomposers are the most studied functional groups, while Hymenoptera, Coleoptera andDiptera arethe most studiedtaxa. Experimental studies are relatively scarceandthey mainly focus onbiological control, pollination,and decompositionperformed in agroecosystems. These results suggest that our current knowledge on the ES provided by insects is relatively scarce andbiased, and showsobvious gaps in the least-studied functional and taxonomic groups. An ambitious research agenda to improve the empirical and experimental evidence of the role played byinsects in ES provision is essential to fully assess synergies between functional ecology and biodiversity conservatio