488 research outputs found

    Peer Victimization in Overweight Adolescents and Its Effect on Their Self-Esteem and Peer Difficulties

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    This study has three objectives: to examine whether adolescents who perceive themselves as overweight differ from others in terms of offline victimization at school, cybervictimization, self-esteem, and difficulties relating to peers; to examine the possible effects of offline and cybervictimization on self-esteem and difficulties relating to peers; and to examine the possible moderating role of perceiving oneself as overweight on those effects. Previously validated questionnaires were applied to a sample of 3145 adolescents in Asturias (Spain). Descriptive, inferential, correlational, and structural equation analyses were performed. Adolescents who perceived themselves as overweight reported being victims of both offline victimization and most forms of cybervictimization to a greater extent than those who did not perceive themselves as overweight. They also reported lower self-esteem and more peer difficulties (shyness or social anxiety). In both groups of adolescents, victimization and cybervictimization were correlated with each other, both types of victimization had direct, negative effects on self-esteem, and self-esteem in turn had a direct, negative effect on peer difficulties. Furthermore, offline victimization had a direct, positive effect on peer difficulties. Perceiving oneself as overweight moderated the effect of self-esteem on peer difficulties. In adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight, low self-esteem was a stronger risk factor of peer difficulties than in the rest of the adolescents. With high overall self-esteem there were no significant differences in peer difficulties between the adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight and the rest of the adolescents

    Software defined radio (SDR) on radiocommunications teaching

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    The recent outbreak of Software Defined Radios (SDR), where traditionally hardware components are substituted by software, have revolutionized the way we understand and manage radiocommunications. The current state of technology allows low cost SDR receivers to tune emissions in a simple way with almost no experience and little effort. The great flexibility of this equipment allows a perfect adaptation of the practice part of the subject to the theory objectives and makes possible to learn outside the classroom, something unthinkable until now. To achieve this, the student only needs a low-cost SDR receiver, a computer and some free software. This paper presents a new teaching methodology for practicing radiocommunications subject using a workstation based on a SDR device that can receive, display and analyze radio transmissions. Subject learning outcomes and skills are acquired and strengthened through experimentation with this new kind of devices. This platform also represents a significant saving because avoids our university to buy expensive and closed "training kits".CUD Universidad de Vigo Grupo de Investigación Señales, Sistemas y Comunicaciones Navales. Universidad de Cádi

    Cuestionarios para evaluar la violencia escolar en Educación Primaria y en Educación Secundaria: CUVE3-EP y CUVE3-ESO

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    El CUVE3-EP y el CUVE3-ESO son dos cuestionarios diseñados para analizar la frecuencia con la que el alumnado considera que aparecen diferentes tipos de violencia escolar, protagonizada por los estudiantes o el profesorado de su clase. El CUVE3-EP fue contrastado y baremado con 1041 estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Primaria, pertenecientes a 20 centros educativos de Asturias (España). El CUVE3-ESO fue contrastado y baremado con 2597 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, pertenecientes a 18 centros educativos de Asturias. Como resultado, se han obtenido dos instrumentos de evaluación con unas apropiadas garantías psicométricas. Pero, sobre todo, se han creado dos herramientas que han demostrado su utilidad tanto para investigadores, en análisis descriptivos o de impacto de intervenciones, como para orientadores psicopedagógicos o equipos directivos, en la evaluación de sus centros. La aplicación informática que acompaña al cuestionario permite obtener, de forma sencilla, informes por aula, nivel o centro educativo.CUVE3-EP and CUVE3-ESO are two questionnaires that have been designed to identify how often students perceive different kinds of school violence committed by their teachers or classmates. CUVE3-EP was applied to 1041 third cycle of primary education students, from 20 schools in Asturias (Spain). CUVE3-ESO was applied to 2597 compulsory secondary education students, from 18 high schools in Asturias. Both questionnaires have shown adequate psychometric properties. But the most important, they were useful to investigators to perform descriptive analysis and to analyze intervention effects and also to school psychologists and directive teams interested in assessing their school´s climate. The software offered with the questionnaire allows to easily create classroom or school reports

    Risk factors associated with cybervictimization in adolescence

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    AbstractThe aim of this work is to analyze the predictive value of several variables that may affect the likelihood of occasional or severe cibervictimization in adolescence, including sociodemographic (gender and age), psychological (self-esteem and shyness-social anxiety), educational (off-line school victimization, training and socio-emotional support, and academic achievement), family (parental control), and technological (frequency of use and risky Internet behaviors) factors. To achieve this, three self-reports were applied to 3,180 Compulsory Secondary Education students from Asturias (Spain), aged between 11 and 19 years old. The multinomial logistic regression results show that age, off-line school victimization, parental control, risky Internet behaviors, using online social networks or instant messaging applications and frequency of Internet use during weekends are statistically significant risk factors for both occasional and severe cybervictimization. Self-esteem is a protective factor for occasional cybervictimization. Having their own mobile phone, playing on-line with others and frequency of Internet use during weekdays are risk factors for severe cybervictimization. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to prevention, detection and treatment of cybervictimization

    Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de violencia Escolar: revisado (CUVE-R)

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    Los dos objetivos principales de este trabajo han sido disear una versin revisada y ampliada delCuestionario de Violencia Escolar (CUVE) (lvarez et al., 2006) y contrastar empricamente su validezde constructo. El Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado (CUVE-R) fue aplicado a 646 estudiantesde Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria. Mediante anlisis factoriales confirmatorios, se pusierona prueba dos posibles modelos explicativos de la estructura factorial de la prueba. Los resultadosobtenidos sealan que ambos pueden representar aceptablemente bien la estructura del CUVE-R, sibien algo mejor el denominado modelo de ocho factores (Violencia de profesorado hacia alumnado,Violencia fsica directa entre estudiantes, Violencia fsica indirecta por parte del alumnado,Violencia verbal entre estudiantes, Violencia verbal del alumnado hacia el profesorado, Exclusinsocial, Disrupcin en el aula y Violencia a travs de las Nuevas Tecnologas de la Informacin y dela Comunicacin)

    Violencia a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en estudiantes de secundaria

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    The aim of this paper was to analyze violence through Informa- tion and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Compulsory Secondary Education students. To achieve this objective, the School Violence Question- naire-Revised was applied to 638 Compulsory Secondary Education stu- dents, from six high schools in Asturias (Spain). Results show that vio- lence through ICT occurs with a remarkable frequency, although less than some kinds of traditional school violence. Statistically significative differ- ences were found among grades of Compulsory Secondary Education and between rural and urban centers. Violence through ICT is more frequent in second grade and in urban high schools. However, statistically significa- tive differences were barely found between genders. Also, a strong correla- tion between violence through ICT and some kinds of traditional school violence was found. These outcomes are compared with the results of the main previous works about this subject. Some educative implications of these results are discussed.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la violencia a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Para ello, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar-Revisado (CUVE-R) a 638 estudiantes de 1º a 4º de ESO, pertenecientes a seis centros educativos de Asturias (España). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, a pesar de ser menos habitual que otros tipos más tradicionales de violencia escolar, la violencia a través de las TIC aparece con una frecuencia que la hace digna de atención. Se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del curso y del entorno -rural o urbano- del centro: la violencia a través de las TIC aparece con mayor frecuencia en 2º de ESO que en los demás niveles educativos, y en los centros urbanos que en los rurales. En cambio, apenas se han encontrado diferencias en función del género. Se ha hallado, asimismo, una fuerte correlación entre la presencia de violencia a través de las TIC y de otros tipos de violencia escolar más tradicionales. Estos resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos por los estudios previos más relevantes sobre esta temática. Se discuten algunas implicaciones educativas de estos resultados

    Programas de treino cognitivo: descrição e avaliação

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    [Resumo] Assiste-se a um interesse crescente das escolas pelos programas de treino cognitivo, acreditando-se no seu efeito benéfico, por exemplo, junto de alunos com dificuldades na aprendizagem e na realizac;ao cognitiva. Reunindo um conjunto diverso de programas, este artigo descreve os referenciais teóricos e elementos avaliativos de programas com maior uso internacional e de outros com alguma difusao em Portugal e Espanha. Com base nos programas examinados, apontam-se as dificuldades mais frequentemente apontadas afundamentação, aplicação e avaliação destes programas. As quest6es em aberto prendem-se com os ganhos efectivos, com a sua permanencia no tempo e com a generalização para as situaçoes quotidianas dos sujeitos, e em particular para a aprendizagem escolar. Diversas dificuldades metodológicas sao apontadas ainvestigac;ao nesta área, mesmo assim salienta-se que importa complementar a crença intuitiva quanto ao interesse deste tipo de programas com dados empíricos que certifiquem a eficácia efectiva do treino proporcionado

    Estrategias de aprendizaje, género y rendimiento académico

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo estudia qué estrategias de aprendizaje son eficaces para obtener un buen rendimiento académico. Se utilizó el ACRA y las notas finales de curso en una muestra de 254 estudiantes desde 20 de la E.S.O. a 10 de Bachillerato. Se estudiaron las diferencias entre los grupos por rendimiento académico, género y curso. El alumnado que alcanza un buen rendimiento académico utiliza con más éxito que el de mal rendimiento, algunas tácticas propias del proceso de adquisición de la información, codificación, recuperación y apoyo al procesamiento de la información. Las chicas utilizan más las estrategias metacognitivas y están más motivadas intrínseca y extrínsecamente que los chicos.[Abstract] This work studies which 1eaming strategies are effective to get good academic results. We have used the ACRA and the final marks in a samp1e of 254 students from 20 of E.S.O. to 10 of Bachillerato. We have studied the differences among the groups according to heir academic results, sexes and school years. The students who get good academic results are able to use, more successfully than those with worse results,some strategies characteristic of the process of information coding, retaking and support to information processing. Metacognitive strateies are more used by gir1s, and these are more motivated, intrinscally nd extrinsically, than boy

    Engagement SPIRALS in elementary students: a school-based self-regulated learning approach

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    SPIRALS program was designed in accordance with the inclusive Universal Design for Learning approach and the social cognitive model of self-regulated learning. This project aims to promote cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement among elementary students, and especially those at high risk of dropping out (such as Roma students). To test the efficacy of the program, an intervention study was performed for four months within a truly inclusive learning environment, involving the whole classes. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group (n = 63) and an experimental group (n = 57) was used. The dependent variables were student engagement (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral), academic self-concept, perceived climate of support, reading comprehension, and academic performance. Students in the experimental group exhibited statistically significant improvements compared to the control group in six of the seven dependent variables analyzed (behavioral and emotional engagement, academic self-concept, perceived climate of support, reading comprehension, and academic performance). Further, the magnitude of differences tended to be larger in student engagement, perceived climate of support, and reading comprehension than in academic self-concept or academic performance. These results provide evidence supporting the usefulness of intervention programs aimed at promoting student engagement, specifically among students at higher risk of failure or dropout.Our work was mainly funded by a “Severo Ochoa” research scholarship from the Asturian Regional Ministry of Education awarded to Ángela Antúnez (Project BP14-108). Additionally, this research activity received some funding from ADIR research group, which is granted by the European Regional Development Funds (European Union and Principality of Asturias) through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (GRUPIN14-100, GRUPIN14-053 and FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000199)