16 research outputs found

    Study of molybdenum stable oxide film in simulated body fluid

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    This study's main goal is to thoroughly compare the mechanical attributes and biocompatibility of the recently created titanium alloy Ti15Mo7Zr15Ta1Si (62% Ti, 15% Mo, 7% Zr, 15% Ta, 1% Si) to that of the pure metal Mo. The samples underwent a series of meticulous preparation procedures, including chip preparation, polishing, grinding, and cutting, to enable a thorough evaluation. These preparation steps were essential for ensuring the samples' consistency and uniformity, which allowed for accurate and reliable analyses of their mechanical and corrosionrelated properties. The samples' microstructure and surface morphology were also investigated using metallographic techniques, allowing a thorough examination of any potential flaws, grain boundaries, or phase compositions. Additionally, electrochemical tests were used to investigate the materials' corrosion resistance and electrochemical characteristics in environments that mimicked physiological conditions. The samples were subjected to a variety of electrochemical analyses, such as polarization curves and impedance spectroscopy, in order for the researchers to fully comprehend the corrosion behavior of the materials and their suitability for biomedical applications

    Effect of ZrO2 Nanoparticles on the Mechanical and Anticorrosion Properties of Epoxy Coating

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    Homogeneous epoxy coatings containing ZrO2 nanoparticles were applied on Grade A naval steel substrates. The morphology of the coating was characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of nanoparticles on the corrosion resistance of the hybrid coating was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization method. ZrO2 (1 wt.%) doping increased the microhardness of coating up to 15%, from 12.5 (kgf/mm2) to 14.4 (kgf/mm2). The coated steel samples were electrochemically monitorized over the 30 days of immersion in 5 wt.% NaCl solution. As shown by the polarization resistance and corrosion rate, the nanoparticles have a beneficial role, significantly improving the corrosion resistance

    Depression in the Diabetic Patient

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    Depression is a common emotional state in humans, which is sometimes triggered by stressful events and certain physical and/or mental conditions that may occur and may increase the body's vulnerability to various types of depressive disorders, causing sometimes organic changes difficult to quantify and to treat. Depressive conditions are major clinical problems that occur throughout life and often require a specialized treatment, but the use of the antidepressant compounds is often endangered by the risk of formidable side effects, requiring to stop the treatment or to use medicine doses that cannot determine the desired therapeutic results. These are reasons for the impressive expansion of the research on the depression types, with emphasize on etiological and etiopathogenetical studies, allowing the discovery of compounds with good therapeutic potential and an appropriate pharmacological profile to reduce the side effects. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a major public health problem, with increasing costs and frequency in recent years. Late diagnosis, inadequate treatment, lack of ongoing monitoring or ignorance of the disease can have serious consequences for the health of that individual, his family and his community. The mental state of a patient with diabetes is different from one moment to the next and varies with the stage of the disease and the appearance of various complications. The stress of chronic illness, the pressure to have a lifestyle and a diet according to medical recommendations, sadness, anger and even denial of the disease, are feelings experienced by patients with diabetes at least once in their lives.</p

    Standard comparison of local mental health care systems in eight European countries

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    Aims. There is a need of more quantitative standardised data to compare local Mental Health Systems (MHSs) across international jurisdictions. Problems related to terminological variability and commensurability in the evaluation of services hamper like-with-like comparisons and hinder the development of work in this area. This study was aimed to provide standard assessment and comparison of MHS in selected local areas in Europe, contributing to a better understanding of MHS and related allocation of resources at local level and to lessen the scarcity in standard service comparison in Europe. This study is part of the Seventh Framework programme REFINEMENT (Research on Financing Systems' Effect on the Quality of Mental Health Care in Europe) project. Methods. A total of eight study areas from European countries with different systems of care (Austria, England, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Romania, Spain) were analysed using a standard open-access classification system (Description and Evaluation of Services for Long Term Care in Europe, DESDE-LTC). All publicly funded services universally accessible to adults (>= 18 years) with a psychiatric disorder were coded. Care availability, diversity and capacity were compared across these eight local MHS. Results. The comparison of MHS revealed more community-oriented delivery systems in the areas of England (Hampshire) and Southern European countries (Verona - Italy and Girona - Spain). Community-oriented systems with a higher proportion of hospital care were identified in Austria (Industrieviertel) and Scandinavian countries (Sor-Trondelag in Norway and Helsinki-Uusimaa in Finland), while Loiret (France) was considered as a predominantly hospital-based system. The MHS in Suceava (Romania) was still in transition to community care. Conclusions. There is a significant variation in care availability and capacity across MHS of local areas in Europe. This information is relevant for understanding the process of implementation of community-oriented mental health care in local areas. Standard comparison of care provision in local areas is important for context analysis and policy planning.Peer reviewe

    Significant benefits of AIP testing and clinical screening in familial isolated and young-onset pituitary tumors

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    Context Germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene are responsible for a subset of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) cases and sporadic pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs). Objective To compare prospectively diagnosed AIP mutation-positive (AIPmut) PitNET patients with clinically presenting patients and to compare the clinical characteristics of AIPmut and AIPneg PitNET patients. Design 12-year prospective, observational study. Participants & Setting We studied probands and family members of FIPA kindreds and sporadic patients with disease onset ≤18 years or macroadenomas with onset ≤30 years (n = 1477). This was a collaborative study conducted at referral centers for pituitary diseases. Interventions & Outcome AIP testing and clinical screening for pituitary disease. Comparison of characteristics of prospectively diagnosed (n = 22) vs clinically presenting AIPmut PitNET patients (n = 145), and AIPmut (n = 167) vs AIPneg PitNET patients (n = 1310). Results Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut PitNET patients had smaller lesions with less suprasellar extension or cavernous sinus invasion and required fewer treatments with fewer operations and no radiotherapy compared with clinically presenting cases; there were fewer cases with active disease and hypopituitarism at last follow-up. When comparing AIPmut and AIPneg cases, AIPmut patients were more often males, younger, more often had GH excess, pituitary apoplexy, suprasellar extension, and more patients required multimodal therapy, including radiotherapy. AIPmut patients (n = 136) with GH excess were taller than AIPneg counterparts (n = 650). Conclusions Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut patients show better outcomes than clinically presenting cases, demonstrating the benefits of genetic and clinical screening. AIP-related pituitary disease has a wide spectrum ranging from aggressively growing lesions to stable or indolent disease course


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    Diabetes mellitus remains one of the important issues to public health worldwide and in Romania, with an incidence and prevalence high and rising everywhere, encumbered by numerous and different severity complications and associated comorbidities with an important mortality and not least involving high costs for managing the disease and its related disabilities. Accurate and timely diagnosis of persons having this condition and persons at risk of developing the disease is the number one priority in the effective management of this pathology. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention together could be the solution not only for the population by reducing the scale, but also for healthcare systems by lowering the significant cost involved. Primary and secondary research of the periodic distribution in national, regional and local level can provide valuable information regarding not only the intensity of the issue for people, but also the presence of risk factors in certain areas and could allow development of effective strategies on medium and long term, so such an approach to the issue is absolutely a need, a necessity. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, Romania, spatial distribution, research, hospitalized morbidity  Diabetul zaharat răm&acirc;ne una dintre problemele importante pentru sănătatea publică, &icirc;n lume și &icirc;n Rom&acirc;nia, cu o incidență și prevalență ridicată și &icirc;n creștere peste tot, grevată de complicații și comorbidități asociate numeroase și de gravitate diferită, cu o mortalitate importantă și nu &icirc;n ultimul r&acirc;nd implic&acirc;nd costuri ridicate pentru gestionarea bolii și a dizabilităților aferente acesteia. Diagnosticarea corectă și la timp a persoanelor care prezintă această afecțiune, precum și a persoanelor la risc de a dezvolta boala, reprezintă prioritatea numărul unu &icirc;n cadrul managementului eficient al bolii. Prevenția primară, alături de cea secundară și terțiară ar putea reprezenta soluția nu numai pentru populație prin reducerea amplorii fenomenului, c&acirc;t și pentru sistemele de sănătate prin scăderea importantă a&nbsp; costurilor implicate. Cercetarea primară și secundară, periodică, a distribuției &icirc;n plan national, regional și local poate să ofere informații prețioase legate nu numai de intensitatea fenomenului &icirc;n r&acirc;ndul populației, ci și a factorilor de risc prezenți &icirc;n anumite zone și să permită elaborarea unor strategii eficiente, pe termen mediu și lung, de aceea o astfel de abordare a problematicii este absolut o nevoie, o necesitate. &nbsp; Cuvinte cheie: diabet zaharat, Rom&acirc;nia, distribuție spațială, cercetare, morbiditate spitalizată. &nbsp


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    The tumors incidence in children is increasing, although far below the incidence of adult cancer, but the survival rate in children is much better. Nevertheless, survival is being undermined by a number of factors (the type of neoplasia, the economic development of the country, the access of the population to health system facilities, especially modern therapies). In Romania, daily 1-2 children are hospitalized due to cancer. The main types of tumors were benign and the most common malignant tumor class were malignant tumors of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue. In general, a pattern can be made for hospitalized children suffering from cancer (male children, 0-1 years old, from urban areas), but additional evidence is needed to identify the current problems and supports the development of effective interventions to improve early diagnosis, specialized healthcare services and interventions among population.   Keywords: chirdren health, cancer, Romania.Incidența cancerelor la copii este &icirc;n creștere și, deși mult inferioară incidenței cancerului la adult, rata supraviețuirii la copii este mult mai bună. Cu toate acestea supraviețuirea este grevată de o serie de factori (tipul neoplaziei, dezvoltarea economică a țării, accesul populației la facilitățile sistemului de sănătate, &icirc;n special la terapiile moderne). &Icirc;n Rom&acirc;nia, zilnic, 1-2 copii sunt spitalizați din cauza cancerului. Principalele tipuri de tumori &icirc;nregistrate au fost cele benigne, din categoria tumori maligne cele mai frecvente aparțin&acirc;nd clasei tumorile maligne ale țesuturilor limfoid, hematopoietic și &icirc;nrudite. &Icirc;n linii mari se poate realiza un pattern privind spitalizarea cazurilor copiilor care suferă afecțiuni tumorale (copii de v&acirc;rstă mică (0-1 an), de sex masculin, din mediul urban), &icirc;nsă este nevoie de evidențe suplimentare care să identifice problemele actuale și să sprijine dezvoltarea intervențiilor eficiente &icirc;n scopul &icirc;mbunătățirii diagnosticării precoce și a serviciilor de asistență medicală de specialitate, a intervențiilor &icirc;n r&acirc;ndul populației. &nbsp; Cuvinte cheie: pediatrie, cancer, Rom&acirc;nia


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    Malignant tumors are the main challenge of modern society through the major medical and socio-economic impact. In Romania, cancer is a major problem of the medical system and of society as a whole, a problem that is becoming more and more important with the increase in the number of cases, their complexity, the lack of financial resources for early detection and treatment of cases, especially in the current context in which patients present themselves to a physician and are diagnosed in advanced stages of illness. This study provides descriptive evidence at national, regional and local level on the geographical distribution of hospitalization episodes due to the main classes/categories of neoplasms, as well as the temporal evolution of their number in the period 2013-2017. We consider that a more in-depth analysis is needed to implement effective public health measures not only to improve the health of the population but also to improve the health services provided to patients according to their needs and to reduce the burden of the disease neoplastic on the health system and the national economy.   Key words: malignant tumors, hospitals, Romania, descriptive evidenceTumorile maligne reprezintă principala provocare a societății moderne prin impactul major din punct de vedere medical dar și socioeconomic. &Icirc;n Rom&acirc;nia, cancerul reprezintă o problemă majoră a sistemului medical și a societății &icirc;n ansamblu, problemă care devine din ce &icirc;n ce mai importantă o dată cu creșterea numărului de cazuri, a complexității acestora, a lipsei resurselor financiare de depistare precoce și tratare a cazurilor, mai ales &icirc;n contextul actual &icirc;n care pacienții se prezintă la medic și sunt diagnosticați &icirc;n stadii avansate de boală. Studiul de față furnizează evidențe descriptive la nivel național, regional și local privind distribuția geografică a episoadelor de spitalizare, datorate principalelor clase/categorii de neoplazii, precum și evoluția temporală a numărului acestora, &icirc;n perioada 2013-2017.&nbsp; Considerăm că este necesară o analiză mai aprofundată pentru implementarea unor măsuri eficiente care să vizeze sănătatea publică, nu numai &icirc;n scopul &icirc;mbunătățirii stării de sănătate a populației, dar și &icirc;n scopul eficientizării serviciilor medicale oferite pacienților &icirc;n conformitate cu nevoile acestora și reducerea poverii determinate de boala neoplazică asupra sistemului de sănătate și economiei naționale. &nbsp; Cuvinte cheie: tumori maligne, spitale, Romania, stuciu descripti


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    În The DRG system in Romania is a dynamic one, constantly adapting to the realities and needs that occur within hospitals and also at the changes occurred at decisional level and implemented in practice by the National Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health.The main purpose was to provide evidence aimed to improve the sameday hospitalization reimbursement system, based on the analysis of the reporting methods of this activity, in the first 10 months of the year 2014.The objectives have been represented by the analysis of the legal framework governing the collection and reporting the service type sameday hospitalization and the description of the reporting the service type sameday hospitalization sheets in the first 10 months of the year 2014.This first article outlines a summary of the current situation. However, it allows outlining the first findings after 5 months of reporting the day care medical sheets on a new legislation model. The degree of reporting MPDS increased, not only for the already existing hospitals in the NSPHMPD database, but also by the new registered medical units. Following the legislative changes, it was registered a remarkable increase in data reporting degree sameday hospitalization, along with the level of compliance of the legal requirements regarding the accuracy of the reported data. It were created the premises and infrastructure that would allow the introduction of the clinical type validation rules, because the first step, represented by the implementing of the validation rules, related to the accuracy of the data and financial issues, has already been done. Keywords: sameday hospitalization, medical sheets, services, patient presentation&Icirc;n Rom&acirc;nia, sistemul DRG este un sistem dinamic &icirc;n continuă adaptare la realitățile și necesitățile care apar la nivelul spitalelor, precum și la modificările survenite la nivel decizional şi implementate &icirc;n practică de către Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate și Ministerul Sănătății. Scopul analizei a fost furnizarea de evidenţe destinate &icirc;mbunătăţirii sistemului de&nbsp; rambursare a spitalizării de zi, pe baza analizei modalităţii de raportare a acestei activităţi de către spitale &icirc;n primele 10 luni ale anului 2014. Obiectivele au fost analiza cadrului legislativ ce reglementează colectarea şi raportarea serviciilor de tip spitalizare de zi, &icirc;ncep&acirc;nd cu luna iunie a anului 2014, și descrierea situaţiei privind raportarea foilor de spitalizare de zi de tip serviciu, &icirc;n primele 10 luni ale anului 2014.Acest prim articol schiţează o descriere sumară a situaţiei actuale. Totuşi el permite creionarea unor prime concluzii după 5 luni de raportare a foilor de spitalizare de zi pe un model nou de legislaţie. Gradul de raportare a foilor de spitalizare de zi a crescut marcat, nu doar pentru spitalele deja existente &icirc;n baza de date a SNSPMPDSB, ci şi prin &icirc;nregistrarea unor unităţi sanitare noi. &Icirc;n urma modificărilor legislative, a crescut remarcabil gradul de raportare a datelor de spitalizare de zi, o dată cu nivelul de respectare a cerinţelor legale privind corectitudinea datelor raportate. S-au creat premisele şi infrastructura care ar permite şi introducerea unor reguli de validare de tip clinic, deoarece primul pas, reprezentat de implementarea regulilor de validare, care ţin de acurateţea datelor şi unele aspecte financiare, a fost deja făcut.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cuvinte cheie: spitalizare de zi, foi, servicii, vizit